Example usage for com.google.gson JsonElement getAsJsonObject

List of usage examples for com.google.gson JsonElement getAsJsonObject


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gson JsonElement getAsJsonObject.


public JsonObject getAsJsonObject() 

Source Link


convenience method to get this element as a JsonObject .


From source file:brooklyn.entity.mesos.task.marathon.MarathonTaskImpl.java

License:Apache License

public void connectSensors() {
    // TODO If we are not "mesos.task.managed", then we are just guessing at the appId. We may get 
    // it wrong. If it's wrong then our uri will always give 404. We should not mark the task as
    // "serviceUp=false", and we should not clear the TASK_ID (which was correctly set in
    // MesosFramework.scanTasks, which is where this task came from in the first place).
    // The new behaviour of showing it as healthy (and not clearing the taskId, which caused 
    // another instance to be automatically added!) is better than it was, but it definitely  
    // needs more attention.

    final boolean managed = Boolean.TRUE.equals(sensors().get(MANAGED));

    String uri = Urls.mergePaths(getFramework().sensors().get(MarathonFramework.FRAMEWORK_URL), "/v2/apps",
            sensors().get(APPLICATION_ID), "tasks");
    HttpFeed.Builder httpFeedBuilder = HttpFeed.builder().entity(this).period(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            .baseUri(uri)//from ww  w  . j  a  v a  2s .co  m
                    config().get(MesosCluster.MESOS_USERNAME), config().get(MesosCluster.MESOS_PASSWORD))
            .header("Accept", "application/json")
            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Boolean>(SERVICE_UP).suppressDuplicates(true)
                    .onSuccess(Functionals.chain(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(), JsonFunctions.walk("tasks"),
                            new Function<JsonElement, Boolean>() {
                                public Boolean apply(JsonElement input) {
                                    JsonArray tasks = input.getAsJsonArray();
                                    return tasks.size() == 1;
                    .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(managed ? Boolean.FALSE : true)))
            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Long>(TASK_STARTED_AT).suppressDuplicates(true)
                    .onSuccess(Functionals.chain(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(), JsonFunctions.walk("tasks"),
                            new Function<JsonElement, Long>() {
                                public Long apply(JsonElement input) {
                                    JsonArray tasks = input.getAsJsonArray();
                                    for (JsonElement each : tasks) {
                                        JsonElement startedAt = each.getAsJsonObject().get("startedAt");
                                        if (startedAt != null && !startedAt.isJsonNull()) {
                                            return Time.parseDate(startedAt.getAsString()).getTime();
                                    return null;
            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Long>(TASK_STAGED_AT).suppressDuplicates(true)
                    .onSuccess(Functionals.chain(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(), JsonFunctions.walk("tasks"),
                            new Function<JsonElement, Long>() {
                                public Long apply(JsonElement input) {
                                    JsonArray tasks = input.getAsJsonArray();
                                    for (JsonElement each : tasks) {
                                        JsonElement stagedAt = each.getAsJsonObject().get("stagedAt");
                                        if (stagedAt != null && !stagedAt.isJsonNull()) {
                                            return Time.parseDate(stagedAt.getAsString()).getTime();
                                    return null;
            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<String>(Attributes.HOSTNAME).suppressDuplicates(true)
                    .onSuccess(Functionals.chain(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(), JsonFunctions.walk("tasks"),
                            new Function<JsonElement, String>() {
                                public String apply(JsonElement input) {
                                    JsonArray tasks = input.getAsJsonArray();
                                    for (JsonElement each : tasks) {
                                        JsonElement host = each.getAsJsonObject().get("host");
                                        if (host != null && !host.isJsonNull()) {
                                            return host.getAsString();
                                    return null;
            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<String>(TASK_ID).suppressDuplicates(true)
                    .onSuccess(Functionals.chain(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(), JsonFunctions.walk("tasks"),
                            new Function<JsonElement, String>() {
                                public String apply(JsonElement input) {
                                    JsonArray tasks = input.getAsJsonArray();
                                    for (JsonElement each : tasks) {
                                        JsonElement id = each.getAsJsonObject().get("id");
                                        if (id != null && !id.isJsonNull()) {
                                            return id.getAsString();
                                    return null;
                            (Function) Functions.<Object>constant(managed ? null : FeedConfig.UNCHANGED)))
            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<String>(Attributes.ADDRESS).suppressDuplicates(true)
                    .onSuccess(Functionals.chain(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(), JsonFunctions.walk("tasks"),
                            new Function<JsonElement, String>() {
                                public String apply(JsonElement input) {
                                    JsonArray tasks = input.getAsJsonArray();
                                    for (JsonElement each : tasks) {
                                        JsonElement host = each.getAsJsonObject().get("host");
                                        if (host != null && !host.isJsonNull()) {
                                            try {
                                                return InetAddress.getByName(host.getAsString())
                                            } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
                                    return null;
    httpFeed = httpFeedBuilder.build();

