List of usage examples for GsonBuilder create
public Gson create()
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License:Apache License
public static Gson gson(ExclusionStrategy... strategies) { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new GmtDateTypeAdapter()); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Score.class, new ScoreTypeAdapter()); if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(strategies)) { builder.setExclusionStrategies(strategies); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om*/ return builder.create(); }
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License:Apache License
public static Gson gson(ExclusionStrategy... strategies) { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new GmtDateTypeAdapter()); builder.registerTypeAdapter(AccessPermission.class, new AccessPermissionTypeAdapter()); if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(strategies)) { builder.setExclusionStrategies(strategies); }/* ww w . j ava 2s. co m*/ return builder.create(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** Constructs a Gson object. **/ public static Gson getGson(final String externalEntityPath) { GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(recordClass, new IRequestLogRecordSerializer(externalEntityPath)); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(recordClass, new IRequestLogRecordDeserializer(externalEntityPath)); return gsonBuilder.create(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Convert one {@link JsonApi} object into json api string with resource * objects inside the object//www . j av a 2 s.c om * * @param json * the json api object * @param classes * the classes utilized inside the object * @return the string with json api format * @throws EasyJsonApiException */ public String convertJsonApiToString(JsonApi json, Class<?>... classes) throws EasyJsonApiException { if (Assert.isNull(json)) { return null; } GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.setPrettyPrinting(); if (Assert.isNull(this.easyJsonApiConfig)) { setConfigDefault(); } this.serializerJsonApi.setConfig(this.easyJsonApiConfig); this.serializerJsonApi.setClassesUsed(classes); builder.registerTypeAdapter(JsonApi.class, this.serializerJsonApi); String jsonApi = null; try { jsonApi = builder.create().toJson(json); } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { throw new EasyJsonApiMalformedJsonException("Problem with json sended!", ex); } return jsonApi; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Convert one string into {@link JsonApi} object with classes resource * objects inside the object/*from w ww . j av a 2s. c o m*/ * * @param json * the json api string * @param classes * the classes utilized inside the object * @return the {@link JsonApi} object * @throws EasyJsonApiException */ public JsonApi convertStringToJsonApi(String json, Class<?>... classes) throws EasyJsonApiException { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.setPrettyPrinting(); if (Assert.isNull(this.easyJsonApiConfig)) { setConfigDefault(); } this.deserializerJsonApi.setConfig(this.easyJsonApiConfig); this.deserializerJsonApi.setClassesUsed(classes); builder.registerTypeAdapter(JsonApi.class, this.deserializerJsonApi); JsonApi jsonApi = null; try { jsonApi = builder.create().fromJson(json, JsonApi.class); } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { throw new EasyJsonApiMalformedJsonException("Problem with json sended!", ex); } if (Assert.notNull(jsonApi)) { List<Data> cloneData = jsonApi.getData(); List<Error> cloneError = jsonApi.getErrors(); // Return null when doesn't exist errors and data if (cloneError.isEmpty() && cloneData.isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (!cloneData.isEmpty()) { // Get the first object inside the data and check if has any // attribute instanced Data firstData = cloneData.get(BigDecimal.ZERO.intValue()); // if (Assert.isNull(firstData.getId(), firstData.getType(), firstData.getAttr(), firstData.getRels(), firstData.getLinks())) { // return null; // } if (Assert.isNull(firstData.getId(), firstData.getType(), firstData.getAttr())) { return null; } } else if (!cloneError.isEmpty()) { // Get the first object inside the errors and check if has any // error instanced Error firstError = cloneError.get(BigDecimal.ZERO.intValue()); if (Assert.isNull(firstError.getId(), firstError.getTitle(), firstError.getDetail(), firstError.getCode(), firstError.getMeta(), firstError.getSource(), firstError.getStatus())) { return null; } } } return jsonApi; }
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/** * Gets a {@code GsonDebuggable} which is created and cached by VM. Json deserialisation is done by * * @param builder your own {@link} instance. * @return a {@code GsonDebuggable} instance. *//*from ww w .j av a2 s .com*/ // TODO: test instance caching public static GsonDebuggable getInstanceWith(GsonBuilder builder) { if (null == GsonDebuggable.instanceFactory) { // No equals method on GsonBuilder :( if (null != builder && InstanceHolder.INSTANCE.gsonBuilder != builder) { InstanceHolder.INSTANCE.gson = builder.create(); } return InstanceHolder.INSTANCE; } else { try { return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
