Example usage for com.google.gson JsonArray size

List of usage examples for com.google.gson JsonArray size


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gson JsonArray size.


public int size() 

Source Link


Returns the number of elements in the array.


From source file:com.controller.webServices.JsonTopKGroupNextPlaces.java

protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

    System.out.println("======  Group Next Places   ======== ");

    JsonObject jsonResult = new JsonObject();
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
    JsonArray errorArray = new JsonArray();

    String date = request.getParameter("date");
    String token = request.getParameter("token");
    Timestamp ts = null;/*from  ww w .  j  a  v  a  2  s .  c o  m*/
    Timestamp tsBefore = null;
    Timestamp tsAfter = null;
    HashMap<String, Integer> finalMap = null;
    ArrayList<String[]> personCount = null;

    //validation - date
    if (date == null) {
        errorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive("missing date"));
    } else {
        try {
            DateTime ts2 = new DateTime(date);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            errorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive("invalid date"));

    //validation - token
    if (token == null) {
        errorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive("missing token"));
    //        } else if (token.equals("")) {
    //            errorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive("blank token"));
    //        } else {
    //            try {
    //                JWTUtility.verify(token, "ylleeg4t8");
    //            } catch (JWTException e) {
    //                errorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive("invalid token"));
    //            }
    //        }

    // Validation: Semantic Places
    String place = request.getParameter("origin");
    if (place == null) {
        errorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive("missing origin"));
    } else if (place.equals("")) {
        errorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive("blank origin"));

    if (errorArray.size() > 0) {
        jsonResult.add("message", errorArray);

    ArrayList<Group> finalGroup = null;

    if (errorArray.size() == 0) {
        String date1 = date.substring(0, date.indexOf("T"));
        String time = date.substring(date.indexOf("T") + 1, date.length());

        try {

            LocalTime after = new LocalTime(Timestamp.valueOf(date1 + " " + time));
            int hour = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, time.indexOf(":")));
            int minute = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(time.indexOf(":") + 1, time.lastIndexOf(":")));
            int second = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(time.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, time.length()));
            if (hour >= 24 || minute >= 60 || second >= 60) {
                throw new Exception();
            ts = Timestamp.valueOf(date1 + " " + time);
            tsBefore = new Timestamp(ts.getTime() - 900000);
            tsAfter = new Timestamp(ts.getTime() + 900000);

            ArrayList<Group> groupList = new ArrayList<Group>();
            finalMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
            personCount = new ArrayList<String[]>();

            AutoGroupDetectController agd = new AutoGroupDetectController();
            System.out.println("Group next places: " + tsBefore.toString() + " " + ts.toString());

            LocationLookupDAO llDAO = new LocationLookupDAO();
            HashMap<String, String> referMap = llDAO.retrieveAll();

            ArrayList<Group> firstGroup = agd.getFullGroups(tsBefore.toString(), ts.toString());
            //                if (firstGroup.size() == 0) {
            //                    request.setAttribute("results", personCount);
            //                    RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("group_next.jsp");
            //                    rd.forward(request, response);
            //                    return;
            //                }

            System.out.println("List size for group next places: " + firstGroup.size());
            ArrayList<Group> midGroup = new ArrayList<Group>();
            for (Group g : firstGroup) {
                String s = referMap.get(g.getLastPlace());
                if (s.equals(place)) {
            System.out.println("Mid list size for group next places: " + midGroup.size());
            finalGroup = agd.getMatchingGroups(ts.toString(), tsAfter.toString(), midGroup);
            System.out.println("Final list size for group next places: " + finalGroup.size());

