List of usage examples for JsonArray add
public void add(JsonElement element)
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License:Open Source License
public static JsonArray getTeams(Set<Team> teams) { JsonArray teamsJ = new JsonArray(); if (null != teams) { for (Team team : teams) { JsonObject teamJ = new JsonObject(); teamJ.addProperty("name", team.getName()); teamJ.addProperty("description", Utils.jsonString(team.getDescription())); teamJ.addProperty("stopOnFirstMatch", team.isStopOnFirstMatch()); teamJ.addProperty("unmatchedEditable", team.isUnmatchedEditable()); teamsJ.add(teamJ); }/*from www .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ } return teamsJ; }
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License:Open Source License
public static JsonArray teamMembers(Team team) { JsonArray membersJ = new JsonArray(); Set<UserAccount> members = team.getMembers(); if (null == members) return membersJ; for (UserAccount member : members) { JsonObject memberJ = new JsonObject(); memberJ.addProperty("un", member.getUsername()); memberJ.addProperty("name", member.getName()); membersJ.add(memberJ); }/*from w ww.j av a 2 s. c o m*/ return membersJ; }
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License:Open Source License
public static JsonArray allMembers(Repository repository) { Set<Team> teams = repository.getTeams(); JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); if (null == teams) return json; for (Team team : teams) { for (UserAccount member : team.getMembers()) { JsonObject u = new JsonObject(); u.addProperty("un", member.getUsername()); u.addProperty("name", member.getName()); u.addProperty("team", team.getName()); json.add(u); }//from w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m } return json; }
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License:Open Source License
public static JsonArray ruleToJson(Team team) { List<AccessRule> accessRules = team.getAccessRules(); JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); if (null != accessRules) { for (AccessRule accessRule : accessRules) json.add(accessRuleToJson(accessRule)); }/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ return json; }
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License:Open Source License
public static JsonObject tokenToJson(Token token, boolean includeToken) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); if (includeToken) json.addProperty("token", token.getToken()); json.addProperty("id", token.getId()); json.addProperty("createdOn", token.getCreatedOn()); json.addProperty("expires", token.getExpires()); json.addProperty("expired", token.isExpired()); json.addProperty("name", Utils.jsonString(token.getName())); json.addProperty("active", token.isActive()); json.addProperty("forceKeyPushEnabled", token.isForceKeyPushEnabled()); json.addProperty("user", null == token.getUser() ? null : token.getUser().getUsername()); json.addProperty("rulesTeam", null == token.getTeamRules() ? null : token.getTeamRules().getName()); json.addProperty("managedBy", null == token.getManagedBy() ? "All" : token.getManagedBy().name()); json.addProperty("managingTeam", null == token.getManagingTeam() ? null : token.getManagingTeam().getName()); Set<SecurityProfile> securityProfiles = token.getSecurityProfiles(); if (null != securityProfiles && securityProfiles.size() > 0) { try {// w ww . jav a 2 s. co m JsonArray sps = new JsonArray(); for (SecurityProfile sp : securityProfiles) sps.add(sp.getName()); json.add("sps", sps); } catch (Exception e) { json.addProperty("error", "Token error: " + e.getMessage()); } } return json; }
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License:Open Source License
void checkPropertyCircularReference(final Context context, final Property property, final HashMap<RepoFile, Property> breadcrumbs) throws ConfigException { if (null == property.getAbsoluteFilePath()) { return;//from ww w .j av a 2 s . co m } Collection<RepoFile> files = context.resolvePartialContextFilePath(property.getAbsoluteFilePath()); if (null == files || files.size() == 0) { return; } for (RepoFile file : files) { if (!file.isActive()) { continue; } if (breadcrumbs.containsKey(file)) { Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonArray steps = new JsonArray(); for (RepoFile f : breadcrumbs.keySet()) { Property bp = breadcrumbs.get(f); JsonObject step = new