List of usage examples for Multimap size
int size();
From source
@Override protected List<Statement> generateCreateInstanceStatements(final ClassStructureBuilder<?> bodyBlockBuilder, final Injectable injectable, final DependencyGraph graph, InjectionContext injectionContext) { final Multimap<DependencyType, Dependency> dependenciesByType = separateByType( injectable.getDependencies()); assert dependenciesByType.size() == 1 : "The factory " + injectable.getFactoryName() + " is a Provider and should have exactly one dependency"; final Collection<Dependency> providerInstanceDeps = dependenciesByType.get(DependencyType.ProducerMember); assert providerInstanceDeps.size() == 1 : "The factory " + injectable.getFactoryName() + " is a Provider but does not have a " + DependencyType.ProducerMember.toString() + " depenency."; final Dependency providerDep = providerInstanceDeps.iterator().next(); final List<Statement> createInstanceStatements = getAndInvokeProvider(injectable, providerDep); return createInstanceStatements; }
From source
public static Matches between(VariantGraph.Vertex[][] vertices, SuffixTree<Token> suffixTree, Function<SortedSet<VertexMatch.WithTokenIndex>, Integer> matchEvaluator) { final Multimap<Integer, MatchThreadElement> matchThreads = HashMultimap.create(); for (int rank = 0; rank < vertices.length; rank++) { for (VariantGraph.Vertex vertex : vertices[rank]) { final MatchThreadElement matchThreadElement = new MatchThreadElement(suffixTree).advance(vertex, rank);//w ww . j a v a 2 s. co m if (matchThreadElement != null) { matchThreads.put(rank, matchThreadElement); } } for (MatchThreadElement matchThreadElement : matchThreads.get(rank - 1)) { for (VariantGraph.Vertex vertex : vertices[rank]) { final MatchThreadElement advanced = matchThreadElement.advance(vertex, rank); if (advanced != null) { matchThreads.put(rank, advanced); } } } } final Matches matches = new Matches(matchThreads.size()); for (MatchThreadElement matchThreadElement : matchThreads.values()) { final List<SortedSet<VertexMatch.WithTokenIndex>> threadPhrases = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean firstElement = true; for (MatchThreadElement threadElement : matchThreadElement.thread()) { final SuffixTree<Token>.EquivalenceClass equivalenceClass = threadElement.cursor.matchedClass(); for (int mc = 0; mc < equivalenceClass.length; mc++) { final int tokenCandidate = equivalenceClass.members[mc]; if (firstElement) { final SortedSet<VertexMatch.WithTokenIndex> phrase = new TreeSet<VertexMatch.WithTokenIndex>(); phrase.add(new VertexMatch.WithTokenIndex(threadElement.vertex, threadElement.vertexRank, tokenCandidate)); threadPhrases.add(phrase); } else { for (SortedSet<VertexMatch.WithTokenIndex> phrase : threadPhrases) { if ((phrase.last().token + 1) == tokenCandidate) { phrase.add(new VertexMatch.WithTokenIndex(threadElement.vertex, threadElement.vertexRank, tokenCandidate)); } } } } firstElement = false; } matches.addAll(threadPhrases); } Collections.sort(matches, maximalUniqueMatchOrdering(matchEvaluator)); return matches; }
From source
@Override public EvaluationResult evaluate(MyrrixRecommender recommender, RescorerProvider provider, // ignored Multimap<Long, RecommendedItem> testData) throws TasteException { FastByIDMap<FastIDSet> converted = new FastByIDMap<FastIDSet>(testData.size()); for (long userID : testData.keySet()) { Collection<RecommendedItem> userTestData = testData.get(userID); FastIDSet itemIDs = new FastIDSet(userTestData.size()); converted.put(userID, itemIDs);/*www .j av a2s . c om*/ for (RecommendedItem datum : userTestData) { itemIDs.add(datum.getItemID()); } } return evaluate(recommender, converted); }
From source