            LocationLookupDAO lookupDAO = new LocationLookupDAO();
            HashMap<String, String> lookupMap = lookupDAO.retrieveAll();
            for (Group g : finalGroup) {
                ArrayList<Interval> groupInterList = new ArrayList<Interval>();
                HashMap<Interval, Integer> tempMap = new HashMap<Interval, Integer>();
                HashMap<String, ArrayList<Interval>> overlapMap = g.getLocOverlapMap();
                for (String s : overlapMap.keySet()) {
                    ArrayList<Interval> interList = overlapMap.get(s);
                    for (Interval in : interList) {
                        Integer i = Integer.parseInt(s);
                        tempMap.put(in, i);
                Collections.sort(groupInterList, new IntervalEndComparator(groupInterList));
                for (Interval in : groupInterList) {
                    if (Seconds.secondsIn(in).getSeconds() >= 300) {
                        Integer i = tempMap.get(in);
                        String semPlace = lookupMap.get(String.valueOf(i));
                        Integer groupCount = finalMap.get(semPlace);
                        if (groupCount != null) {
                            finalMap.put(semPlace, (groupCount + 1));
                        } else {
                            finalMap.put(semPlace, 1);

        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : finalMap.entrySet()) {

            String[] countArray = new String[] { entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString() };

        Collections.sort(personCount, new ValueComparator(personCount));

        jsonResult.addProperty("status", "success");
        jsonResult.addProperty("total-groups", finalGroup.size());
        jsonResult.addProperty("total-next-place-groups", personCount.size());
        JsonArray results = new JsonArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < personCount.size(); i++) {
            String[] arr = personCount.get(i);
            JsonObject nextPlaceObject = new JsonObject();
            nextPlaceObject.addProperty("rank", i + 1);
            nextPlaceObject.addProperty("semantic-place", arr[0]);
            nextPlaceObject.addProperty("num-groups", Integer.parseInt(arr[1]));
        jsonResult.add("results", results);


        //            request.setAttribute("results", personCount);
        //            RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("group_next.jsp");
        //            rd.forward(request, response);

From source file:com.couchbase.cbadmin.client.CouchbaseAdmin.java

License:Open Source License

public Map<String, Bucket> getBuckets() throws RestApiException {
    JsonElement e;/* w ww  . j  av a  2  s .  c o  m*/
    Map<String, Bucket> ret = new HashMap<String, Bucket>();

    try {
        e = getJson(P_BUCKETS);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new RestApiException(ex);

    JsonArray arr;
    if (!e.isJsonArray()) {
        throw new RestApiException("Expected JsonObject", e);

    arr = e.getAsJsonArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
        JsonElement tmpElem = arr.get(i);
        if (!tmpElem.isJsonObject()) {
            throw new RestApiException("Expected JsonObject", tmpElem);

        Bucket bucket = new Bucket(tmpElem.getAsJsonObject());
        ret.put(bucket.getName(), bucket);
    return ret;

From source file:com.couchbase.cbadmin.client.CouchbaseAdmin.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Node> getNodes() throws RestApiException {
    List<Node> ret = new ArrayList<Node>();
    JsonElement e;//from w ww .j  a v a  2s  .  c  o m
    try {
        e = getJson(P_POOL_NODES);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new RestApiException(ex);

    if (!e.isJsonObject()) {
        throw new RestApiException("Expected JsonObject", e);

    JsonObject obj = e.getAsJsonObject();
    JsonArray nodesArr;
    e = obj.get("nodes");

    if (e == null) {
        throw new RestApiException("Expected 'nodes' array", obj);

    nodesArr = e.getAsJsonArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < nodesArr.size(); i++) {
        e = nodesArr.get(i);
        JsonObject nObj;
        if (!e.isJsonObject()) {
            throw new RestApiException("Malformed node entry", e);
        nObj = e.getAsJsonObject();
        Node n = new Node(nObj);

    return ret;

From source file:com.createtank.payments.coinbase.CoinbaseApi.java

License:Apache License

 * List bitcoin addresses associated with the current account
 * @param page the page of addresses to retrieve. Can be used to page through results
 * @param limit the maximum number of addresses to retrieve. Can't exceed 1000
 * @param query string match to filter addresses. Matches the address itself and also
 * if the use has set a label on the address.
 * @return the list of bitcoin addresses associated with the current account
 * @throws IOException//from  w ww.  j av a2s.  c  om
public Address[] getAddresses(int page, int limit, String query) throws IOException {
    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    if (apiKey != null)
        params.put("api_key", apiKey);
    params.put("page", Integer.toString(page));
    params.put("limit", Integer.toString(limit));
    if (query != null)
        params.put("query", query);