JsonObject(); step.addProperty("filePath", f.getAbsPath()); step.add("fileContext", gson.fromJson(f.contextJson, JsonArray.class)); step.addProperty("key", bp.getKey()); step.add("valueContext", gson.fromJson(bp.contextJson, JsonArray.class)); step.addProperty("value", bp.getValue()); steps.add(step); } JsonObject crumbs = new JsonObject(); crumbs.add("crumbs", steps); throw new ConfigException(Error.Code.FILE_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE, crumbs); } else { for (PropertyKey key : file.getKeys()) { if (!PropertyKey.ValueDataType.FileEmbed.equals(key.getValueDataType())) { continue; } Collection<Property> properties = context.partialContextKeyResolver(key); for (Property p : properties) { breadcrumbs.put(file, p); checkPropertyCircularReference(context, p, breadcrumbs); breadcrumbs.remove(file); } } } } }
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License:Open Source License
public final void updateContextString() { this.contextWeight = 0; JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); for (Depth depth : this.repository.getDepth().getDepths()) { CtxLevel l;// ww w. j a va2 s . co m JsonObject ljson = new JsonObject(); ljson.addProperty("p", depth.getPlacement()); if (null != (l = getLevelAt(depth, this.context))) { ljson.addProperty("n", l.getName()); ljson.addProperty("t", l.isStandalone() ? 0 : l.isMember() ? 1 : 2); ljson.addProperty("w", l.getContextScore()); this.contextWeight += l.getContextScore(); } json.add(ljson); } this.contextJson = json.toString(); }
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License:Open Source License
public JsonObject contextToJson() { JsonObject contextJ = new JsonObject(); if (null != this.getContext()) { TreeMap<Depth, Collection<CtxLevel>> contextMap = this.getDepthMap(false); if (null != contextMap) { for (Depth depth : contextMap.keySet()) { JsonArray depthLevelsJ = new JsonArray(); for (CtxLevel ctxLevel : contextMap.get(depth)) { depthLevelsJ.add(ctxLevel.getName()); }//from www .j a v a 2s. c om contextJ.add(String.valueOf(depth.getPlacement()), depthLevelsJ); } } } return contextJ; }
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License:Open Source License
public JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); json.addProperty("name",; json.addProperty("expires", this.expires); json.addProperty("forceKeyPushEnabled", this.forceKeyPushEnabled); if (null != this.securityProfiles) { JsonArray sps = new JsonArray(); for (SecurityProfile sp : this.securityProfiles) { sps.add(sp.getName()); }// w w w . j av a2 s .c o m json.add("sps", sps); } return json; }
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License:Open Source License
@PreUpdate public void preUpdate(APersisted obj) { OriginalLevel o = (OriginalLevel) getIfRecorded(obj); if (null == o || !(obj instanceof CtxLevel)) return;/*from ww w . j a va2 s .com*/ CtxLevel ctxLevel = (CtxLevel) obj; JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); if (!Utils.equal(ctxLevel.getName(), json.addProperty("name",; if (ctxLevel.getDepth() != o.depth) json.addProperty("o.depth", o.depth.getPlacement()); if (ctxLevel.getType() != o.levelType) { json.addProperty("type",; } boolean hadAssignments = null != o.assigned && o.assigned.size() > 0; boolean hasAssignments = null != ctxLevel.getMembers() && ctxLevel.getMembers().size() > 0; // did not have assignments, and still does not // ---> do nothing if (!hadAssignments && !hasAssignments) ; // had assignments, but now it does not // ---> add old assignments to JSON else if (hadAssignments && !hasAssignments) { JsonArray assignments = new JsonArray(); o.assigned.forEach(c -> assignments.add(c)); json.add("assignments", assignments); } // did not have assignments, but now it does // ---> add empty list for assignments else if (!hadAssignments && hasAssignments) { json.add("assignments", new JsonArray()); } else { Set<String> current = new HashSet<>(); ctxLevel.getMembers().forEach(k -> current.add(k.getName())); current.removeAll(o.assigned); // different assignments // ---> add old assignments to JSON if (current.size() > 0) { JsonArray assignments = new JsonArray(); o.assigned.forEach(c -> assignments.add(c)); json.add("assignments", assignments); } else { Set<String> clone = new HashSet<>(); o.assigned.forEach(ln -> clone.add(new String(ln))); current.clear(); ctxLevel.getMembers().forEach(k -> current.add(k.getName())); clone.removeAll(current); if (clone.size() > 0) { JsonArray assignments = new JsonArray(); o.assigned.forEach(c -> assignments.add(c)); json.add("assignments", assignments); } // assignments the same // ---> do nothing } } ctxLevel.diffJson = json.toString(); }