List of usage examples for CheckBox CheckBox
protected CheckBox(Element elem)
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/** * Create the list of filters for the Filters item. * // w ww. ja v a 2 s .co m * @return the list of filters */ private VerticalPanel createFiltersItem() { VerticalPanel filtersPanel = new VerticalPanel(); filtersPanel.setSpacing(4); for (String filter : constants.cwStackPanelFilters()) { filtersPanel.add(new CheckBox(filter)); } return filtersPanel; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Initialize this example.//www. ja va 2 s. c o m */ @Override public Widget onInitialize() { // Create a Flow Panel FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel(); flowPanel.ensureDebugId("cwFlowPanel"); // Add some content to the panel for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox(constants.cwFlowPanelItem() + " " + i); checkbox.addStyleName("cw-FlowPanel-checkBox"); flowPanel.add(checkbox); } // Return the content return flowPanel; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Initialize this example.//from w w w. ja va2 s . c o m */ @Override public Widget onInitialize() { // Create a vertical panel to align the check boxes VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); HTML label = new HTML(constants.cwCheckBoxCheckAll()); label.ensureDebugId("cwCheckBox-label"); vPanel.add(label); // Add a checkbox for each day of the week String[] daysOfWeek = constants.cwCheckBoxDays(); for (int i = 0; i < daysOfWeek.length; i++) { String day = daysOfWeek[i]; CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(day); checkBox.ensureDebugId("cwCheckBox-" + day); // Disable the weekends if (i >= 5) { checkBox.setEnabled(false); } vPanel.add(checkBox); } // Return the panel of checkboxes return vPanel; }
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@Override public SurveyStageInterface getInterface(final Callback1<MealOperation> onComplete, final Callback1<Function1<Meal, Meal>> onIntermediateStateChange) { FlowPanel content = new FlowPanel(); FlowPanel promptPanel = WidgetFactory.createPromptPanel( SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant( messages.readyMeals_promptText(SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(, ShepherdTour.createTourButton(tour, ReadyMealsPrompt.class.getSimpleName())); ShepherdTour.makeShepherdTarget(promptPanel); content.add(promptPanel);/*from w ww . j a va 2s .co m*/ PVector<WithIndex<FoodEntry>> potentialReadyMeals = filter(zipWithIndex(meal.foods), new Function1<WithIndex<FoodEntry>, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(WithIndex<FoodEntry> argument) { return argument.value.accept(new FoodEntry.Visitor<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean visitRaw(RawFood food) { return false; } @Override public Boolean visitEncoded(EncodedFood food) { return !food.isDrink() && ! &&; } @Override public Boolean visitTemplate(TemplateFood food) { return false; } @Override public Boolean visitMissing(MissingFood food) { return false; } @Override public Boolean visitCompound(CompoundFood food) { return false; } }); } }); final Map<CheckBox, Integer> checkBoxToIndex = new HashMap<CheckBox, Integer>(); FlowPanel checkboxesDiv = new FlowPanel(); checkboxesDiv.addStyleName("scran24-ready-meals-checkboxes-block"); checkboxesDiv.getElement().setId("intake24-ready-meals-list"); for (WithIndex<FoodEntry> f : potentialReadyMeals) { FlowPanel rowDiv = new FlowPanel(); CheckBox readyMealCheck = new CheckBox(SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(f.value.description())); readyMealCheck.addStyleName("scran24-ready-meals-checkbox"); checkBoxToIndex.put(readyMealCheck, f.index); rowDiv.add(readyMealCheck); checkboxesDiv.add(rowDiv); } content.add(checkboxesDiv); Button finishedButton = WidgetFactory.createButton(messages.editMeal_finishButtonLabel(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Function1<Meal, Meal>() { @Override public Meal apply(Meal argument) { Meal result = argument; for (CheckBox check : checkBoxToIndex.keySet()) { int index = checkBoxToIndex.get(check); result = (check.getValue()) ? result.updateFood(index, result.foods.get(index).markReadyMeal()) : result; } return result.markReadyMealsComplete(); } })); } }); finishedButton.getElement().setId("intake24-ready-meals-finished-button"); ShepherdTour.makeShepherdTarget(checkboxesDiv, finishedButton); content.add(WidgetFactory.createButtonsPanel(finishedButton)); return new SurveyStageInterface.Aligned(content, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP, SurveyStageInterface.DEFAULT_OPTIONS); }
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@Override public SimpleSurveyStageInterface getInterface(final Callback1<Survey> onComplete, Callback2<Survey, Boolean> onIntermediateStateChange) { final FlowPanel content = new FlowPanel(); content.addStyleName("intake24-multiple-choice-question"); content.addStyleName("intake24-survey-content-container"); content.add(WidgetFactory.createPromptPanel(questionText)); FlowPanel checkboxesDiv = new FlowPanel(); checkboxesDiv.addStyleName("scran24-ready-meals-checkboxes-block"); final ArrayList<CheckBox> checkBoxes = new ArrayList<CheckBox>(); for (String option : options) { FlowPanel rowDiv = new FlowPanel(); CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(option)); checkBox.setFormValue(option);/*from w ww .j a va2 s . com*/ checkBox.addStyleName("scran24-ready-meals-checkbox"); checkBoxes.add(checkBox); rowDiv.add(checkBox); checkboxesDiv.add(rowDiv); } if (!otherOptionName.isEmpty()) { FlowPanel otherPanel = new FlowPanel(); otherOption = new CheckBox(otherOptionName.getOrDie() + ": "); otherPanel.add(otherOption); otherBox = new TextBox(); otherPanel.add(otherBox); checkboxesDiv.add(otherPanel); otherBox.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { @Override public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { otherOption.setValue(true); } }); } content.add(checkboxesDiv); Button accept = WidgetFactory.createGreenButton(acceptText, new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (CheckBox checkBox : checkBoxes) if (checkBox.getValue()) { if (first) first = false; else value.append(", "); value.append(checkBox.getFormValue()); } if (!otherOptionName.isEmpty()) { if (otherOption.getValue()) { if (!first) value.append(", "); value.append(otherBox.getText()); } }, value.toString())); } }); content.add(checkboxesDiv); content.add(accept); return new SimpleSurveyStageInterface(content); }
