List of usage examples for Multimap keys
Multiset<K> keys();
From source
/** * Produce a valid ordering of the properties by using the given dependency information. * * <p>/*w w w.j ava 2 s .com*/ * This method uses a topological sort (Kahn's algorithm) in order to find a valid ordering. * </p> */ private ImmutableList<VarAndProperty> sortProperties() { ImmutableList.Builder<VarAndProperty> sorted = ImmutableList.builder(); // invertedDependencies is intended to just be a 'view' on dependencies, so when dependencies is modified // we should always also modify invertedDependencies (and vice-versa). Multimap<VarAndProperty, VarAndProperty> dependencies = HashMultimap.create(this.dependencies); Multimap<VarAndProperty, VarAndProperty> invertedDependencies = HashMultimap.create(); Multimaps.invertFrom(dependencies, invertedDependencies); Queue<VarAndProperty> propertiesWithoutDependencies = new ArrayDeque<>( Sets.filter(properties, property -> dependencies.get(property).isEmpty())); VarAndProperty property; // Retrieve the next property without any dependencies while ((property = propertiesWithoutDependencies.poll()) != null) { sorted.add(property); // We copy this into a new list because the underlying collection gets modified during iteration Collection<VarAndProperty> dependents = Lists.newArrayList(invertedDependencies.get(property)); for (VarAndProperty dependent : dependents) { // Because the property has been removed, the dependent no longer needs to depend on it dependencies.remove(dependent, property); invertedDependencies.remove(property, dependent); boolean hasNoDependencies = dependencies.get(dependent).isEmpty(); if (hasNoDependencies) { propertiesWithoutDependencies.add(dependent); } } } if (!dependencies.isEmpty()) { // This means there must have been a loop. Pick an arbitrary remaining var to display Var var = dependencies.keys().iterator().next().var(); throw GraqlQueryException.insertRecursive(printableRepresentation(var)); } return; }
From source
/** * Builds an 'AND' condition.// w ww . java 2 s. c o m * * @param sb the StringBuilder to use * @param br the brace * @throws FxSqlSearchException if the build failed */ private void buildAnd(StringBuilder sb, Brace br) throws FxSqlSearchException { // Start AND if (br.size() > 1) { final Multimap<String, ConditionTableInfo> tables = getUsedContentTables(br, true); // for "AND" we can only optimize when ALL flatstorage conditions are not multi-lang and on the same level, // i.e. that table must have exactly one flat-storage entry, and we cannot optimize if an IS NULL is present if (tables.size() == 1 && tables.values().iterator().next().isFlatStorage() && !tables.values().iterator().next().isMultiLang() && !containsIsNullCondition(br)) { sb.append(getOptimizedFlatStorageSubquery(br, tables.keySet().iterator().next(), true)); return; } if (tables.size() == 1 && tables.keys().iterator().next().equals(DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT)) { // combine main table selects into a single one sb.append("(SELECT id,ver," + getEmptyLanguage() + " as lang FROM " + DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT + " cd" + " WHERE " + getOptimizedMainTableConditions(br, "cd") + ")"); return; } // check if there are two or more flat storage queries in the same level that can be grouped try { final Brace grouped = br.groupConditions(new Brace.GroupFunction() { @Override public Object apply(Condition cond) { try { return getPropertyInfo(cond); } catch (FxSqlSearchException e) { throw e.asRuntimeException(); } } }); if (grouped != br) { // reorg happened - process new version if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("AND statement reorganized, new statement: " + grouped); } buildAnd(sb, grouped); return; } } catch (SqlParserException e) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(e); } } int pos = 0; final StringBuilder combinedConditions = new StringBuilder(); int firstId = -1; for (BraceElement be : br.getElements()) { if (pos == 0) { firstId = be.getId(); // TODO: do we need .lang here? sb.append(("(SELECT tbl" + firstId + ".id,tbl" + firstId + ".ver,tbl" + firstId + ".lang FROM\n")); } else { sb.append(","); combinedConditions.append((pos > 1) ? " AND " : " ").append("tbl").append(firstId).append(".id=tbl") .append(be.getId()).append(".id AND ").append("tbl").append(firstId).append(".ver=tbl") .append(be.getId()).append(".ver AND ").append("(tbl").append(firstId) .append(".lang=0 or tbl").append(firstId).append(".lang IS NULL OR ").append("tbl") .append(be.getId()).append(".lang=0 OR tbl").append(be.getId()).append(".lang IS NULL OR ") .append("tbl").append(firstId).append(".lang=tbl").append(be.getId()).append(".lang)"); } if (be instanceof Condition) { sb.append(getConditionSubQuery(br.getStatement(), (Condition) be)); } else if (be instanceof Brace) { build(sb, (Brace) be); } else { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.filter.invalidBrace", be); } sb.append(" tbl").append(be.getId()).append("\n"); pos++; } // Where links the tables together sb.append(" WHERE "); sb.append(combinedConditions); // Close AND sb.append(")"); }