    JsonObject response = RequestClient.get(this, "addresses", params, accessToken);
    JsonArray addresses = response.getAsJsonArray("addresses");
    int size = addresses.size();
    Address[] result = new Address[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        JsonObject addy = addresses.get(i).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("address");
        result[i] = Address.fromJson(addy);

    return result;

From source file:com.createtank.payments.coinbase.CoinbaseApi.java

License:Apache License

 * List the current user's recent transactions.
 * @param page Used to paginate through results. Thirty transactions are returned per page.
 * @return an array of Transaction objects
 * @throws IOException//from w w w  .  j a va2 s  .c  om
public Transaction[] getTransactions(int page) throws IOException {
    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    if (apiKey != null)
        params.put("api_key", apiKey);

    params.put("page", Integer.toString(page));
    JsonObject response = RequestClient.get(this, "transactions", params, accessToken);
    JsonArray transactionsJson = response.getAsJsonArray("transactions");
    Transaction[] transactions = new Transaction[transactionsJson.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < transactionsJson.size(); ++i) {
        JsonObject transactionJson = transactionsJson.get(i).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("transaction");
        transactions[i] = Transaction.fromJson(transactionJson);

    return transactions;

From source file:com.customatics.leaptest_integration_for_bamboo.impl.PluginHandler.java

public boolean getScheduleState(String leaptestAddress, String scheduleId, String scheduleTitle,
        int currentScheduleIndex, String doneStatusValue, BuildLogger buildLogger,
        ScheduleCollection buildResult, ArrayList<InvalidSchedule> invalidSchedules)
        throws InterruptedException {
    boolean isScheduleStillRunning = true;

    String uri = String.format(Messages.GET_SCHEDULE_STATE_URI, leaptestAddress, scheduleId);

    try {/*from  ww w.  jav  a  2s  .  co m*/

        try {

            AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();
            Response response = client.prepareGet(uri).execute().get();
            client = null;

            switch (response.getStatusCode()) {
            case 200:

                JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
                JsonObject jsonState = parser.parse(response.getResponseBody()).getAsJsonObject();
                parser = null;

                String ScheduleId = jsonState.get("ScheduleId").getAsString();

                if (isScheduleStillRunning(jsonState))
                    isScheduleStillRunning = true;
                else {
                    isScheduleStillRunning = false;

                    /////////Schedule Info
                    JsonElement jsonLastRun = jsonState.get("LastRun");

                    JsonObject lastRun = jsonLastRun.getAsJsonObject();

                    String ScheduleTitle = lastRun.get("ScheduleTitle").getAsString();


                    int passedCount = caseStatusCount("PassedCount", lastRun);
                    int failedCount = caseStatusCount("FailedCount", lastRun);
                    int doneCount = caseStatusCount("DoneCount", lastRun);

                    if (doneStatusValue.contentEquals("Failed"))
                        failedCount += doneCount;
                        passedCount += doneCount;

                    JsonArray jsonAutomationRunItems = lastRun.get("AutomationRunItems").getAsJsonArray();

                    ArrayList<String> automationRunId = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (JsonElement jsonAutomationRunItem : jsonAutomationRunItems)
                    ArrayList<String> statuses = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (JsonElement jsonAutomationRunItem : jsonAutomationRunItems)
                    ArrayList<String> elapsed = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (JsonElement jsonAutomationRunItem : jsonAutomationRunItems)
                    ArrayList<String> environments = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (JsonElement jsonAutomationRunItem : jsonAutomationRunItems)

