List of usage examples for JsonObject remove
public JsonElement remove(String property)
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License:Open Source License
public static void renameJsonObjectKey(JsonObject object, String currentKey, String newKey) { if (object.has(currentKey)) { object.add(newKey, object.get(currentKey)); object.remove(currentKey); }// www. j a v a 2 s . co m }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Insert the given filter object to the end of the filters chain in * the "filter" member of given baseObj. * //from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m * The array of filters is converted into nested filters, with each * subsequent filter added as a listener of the previous filter, in the * order of presence in the given array. * * @param baseObj * @param filters */ public static void insertFilter(JsonObject baseObj, JsonObject filter) { // If the "filter" field already exists in the baseObj, iterate to the // end of the chain and add the newFilters object. if (baseObj.has(FILTER_FIELD_NAME)) { JsonObject currFilters = baseObj.remove(FILTER_FIELD_NAME).getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject iterFilter = currFilters; while (iterFilter.has(LISTENER_FIELD_NAME)) { iterFilter = currFilters.get(LISTENER_FIELD_NAME).getAsJsonObject(); } iterFilter.add(LISTENER_FIELD_NAME, filter); baseObj.add(FILTER_FIELD_NAME, currFilters); } else { baseObj.add(FILTER_FIELD_NAME, filter); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void sendCurrentBestLocation() { Log.d(LogUtil.TAG, "SimpleLocationProbe sending current best location."); if (bestLocation != null) { JsonObject data = bestLocation.getAsJsonObject(); data.remove(PROBE); // Remove probe so that it fills with our probe name sendData(data);/*from w w w. j ava2 s .c om*/ } startTime = null; bestLocation = null; }
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License:Mozilla Public License
private String getCountryJson(Country country, List<String> fields) { Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject jsonObject = parser.parse(gson.toJson(country)).getAsJsonObject(); List<String> excludedFields = getExcludedFields(fields); for (String field : excludedFields) { jsonObject.remove(field); }/*from w w w . j av a2 s .c o m*/ return jsonObject.toString(); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
private String getCountriesJson(List<Country> countries, List<String> fields) { Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonArray jsonArray = parser.parse(gson.toJson(countries)).getAsJsonArray(); JsonArray resultArray = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) jsonArray.get(i); List<String> excludedFields = getExcludedFields(fields); for (String excludedField : excludedFields) { jsonObject.remove(excludedField); }/*from w ww. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ resultArray.add(jsonObject); } return resultArray.toString(); }
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License:Apache License
@GET @Path("applications/{id}/sensors") public Response availableSensors(@PathParam("id") String applicationId) { if (applicationId != null) { try {/*from w ww . ja v a2s . c om*/ String rawEntityList = new HttpGetRequestBuilder().host(deployer.getEndpoint()) .setCredentials(deployer.getUser(), deployer.getPassword()) .path("/v1/applications/" + applicationId + "/entities").build(); JsonArray entityList = new JsonParser().parse(rawEntityList).getAsJsonArray(); JsonArray allMetricsList = new JsonArray(); for (JsonElement entity : entityList) { String entityId = entity.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonPrimitive("id").getAsString(); String entityName = entity.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString(); // Creating entity object rawEntityList = new HttpGetRequestBuilder().host(deployer.getEndpoint()) .setCredentials(deployer.getUser(), deployer.getPassword()) .path("/v1/applications/" + applicationId + "/entities/" + entityId + "/sensors") .build(); JsonArray entityMetrics = new JsonParser().parse(rawEntityList).getAsJsonArray(); Iterator<JsonElement> entityMetricsIterator = entityMetrics.iterator(); while (entityMetricsIterator.hasNext()) { JsonObject sensor =; sensor.remove("links"); String rawSensorValue = new HttpGetRequestBuilder().host(deployer.getEndpoint()) .setCredentials(deployer.getUser(), deployer.getPassword()) .path("/v1/applications/" + applicationId + "/entities/" + entityId + "/sensors/" + sensor.get("name").getAsString()) .addParam("raw", "true").build(); sensor.addProperty("value", rawSensorValue); if (rawSensorValue == null || rawSensorValue.isEmpty()) { entityMetricsIterator.remove(); } } JsonObject entityJson = new JsonObject(); entityJson.addProperty("id", entityId); entityJson.addProperty("name", entityName); entityJson.add("sensors", entityMetrics); allMetricsList.add(entityJson); } return Response.ok(allMetricsList.toString()).build(); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); } } else { return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build(); } }
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License:Apache License