From source
/** * Create a new instance based on the given (search) property. * * @param searchProperty the search property * @param storage the storage instance * @param ignoreCase whether case should be ignored for this column * @throws FxSqlSearchException if the entry could not be created *///from w w w . j av a2s. c om public PropertyEntry(Property searchProperty, ContentStorage storage, boolean ignoreCase) throws FxSqlSearchException { this.type = Type.PROPERTY_REF; this.environment = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment(); if (searchProperty.isAssignment()) { try { if (StringUtils.isNumeric(searchProperty.getPropertyName())) { //#<id> assignment = (FxPropertyAssignment) environment .getAssignment(Long.valueOf(searchProperty.getPropertyName())); } else { //XPath assignment = (FxPropertyAssignment) environment.getAssignment(searchProperty.getPropertyName()); } } catch (ClassCastException ce) { throw unknownAssignmentException(searchProperty, ce); } catch (FxRuntimeException e) { if (e.getConverted() instanceof FxNotFoundException) { throw unknownAssignmentException(searchProperty, e); } else { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, e, "ex.sqlSearch.query.failedToResolveAssignment", searchProperty.getPropertyName(), e.getMessage()); } } = assignment.getProperty(); } else { = environment.getProperty(searchProperty.getPropertyName()); // check if all assignments of the property are in the same table final List<FxPropertyAssignment> assignments = environment.getPropertyAssignments(property.getId(), false); final Multimap<String, FxPropertyAssignment> storageCounts = HashMultimap.create(); boolean hasFlatStorageAssignments = false; for (FxPropertyAssignment pa : assignments) { if (pa.isFlatStorageEntry()) { hasFlatStorageAssignments = true; final FxFlatStorageMapping mapping = pa.getFlatStorageMapping(); // group assignments by table, column, and level storageCounts.put(mapping.getStorage() + "." + mapping.getColumn() + "." + mapping.getLevel(), pa); } else { storageCounts.put(storage.getTableName(property), pa); } } if (storageCounts.size() > 1 || hasFlatStorageAssignments) { // more than one storage, or only flat storage assignments // find the table with most occurances final List<Multiset.Entry<String>> tables = newArrayList(storageCounts.keys().entrySet()); Collections.sort(tables, new Comparator<Multiset.Entry<String>>() { @Override public int compare(Multiset.Entry<String> o1, Multiset.Entry<String> o2) { return, o1.getCount()); } }); final String key = tables.get(0).getElement(); final FxPropertyAssignment pa = storageCounts.get(key).iterator().next(); if (pa.isFlatStorageEntry()) { // use assignment search. All assignments share the same flat storage table, // column and level, thus the "normal" assignment search can be used. assignment = pa; } else { assignment = null; // use "real" property search in the CONTENT_DATA table if (hasFlatStorageAssignments && LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { // only write warning to log for now LOG.warn(new FxExceptionMessage("",, Iterables.filter(assignments, new Predicate<FxPropertyAssignment>() { @Override public boolean apply(FxPropertyAssignment input) { return input.isFlatStorageEntry(); } })).getLocalizedMessage(FxContext.get().getLanguage())); } } } else { assignment = null; // nothing to do, use normal property search } } if (assignment != null && assignment.isFlatStorageEntry()) { // flat storage assignment search this.tableName = assignment.getFlatStorageMapping().getStorage(); this.tbl = PropertyResolver.Table.T_CONTENT_DATA_FLAT; } else { // content_data assignment or property search this.tableName = storage.getTableName(property); if (this.tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT)) { this.tbl = PropertyResolver.Table.T_CONTENT; } else if (this.tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_DATA)) { this.tbl = PropertyResolver.Table.T_CONTENT_DATA; } else { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.err.unknownPropertyTable", searchProperty, this.tableName); } } this.readColumns = getReadColumns(storage, property); if (assignment != null && assignment.isFlatStorageEntry()) { final String column = StorageManager.getStorageImpl() .escapeFlatStorageColumn(assignment.getFlatStorageMapping().getColumn()); this.filterColumn = !ignoreCase || assignment.getOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_IN_UPPERCASE).isValueTrue() || ( != FxDataType.String1024 && != FxDataType.Text && != FxDataType.HTML) ? column // calculate upper-case function for text queries : "UPPER(" + column + ")"; this.flatColumnIndex = FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().getColumnDataIndex(assignment); if (this.flatColumnIndex == -1) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.init.flatMappingIndex", searchProperty); } } else { String fcol = ignoreCase && ! ? storage.getQueryUppercaseColumn( : this.readColumns[0]; if (fcol == null) { fcol = this.readColumns == null ? null : this.readColumns[0]; } this.filterColumn = fcol; this.flatColumnIndex = -1; } if (this.filterColumn == null) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.init.propertyDoesNotHaveColumnMapping", searchProperty.getPropertyName()); } if (this.tbl == PropertyResolver.Table.T_CONTENT_DATA) { switch ( { case Number: case SelectMany: this.dataColumn = "FBIGINT"; break; default: this.dataColumn = "FINT"; break; } } else { this.dataColumn = null; } this.multilanguage =; this.functions.addAll(searchProperty.getFunctions()); if (this.functions.size() > 0) { // use outmost function result type this.overrideDataType = this.functions.get(0).getOverrideDataType(); } }
From source
private void buildUpdates(NoteDbUpdateManager manager, ChangeBundle bundle) throws IOException, OrmException { manager.setCheckExpectedState(false); Change change = new Change(bundle.getChange()); PatchSet.Id currPsId = change.currentPatchSetId(); // We will rebuild all events, except for draft comments, in buckets based // on author and timestamp. List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>(); Multimap<Account.Id, PatchLineCommentEvent> draftCommentEvents = ArrayListMultimap.create(); events.addAll(getHashtagsEvents(change, manager)); // Delete ref only after hashtags have been read deleteChangeMetaRef(change, manager.getChangeRepo().cmds); deleteDraftRefs(change, manager.getAllUsersRepo()); Integer minPsNum = getMinPatchSetNum(bundle); Set<PatchSet.Id> psIds = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(bundle.getPatchSets().size()); for (PatchSet ps : bundle.getPatchSets()) { if (ps.getId().get() > currPsId.get()) {"Skipping patch set {}, which is higher than current patch set {}", ps.getId(), currPsId); continue; }/* w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ psIds.add(ps.getId()); events.add(new PatchSetEvent(change, ps, manager.getChangeRepo().rw)); for (PatchLineComment c : getPatchLineComments(bundle, ps)) { PatchLineCommentEvent e = new PatchLineCommentEvent(c, change, ps, patchListCache); if (c.getStatus() == Status.PUBLISHED) { events.add(e); } else { draftCommentEvents.put(c.getAuthor(), e); } } } for (PatchSetApproval psa : bundle.getPatchSetApprovals()) { if (psIds.contains(psa.getPatchSetId())) { events.add(new ApprovalEvent(psa, change.getCreatedOn())); } } for (Table.Cell<ReviewerStateInternal, Account.Id, Timestamp> r : bundle.getReviewers().asTable() .cellSet()) { events.add(new ReviewerEvent(r, change.getCreatedOn())); } Change noteDbChange = new Change(null, null, null, null, null); for (ChangeMessage msg : bundle.getChangeMessages()) { if (msg.getPatchSetId() == null || psIds.contains(msg.getPatchSetId())) { events.add(new ChangeMessageEvent(msg, noteDbChange, change.getCreatedOn())); } } sortAndFillEvents(change, noteDbChange, events, minPsNum); EventList<Event> el = new EventList<>(); for (Event e : events) { if (!el.canAdd(e)) { flushEventsToUpdate(manager, el, change); checkState(el.canAdd(e)); } el.add(e); } flushEventsToUpdate(manager, el, change); EventList<PatchLineCommentEvent> plcel = new EventList<>(); for (Account.Id author : draftCommentEvents.keys()) { for (PatchLineCommentEvent e : EVENT_ORDER.sortedCopy(draftCommentEvents.get(author))) { if (!plcel.canAdd(e)) { flushEventsToDraftUpdate(manager, plcel, change); checkState(plcel.canAdd(e)); } plcel.add(e); } flushEventsToDraftUpdate(manager, plcel, change); } }
From source
