Example usage for Java com.google.gwt.event.shared HandlerManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
HandlerManager(Object source) Creates a handler manager with a source to be set on all events fired via #fireEvent(GwtEvent) . | |
HandlerManager(Object source, boolean fireInReverseOrder) Creates a handler manager with the given source, specifying the order in which handlers are fired. |
HandlerRegistration | addHandler(GwtEvent.Type Adds a handler. |
void | fireEvent(GwtEvent> event) Fires the given event to the handlers listening to the event's type. |
H | getHandler(GwtEvent.Type Gets the handler at the given index. |
int | getHandlerCount(GwtEvent.Type> type) Gets the number of handlers listening to the event type. |
boolean | isEventHandled(GwtEvent.Type> e) Does this handler manager handle the given event type? |
void | removeHandler(GwtEvent.Type Removes the given handler from the specified event type. |