List of usage examples for JsonObject addProperty
public void addProperty(String property, Character value)
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License:Open Source License
public void sendLocation(final Location location) { if (connectDeviceClient()) { final GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); final TimeZone gmt = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"); cal.setTimeZone(gmt);/* w w w.j a v a 2 s . c om*/ final SimpleDateFormat formattedCal = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); formattedCal.setCalendar(cal); final String timestamp = formattedCal.format(cal.getTime()); final double speed = Math.max(0.0, location.getSpeed() * 60 * 60 / 1000); final double longitude = location.getLongitude(); final double latitude = location.getLatitude(); final String mobileAppDeviceId = FirstPage.mobileAppDeviceId; final String status = tripID != null ? "Unlocked" : "Locked"; if (tripID == null) { // this trip should be completed, so lock device now userUnlocked = false; } final JsonObject event = new JsonObject(); final JsonObject data = new JsonObject(); event.add("d", data); data.addProperty("trip_id", tripID); data.addProperty("speed", speed); data.addProperty("lng", longitude); data.addProperty("lat", latitude); data.addProperty("ts", timestamp); data.addProperty("id", mobileAppDeviceId); data.addProperty("status", status); final ActionBar supportActionBar = ((AppCompatActivity) getActivity()).getSupportActionBar(); if (deviceClient.publishEvent("sensorData", event, 0)) { Log.d("MQTT", "publish event " + event.toString()); supportActionBar.setTitle(speedMessage + " - Data sent (" + (++transmissionCount) + ")"); } else { Log.d("MQTT", "ERROR in publishing event " + event.toString()); supportActionBar.setTitle("Data Transmission Error."); } } }
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private JsonObject saveVoucher(ArrayList<CashPaymentReceiptModel> detail) { final JsonObject jResultObj = new JsonObject(); Connection dataConnection = null; if (dataConnection == null) { dataConnection = helper.getConnMpAdmin(); }/*from w w w. j av a2 s .com*/ if (dataConnection != null) { try { dataConnection.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = null; PreparedStatement psLocal = null; if (detail.get(0).getRef_no().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { sql = "INSERT INTO CPRHD (VDATE, TOT_BAL, AC_CD, USER_ID, CTYPE, branch_cd,REF_NO) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; // ref_no = lb.generateCPNo(type); if (detail.get(0).getType() == 0) { detail.get(0).setRef_no(lb.generateKey(dataConnection, "CPRHD", "REF_NO", "CP", 7)); } else { detail.get(0).setRef_no(lb.generateKey(dataConnection, "CPRHD", "REF_NO", "CR", 7)); } } else if (!detail.get(0).getRef_no().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { if (detail.get(0).getType() == 0) { CashPaymentUpdate cp = new CashPaymentUpdate(); cp.deleteEntry(dataConnection, detail.get(0).getRef_no()); } else if (detail.get(0).getType() == 1) { CashReciept cr = new CashReciept(); cr.deleteEntry(dataConnection, detail.get(0).getRef_no()); } sql = "DELETE FROM CPRDT WHERE REF_NO='" + detail.get(0).getRef_no() + "'"; psLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); psLocal.executeUpdate(); sql = "DELETE FROM payment WHERE REF_NO='" + detail.get(0).getRef_no() + "'"; psLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); psLocal.executeUpdate(); sql = "UPDATE CPRHD SET VDATE=?, TOT_BAL=?, AC_CD=?, USER_ID=?, CTYPE=?, " + "EDIT_NO=EDIT_NO+1, TIME_STAMP=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,branch_cd=? WHERE REF_NO=?"; } psLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); psLocal.setString(1, detail.get(0).getVdate()); psLocal.setDouble(2, detail.get(0).getTot_amt()); psLocal.setString(3, detail.get(0).getAc_cd()); psLocal.setString(4, detail.get(0).getUser_id()); psLocal.setInt(5, detail.get(0).getType()); psLocal.setString(6, detail.get(0).getBranch_cd()); psLocal.setString(7, detail.get(0).getRef_no()); psLocal.executeUpdate(); sql = "Update CPRHD set INIT_TIMESTAMP = TIME_STAMP where ref_no='" + detail.get(0).getRef_no() + "'"; psLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); psLocal.executeUpdate(); sql = "INSERT INTO CPRDT (SR_NO, DOC_REF_NO, BAL, REMARK, REF_NO) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; psLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); for (int i = 0; i < detail.size(); i++) { { psLocal.setInt(1, i + 1); psLocal.setString(2, detail.get(i).getDoc_ref_no()); psLocal.setDouble(3, detail.get(i).getAmt()); psLocal.setString(4, detail.get(i).getRemark()); psLocal.setString(5, detail.get(0).getRef_no()); psLocal.executeUpdate(); sql = "INSERT INTO PAYMENT (CASH_AMT, BANK_CD, BANK_NAME, BANK_BRANCH, CHEQUE_NO, CHEQUE_DATE, BANK_AMT, CARD_NAME, CARD_AMT, REF_NO,USER_ID,vou_date)" + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement pstLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); if (detail.get(i).getType() == 0) { pstLocal.setDouble(1, detail.get(i).getAmt() * -1); } else { pstLocal.setDouble(1, detail.get(i).getAmt() * 1); } pstLocal.setString(2, ""); pstLocal.setString(3, ""); pstLocal.setString(4, ""); pstLocal.setString(5, ""); pstLocal.setString(6, null); pstLocal.setDouble(7, 0.00); pstLocal.setString(8, ""); pstLocal.setDouble(9, 0.00); pstLocal.setString(10, detail.get(0).getRef_no()); pstLocal.setString(11, detail.get(i).getUser_id()); pstLocal.setString(12, detail.get(i).getVdate()); pstLocal.executeUpdate(); } } if (detail.get(0).getType() == 0) { CashPaymentUpdate cp = new CashPaymentUpdate(); cp.addEntry(dataConnection, detail.get(0).getRef_no()); } else if (detail.get(0).getType() == 1) { CashReciept cr = new CashReciept(); cr.addEntry(dataConnection, detail.get(0).getRef_no()); } dataConnection.commit(); dataConnection.setAutoCommit(true); jResultObj.addProperty("result", 1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", "success"); } catch (SQLNonTransientConnectionException ex1) { ex1.printStackTrace(); jResultObj.addProperty("result", -1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", "Server is down"); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); jResultObj.addProperty("result", -1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", ex.getMessage()); try { dataConnection.rollback(); dataConnection.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return jResultObj; }
From source
private JsonObject saveVoucher(String ref_no, int type) { final JsonObject jResultObj = new JsonObject(); Connection dataConnection = null; if (dataConnection == null) { dataConnection = helper.getConnMpAdmin(); }/*from w ww .jav a2 s . com*/ if (dataConnection != null) { try { String sql = "SELECT doc_ref_no FROM billadjst WHERE dr_doc_ref_no='" + ref_no + "' OR cr_doc_ref_no='" + ref_no + "'"; PreparedStatement pstLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rsLocal = pstLocal.executeQuery(); if ( { jResultObj.addProperty("result", -1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", "Voucher is in adjustment process"); } else { dataConnection.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement psLocal = null; if (type == 0) { CashPaymentUpdate cp = new CashPaymentUpdate(); cp.deleteEntry(dataConnection, ref_no); } else if (type == 1) { CashReciept cr = new CashReciept(); cr.deleteEntry(dataConnection, ref_no); } sql = "DELETE FROM CPRDT WHERE REF_NO='" + ref_no + "'"; psLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); psLocal.executeUpdate(); sql = "DELETE FROM payment WHERE REF_NO='" + ref_no + "'"; psLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); psLocal.executeUpdate(); sql = "delete from CPRHD WHERE REF_NO=?"; psLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); psLocal.setString(1, ref_no); psLocal.executeUpdate(); dataConnection.commit(); dataConnection.setAutoCommit(true); jResultObj.addProperty("result", 1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", "success"); } } catch (SQLNonTransientConnectionException ex1) { ex1.printStackTrace(); jResultObj.addProperty("result", -1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", "Server is down"); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); jResultObj.addProperty("result", -1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", ex.getMessage()); try { dataConnection.rollback(); dataConnection.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return jResultObj; }
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/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> * methods./* w ww. j a va2s . co m*/ * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { Connection dataConnection = null; final JsonObject jResultObj = new JsonObject(); final String from_date = request.getParameter("from_date"); final String to_date = request.getParameter("to_date"); final String v_type = request.getParameter("v_type"); final String branch_cd = request.getParameter("branch_cd"); if (dataConnection == null) { dataConnection = helper.getConnMpAdmin(); } if (dataConnection != null) { try { String sql = "select c.AC_CD,c.REF_NO,VDATE,a.FNAME,c1.BAL,c1.REMARK,c.branch_cd from CPRHD c left join CPRDT c1 on c.REF_NO=c1.REF_NO" + " left join ACNTMST a on c.AC_CD=a.AC_CD where VDATE>=? and VDATE<=? and CTYPE=? "; if (!branch_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { sql += " and branch_cd=" + branch_cd; } sql += " order by VDATE,ref_no"; PreparedStatement pstLocal = dataConnection.prepareStatement(sql); pstLocal.setString(1, from_date); pstLocal.setString(2, to_date); pstLocal.setString(3, v_type); ResultSet rsLocal = pstLocal.executeQuery(); JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); while ( { JsonObject object = new JsonObject(); object.addProperty("REF_NO", rsLocal.getString("REF_NO")); object.addProperty("VDATE", rsLocal.getString("VDATE")); object.addProperty("FNAME", rsLocal.getString("FNAME")); object.addProperty("BAL", rsLocal.getString("BAL")); object.addProperty("REMARK", rsLocal.getString("REMARK")); object.addProperty("AC_CD", rsLocal.getString("AC_CD")); object.addProperty("BRANCH_CD", rsLocal.getString("BRANCH_CD")); array.add(object); } // response.getWriter().print(array.toString()); jResultObj.addProperty("result", 1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", "success"); jResultObj.add("data", array); } catch (SQLNonTransientConnectionException ex1) { jResultObj.addProperty("result", -1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", "Server is down"); } catch (SQLException ex) { jResultObj.addProperty("result", -1); jResultObj.addProperty("Cause", ex.getMessage()); } } response.getWriter().print(jResultObj); }
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License:Apache License
/** * create a document in the cloudant database * * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException/*from www . j av a 2 s .co m*/ */ public static JsonObject createDocument(Credential credential, String jsonObj) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { JsonObject obj = new JsonParser().parse(jsonObj).getAsJsonObject(); CloudantClient client = new CloudantClient(credential.user, credential.user, credential.password); Database db = client.database(credential.dbname, false); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response res =; client.shutdown(); JsonObject ret = new JsonObject(); ret.addProperty("ok", true); ret.addProperty("id", res.getId()); ret.addProperty("rev", res.getRev()); return ret; }
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License:Apache License
public static JsonObject createDocParameterForWhisk(String doc) { JsonObject cloudantDoc = new JsonObject(); String now = new Date().toString(); cloudantDoc.addProperty("_id", DOC_ID); cloudantDoc.addProperty("date", now); // Create JSON object that will be passed as an argument to whisk cli JsonObject param = new JsonObject(); if (doc != null && !doc.isEmpty()) { param.addProperty("doc", doc); } else {// w w w . ja va 2s . com param.addProperty("doc", cloudantDoc.toString()); } return param; }
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License:Apache License
public static JsonArray createDocumentArray(int numDocs) { // Array of docs for bulk JsonArray bulkDocs = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 1; i <= numDocs; i++) { JsonObject cloudantDoc = new JsonObject(); String now = new Date().toString(); cloudantDoc.addProperty("_id", CloudantUtil.DOC_ID + i); cloudantDoc.addProperty("date", now); bulkDocs.add(cloudantDoc);/*from w ww. j ava2 s . c o m*/ } return bulkDocs; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void callback(Object... data) { int rewardID = (int) data[0]; String type = (String) data[1]; JsonObject newData = (JsonObject) data[2]; if (rewardID == -1) { JsonObject object = new JsonObject(); object.addProperty("type", type); object.add("data", newData); rewardData.add(object);/*w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ rewards.updateUI(); } else { rewardData.get(rewardID).getAsJsonObject().add("data", newData); rewards.updateUI(); } }
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License:Open Source License
public JsonElement toJson() { JsonObject root = new JsonObject(); root.addProperty("name", getName()); root.addProperty("parent", getParent()); JsonArray nodes = new JsonArray(); for (Node node : this.nodes) nodes.add(new JsonPrimitive(node.toString())); root.add("nodes", nodes); return root;/*from w w w. j a va 2s . co m*/ }
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License:Open Source License
public JsonElement toJson() { JsonObject root = new JsonObject(); root.addProperty("name", getName()); JsonArray groups = new JsonArray(); for (String group : this.getGroups()) groups.add(new JsonPrimitive(group)); root.add("groups", groups); JsonArray nodes = new JsonArray(); for (Node node : this.overrideNodes) nodes.add(new JsonPrimitive(node.toString())); root.add("overrides", nodes); return root;/*from w w w . j av a2 m*/ }