List of usage examples for CheckBox getFormValue
public String getFormValue()
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/** * Renders the field from the specified map of available key-option(s) into the field. * * @param map the map of available key-option(s). *//*from w w w .ja v a 2s .c o m*/ private void setItems(HashMap<NameId, ArrayList<NameId>> map) { if (map == null) { return; } field.clear(); ArrayList<NameId> keys = new ArrayList<NameId>(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys); for (NameId key : keys) { ArrayList<NameId> values = map.get(key); VerticalPanel options = new VerticalPanel(); options.setTitle(key.getId()); field.add(options, "<img src='" + + "' style='padding: 1px;'</img>" + key.getName(), true); // field.add(options, key.getName()); for (NameId value : values) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(value.getName()); cb.setFormValue(value.getId()); cb.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) event.getSource(); if (isUniquekey(cb.getFormValue())) { deselect(cb.getFormValue()); cb.setValue(true); } } }); options.add(cb); } } }
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/** * Sets the selected options in the field from the specified map of selected key-option(s). * * @param value the map of selected key-option(s). *//* www . j av a2 s .co m*/ public void setValue(HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> value) { for (int index = 0; index < field.getWidgetCount(); index++) { VerticalPanel options = (VerticalPanel) field.getWidget(index); String key = options.getTitle(); for (int row = 0; row < options.getWidgetCount(); row++) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) options.getWidget(row); if (cb == null) { Window.alert("setValue " + row); } String id = cb.getFormValue(); if (value == null) { cb.setValue(false); } else if (value.containsKey(key)) { cb.setValue(value.get(key).contains(id)); } } } super.setChanged(); }
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/** * Gets the selected options of the field. * * @return map the map of selected key-option(s). *///from ww w . j ava2s. c o m public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> getValue() { ArrayList<String> item = null; HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> value = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); for (int index = 0; index < field.getWidgetCount(); index++) { VerticalPanel options = (VerticalPanel) field.getWidget(index); String key = options.getTitle(); for (int row = 0; row < options.getWidgetCount(); row++) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) options.getWidget(row); if (cb == null) { Window.alert("StackField getValue " + row); } String id = cb.getFormValue(); if (cb.getValue()) { if (!value.containsKey(key)) { item = new ArrayList<String>(); value.put(key, item); } item.add(id); } } } return value; }
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License:Open Source License
private FlowPanel createWorkflow() { final FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); final HTML workflowText = new HTML(CONSTANTS.workflowText()); panel.add(workflowText);/*from w w w.jav a2 s .c o m*/ final String[] WORKFLOW_DATES = { Reservation.FROMDATE, Reservation.DATE, Reservation.TODATE }; final ArrayList<NameId> DATENAMES = NameId.getList(CONSTANTS.workflowDates(), WORKFLOW_DATES); workflowGrid = new GridField<Workflow>(this, null, CONSTANTS.workflowHeaders(), Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES.length, tab++) { @Override public void setRowValue(int row, Workflow value) { CheckBox enabledField = new CheckBox(getStatename(value.getState())); enabledField.setFormValue(value.getState()); enabledField.setValue(value.getEnabled()); enabledField.addStyleName(OrganizationForm.CSS.workflowState()); workflowGrid.setWidget(row, 0, enabledField); IntegerField durationField = new IntegerField(this, null, null, 0); durationField.setValue(value.getDuration()); durationField.setFieldStyle(OrganizationForm.CSS.workflowDuration()); workflowGrid.setWidget(row, 1, durationField); workflowGrid.setText(row, 2, value.getUnit().toString()); ToggleButton priorField = new ToggleButton(OrganizationForm.CONSTANTS.workflowLabelAfter(), OrganizationForm.CONSTANTS.workflowLabelBefore()); priorField.setDown(value.getPrior()); priorField.addStyleName(OrganizationForm.CSS.workflowWhen()); workflowGrid.setWidget(row, 3, priorField); ListField datenameField = new ListField(this, null, DATENAMES, null, false, 0); datenameField.setValue(value.getDatename()); datenameField.setFieldStyle(OrganizationForm.CSS.workflowDatename()); workflowGrid.setWidget(row, 4, datenameField); } @Override public Workflow getRowValue(int row) { CheckBox enabledField = (CheckBox) workflowGrid.getWidget(row, 0); IntegerField durationField = (IntegerField) workflowGrid.getWidget(row, 1); ToggleButton priorField = (ToggleButton) workflowGrid.getWidget(row, 3); ListField datenameField = (ListField) workflowGrid.getWidget(row, 4); Workflow value = new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, enabledField.getFormValue(), enabledField.getValue(), priorField.isDown(), datenameField.getValue(),, durationField.getValue()); //Window.alert("getRowValue " + value); return value; } }; ArrayList<Workflow> defaultValue = new ArrayList<Workflow>(); defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[0], true, false, Reservation.DATE,, 2));//RESERVED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[1], true, false, Reservation.DATE,, 3));//CONFIRMED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[2], true, true, Reservation.FROMDATE,, 35));//FULLYPAID defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[3], true, true, Reservation.FROMDATE,, 7));//BRIEFED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[4], true, true, Reservation.FROMDATE,, 1));//ARRIVED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[5], true, true, Reservation.TODATE,, 2));//PREDEPARTED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[6], true, true, Reservation.TODATE,, 7));//DEPARTED // defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[7], true, false, Reservation.TODATE,, 7));//DEPARTED workflowGrid.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); panel.add(workflowGrid); return panel; }