                    ArrayList<String> caseTitles = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (JsonElement jsonAutomationRunItem : jsonAutomationRunItems) {
                        String caseTitle = Utils.defaultStringIfNull(jsonAutomationRunItem.getAsJsonObject()
                                .get("Case").getAsJsonObject().get("Title"), "Null case Title");
                        if (caseTitle.contentEquals("Null case Title"))
                            caseTitles.add(caseTitles.get(caseTitles.size() - 1));

                    makeCaseTitlesNonRepeatable(caseTitles); //this is required because Bamboo junit reporter does not suppose that there can be 2 or more case with the same name but different results

                    for (int i = 0; i < jsonAutomationRunItems.size(); i++) {

                        //double seconds = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getDouble("TotalSeconds");
                        double seconds = parseExecutionTimeToSeconds(elapsed.get(i));


                        if (statuses.get(i).contentEquals("Failed")
                                || (statuses.get(i).contentEquals("Done")
                                        && doneStatusValue.contentEquals("Failed"))
                                || statuses.get(i).contentEquals("Error")
                                || statuses.get(i).contentEquals("Cancelled")) {
                            if (statuses.get(i).contentEquals("Error")
                                    || statuses.get(i).contentEquals("Cancelled"))

                            JsonArray jsonKeyframes = jsonAutomationRunItems.get(i).getAsJsonObject()

                            ArrayList<String> keyFrameTimeStamps = new ArrayList<String>();
                            for (JsonElement jsonKeyFrame : jsonKeyframes)
                            ArrayList<String> keyFrameLogMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
                            for (JsonElement jsonKeyFrame : jsonKeyframes)

                                    caseTitles.get(i), statuses.get(i), elapsed.get(i)));

                            String fullstacktrace = "";
                            int currentKeyFrameIndex = 0;

                            for (JsonElement jsonKeyFrame : jsonKeyframes) {
                                String level = Utils
                                        .defaultStringIfNull(jsonKeyFrame.getAsJsonObject().get("Level"), "");
                                if (!level.contentEquals("") && !level.contentEquals("Trace")) {
                                    String stacktrace = String.format(Messages.CASE_STACKTRACE_FORMAT,
                                    fullstacktrace += stacktrace;
                                    fullstacktrace += "&#xA;"; //fullstacktrace += '\n';


                            fullstacktrace += "Environment: " + environments.get(i);
                            buildLogger.addBuildLogEntry("Environment: " + environments.get(i));
                                    .add(new Case(caseTitles.get(i), statuses.get(i), seconds, fullstacktrace,
                                            ScheduleTitle/* + "[" + ScheduleId + "]"*/));
                        } else {
                                    caseTitles.get(i), statuses.get(i), elapsed.get(i)));
                                    .add(new Case(caseTitles.get(i), statuses.get(i), seconds,
                                            ScheduleTitle/* + "[" + ScheduleId + "]"*/));


                    if (buildResult.Schedules.get(currentScheduleIndex).getFailed() > 0)

            case 404:
                String errorMessage404 = String.format(Messages.ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE, response.getStatusCode(),
                errorMessage404 += String.format("\n%1$s",
                        String.format(Messages.NO_SUCH_SCHEDULE_WAS_FOUND, scheduleTitle, scheduleId));
                throw new Exception(errorMessage404);

            case 445:
                String errorMessage445 = String.format(Messages.ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE, response.getStatusCode(),
                errorMessage445 += String.format("\n%1$s", Messages.LICENSE_EXPIRED);
                throw new InterruptedException(errorMessage445);

            case 448:
                String errorMessage448 = String.format(Messages.ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE, response.getStatusCode(),
                errorMessage448 += String.format("\n%1$s",
                        String.format(Messages.CACHE_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION, scheduleTitle, scheduleId));
                isScheduleStillRunning = true;

            case 500:
                String errorMessage500 = String.format(Messages.ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE, response.getStatusCode(),
                errorMessage500 += String.format("\n%1$s", Messages.CONTROLLER_RESPONDED_WITH_ERRORS);
                throw new Exception(errorMessage500);