From source file:brooklyn.entity.mesos.task.marathon.MarathonTaskImpl.java

License:Apache License

public MarathonTaskLocation createLocation(Map<String, ?> flags) {
    Entity entity = getRunningEntity();
    MesosSlave slave = getMesosCluster().getMesosSlave(getHostname());
    SubnetTier subnet = slave.getSubnetTier();
    Boolean sdn = config().get(MesosCluster.SDN_ENABLE);

    // Configure the entity subnet
    LOG.info("Configuring entity {} via subnet {}", entity, subnet);
    entity.config().set(SubnetTier.PORT_FORWARDING_MANAGER, subnet.getPortForwardManager());
    entity.config().set(SubnetTier.PORT_FORWARDER, subnet.getPortForwarder());
    entity.config().set(SubnetTier.SUBNET_CIDR, Cidr.UNIVERSAL);
    DockerUtils.configureEnrichers(subnet, entity);

    // Lookup mapped ports
    List<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> portBindings = (List) flags.get("portBindings");
    Map<Integer, String> tcpMappings = MutableMap.of();
    Optional<JsonElement> application = getApplicationJson();
    if (application.isPresent()) {
        JsonArray tasks = application.get().getAsJsonObject().get("app").getAsJsonObject().get("tasks")
                .getAsJsonArray();/*w  ww. ja  v  a 2  s.  com*/
        for (JsonElement each : tasks) {
            JsonElement ports = each.getAsJsonObject().get("ports");
            if (ports != null && !ports.isJsonNull()) {
                JsonArray array = ports.getAsJsonArray();
                if (array.size() > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
                        int hostPort = array.get(i).getAsInt();
                        int containerPort = portBindings.get(i).getKey();
                        String address = sdn ? sensors().get(Attributes.SUBNET_ADDRESS) : getId();
                        String target = address + ":" + containerPort;
                        tcpMappings.put(hostPort, target);
                        if (containerPort == 22) { // XXX should be a better way?
                                    HostAndPort.fromParts(getHostname(), hostPort).toString());
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Cannot retrieve application details for " + sensors().get(APPLICATION_ID));

    // Create our wrapper location around the task
    Boolean useSsh = config().get(DockerAttributes.DOCKER_USE_SSH);
    LocationSpec<MarathonTaskLocation> spec = LocationSpec.create(MarathonTaskLocation.class)
            .configure(DynamicLocation.OWNER, this).configure("entity", getRunningEntity())
            .configure(CloudLocationConfig.WAIT_FOR_SSHABLE, "false")
            .configure(SshMachineLocation.DETECT_MACHINE_DETAILS, useSsh)
            .configure(SshMachineLocation.TCP_PORT_MAPPINGS, tcpMappings).displayName(getShortName());
    if (useSsh) {
        spec.configure(SshMachineLocation.SSH_HOST, getHostname())
                .configure(SshMachineLocation.SSH_PORT, getSshPort()).configure("address", getAddress())
                .configure(LocationConfigKeys.USER, "root") // TODO from slave
                .configure(LocationConfigKeys.PASSWORD, "p4ssw0rd").configure(SshTool.PROP_PASSWORD, "p4ssw0rd")
                .configure(SshTool.PROP_HOST, getHostname()).configure(SshTool.PROP_PORT, getSshPort())
                .configure(LocationConfigKeys.PRIVATE_KEY_DATA, (String) null) // TODO used to generate authorized_keys
                .configure(LocationConfigKeys.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, (String) null);
    MarathonTaskLocation location = getManagementContext().getLocationManager().createLocation(spec);
    sensors().set(DYNAMIC_LOCATION, location);
    sensors().set(LOCATION_NAME, location.getId());

    // Record port mappings
    LOG.debug("Recording port mappings for {} at {}: {}", new Object[] { entity, location, tcpMappings });
    for (Integer hostPort : tcpMappings.keySet()) {
        HostAndPort target = HostAndPort.fromString(tcpMappings.get(hostPort));
        subnet.getPortForwarder().openPortForwarding(location, target.getPort(), Optional.of(hostPort),
                Protocol.TCP, Cidr.UNIVERSAL);
        subnet.getPortForwarder().openFirewallPort(entity, hostPort, Protocol.TCP, Cidr.UNIVERSAL);
        LOG.debug("Forwarded port: {} => {}", hostPort, target.getPort());

    LOG.info("New task location {} created", location);
    if (useSsh) {
        DockerUtils.addExtraPublicKeys(entity, location);
    return location;