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@Override public SimpleSurveyStageInterface getInterface(final Callback1<Survey> onComplete, Callback2<Survey, Boolean> onIntermediateStateChange) { final FlowPanel content = new FlowPanel(); content.addStyleName("intake24-multiple-choice-question"); content.addStyleName("intake24-survey-content-container"); content.add(WidgetFactory.createPromptPanel(questionText)); FlowPanel checkboxesDiv = new FlowPanel(); checkboxesDiv.addStyleName("scran24-ready-meals-checkboxes-block"); final ArrayList<CheckBox> checkBoxes = new ArrayList<CheckBox>(); for (String option : options) { FlowPanel rowDiv = new FlowPanel(); CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(option)); checkBox.setFormValue(option);// ww w. ja v a2 s .c om checkBox.addStyleName("scran24-ready-meals-checkbox"); checkBoxes.add(checkBox); rowDiv.add(checkBox); checkboxesDiv.add(rowDiv); } if (!otherOptionName.isEmpty()) { FlowPanel otherPanel = new FlowPanel(); otherOption = new CheckBox(otherOptionName.getOrDie() + ": "); otherPanel.add(otherOption); otherBox = new TextBox(); otherPanel.add(otherBox); checkboxesDiv.add(otherPanel); otherBox.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { @Override public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { otherOption.setValue(true); } }); } content.add(checkboxesDiv); Button accept = WidgetFactory.createGreenButton(acceptText, new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (CheckBox checkBox : checkBoxes) if (checkBox.getValue()) { if (first) first = false; else value.append(", "); value.append(checkBox.getFormValue()); } if (!otherOptionName.isEmpty()) { if (otherOption.getValue()) { if (!first) value.append(", "); value.append(otherBox.getText()); } }, value.toString())); } }); content.add(checkboxesDiv); content.add(accept); return new SimpleSurveyStageInterface(content); }
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License:Open Source License
private ReferenceValue updatedValue() { final Set<ResourceId> value = Sets.newHashSet(); for (CheckBox control : controls) { if (control.getValue()) { value.add(ResourceId.valueOf(control.getFormValue())); }/* w w w. jav a 2s. c o m*/ } return new ReferenceValue(value); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Promise<Void> setValue(ReferenceValue value) { Set<ResourceId> ids = value.getResourceIds(); for (CheckBox entry : controls) { ResourceId resourceId = ResourceId.valueOf(entry.getFormValue()); entry.setValue(ids.contains(resourceId)); }/* w w w.j a va2s .com*/ return Promise.done(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @return the List of String value of the slected checkboxes of the group *///from w w w . j a v a2 s.c o m public List<String> getValue() { final List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); final Iterator<Widget> iterator = groupWidgets.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox); if (checkBox.getValue()) { values.add(checkBox.getFormValue()); } } return values; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Set the value of the widget//w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om * * @param value */ public void setValue(final Collection<String> values, boolean fireEvents) { final List<String> oldValues = getValue(); if (values != null && oldValues.containsAll(values) && values.containsAll(oldValues)) { fireEvents = false; } for (final CheckBox checkbox : checkboxes) { if (values != null && values.contains(checkbox.getFormValue())) { checkbox.setValue(true); } else { checkbox.setValue(false); } } if (fireEvents) {, true); } }
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public AuthorizationsField(final Fighter fighter, final boolean edit) { Panel dataBody = new FlowPanel(); dataBody.setStyleName("dataBody"); if (edit) {//from w w w . java 2 m for (AuthType at : lookupController.getAuthType()) { final CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(at.getCode()); cb.setFormValue(at.getCode()); cb.setName("authorization"); if (fighter.getAuthorization() != null) { for (Authorization a : fighter.getAuthorization()) { if (a.getCode().equals(at.getCode())) { cb.setValue(true); break; } } } cb.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { List<Authorization> auths = fighter.getAuthorization(); if (auths == null) { auths = new ArrayList<Authorization>(); fighter.setAuthorization(auths); } Authorization a = new Authorization(); a.setCode(cb.getFormValue()); if (auths.contains(a)) { if (event.getValue()) { auths.add(a); } else { auths.remove(a); } } else { if (event.getValue()) { auths.add(a); } } } }); dataBody.add(cb); } } else { Label auths = new Label(); auths.setText(getAuthsAsString(fighter.getAuthorization())); dataBody.add(auths); } initWidget(dataBody); }