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License:Open Source License
private RetrofittedImgur create() { client = new OkHttpClient(); client.interceptors().add(new ImgurInterceptor()); HttpLoggingInterceptor logging = new HttpLoggingInterceptor(); logging.setLevel(Level.BODY); client.interceptors().add(logging);//w w w. j a v a 2 s .co m final GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateAdapter()); // create the various domain-specific // services, giving them a chance to register any Gson // type adapters they're going to need. this.acctSvc = new AccountService(this, gsonBuilder); this.albSvc = new AlbumService(this, gsonBuilder); this.imgSvc = new ImageService(this, gsonBuilder); this.galSvc = new GalleryService(this, gsonBuilder); this.comSvc = new CommentService(this, gsonBuilder); this.cusGalSvc = new CustomGalleryService(this, gsonBuilder); this.topSvc = new TopicService(this, gsonBuilder); this.cnvSvc = new ConversationService(this, gsonBuilder); this.noteSvc = new NotificationService(this, gsonBuilder); this.memeSvc = new MemeService(this, gsonBuilder); this.authSvc = new AuthService(this, clientId, clientSecret); // build the gson object final Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); // start up the API client GsonConverterFactory gcf = GsonConverterFactory.create(gson); Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(apiEndpoint).addConverterFactory(gcf).client(client) .build(); return retrofit.create(RetrofittedImgur.class); }
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License:Creative Commons License
/** * Cria instncia de serializar preparada * para realizar converses entre objetos e * sequncias de caracters.//from ww w .jav a 2 s . c o m * * <p>H dois grupos de mtodos principais nessa classe. * Aqueles do tipo {@link #toJson(Pontuacao)}, por exemplo, * cujo argumento o objeto a ser convertido em JSON e, * no sentido inverso, {@link #pontuacao(String)}, que recebe * a sequncia JSON e produz um objeto do tipo {@link Pontuacao}. */ public Serializador() { GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder(); gb.registerTypeAdapter(Valor.class, new ValorSerializer()); gb.registerTypeAdapter(Valor.class, new ValorDeserializer()); gb.registerTypeAdapterFactory(new CustomRegraTypeAdapterFactory()); gson = gb.create(); valorType = new TypeToken<Valor>() { }.getType(); pontuacaoType = new TypeToken<Pontuacao>() { }.getType(); regraExpressaoType = new TypeToken<RegraExpressao>() { }.getType(); regraPontosPorRelato = new TypeToken<RegraPontosPorRelato>() { }.getType(); configuracaoType = new TypeToken<Configuracao>() { }.getType(); relatoType = new TypeToken<Relato>() { }.getType(); relatorioType = new TypeToken<Relatorio>() { }.getType(); }
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License:Apache License
private static Gson initialize() { final GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(ProblemClass.class, adapt(ProblemClassIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(TimeWindowPolicy.class, adapt(TimeWindowHierarchyIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(Scenario.class, adapt(ScenarioObjIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(ParcelDTO.class, adapt(ParcelIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(VehicleDTO.class, adapt(VehicleIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(Point.class, new PointIO()) .registerTypeAdapter(TimeWindow.class, new TimeWindowIO()) .registerTypeAdapter(Unit.class, adapt(UnitIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(Supplier.class, adapt(SupplierIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(Graph.class, adapt(GraphIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(Measure.class, adapt(MeasureIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(Enum.class, adapt(EnumIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(StopCondition.class, adapt(StopConditionIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(Class.class, adapt(ClassIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(ImmutableList.class, adapt(ImmutableListIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(ImmutableSet.class, adapt(ImmutableSetIO.INSTANCE)) .registerTypeAdapter(ModelBuilder.class, adapt(ModelBuilderIO.INSTANCE)); return builder.create(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); if (deserializers != null) { for (Class<?> typeClass : deserializers.keySet()) { gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(typeClass, deserializers.get(typeClass).newInstance()); }//from w w w .java 2s .c o m } gson = gsonBuilder.create(); }