List of usage examples for JsonNull JsonNull
public JsonNull()
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License:Apache License
private Object getValue(Method.Data data, JsonObject json) { if (data == null) return null; String id = data.getId();// w w w.ja v a2 s.c om Class<?> clazz = data.getType(); boolean isNull = data.getNull(); JsonElement value = json == null ? new JsonNull() : json.get(id); if (!isNull && value.isJsonNull()) throw new EventBusException( "Method.Data[" + data + "], the id[" + id + "] has null value to give " + data.getType()); if (!value.isJsonNull()) { if (clazz == Boolean.class) { return value.getAsBoolean(); } else if (clazz == Integer.class) { return value.getAsInt(); } else if (clazz == Long.class) { return value.getAsLong(); } else if (clazz == Float.class) { return value.getAsFloat(); } else if (clazz == Double.class) { return value.getAsDouble(); } else if (clazz == String.class) { return value.getAsString(); } else if (clazz == Byte.class) { return value.getAsByte(); } else if (clazz == char.class) { return value.getAsCharacter(); } else { return new Gson().fromJson(value, clazz); } } return null; }
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License:Apache License
private JsonElement asJsonValue(Object value) { if (value == null) { return new JsonNull(); } else if (value.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] arr = (Object[]) value; JsonArray retval = new JsonArray(); for (Object sub : arr) { retval.add(asJsonValue(sub)); }/*from ww w . j a va2 s.c om*/ return retval; } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { return new JsonPrimitive((Boolean) value); } else if (value instanceof Number) { return new JsonPrimitive((Number) value); } else if (value instanceof String) { return new JsonPrimitive((String) value); } else { Map<String, Object> retval = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Field[] fields = value.getClass().getFields(); for (Field field : fields) { try { Object subVal = PropertyUtils.getProperty(value, field.getName()); retval.put(field.getName(), subVal); } catch (Exception e) { retval.put(field.getName(), null); } } return toJsonObject(retval); } }
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License:Apache License
private String formatResult(final ActiveCall call) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { final GsonBuilder gb = createGsonBuilder(); gb.registerTypeAdapter(call.getClass(), new JsonSerializer<ActiveCall>() { @Override/*from w ww . j a va 2 s. c o m*/ public JsonElement serialize(final ActiveCall src, final Type typeOfSrc, final JsonSerializationContext context) { if (call.callback != null) { if (src.externalFailure != null) { return new JsonNull(); } return context.serialize(src.result); } final JsonObject r = new JsonObject(); r.add(src.versionName, src.versionValue); if ( != null) { r.add("id",; } if (src.xsrfKeyOut != null) { r.addProperty("xsrfKey", src.xsrfKeyOut); } if (src.externalFailure != null) { final JsonObject error = new JsonObject(); if ("jsonrpc".equals(src.versionName)) { final int code = to2_0ErrorCode(src); error.addProperty("code", code); error.addProperty("message", src.externalFailure.getMessage()); } else { error.addProperty("name", "JSONRPCError"); error.addProperty("code", 999); error.addProperty("message", src.externalFailure.getMessage()); } r.add("error", error); } else { r.add("result", context.serialize(src.result)); } return r; } }); final StringWriter o = new StringWriter(); if (call.callback != null) { o.write(call.callback); o.write("("); } gb.create().toJson(call, o); if (call.callback != null) { o.write(");"); } o.close(); return o.toString(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public JsonElement serialize(Array<?> array, Type type, JsonSerializationContext ctx) { if (array == null) { return new JsonNull(); }//ww w. j av a 2s . com JsonArray js = new JsonArray(); for (String i : array) { js.add(ctx.serialize(array.$get(i))); } return js; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public JsonElement serialize(Date src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { if (src == null) { return new JsonNull(); }/*from w w w . j a v a2 s .co m*/ return new JsonPrimitive(JSDateUtils.toNormalizedString(src)); }
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License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override// ww w. ja v a2s .co m public JsonElement serialize(Map<?, ?> map, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext ctx) { if (map == null) { return new JsonNull(); } JsonObject js = new JsonObject(); for (Object k : map) { js.add(k.toString(), ctx.serialize(((Map) map).$get(k.toString()))); } return js; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public JsonElement getContent() { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); JsonObject vals = new JsonObject(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value == null) { vals.add(key, new JsonNull()); } else {//from ww w. ja v a2 s. c o m vals.add(key, new JsonPrimitive(value.toString())); } } obj.add(getErrorToken(), vals); return obj; }
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License:Open Source License
private JsonElement serializeFlatNameValue(GraphObject src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context, String localPropertyView, int depth) { // prevent endless recursion by pruning at depth 2 if (depth > outputNestingDepth) { return null; }// w w w . j av a 2s. c o m JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); // id (only if idProperty is not set) if (idProperty == null) { jsonObject.add("id", new JsonPrimitive(src.getId())); } else { Object idPropertyValue = src.getProperty(idProperty); if (idPropertyValue != null) { String idString = idPropertyValue.toString(); jsonObject.add("id", new JsonPrimitive(idString)); } } // property keys Iterable<String> keys = src.getPropertyKeys(localPropertyView); if (keys != null) { for (String key : keys) { Object value = src.getProperty(key); if (value != null) { // id property mapping if (key.equals(idProperty)) { key = "id"; } if (value instanceof Iterable) { jsonObject.add(key, serializeIterable((Iterable) value, typeOfSrc, context, localPropertyView, depth)); } else if (value instanceof GraphObject) { GraphObject graphObject = (GraphObject) value; jsonObject.add(key, this.serializeFlatNameValue(graphObject, typeOfSrc, context, localPropertyView, depth + 1)); } else if (value instanceof Map) { jsonObject.add(key, serializeMap((Map) value, typeOfSrc, context, localPropertyView, false, false, depth)); } else { // jsonObject.add(key, new JsonPrimitive(value.toString())); jsonObject.add(key, primitive(value)); } } else { jsonObject.add(key, new JsonNull()); } } } return jsonObject; }
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License:Open Source License
private JsonObject serializePrimitive(String key, Object value, boolean includeTypeInOutput) { JsonObject property = new JsonObject(); // id property mapping if (key.equals(idProperty)) { key = "id"; }//from w w w . j a v a2s . co m property.add("key", new JsonPrimitive(key)); if (value != null) { property.add("value", primitive(value)); // include type? if (includeTypeInOutput) { String valueType = value.getClass().getSimpleName(); property.add("type", new JsonPrimitive(valueType)); } } else { property.add("value", new JsonNull()); // include type? if (includeTypeInOutput) { property.add("type", new JsonNull()); } } return property; }
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License:Open Source License
private JsonObject serializeMap(Map<String, Object> map, Type typeOfT, JsonSerializationContext context, String localPropertyView, boolean includeType, boolean nested, int depth) { JsonObject object = new JsonObject(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (key != null) { // id property mapping if (key.equals(idProperty)) { key = "id"; }//from w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m if (value != null) { // serialize graph objects that are nested in the map.. if (value instanceof GraphObject) { if (nested) { object.add(key, serializeNestedKeyValueType((GraphObject) value, typeOfT, context, includeType, localPropertyView, depth + 1)); } else { object.add(key, serializeFlatNameValue((GraphObject) value, typeOfT, context, localPropertyView, depth + 1)); } } else if (value instanceof Iterable) { object.add(key, serializeIterable((Iterable) value, typeOfT, context, localPropertyView, depth)); } else { object.add(key, primitive(value)); } } else { object.add(key, new JsonNull()); } } } return object; }