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License:Apache License
/** * {@inheritDoc}// w ww .j a v a2 s .com */ @Override public CheckBox getFontSettingsWidget() { if (this.fontSettingsWidget == null) { this.fontSettingsWidget = new CheckBox(getLocalizedLabel()); if (!isVisible()) { this.fontSettingsWidget.setVisible(false); } } return this.fontSettingsWidget; }
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License:Open Source License
public MetadataFieldWidget(MetadataField metadataField, Stimulus stimulus, String initialValue, final int dataChannel) { this.metadataField = metadataField; this.stimulus = stimulus; this.initialValue = initialValue; this.dataChannel = dataChannel; if (metadataField.isDate()) { label = new Label(metadataField.getFieldLabel()); // final DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); // final DateBox dateBox = new DateBox(); // dateBox.getDatePicker().setYearAndMonthDropdownVisible(true); // dateBox.setFormat(new DateBox.DefaultFormat(dateFormat)); dateOfBirthField = new DateOfBirthField() { @Override//w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m void valueChanged() { triggerFieldListeners(true); } }; focusWidget = dateOfBirthField.getTextBox(); if (initialValue != null) { dateOfBirthField.setDate(initialValue); } widget = dateOfBirthField; } else if (metadataField.isCheckBox()) { dateOfBirthField = null; label = new Label(); focusWidget = new CheckBox(metadataField.getFieldLabel()); ((CheckBox) focusWidget).setValue((initialValue == null) ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(initialValue)); ((CheckBox) focusWidget).addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { triggerFieldListeners(true); } }); widget = focusWidget; } else if (metadataField.isListBox()) { dateOfBirthField = null; label = new Label(metadataField.getFieldLabel()); focusWidget = new ListBox(); int selectedIndex = 0; int itemCounter = 0; ((ListBox) focusWidget).addItem(""); // make sure there is an empty item at the top of the list for (String listItem : metadataField.getListValues()) { if (!listItem.isEmpty()) { // allow only one empty item in this list ((ListBox) focusWidget).addItem(listItem); itemCounter++; } if (initialValue != null && initialValue.equals(listItem)) { selectedIndex = itemCounter; } } ((ListBox) focusWidget).setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex); ((ListBox) focusWidget).addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { triggerFieldListeners(true); } }); widget = focusWidget; } else { dateOfBirthField = null; label = new Label(metadataField.getFieldLabel()); if (metadataField.isMultiLine()) { focusWidget = new TextArea(); } else { focusWidget = new TextBox(); } ((TextBoxBase) focusWidget).setText((initialValue == null) ? "" : initialValue); ((TextBoxBase) focusWidget).addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { triggerFieldListeners(true); } }); widget = focusWidget; } widget.setStylePrimaryName("metadataOK"); errorLabel = new Label(); labelPanel = new VerticalPanel(); labelPanel.add(label); labelPanel.add(errorLabel); }
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License:Open Source License
public CheckBox addCheckBox(String label) { final CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendEscapedLines(label).toSafeHtml()); checkBox.addStyleName("optionCheckBox"); outerPanel.add(checkBox);//w ww . j a va2 s . c o m return checkBox; }
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License:Open Source License
private CheckBox createControl(String groupId, FormInstance instance, Cardinality cardinality) { final CheckBox checkBox; final String label = FormInstanceLabeler.getLabel(instance); if (cardinality == Cardinality.SINGLE) { checkBox = new RadioButton(groupId, label); } else {// 2 s .com checkBox = new CheckBox(label); } checkBox.setFormValue(instance.getId().asString()); return checkBox; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Initialize widgets shown in property table *//*www . ja v a 2s . c om*/ protected void initWidget() { this.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(true); this.setSize("100%", "80%"); VerticalPanel container = new VerticalPanel(); this.add(container); gridName = new Grid(1, 2); container.add(gridName); // Name Form name = insertTextRow(gridName, 0, "Name"); // Button and TextBox to add new <case> gridForm = new Grid(1, 5); container.add(gridForm); gridForm.setWidget(0, 0, createLabel("Add New Case")); gridForm.setWidget(0, 1, createAddBox()); predbox = new TextBox(); gridForm.setWidget(0, 2, predbox); defaultcheck = new CheckBox("default"); defaultcheck.setValue(false); // as default, <case to> // if <defaul> selected, make textbox for predicate read-only defaultcheck.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { if (event.getValue()) { predbox.setReadOnly(true); } else { predbox.setReadOnly(false); } } }); gridForm.setWidget(0, 3, defaultcheck); gridForm.setWidget(0, 4, createAddButton()); // Table to store list of <case> gridCase = new Grid(1, 2); container.add(gridCase); gridCase.setWidget(0, 0, createLabel("Switch")); gridCase.setWidget(0, 1, createCaseTable()); }