public static void export(DbConnection conn, Mailbox mbox, String tableName, String idColName, Multimap<Integer, Integer> idRevs, String path) throws ServiceException { Set<Integer> mail_itemIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); Multimap<Integer, Integer> rev_itemIds = HashMultimap.create(); for (Integer itemId : idRevs.keySet()) { Collection<Integer> revs = idRevs.get(itemId); for (int rev : revs) { if (rev == 0) { mail_itemIds.add(itemId); } else { rev_itemIds.put(itemId, rev); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c om*/ } } PreparedStatement stmt = null; if (!(Db.getInstance() instanceof MySQL)) { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("export is only supported for MySQL", null); }"Exporting %d items in table %s to %s.", idRevs.size(), tableName, path); try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); boolean revisionTable = tableName.startsWith(DbMailItem.TABLE_REVISION); sql.append("SELECT * FROM ").append(DbMailbox.qualifyTableName(mbox, tableName)).append(" WHERE ") .append(DbMailItem.IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND); if (!revisionTable || mail_itemIds.size() > 0) { if (mail_itemIds.size() == 0) { sql.append(idColName).append(" in ('')"); } else { sql.append(DbUtil.whereIn(idColName, mail_itemIds.size())); } } if (revisionTable) { if (mail_itemIds.size() > 0 && rev_itemIds.size() > 0) { sql.append(" OR "); } if (rev_itemIds.size() > 0) { sql.append(DbUtil.whereIn(Db.getInstance().concat(idColName, "'-'", "version"), rev_itemIds.size())); } } sql.append(" INTO OUTFILE ?"); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); int pos = 1; pos = DbMailItem.setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, pos); for (int itemId : mail_itemIds) { stmt.setInt(pos++, itemId); } if (revisionTable) { for (Integer itemId : rev_itemIds.keySet()) { Collection<Integer> revs = rev_itemIds.get(itemId); for (int rev : revs) { stmt.setString(pos++, itemId + "-" + rev); } } } stmt.setString(pos++, path); stmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("exporting table " + tableName + " to " + path, e); } finally { DbPool.quietCloseStatement(stmt); } }
From source
public ObjectLiteral(@Nullable Multimap<String, Expression> values) { if (values == null) { this.values = ImmutableMultimap.of(); } else {/* w ww . j av a2 s . c o m*/ this.values = values; if (values.size() != values.keySet().size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("object contains duplicate keys: " + values); } } }
From source
public void execute(Environment environment, Map params, TemplateModel[] loopVars, TemplateDirectiveBody body) throws TemplateException, IOException { if (!params.keySet().equals(EXPECTED_KEYS)) { throw new TemplateException("ReplaceParametersDirective requires keys: " + EXPECTED_KEYS, environment); }/* w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ // I have no idea why freemarker feels the need to invent their own collection classes... SimpleHash parameterMap = (SimpleHash) params.get(PARAMETER_MAP_KEY); Multimap<String, TemplateModel> replacements = TemplateModelUtil .getAsMultimap((TemplateModel) params.get(REPLACEMENTS_KEY)); Multimap<String, String> outputParams = replaceParameters(parameterMap, replacements); List<NameValuePair> paramList = new ArrayList<>(outputParams.size()); for (String key : outputParams.keySet()) { for (String value : outputParams.get(key)) { paramList.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, value)); } } environment.getOut().write(URLEncodedUtils.format(paramList, "UTF-8")); }
From source
public EObject parseExpression(String expression, String ruleName, String specification) { StextResource resource = getResource(); resource.setURI(URI.createURI("path", true)); ParserRule parserRule = XtextFactory.eINSTANCE.createParserRule(); parserRule.setName(ruleName);/*from www .j a v a2s . c om*/ IParseResult result = parser.parse(parserRule, new StringReader(expression)); EObject rootASTElement = result.getRootASTElement(); resource.getContents().add(rootASTElement); ListBasedDiagnosticConsumer diagnosticsConsumer = new ListBasedDiagnosticConsumer(); Statechart sc = SGraphFactory.eINSTANCE.createStatechart(); sc.setDomainID(domainId); sc.setName("sc"); if (specification != null) { sc.setSpecification(specification); } resource.getContents().add(sc); linker.linkModel(sc, diagnosticsConsumer); linker.linkModel(rootASTElement, diagnosticsConsumer); resource.resolveLazyCrossReferences(CancelIndicator.NullImpl); resource.resolveLazyCrossReferences(CancelIndicator.NullImpl); Multimap<SpecificationElement, Diagnostic> diagnostics = resource.getLinkingDiagnostics(); if (diagnostics.size() > 0) { throw new LinkingException(diagnostics.toString()); } if (result.hasSyntaxErrors()) { StringBuilder errorMessages = new StringBuilder(); Iterable<INode> syntaxErrors = result.getSyntaxErrors(); for (INode iNode : syntaxErrors) { errorMessages.append(iNode.getSyntaxErrorMessage()); errorMessages.append("\n"); } throw new SyntaxException("Could not parse expression, syntax errors: " + errorMessages); } if (diagnosticsConsumer.hasConsumedDiagnostics(Severity.ERROR)) { throw new LinkingException("Error during linking: " + diagnosticsConsumer.getResult(Severity.ERROR)); } return rootASTElement; }
From source
/** * <code>/*from w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ * Function : getByWeightedRoundRobin * returns ResourceUnit selected by WRR algorithm based on available resource on RU * ^ * | * | * | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | Broker 2 | Broker 3 | Broker 1 | B4 | * | | | | | * +----------------+------------------------+--------------------------------+---------> * 0 20 50 90 100 * * This is weighted Round robin, we calculate weight based on availability of resources; * total availability is taken as a full range then each broker is given range based on * its resource availability, if the number generated within total range happens to be in * broker's range, that broker is selected * </code> */ public ResourceUnit findBrokerForPlacement(Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> finalCandidates) { if (finalCandidates.isEmpty()) { return null; } log.debug("Total Final Candidates selected - [{}]", finalCandidates.size()); int totalAvailability = 0; for (Map.Entry<Long, ResourceUnit> candidateOwner : finalCandidates.entries()) { totalAvailability += candidateOwner.getKey().intValue(); } ResourceUnit selectedRU = null; if (totalAvailability <= 0) { // todo: this means all the brokers are overloaded and we can't assign this namespace to any broker // for now, pick anyone and return that one, because when we don't have ranking we put O for each broker return Iterables.get(finalCandidates.get(0L), rand.nextInt(finalCandidates.size())); } int weightedSelector = rand.nextInt(totalAvailability); log.debug("Generated Weighted Selector Number - [{}] ", weightedSelector); int weightRangeSoFar = 0; for (Map.Entry<Long, ResourceUnit> candidateOwner : finalCandidates.entries()) { weightRangeSoFar += candidateOwner.getKey(); if (weightedSelector < weightRangeSoFar) { selectedRU = candidateOwner.getValue(); log.debug(" Weighted Round Robin Selected RU - [{}]", candidateOwner.getValue().getResourceId()); break; } } return selectedRU; }
From source
protected IpPermissions(IpProtocol ipProtocol, int fromPort, int toPort, Multimap<String, String> tenantIdGroupPairs, Iterable<String> groupIds, Iterable<String> cidrBlocks) { super(ipProtocol, fromPort, toPort, tenantIdGroupPairs, groupIds, tenantIdGroupPairs.size() == 0 ? cidrBlocks : ImmutableSet.<String>of()); }
From source
@Override public List<InstanceGroup> groups(String... names) { Multimap<String, Instance> instances = getInstancesGroupedByTags(tags); if (instances.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableList.of(); }//from w w w. ja va 2 s . com List<InstanceGroup> result = new ArrayList<>(instances.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Instance>> group : instances.asMap().entrySet()) { if (names != null && indexOf(names, group.getKey()) < 0) continue; InstanceGroup instanceGroup = new BasicInstanceGroup(group.getKey(), Type.TAGGED_EC2, awsClient.region()); result.add(instanceGroup); for (Instance instance : group.getValue()) { instanceGroup.addInstance(instance.getInstanceId()); } } return result; }