private JsonArray retrieveMetrics(String applicationId, String entityId) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { String monitorResponse = new HttpGetRequestBuilder().host(deployer.getEndpoint()) .setCredentials(deployer.getUser(), deployer.getPassword()) .path("/v1/applications/" + applicationId + "/entities/" + entityId + "/sensors").build(); JsonArray metricList = new JsonParser().parse(monitorResponse).getAsJsonArray(); Iterator<JsonElement> metricIterator = metricList.iterator(); while (metricIterator.hasNext()) { JsonObject metric =; metric.remove("links"); if (!isNumberType(metric.getAsJsonPrimitive("type").getAsString())) { metricIterator.remove();/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ } } return metricList.getAsJsonArray(); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
int startReplay(final String name, PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest request) { if (replayList == null || feedsClient == null) { out.println("{\"error\":\"Server not correctly initialised\"}"); return -1; }//w w w .j av a2 s . c o m if (replayList.size() > 30) { out.println("{\"error\":\"Too many replays currently running (" + replayList.size() + "), please stop some before retrying\"}"); return 1; } String newname; // If the user provides a new name, prefix it with "replay_", else prefix the original name if (request.getParameter("newname") != null) { newname = "replay_" + Common.cleanString(request.getParameter("newname").toString()); } else newname = "replay_" + name; // Do not start a new replay if already running if (replayList.containsKey(newname)) { out.println("{\"status\":\"Replay into '" + newname + "' already running\"}"); return 0; } // Add a new entry on replayList to avoid starting more replays on consecutive requests ReplayTaskData data = new ReplayTaskData(); replayList.put(newname, data); // Check if name and newname already exist the database List<String> DBs = feedsClient.context().getAllDbs(); // If source feed name does not exist, or the feeds db has no description return error if (!DBs.contains(name) || !feedsClient.contains(name)) { replayList.remove(newname); out.println("{\"error\":\"Source feed does not exist or has no description in 'feeds' list\"}"); return 1; } // Open a connection to the source and destination DBs try { data.srcClient = new CouchDbClient(name, false, "http", server, port, user, pass); // Create the new database if it does not exist data.dstClient = new CouchDbClient(newname, true, "http", server, port, user, pass); } catch (Exception e) { replayList.remove(newname); cancelReplay(data); if (data.srcClient == null) { // No connection could be made to source client out.println("{\"error\":\"Could not access DB '" + name + "' \"}"); } else { // Connection to srcClient was successful, but couldn't connect to target out.println("{\"error\":\"Could not access DB '" + newname + "' \"}"); } return -1; } // If the new db does not have design document for view, add it if (!data.dstClient.contains("_design/get_data")) { String viewDoc = "{\n" + "\t\"_id\": \"_design/get_data\",\n" + "\t\"language\": \"javascript\",\n" + "\t\"views\": {\n" + "\t\t \"by_date\": {\n" + "\t\t\t \"map\": \"function(doc) {\\nif(doc.timestamp && {\\nemit(doc.timestamp,;\\n}\\n}\"\n" + "\t\t }\n" + "\t}\n" + "}\n"; try { data.dstClient.saveJsonText(viewDoc); } catch (Exception e) { replayList.remove(newname); // release previously initialised clients cancelReplay(data); out.println("{\"error\":\"Could not add design document in DB '" + newname + "' \"}"); return -1; } } // In feeds database copy the feed description from original feed to new feed // Get the revision of new feed description document, null means it does not exist String rev = feedsClient.getRevision(newname); try { // Get the original feed description JsonObject feedObj = feedsClient.find(JsonObject.class, name); // Change the document id to match new feed feedObj.addProperty("_id", newname); // If the document was not present in feeds before, remove _rev property and save if (rev == null) { feedObj.remove("_rev");; } // otherwise set _rev property to the revision and update the document else { feedObj.addProperty("_rev", rev); feedsClient.update(feedObj); } } catch (Exception e) { replayList.remove(newname); // release previously initialised clients cancelReplay(data); out.println( "{\"error\":\"Could not copy feed description from '" + name + "' to '" + newname + "' \"}"); return -1; } Long startMillis = null, endMillis = null; String startDate = request.getParameter("start_date"); if (startDate != null) { try { startMillis = Long.parseLong(startDate); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { startMillis = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(startDate).getTimeInMillis(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { out.println("{\"error\":\"Invalid start date '" + startDate + "'\"}"); return 1; } } } String endDate = request.getParameter("end_date"); if (endDate != null) { try { endMillis = Long.parseLong(endDate); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { endMillis = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(endDate).getTimeInMillis(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { out.println("{\"error\":\"Invalid end date '" + endDate + "'\"}"); return 1; } } } if (startMillis != null && endMillis != null && startMillis > endMillis) { out.println("{\"error\":\"End time is before start time\"}"); return 1; } String repeatStr = request.getParameter("repeats"); if (repeatStr != null) { try { data.repeats = Integer.parseInt(repeatStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { out.println("{\"error\":\"Invalid number of repeats '" + repeatStr + "'\"}"); return 1; } } else { // only repeat once data.repeats = 1; } List<JsonObject> resList; // Get the first 2 documents, write the first one in the new feed DB and keep the other to // send in the next iteration if (startMillis != null && endMillis != null) { resList = data.srcClient.view("get_data/by_date").startKey(startMillis).endKey(endMillis).limit(2) .query(JsonObject.class); } else if (startMillis != null) { resList = data.srcClient.view("get_data/by_date").startKey(startMillis).limit(2) .query(JsonObject.class); } else if (endMillis != null) { resList = data.srcClient.view("get_data/by_date").endKey(endMillis).limit(2).query(JsonObject.class); } else { resList = data.srcClient.view("get_data/by_date").limit(2).query(JsonObject.class); } if (resList == null || resList.size() != 2) { replayList.remove(newname); // release previously initialised clients cancelReplay(data); out.println("{\"error\":\"Feed '" + name + "' contains no data or only one measurement\"}"); return 1; } data.count = 0; data.feedStart = resList.get(0).get("key").getAsLong(); data.nextDocTime = resList.get(1).get("key").getAsLong(); data.replayStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); data.feedEnd = (endMillis == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : endMillis); // Calculate the time difference from start to next document long diff = data.nextDocTime - data.feedStart; // Update time in the first document and save into DB, data.replayStart)); // Update time in the second document and store for next run data.nextDoc = changeDocumentTime(resList.get(1), data.replayStart + diff); // Set the timer to save the next doc = new Timer("timer_" + newname); replayTimer(newname), diff); out.println("{\"status\":\"Started replay of '" + name + "' into '" + newname + "'\"}"); return 0; }
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License:Apache License
public static JsonObject removeElementFromJsonObject(JsonObject jsonObject, String key) { if (jsonObject != null) { jsonObject.remove(key); return jsonObject; }// www . jav a 2s . c o m return null; }
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License:Open Source License
public static String getCurrentAvailabilitiesAsJsonString(ArrayList<String> privileges_for_user) throws ConnectionException { if (privileges_for_user == null) { return "{}"; }//from w w w.ja va 2 s.c o m if (privileges_for_user.isEmpty()) { return "{}"; } Type useraction_functionality_list_typeOfT = new TypeToken<List<UAFunctionalityDefinintion>>() { }.getType(); AllRowsQuery<String, String> all_rows = CassandraDb.getkeyspace().prepareQuery(CF_INSTANCES).getAllRows() .withColumnSlice(InstanceStatus.COL_NAME_UA_LIST); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = all_rows.execute(); Map<String, List<UAFunctionalityDefinintion>> all = new HashMap<String, List<UAFunctionalityDefinintion>>(); List<UAFunctionalityDefinintion> list; for (Row<String, String> row : rows.getResult()) { Column<String> col = row.getColumns().getColumnByName(COL_NAME_UA_LIST); if (col == null) { continue; } list = UAManager.getGson().fromJson(col.getStringValue(), useraction_functionality_list_typeOfT); for (int pos = list.size() - 1; pos > -1; pos--) { if (privileges_for_user.contains(list.get(pos).classname) == false) { list.remove(pos); } } all.put(row.getKey(), list); } List<UAFunctionalityDefinintion> merged_definitions = new ArrayList<UAFunctionalityDefinintion>(); List<UAFunctionalityDefinintion> current_definitions; for (Map.Entry<String, List<UAFunctionalityDefinintion>> entry : all.entrySet()) { current_definitions = entry.getValue(); for (int pos_current = 0; pos_current < current_definitions.size(); pos_current++) { UAFunctionalityDefinintion.mergueInList(merged_definitions, current_definitions.get(pos_current)); } } JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); JsonObject result_implementation; JsonObject result_capability; JsonObject result_configurator; UAFunctionalityDefinintion current; for (int pos = 0; pos < merged_definitions.size(); pos++) { current = merged_definitions.get(pos); result_implementation = new JsonObject(); result_implementation.addProperty("messagebasename", current.messagebasename); result_implementation.addProperty("section",; result_implementation.addProperty("powerful_and_dangerous", current.powerful_and_dangerous); result_capability = (JsonObject) UAManager.getGson().toJsonTree(current.capability); result_implementation.add("capability", result_capability); result_configurator = (JsonObject) UAManager.getGson().toJsonTree(current.configurator); result_configurator.remove("type"); result_configurator.remove("origin"); result_implementation.add("configurator", result_configurator); result.add(current.classname, result_implementation); } return UAManager.getGson().toJson(result); }