                String errorMessage = String.format(Messages.ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE, response.getStatusCode(),
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);

        } catch (NoRouteToHostException e) {
            String connectionLostErrorMessage = String.format(Messages.CONNECTION_LOST,
            return true;
        } catch (ConnectException | UnknownHostException e) {
            String connectionErrorMessage = String.format(Messages.COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_BUT_WAIT,
            return true;
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException || e.getCause() instanceof UnknownHostException) {
                String connectionErrorMessage = String.format(Messages.COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_BUT_WAIT,
                return true;
            } else if (e.getCause() instanceof NoRouteToHostException) {
                String connectionLostErrorMessage = String.format(Messages.CONNECTION_LOST,
                return true;
            } else {
                String executionExceptionMessage = String.format(Messages.EXECUTION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage());
                throw new Exception(executionExceptionMessage);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            String ioExceptionMessage = String.format(Messages.IO_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(ioExceptionMessage);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new InterruptedException(e.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String errorMessage = String.format(Messages.SCHEDULE_STATE_FAILURE, scheduleTitle, scheduleId);
                .setError(String.format("%1$s\n%2$s", errorMessage, e.getMessage()));
                .add(new InvalidSchedule(String.format(Messages.SCHEDULE_FORMAT, scheduleTitle, scheduleId),
        return false;

    return isScheduleStillRunning;

From source file:com.daa.verifier.Models.Verifier.java

 * Turns a revocation list as JSON object into a set of big integers
 * @param json the revocation list as a JSON object
 * @param curve the curve used/*from  w  ww.j  av a2 s .  c o  m*/
 * @return the revocation list as a Set<BigInteger>
public static Set<BigInteger> revocationListFromJson(String json, BNCurve curve) {
    Base64.Decoder decoder = Base64.getUrlDecoder();

    JsonArray object = new JsonParser().parse(json).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray(JSON_REVOCATION_LIST);
    Set<BigInteger> rl = new HashSet<BigInteger>(object.size());
    for (JsonElement element : object) {
    return rl;

From source file:com.devamatre.core.JSONHelper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns the list of the specified objects from the given JSON string.
 * //from w w  w .j a va 2s.com
 * @param jsonString
 * @param classType
 * @return
public static <T> List<T> listOfObjects(String jsonString, Class<T> classType) {
    List<T> objects = new ArrayList<T>();
    JsonArray jsonArray = toJSONArray(jsonString);
    if (jsonArray != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
            Gson gson = new Gson();
            T object = gson.fromJson(jsonArray.get(i), classType);

    return objects;

From source file:com.devamatre.core.JSONHelper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns the list of the specified objects from the given JSON string.
 * /* ww w.  j av a2 s.c om*/
 * @param jsonString
 * @param classType
 * @return
public static List<?> listOfObjects(String jsonString, String key, Class<?>... classTypes) {
    List<Object> mixedObjects = new ArrayList<Object>();
    if (jsonString == null || !isValidJSONString(jsonString)) {
        return mixedObjects;

    JsonArray jsonArray = toJSONArray(jsonString);
    if (jsonArray != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
            String objectJSONString = toJSONString(jsonArray.get(i));
            for (int j = 0; j < classTypes.length; j++) {
                String value = (String) toMap(objectJSONString).get(key);
                if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(classTypes[j].getSimpleName())) {
                    Object object = fromJSONString(objectJSONString, classTypes[j]);

    return mixedObjects;

From source file:com.devamatre.core.JSONHelper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns the value for the given key from the given jsonArray.
 * //from www.ja v a2  s.com
 * @param jsonArray
 * @param key
 * @return
public static String valueForKeyAsString(JsonArray jsonArray, String key) {
    String value = null;
    if (jsonArray != null && !CoreHelper.isNullOrEmpty(key)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
            JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) jsonArray.get(i);
            if (jsonObject != null && getAsString(jsonObject, "name").equals(key)) {
                value = getAsString(jsonObject, "value");

    return value;