List of usage examples for Multimap remove
boolean remove(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable Object value);
From source
public void deleteIndices(final Request request, final Listener userListener) { final Collection<String> indices = Arrays.asList(request.indices); clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("delete-index " + indices, new ClusterStateUpdateTask(Priority.URGENT) { @Override/*from www.j av a2s .c o m*/ public TimeValue timeout() { return request.masterTimeout; } @Override public boolean doPresistMetaData() { return true; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { userListener.onFailure(t); } @Override public ClusterState execute(final ClusterState currentState) throws Exception { MetaData.Builder metaDataBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()); ClusterBlocks.Builder clusterBlocksBuilder = ClusterBlocks.builder() .blocks(currentState.blocks()); Multimap<IndexMetaData, String> unindexedTables = HashMultimap.create(); for (final String index : indices) { if (!currentState.metaData().hasConcreteIndex(index)) { throw new IndexNotFoundException(index); } logger.debug("[{}] deleting index", index); clusterBlocksBuilder.removeIndexBlocks(index); metaDataBuilder.remove(index); final IndexMetaData indexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(index); // record keyspace.table having useless 2i for (ObjectCursor<MappingMetaData> type : indexMetaData.getMappings().values()) if (!MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING.equals(type.value.type())) unindexedTables.put(indexMetaData, InternalCassandraClusterService.typeToCfName(type.value.type())); } MetaData newMetaData =; // remove keyspace.table still having ES indices from the unindexedTables for (ObjectCursor<IndexMetaData> index : newMetaData.indices().values()) { for (ObjectCursor<MappingMetaData> type : index.value.getMappings().values()) unindexedTables.remove(index.value.keyspace(), type.value); } logger.debug("unindexed tables={}", unindexedTables); boolean clusterDropOnDelete = currentState.metaData().settings().getAsBoolean( InternalCassandraClusterService.SETTING_CLUSTER_DROP_ON_DELETE_INDEX, Boolean.getBoolean("es.drop_on_delete_index")); for (IndexMetaData imd : unindexedTables.keySet()) { if (Schema.instance.getKeyspaceInstance(imd.keyspace()) != null) { // keyspace still exists. if (imd.getSettings().getAsBoolean(IndexMetaData.SETTING_DROP_ON_DELETE_INDEX, clusterDropOnDelete)) { int tableCount = 0; for (CFMetaData tableOrView : Schema.instance .getKeyspaceInstance(imd.keyspace()).getMetadata().tablesAndViews()) { if (tableOrView.isCQLTable()) tableCount++; } if (tableCount == unindexedTables.get(imd).size()) { // drop keyspace instead of droping all tables. MetaDataDeleteIndexService.this.clusterService .dropIndexKeyspace(imd.keyspace()); } else { // drop tables for (String table : unindexedTables.get(imd)) MetaDataDeleteIndexService.this.clusterService.dropTable(imd.keyspace(), table); } } else { // drop secondary indices for (String table : unindexedTables.get(imd)) MetaDataDeleteIndexService.this.clusterService .dropSecondaryIndex(imd.keyspace(), table); } } } ClusterBlocks blocks =; return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(newMetaData).blocks(blocks).build(); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { userListener.onResponse(new Response(true)); } }); }
From source
private void switchOutboundRelationships(final Concept conceptToKeep, final Collection<Concept> conceptsToRemove, final Concept conceptToRemove, Multimap<String, Relationship> inboundRelationshipMap, Multimap<Concept, Concept> equivalentConcepts) { for (final Relationship relationshipToRemove : newArrayList(conceptToRemove.getOutboundRelationships())) { boolean found = false; for (final Relationship replacementOutboundRelationship : conceptToKeep.getOutboundRelationships()) { if (isEquivalentOutboundRelationship(equivalentConcepts, relationshipToRemove, replacementOutboundRelationship)) { found = true;/*w w w . j a v a2s. c o m*/ break; } } if (!found) { if (!conceptsToRemove.contains(relationshipToRemove.getSource())) { final String namespace = SnomedIdentifiers.create(relationshipToRemove.getId()).getNamespace(); final Relationship newRelationship = editingContext.buildDefaultRelationship(conceptToKeep, relationshipToRemove.getType(), relationshipToRemove.getDestination(), relationshipToRemove.getCharacteristicType(), relationshipToRemove.getModule(), namespace); inboundRelationshipMap.put(newRelationship.getDestination().getId(), newRelationship); switchRelationship(newRelationship, relationshipToRemove); } } if (inboundRelationshipMap.containsValue(relationshipToRemove)) { inboundRelationshipMap.remove(relationshipToRemove.getDestination().getId(), relationshipToRemove); } SnomedModelExtensions.removeOrDeactivate(relationshipToRemove); } }
From source
private void switchInboundRelationships(final Concept conceptToKeep, final Collection<Concept> conceptsToRemove, final Concept conceptToRemove, Multimap<String, Relationship> inboundRelationshipMap, Multimap<Concept, Concept> equivalentConcepts) { for (final Relationship relationshipToRemove : newArrayList( inboundRelationshipMap.get(conceptToRemove.getId()))) { boolean found = false; for (final Relationship replacementInboundRelationship : Sets .newHashSet(inboundRelationshipMap.get(conceptToKeep.getId()))) { if (isEquivalentInboundRelationship(equivalentConcepts, relationshipToRemove, replacementInboundRelationship)) { found = true;/*ww w . j a va 2s .c o m*/ break; } } if (!found) { if (!conceptsToRemove.contains(relationshipToRemove.getSource())) { final String namespace = SnomedIdentifiers.create(relationshipToRemove.getId()).getNamespace(); final Relationship newRelationship = editingContext.buildDefaultRelationship( relationshipToRemove.getSource(), relationshipToRemove.getType(), conceptToKeep, relationshipToRemove.getCharacteristicType(), relationshipToRemove.getModule(), namespace); inboundRelationshipMap.put(newRelationship.getDestination().getId(), newRelationship); switchRelationship(newRelationship, relationshipToRemove); } } if (inboundRelationshipMap.containsValue(relationshipToRemove)) { inboundRelationshipMap.remove(relationshipToRemove.getDestination().getId(), relationshipToRemove); } SnomedModelExtensions.removeOrDeactivate(relationshipToRemove); } }
From source
/** * Construct a mapping from an option name to its {@link PipelineOptions} interface(s) * declarations. An option may be declared in multiple interfaces. If it is overridden in a * type hierarchy, only the overriding interface will be included. *///from ww w . java 2s . c o m private Multimap<String, PipelineOptionSpec> buildOptionNameToSpecMap(Set<PipelineOptionSpec> props) { Multimap<String, PipelineOptionSpec> optionsMap = HashMultimap.create(); for (PipelineOptionSpec prop : props) { optionsMap.put(prop.getName(), prop); } // Filter out overridden options for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<PipelineOptionSpec>> entry : optionsMap.asMap().entrySet()) { /* Compare all interfaces for an option pairwise (iface1, iface2) to look for type hierarchies. If one is the base-class of the other, remove it from the output and continue iterating. This is an N^2 operation per-option, but the number of interfaces defining an option should always be small (usually 1). */ List<PipelineOptionSpec> specs = Lists.newArrayList(entry.getValue()); if (specs.size() < 2) { // Only one known implementing interface, no need to check for inheritance continue; } for (int i = 0; i < specs.size() - 1; i++) { Class<?> iface1 = specs.get(i).getDefiningInterface(); for (int j = i + 1; j < specs.size(); j++) { Class<?> iface2 = specs.get(j).getDefiningInterface(); if (iface1.isAssignableFrom(iface2)) { optionsMap.remove(entry.getKey(), specs.get(i)); specs.remove(i); // Removed element at current "i" index. Set iterators to re-evaluate // new "i" element in outer loop. i--; j = specs.size(); } else if (iface2.isAssignableFrom(iface1)) { optionsMap.remove(entry.getKey(), specs.get(j)); specs.remove(j); // Removed element at current "j" index. Set iterator to re-evaluate // new "j" element in inner-loop. j--; } } } } return optionsMap; }
From source
