Example usage for com.google.gson JsonArray iterator

List of usage examples for com.google.gson JsonArray iterator


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gson JsonArray iterator.


public Iterator<JsonElement> iterator() 

Source Link


Returns an iterator to navigate the elements of the array.


From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleBulkAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to add array of devices to IBM Watson IoT Platform.
 * @throws Exception//from  w  w  w. java2s .com
private void addDevices() throws IoTFCReSTException {
    System.out.println("Adding couple of devices");
    JsonElement input = new JsonParser().parse(deviceToBeAdded);
    JsonArray arryOfDevicesToBeAdded = new JsonArray();
    try {
        JsonArray devices = this.apiClient.addMultipleDevices(arryOfDevicesToBeAdded);
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = devices.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement deviceElement = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject();
    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage());

        // Print if there is a partial response

From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleBulkAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to get array of devices registered in the organization, sorted by deviceId.
 * @throws Exception/*from   w  w w.  ja  va2  s . c  o  m*/
private void getAllDevices() throws IoTFCReSTException {
    System.out.println("Retrieve all devices in the Organization..");
    // Get all the devices in the organization
     * The Java ibmiotf client library provides an one argument constructor
     * which can be used to control the output, for example, lets try to retrieve
     * the devices in a sorted order based on device ID.

    ArrayList<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("_sort", "deviceId"));
    //parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("_limit","2"));
    JsonObject response = this.apiClient.getAllDevices(parameters);

    // The response will contain more parameters that will be used to issue
    // the next request. The result element will contain the current list of devices
    JsonArray devices = response.get("results").getAsJsonArray();
    for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = devices.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        JsonElement deviceElement = iterator.next();
        JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject();

From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleDeviceAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to retrieve all the devices in an organization using the Java Client Library.
 * @throws IoTFCReSTException/*from  ww w. ja  va 2s. co m*/
private void getAllDevices() throws IoTFCReSTException {
    System.out.println("Get all devices of device type--> " + DEVICE_TYPE);
    // Get all the devices of type SampleDT
    try {
         * The Java ibmiotf client library provides an one argument constructor
         * which can be used to control the output, for example, lets try to retrieve
         * the devices in a sorted order based on device ID.

        ArrayList<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("_sort", "deviceId"));

        JsonObject response = this.apiClient.retrieveDevices(DEVICE_TYPE, parameters);

        // The response will contain more parameters that will be used to issue
        // the next request. The result element will contain the current list of devices
        JsonArray devices = response.get("results").getAsJsonArray();
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = devices.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement deviceElement = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject();
    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage());
        // Print if there is a partial response

From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleDeviceDiagnosticsAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to get all the diagnostic Logs of a device.
 * @throws IoTFCReSTException/*from   w w w.j  av  a2  s.  c o  m*/
private void getAllDiagnosticLogs() {
    System.out.println("Get all diag Log of device --> " + DEVICE_ID + " of type " + DEVICE_TYPE);
    // Get all the diagnostics logs of device DEVICE_ID
    try {
        JsonArray response = this.apiClient.getAllDiagnosticLogs(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID);
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = response.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement deviceElement = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject();
    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage());
        // Print if there is a partial response

From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleDeviceDiagnosticsAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to get all the diagnostic error codes.
 * @throws IoTFCReSTException/*from  w w  w . j  a  v  a 2s.  c o  m*/
private void getAllDiagnosticErrorCodes() {
    System.out.println("Get all diag Errorcodes of device --> " + DEVICE_ID + " of type " + DEVICE_TYPE);
    // Get all the diagnostics ErrorCodes of device DEVICE_ID
    try {
        JsonArray response = this.apiClient.getAllDiagnosticErrorCodes(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID);
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = response.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement deviceElement = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject();
    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage());
        // Print if there is a partial response

From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleDeviceDiagnosticsAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to get connection logs which is not related to the Diagnostic Log.
 *//*from  w w  w.ja  v a 2s. co  m*/
private void getDeviceConnectionLogs() {
    System.out.println("Get device connection logs for device --> " + DEVICE_ID + " of type " + DEVICE_TYPE);
    // Get the connection logs of device DEVICE_ID
    try {
        JsonArray response = this.apiClient.getDeviceConnectionLogs(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID);
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = response.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement deviceElement = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject();
    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage());
        // Print if there is a partial response

From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleDeviceManagementAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to get a list of device management requests, which can be in progress or recently completed.
 * @throws IoTFCReSTException/*from   ww  w  .  j  a v  a2s .  c  o  m*/
private void getAllMgmtRequests() throws IoTFCReSTException {
    System.out.println("Retrieve all DM requests from the organization..");
    try {
        JsonElement response = this.apiClient.getAllDeviceManagementRequests();
        JsonArray requests = response.getAsJsonObject().get("results").getAsJsonArray();
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = requests.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement request = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = request.getAsJsonObject();
    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage());
        // Print if there is a partial response


From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleDeviceManagementAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to get list of device management request device statuses
 * @throws IoTFCReSTException/*from w ww . j  av a 2 s  .c om*/
private void getMgmtRequestDeviceStatus() throws IoTFCReSTException {
    // Lets get the DM request status from the list
    System.out.println("Get DM request device status..");
    try {
        JsonElement response = this.apiClient.getAllDeviceManagementRequests();
        JsonArray requests = response.getAsJsonObject().get("results").getAsJsonArray();
        JsonElement request = requests.get(0);
        String id = request.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString();

        ArrayList<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("_bookmark", "<bookmark>"));

        JsonObject details = this.apiClient.getDeviceManagementRequestStatus(id);

        // The response will contain more parameters that will be used to issue
        // the next request. The results element will contain the current list of devices
        JsonArray devices = details.get("results").getAsJsonArray();
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = devices.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement deviceElement = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject();

    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage());
        // Print if there is a partial response


From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleDeviceTypeAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample showcases how to retrieve all the device types present in the given Organization.
 * @throws IoTFCReSTException/*from   ww  w . ja v a  2s  .  com*/
private void getAllDeviceTypes() throws IoTFCReSTException {
    System.out.println("Get all device types present in the Organization");
    // Get all the devices in the organization
     * The Java ibmiotf client library provides an one argument constructor
     * which can be used to control the output, for example, lets try to retrieve
     * the devices in a sorted order based on device type ID.

    ArrayList<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("_sort", "id"));

    try {
        JsonObject response = this.apiClient.getAllDeviceTypes(parameters);

        // The response will contain more parameters that will be used to issue
        // the next request. The result element will contain the current list of devices
        JsonArray deviceTypes = response.get("results").getAsJsonArray();
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = deviceTypes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement deviceElement = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject();
    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage());
        // Print if there is a partial response

From source file:com.ibm.iotf.sample.client.application.api.SampleHistorianAPIOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * This sample method retrieves historical events across all devices registered 
 * in the organization with the supplied query parameters.
 *///from   w  w  w. j ava2 s.c o  m
private void getAllHistoricalEventsWithSampleQueryParameter() {
    System.out.println("Get all blink events from start date " + new Date(1445420849839L));
    // Get the historical events 
    try {
        ArrayList<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("evt_type", "blink"));
        parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("start", "1445420849839"));
        JsonElement response = this.apiClient.getHistoricalEvents(parameters);

        // The response will contain more parameters that will be used to issue
        // the next request. The events element will contain the current list of devices
        JsonArray events = response.getAsJsonObject().get("events").getAsJsonArray();
        for (Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = events.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            JsonElement event = iterator.next();
            JsonObject responseJson = event.getAsJsonObject();
    } catch (Exception e) {