From source file:brooklyn.entity.monitoring.zabbix.ZabbixPollConfig.java

License:Apache License

public ZabbixPollConfig(AttributeSensor<T> sensor) {
    // Add onSuccess method to extract the last value of the item
    // FIXME Fix generics
    onSuccess((Function) HttpValueFunctions.chain(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(),
            new Function<JsonElement, JsonElement>() {
                @Override/*from   w w  w .ja v a2 s .com*/
                public JsonElement apply(@Nullable JsonElement input) {
                    Preconditions.checkNotNull(input, "JSON input");
                    return input.getAsJsonObject().get("result").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject()
            }, JsonFunctions.cast(getSensor().getType())));

From source file:brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchbase.CouchbaseClusterImpl.java

License:Apache License

public void createBucket(final Entity primaryNode, final String bucketName, final String bucketType,
        final Integer bucketPort, final Integer bucketRamSize, final Integer bucketReplica) {
    DynamicTasks.queueIfPossible(//from ww w. j av  a2s  .  c om
            TaskBuilder.<Void>builder().name("Creating bucket " + bucketName).body(new Callable<Void>() {
                public Void call() throws Exception {
                            CouchbaseCluster.BUCKET_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS, Predicates.equalTo(false));
                    if (CouchbaseClusterImpl.this.resetBucketCreation.get() != null) {
                    setAttribute(CouchbaseCluster.BUCKET_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS, true);
                    HostAndPort hostAndPort = BrooklynAccessUtils.getBrooklynAccessibleAddress(primaryNode,

                            .entity(CouchbaseClusterImpl.this).period(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                            .baseUri(String.format("http://%s/pools/default/buckets/%s", hostAndPort,
                            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Boolean>(BUCKET_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS)
                                            JsonFunctions.walkN("nodes"), new Function<JsonElement, Boolean>() {
                                                public Boolean apply(JsonElement input) {
                                                    // Wait until bucket has been created on all nodes and the couchApiBase element has been published (indicating that the bucket is useable)
                                                    JsonArray servers = input.getAsJsonArray();
                                                    if (servers.size() != CouchbaseClusterImpl.this.getMembers()
                                                            .size()) {
                                                        return true;
                                                    for (JsonElement server : servers) {
                                                        Object api = server.getAsJsonObject()
                                                        if (api == null
                                                                || Strings.isEmpty(String.valueOf(api))) {
                                                            return true;
                                                    return false;
                                    .onFailureOrException(new Function<Object, Boolean>() {
                                        public Boolean apply(Object input) {
                                            if (input instanceof brooklyn.util.http.HttpToolResponse) {
                                                if (((brooklyn.util.http.HttpToolResponse) input)
                                                        .getResponseCode() == 404) {
                                                    return true;
                                            if (input instanceof Throwable)
                                                Exceptions.propagate((Throwable) input);
                                            throw new IllegalStateException(
                                                    "Unexpected response when creating bucket:" + input);

                    // TODO: Bail out if bucket creation fails, to allow next bucket to proceed
                    Entities.invokeEffectorWithArgs(CouchbaseClusterImpl.this, primaryNode,
                            CouchbaseNode.BUCKET_CREATE, bucketName, bucketType, bucketPort, bucketRamSize,
                            CouchbaseCluster.BUCKET_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS, Predicates.equalTo(false));
                    if (CouchbaseClusterImpl.this.resetBucketCreation.get() != null) {
                    return null;

From source file:brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchbase.CouchbaseNodeSshDriver.java

License:Apache License

private Iterable<String> getNodesHostAndPort() {
    Function<JsonElement, Iterable<String>> getNodesAsList = new Function<JsonElement, Iterable<String>>() {
        @Override/* w w  w .j  ava2s.  c o  m*/
        public Iterable<String> apply(JsonElement input) {
            if (input == null) {
                return Collections.emptyList();
            Collection<String> names = Lists.newArrayList();
            JsonArray nodes = input.getAsJsonArray();
            for (JsonElement element : nodes) {
                // NOTE: the 'hostname' element also includes the port
                names.add(element.getAsJsonObject().get("hostname").toString().replace("\"", ""));
            return names;
    HttpToolResponse nodesResponse = getApiResponse(
            String.format("http://%s:%s/pools/nodes", getHostname(), getWebPort()));
    return Functionals.chain(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(), JsonFunctions.walkN("nodes"), getNodesAsList)

