List of usage examples for HorizontalPanel insert
public void insert(Widget w, int beforeIndex)
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License:Open Source License
/** * Initializes and assembles all commands into buttons in the toolbar. */// ww w. ja va2 s .c o m public DesignToolbar() { super(); isReadOnly = Ode.getInstance().isReadOnly(); projectNameLabel = new Label(); projectNameLabel.setStyleName("ya-ProjectName"); HorizontalPanel toolbar = (HorizontalPanel) getWidget(); toolbar.insert(projectNameLabel, 0); // width of palette minus cellspacing/border of buttons toolbar.setCellWidth(projectNameLabel, "222px"); List<DropDownItem> screenItems = Lists.newArrayList(); addDropDownButton(WIDGET_NAME_SCREENS_DROPDOWN, MESSAGES.screensButton(), screenItems); if (AppInventorFeatures.allowMultiScreenApplications() && !isReadOnly) { addButton(new ToolbarItem(WIDGET_NAME_ADDFORM, MESSAGES.addFormButton(), new AddFormAction())); addButton(new ToolbarItem(WIDGET_NAME_REMOVEFORM, MESSAGES.removeFormButton(), new RemoveFormAction())); } addButton(new ToolbarItem(WIDGET_NAME_SWITCH_TO_FORM_EDITOR, MESSAGES.switchToFormEditorButton(), new SwitchToFormEditorAction()), true); addButton(new ToolbarItem(WIDGET_NAME_SWITCH_TO_BLOCKS_EDITOR, MESSAGES.switchToBlocksEditorButton(), new SwitchToBlocksEditorAction()), true); // Gray out the Designer button and enable the blocks button toggleEditor(false); Ode.getInstance().getTopToolbar().updateFileMenuButtons(0); }
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License:Apache License
private void renumber() { for (Widget widget : this) { HorizontalPanel panel = (HorizontalPanel) widget; int index = getWidgetIndex(panel) + 1; String number = String.valueOf(index); panel.remove(0);//from w w w .j a v a panel.insert(new Label(number), 0); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Places the specified widget after the label. *//*from w w w. ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ protected void addLabelAndWidget(Prompt p, FlexTable tp, Widget w) { int row; Label pr; HorizontalPanel hp; row = tp.getRowCount(); // // add a label and widget if both are present // if (!DataBaseUtil.isEmpty(p.getPrompt())) { pr = new Label(p.getPrompt()); pr.setStyleName("Prompt"); pr.setWordWrap(false); hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(w); if (!p.isHidden()) { tp.setWidget(row, 0, pr); tp.setWidget(row, 1, hp); } } else if (row > 0) { // // add the widget to the previous row's list of widgets // hp = (HorizontalPanel) tp.getWidget(row - 1, 1); hp.insert(w, hp.getWidgetCount()); } else { // // special case; if first row doesn't have a label // tp.setWidget(row, 1, w); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Places the specified widget after the label. */// www . ja v a 2 m protected void addLabelAndWidget(Prompt p, FlexTable tp, Widget w) { int row; Label pr; HorizontalPanel hp; row = tp.getRowCount(); // // add a label and widget if both are present // if (!DataBaseUtil.isEmpty(p.getPrompt())) { pr = new Label(p.getPrompt()); pr.setStyleName(css.Prompt()); tp.setWidget(row, 0, pr); hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(w); tp.setWidget(row, 1, hp); } else if (row > 0) { // // add the widget to the previous row's list of widgets // hp = (HorizontalPanel) tp.getWidget(row - 1, 1); hp.insert(w, hp.getWidgetCount()); } else { // // special case; if first row doesn't have a label // tp.setWidget(row, 1, w); } }