private void balanceExtraMultiple(Map<TServerInstance, TserverGroupInfo> tservers, int maxExtraGroups, Moves moves, Multimap<String, TserverGroupInfo> extraMultiple, boolean alwaysAdd) { ArrayList<Pair<String, TserverGroupInfo>> serversToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (TserverGroupInfo destTgi : tservers.values()) { Map<String, Integer> extras = destTgi.getExtras(); if (alwaysAdd || extras.size() < maxExtraGroups) { serversToRemove.clear();/* www. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ for (String group : extraMultiple.keySet()) { if (!extras.containsKey(group)) { Collection<TserverGroupInfo> sources = extraMultiple.get(group); Iterator<TserverGroupInfo> iter = sources.iterator(); TserverGroupInfo srcTgi =; int num = srcTgi.getExtras().get(group); moves.move(group, 1, srcTgi, destTgi); if (num == 2) { serversToRemove.add(new Pair<String, TserverGroupInfo>(group, srcTgi)); } if (destTgi.getExtras().size() >= maxExtraGroups || moves.size() >= getMaxMigrations()) { break; } } } for (Pair<String, TserverGroupInfo> pair : serversToRemove) { extraMultiple.remove(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()); } if (extraMultiple.size() == 0 || moves.size() >= getMaxMigrations()) { break; } } } }
From source
private Map<CacheEntryStatus, Collection<String>> buildCache(String router, String agencyId, boolean tripsIds, boolean csv) throws Exception { List<String> updated = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> written = new ArrayList<String>(); Multimap<CacheEntryStatus, String> result = ArrayListMultimap.create(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.configure(Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); String d0 = System.getenv("OTP_HOME") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + router + System.getProperty("file.separator") + Constants.CACHE_DIR + System.getProperty("file.separator") + destinationDirectory;//from w w w .j a v a 2s. c o m String d = d0 + System.getProperty("file.separator") + agencyId; String d2 = System.getenv("OTP_HOME") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + router + System.getProperty("file.separator") + Constants.CACHE_DIR + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "csv" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + agencyId; File dir = new File(d); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } if (csv) { File dir2 = new File(d2); if (!dir2.exists()) { dir2.mkdir(); } } Map<String, WeekdayFilter> weekdayFilter = handler.readAgencyWeekDay(router, agencyId); Map<String, WeekdayException> weekdayException = handler.readAgencyWeekDayExceptions(router, agencyId); Multimap<String, String> daysMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); for (String eq : weekdayFilter.keySet()) { WeekdayFilter filter = weekdayFilter.get(eq); String from = filter.getFromDate(); String to = filter.getToDate(); Calendar fromDate = new GregorianCalendar(); Calendar toDate = new GregorianCalendar(); fromDate.setTime(df.parse(from)); toDate.setTime(df.parse(to)); Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); date.setTime(fromDate.getTime()); String prevDay = null; while (df.format(date.getTime()).compareTo(to) <= 0) { String day = df.format(date.getTime()); boolean sameDay = day.equals(prevDay); if (!sameDay) { int dotw = convertDayOfTheWeek(date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)); if (filter.getDays()[dotw]) { daysMap.put(day, eq); } } prevDay = day; date.setTime(new Date(date.getTime().getTime() + (RecurrentUtil.DAY))); } } for (String key : weekdayException.keySet()) { WeekdayException ex = weekdayException.get(key); for (String toAdd : ex.getAdded()) { daysMap.put(toAdd, key); } for (String toRemove : ex.getRemoved()) { daysMap.remove(toRemove, key); } } List<Route> allRoutes = handler.getRoutes(router); for (Route route : allRoutes) { String id = null; if (route.getId().getAgency().equals(agencyId)) { id = route.getId().getId(); } else { continue; } CalendarBuildResult buildResult = buildCalendarFile(router, agencyId, id, daysMap, written, result, d); for (String key : buildResult.getCalendar().keySet()) { if (buildResult.getEmpty().contains(key)) { continue; } List<String> days = (List<String>) buildResult.getCalendar().get(key); Collections.sort(days); String randomDay = (String) days.get(0); Calendar randomDate = new GregorianCalendar(); randomDate.setTime(df.parse(randomDay)); long from = randomDate.getTimeInMillis(); long to = from + RecurrentUtil.DAY - 1000 * 60; String res2 = manager.getTransitSchedule(router, agencyId, id, from, to, TransitScheduleResults.TIMES, tripsIds); TransitTimeTable ttt = mapper.readValue(res2, TransitTimeTable.class); CompressedTransitTimeTable cttt = new CompressedTransitTimeTable(ttt); List<String> routesIds = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String tid : cttt.getTripIds()) { routesIds.add(route.getId().getId()); } cttt.setRoutesIds(routesIds); String res3 = mapper.writeValueAsString(cttt); String fn = d + "/" + id + "_" + key + ".js"; boolean toWrite = ttt.getTimes().get(0).size() != 0; boolean toIndex = !compare(fn, toWrite ? res3 : ""); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fn); if (toWrite) { fw.write(res3); if (csv) { String fn2 = d2 + "/" + id + "_" + key + ".csv"; FileWriter fw2 = new FileWriter(fn2); fw2.write(ttt.toCSV()); fw2.close(); } result.put(CacheEntryStatus.WRITTEN, id + "_" + key); if (toIndex) { result.put(CacheEntryStatus.ADDED, id + "_" + key); } } written.add(id + "_" + key + ".js"); fw.close(); } } File[] old = new File(d).listFiles(); for (File f : old) { if (!written.contains(f.getName())) { result.put(CacheEntryStatus.REMOVED, f.getName().replace(".js", "")); break; } } return result.asMap(); }
From source
private Map<CacheEntryStatus, Collection<String>> oldBuildCache(String router, String agencyId, boolean tripsIds, boolean csv) throws Exception { List<String> updated = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> written = new ArrayList<String>(); Multimap<CacheEntryStatus, String> result = ArrayListMultimap.create(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String d = System.getenv("OTP_HOME") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + Constants.CACHE_DIR + System.getProperty("file.separator") + destinationDirectory + System.getProperty("file.separator") + agencyId;//w w w.ja v a2 s . c o m String d2 = System.getenv("OTP_HOME") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + Constants.CACHE_DIR + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "csv" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + agencyId; File dir = new File(d); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } if (csv) { File dir2 = new File(d2); if (!dir2.exists()) { dir2.mkdir(); } } Map<String, WeekdayFilter> weekdayFilter = handler.readAgencyWeekDay(router, agencyId); Map<String, WeekdayException> weekdayException = handler.readAgencyWeekDayExceptions(router, agencyId); Multimap<String, String> daysMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); for (String eq : weekdayFilter.keySet()) { WeekdayFilter filter = weekdayFilter.get(eq); String from = filter.getFromDate(); String to = filter.getToDate(); Calendar fromDate = new GregorianCalendar(); Calendar toDate = new GregorianCalendar(); fromDate.setTime(df.parse(from)); toDate.setTime(df.parse(to)); Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); date.setTime(fromDate.getTime()); String prevDay = null; while (df.format(date.getTime()).compareTo(to) <= 0) { String day = df.format(date.getTime()); boolean sameDay = day.equals(prevDay); if (!sameDay) { int dotw = convertDayOfTheWeek(date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)); if (filter.getDays()[dotw]) { daysMap.put(day, eq); } } prevDay = day; date.setTime(new Date(date.getTime().getTime() + (RecurrentUtil.DAY))); } } for (String key : weekdayException.keySet()) { WeekdayException ex = weekdayException.get(key); for (String toAdd : ex.getAdded()) { daysMap.put(toAdd, key); } for (String toRemove : ex.getRemoved()) { daysMap.remove(toRemove, key); } } Multimap<String, String> reversedDaysMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (String day : daysMap.keySet()) { String dayKey = getEqString(daysMap.get(day).toString(), agencyId); reversedDaysMap.put(dayKey, day); } SortedSet<String> calendarData = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String key : reversedDaysMap.keySet()) { for (String day : reversedDaysMap.get(key)) { calendarData.add("\"" + day + "\":\"" + key + "\""); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{\n"); for (String line : calendarData) { sb.append(line + ",\n"); } sb.replace(sb.length() - 2, sb.length() - 1, ""); sb.append("};"); String c = sb.toString(); String fn = d + "/calendar.js"; boolean toIndex = !compare(fn, c); written.add("calendar.js"); result.put(CacheEntryStatus.WRITTEN, "calendar"); if (toIndex) { result.put(CacheEntryStatus.ADDED, "calendar"); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fn); fw.write(c); fw.close(); for (String key : reversedDaysMap.keySet()) { String randomDay = (String) ((List) reversedDaysMap.get(key)).get(0); Calendar randomDate = new GregorianCalendar(); randomDate.setTime(df.parse(randomDay)); long from = randomDate.getTimeInMillis(); long to = from + RecurrentUtil.DAY - 1000 * 60; List<Route> allRoutes = handler.getRoutes(router); for (Route route : allRoutes) { String id = null; if (route.getId().getAgency().equals(agencyId)) { id = route.getId().getId(); } else { continue; } String res2 = manager.getTransitSchedule(router, agencyId, id, from, to, TransitScheduleResults.TIMES, tripsIds); TransitTimeTable ttt = mapper.readValue(res2, TransitTimeTable.class); CompressedTransitTimeTable cttt = new CompressedTransitTimeTable(ttt); String res3 = mapper.writeValueAsString(cttt); fn = d + "/" + id + "_" + key + ".js"; boolean toWrite = ttt.getTimes().get(0).size() != 0; toIndex = !compare(fn, toWrite ? res3 : ""); fw = new FileWriter(fn); if (toWrite) { fw.write(res3); result.put(CacheEntryStatus.WRITTEN, id + "_" + key); if (toIndex) { result.put(CacheEntryStatus.ADDED, id + "_" + key); } } written.add(id + "_" + key + ".js"); fw.close(); } } File[] old = new File(d).listFiles(); for (File f : old) { if (!written.contains(f.getName())) { result.put(CacheEntryStatus.REMOVED, f.getName().replace(".js", "")); break; } } return result.asMap(); }
From source
/** * Removes revisions present in the datastore from the input map. * * @param revisions an multimap from document id to set of revisions. The * map is modified in place for performance consideration. *//*from w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ void revsDiffBatch(Multimap<String, String> revisions) { final String sql = String.format( "SELECT docs.docid, revs.revid FROM docs, revs " + "WHERE docs.doc_id = revs.doc_id AND docs.docid IN (%s) AND revs.revid IN (%s) " + "ORDER BY docs.docid", SQLDatabaseUtils.makePlaceholders(revisions.keySet().size()), SQLDatabaseUtils.makePlaceholders(revisions.size())); String[] args = new String[revisions.keySet().size() + revisions.size()]; String[] keys = revisions.keySet().toArray(new String[revisions.keySet().size()]); String[] values = revisions.values().toArray(new String[revisions.size()]); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, args, 0, revisions.keySet().size()); System.arraycopy(values, 0, args, revisions.keySet().size(), revisions.size()); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = this.sqlDb.rawQuery(sql, args); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String docId = cursor.getString(0); String revId = cursor.getString(1); revisions.remove(docId, revId); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { DatabaseUtils.closeCursorQuietly(cursor); } }
From source
/** * We need the variableEnvoirment and functionEnvoirment for their SSAIndeces. *///from ww w. j av a2 s. c om private void createAssignments(Model pModel, Collection<AssignableTerm> terms, Set<Assignment> termSet, Map<String, Assignment> variableEnvoirment, Map<LeftHandSide, Object> pVariables, Multimap<String, Assignment> functionEnvoirment, Map<String, Map<Address, Object>> memory) { for (AssignableTerm term : terms) { Assignment assignment = new Assignment(term, pModel.get(term)); if (term instanceof Variable) { Variable variable = (Variable) term; String name = variable.getName(); if (variableEnvoirment.containsKey(name)) { Variable oldVariable = (Variable) variableEnvoirment.get(name).getTerm(); int oldIndex = oldVariable.getSSAIndex(); int newIndex = variable.getSSAIndex(); if (oldIndex < newIndex) { //update variableEnvoirment for subsequent calculation variableEnvoirment.remove(name); variableEnvoirment.put(name, assignment); LeftHandSide oldlhs = createLeftHandSide(oldVariable); LeftHandSide lhs = createLeftHandSide(variable); pVariables.remove(oldlhs); pVariables.put(lhs, assignment.getValue()); } } else { //update variableEnvoirment for subsequent calculation variableEnvoirment.put(name, assignment); LeftHandSide lhs = createLeftHandSide(variable); pVariables.put(lhs, assignment.getValue()); } } else if (term instanceof Function) { Function function = (Function) term; String name = getName(function); if (functionEnvoirment.containsKey(name)) { boolean replaced = false; Set<Assignment> assignments = new HashSet<>(functionEnvoirment.get(name)); for (Assignment oldAssignment : assignments) { Function oldFunction = (Function) oldAssignment.getTerm(); if (isLessSSA(oldFunction, function)) { //update functionEnvoirment for subsequent calculation functionEnvoirment.remove(name, oldAssignment); functionEnvoirment.put(name, assignment); replaced = true; removeHeapValue(memory, assignment); addHeapValue(memory, assignment); } } if (!replaced) { functionEnvoirment.put(name, assignment); addHeapValue(memory, assignment); } } else { functionEnvoirment.put(name, assignment); addHeapValue(memory, assignment); } } termSet.add(assignment); } }
From source
/** * When the inherited operations are computed for Java 8, we have to check for conflicting default interface method implementations. *///from w w w. j a v a 2 s .c o m private boolean handleOverridesAndConflicts(JvmOperation operation, Multimap<String, AbstractResolvedOperation> processedOperations) { String simpleName = operation.getSimpleName(); if (!processedOperations.containsKey(simpleName)) { return true; } List<AbstractResolvedOperation> conflictingOperations = null; for (AbstractResolvedOperation candidate : processedOperations.get(simpleName)) { OverrideTester overrideTester = candidate.getOverrideTester(); IOverrideCheckResult checkResult = overrideTester.isSubsignature(candidate, operation, false); if (checkResult.getDetails().contains(OverrideCheckDetails.DEFAULT_IMPL_CONFLICT)) { // The current operation conflicts with the candidate if (conflictingOperations == null) conflictingOperations = Lists.newLinkedList(); conflictingOperations.add(candidate); } else if (checkResult.isOverridingOrImplementing()) { return false; } } if (conflictingOperations != null) { if (conflictingOperations.size() == 1 && conflictingOperations.get(0) instanceof ConflictingDefaultOperation) { // The current operation contributes to the already existing conflict ConflictingDefaultOperation conflictingDefaultOperation = (ConflictingDefaultOperation) conflictingOperations .get(0); boolean isOverridden = false; for (IResolvedOperation conflictingOp : conflictingDefaultOperation.getConflictingOperations()) { if (conflictingOp.getResolvedDeclarator().isSubtypeOf(operation.getDeclaringType())) { isOverridden = true; break; } } if (!isOverridden) conflictingDefaultOperation.getConflictingOperations().add(createResolvedOperation(operation)); return false; } // A new conflict of default implementations was found if (operation.isAbstract()) { ConflictingDefaultOperation resolvedOperation = createConflictingOperation( conflictingOperations.get(0).getDeclaration()); resolvedOperation.getConflictingOperations().add(createResolvedOperation(operation)); for (AbstractResolvedOperation conflictingOp : conflictingOperations) { processedOperations.remove(simpleName, conflictingOp); if (conflictingOp.getDeclaration() != resolvedOperation.getDeclaration()) { resolvedOperation.getConflictingOperations().add(conflictingOp); } } processedOperations.put(simpleName, resolvedOperation); } else { ConflictingDefaultOperation resolvedOperation = createConflictingOperation(operation); for (AbstractResolvedOperation conflictingOp : conflictingOperations) { processedOperations.remove(simpleName, conflictingOp); resolvedOperation.getConflictingOperations().add(conflictingOp); } processedOperations.put(simpleName, resolvedOperation); } return false; } return true; }