From source file:brooklyn.event.feed.http.JsonFunctions.java

License:Apache License

/** returns a function which traverses the supplied path of entries in a json object (maps of maps of maps...), 
 * @throws NoSuchElementException if any path is not present as a key in that map */
public static Function<JsonElement, JsonElement> walk(final Iterable<String> elements) {
    // could do this instead, pointing at Maybe for this, and for walkN, but it's slightly less efficient
    //      return Functionals.chain(MaybeFunctions.<JsonElement>wrap(), walkM(elements), MaybeFunctions.<JsonElement>get());

    return new Function<JsonElement, JsonElement>() {
        @Override// w  w w  .  ja  va 2s .co  m
        public JsonElement apply(JsonElement input) {
            JsonElement curr = input;
            for (String element : elements) {
                JsonObject jo = curr.getAsJsonObject();
                curr = jo.get(element);
                if (curr == null)
                    throw new NoSuchElementException(
                            "No element '" + element + " in JSON, when walking " + elements);
            return curr;

From source file:brooklyn.event.feed.http.JsonFunctions.java

License:Apache License

/** as {@link #walk(Iterable))} but if any element is not found it simply returns null */
public static Function<JsonElement, JsonElement> walkN(final Iterable<String> elements) {
    return new Function<JsonElement, JsonElement>() {
        @Override/*from  ww w. jav  a  2s.c  o  m*/
        public JsonElement apply(JsonElement input) {
            JsonElement curr = input;
            for (String element : elements) {
                if (curr == null)
                    return null;
                JsonObject jo = curr.getAsJsonObject();
                curr = jo.get(element);
            return curr;

From source file:brooklyn.networking.cloudstack.CloudstackNew40FeaturesClient.java

License:Apache License

protected JsonArray listVpcsJson() {
    Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    params.put("command", "listVPCs");
    if (accAndDomain.isPresent()) {
        params.put("account", accAndDomain.get().account);
        params.put("domainid", accAndDomain.get().domainId);
    }//from ww w . j  a v  a2s  .co m

    params.put("apiKey", this.apiKey);
    params.put("response", "json");

    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.builder().method("GET").endpoint(this.endpoint).addQueryParams(params)
            .addHeader("Accept", "application/json").build();

    request = getQuerySigner().filter(request);

    HttpToolResponse response = HttpUtil.invoke(request);

    JsonElement jr = json(response);

    JsonElement vpcs = jr.getAsJsonObject().get("listvpcsresponse").getAsJsonObject().get("vpc");
    return vpcs == null ? null : vpcs.getAsJsonArray();

From source file:brooklyn.networking.cloudstack.CloudstackNew40FeaturesClient.java

License:Apache License

protected String waitForJobCompletion(int statusCode, InputStream payload, String message)
        throws InterruptedException {
    if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 300) {
        String payloadStr = null;
        try {// ww  w  .jav a2s  .  co m
            payloadStr = Streams.readFullyString(payload);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.debug("On HttpResponse failure, failed to get string payload; continuing with reporting error",
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Error " + statusCode + ": " + message + (payloadStr != null ? "; " + payloadStr : ""));

    JsonElement jr = json(payload);

    String responseId;
    String jobId;
    try {
        JsonObject jobfields = jr.getAsJsonObject().entrySet().iterator().next().getValue().getAsJsonObject();
        JsonElement responseIdJson = jobfields.get("id");
        responseId = responseIdJson != null ? responseIdJson.getAsString() : null;
        jobId = jobfields.get("jobid").getAsString();
    } catch (NullPointerException | NoSuchElementException | IllegalStateException e) {
        // TODO Not good using exceptions for normal control flow; but easiest way to handle
        // problems in unexpected json structure.
        throw new IllegalStateException("Problem parsing job response: " + jr.toString());

    do {
        AsyncJob<Object> job = getAsyncJobClient().getAsyncJob(jobId);
        LOG.debug("waiting: " + job);
        if (job.hasFailed())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed job: " + job);
        if (job.hasSucceed()) {
            Status status = job.getStatus();
            if (Status.FAILED.equals(status))
                throw new IllegalStateException("Failed job: " + job);
            if (Status.SUCCEEDED.equals(status))
                return responseId;
    } while (true);

From source file:brooklyn.networking.cloudstack.CloudstackNew40FeaturesClient.java

License:Apache License

public String getFirstVpcOfferingId() {
    Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    params.put("command", "listVPCOfferings");
    params.put("apiKey", this.apiKey);
    params.put("response", "json");

    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.builder().method("GET").endpoint(this.endpoint).addQueryParams(params)
            .addHeader("Accept", "application/json").build();

    request = getQuerySigner().filter(request);

    HttpToolResponse response = HttpUtil.invoke(request);
    JsonElement offers = json(response);
    LOG.debug("LIST VPC OFFERS\n" + pretty(offers));

    String id = offers.getAsJsonObject().get("listvpcofferingsresponse").getAsJsonObject().get("vpcoffering")
    LOG.debug("  using first VPC offering ID: " + id);
    return id;/*from w  w  w  .  jav a2 s . c om*/