/** * Sets the relationships.// w w w. ja v a 2s. c o m * * @param concept the new relationships * @throws SQLException the SQL exception */ private synchronized void setRelationships(SnomedConcept concept) throws SQLException { String conceptID = concept.getConceptID(); // get relationships Collection<SnomedRelationship> relationships = new ArrayList<SnomedRelationship>(); Multimap<String, SnomedRelationship> roleGroupsMap = new HashMultimap(); String relID = ""; String sourceConceptID = ""; String relationshipType = ""; String targetConceptID = ""; String relationshipGroup = ""; String relSource = ""; // set conceptID in getRelationshipsForConceptIDStatement and execute it getRelationshipsForConceptIDStatement.setString(1, conceptID); ResultSet relResultSet = getRelationshipsForConceptIDStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { /* Retrieval using column name is expensive but does the conversion for us... */ relID = relResultSet.getString(1); sourceConceptID = relResultSet.getString(2); relationshipType = relResultSet.getString(3); targetConceptID = relResultSet.getString(4); int characteristicType = relResultSet.getInt(5); int refinability = relResultSet.getInt(6); relationshipGroup = relResultSet.getString(7); relSource = relResultSet.getString(8); // process refinability and characteristic type returned. SnomedRelationship.Refinability relationshipRefinability = null; SnomedRelationship.RelationshipType type = null; // set value based on value passed if (refinability == 0) { relationshipRefinability = SnomedRelationship.Refinability.NOT_REFINABLE; } else if (refinability == 1) { relationshipRefinability = SnomedRelationship.Refinability.OPTIONAL; } else if (refinability == 2) { relationshipRefinability = SnomedRelationship.Refinability.MANDATORY; } else { logger.warn("Unknown refinability value : " + refinability); } // set characteristic type value based on value passed if (characteristicType == 0) { type = SnomedRelationship.RelationshipType.DEFINING; } else if (characteristicType == 1) { type = SnomedRelationship.RelationshipType.QUALIFIER; } else if (characteristicType == 2) { type = SnomedRelationship.RelationshipType.HISTORICAL; } else if (characteristicType == 3) { type = SnomedRelationship.RelationshipType.ADDITIONAL; } else { logger.warn("Unknown characteristic type passed : " + characteristicType); } // add relationship name String relationshipName = null; getPreferredTermStatement.setString(1, relationshipType); ResultSet rs = getPreferredTermStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { relationshipName = rs.getString(1); } // close result set rs.close(); // create new relationship SnomedRelationship relationship = new SnomedRelationshipImpl(relID, sourceConceptID, relationshipType, targetConceptID, type, relationshipRefinability, relationshipGroup, relSource); if (relationshipName != null) { relationship.setName(relationshipName); } if (conceptID.equalsIgnoreCase(relationship.getSourceConceptID())) { concept.getSourceRelationships().add(relationship); // add relationship to concept concept.getRelationships().add(relationship); // check if relationship type is 'is a' if (ConceptType.ATTRIBUTE_IS_A.getID().equals(relationship.getRelationshipType())) { // we know this is a parent child relationship, so we add to children concept.getParentIDSet().add(relationship.getTargetConceptID()); } // add defining and refining relationships if (relationship.isDefiningRelation()) { /* we need to check that the relationship is a defining relationship and does not have a relationshipgroup of 0. Any defining relationship without any any relationship with others is assigned the default value of 0. */ if (!"0".equalsIgnoreCase(relationship.getRelationshipGroup())) { // add relationship to rolegroups map roleGroupsMap.put(relationshipGroup, relationship); } else { concept.getDefiningRelationships().add(relationship); } } if (relationship.isQualifyingRelation()) { concept.getRefiningRelationships().add(relationship); } if (relationship.isMandatory()) { concept.getMandatoryRelationships().add(relationship); } if (relationship.isOptional()) { concept.getOptionalRelationships().add(relationship); } } } relResultSet.close(); // get child relationship ids getChildRelationshipsForConceptIDStatement.setString(1, conceptID); ResultSet childrenSet = getChildRelationshipsForConceptIDStatement.executeQuery(); Collection<String> childIds = new HashSet<String>(); while ( { // add to concept's childIdSet childIds.add(childrenSet.getString(1)); } // close result set childrenSet.close(); concept.setChildIDSet(childIds); // add role groups Collection<SnomedRoleGroup> roleGroups = new ArrayList<SnomedRoleGroup>(); // loop through role group map and generate role groups as needed for (String relationshipGroupId : roleGroupsMap.keys()) { Collection<SnomedRelationship> rels = roleGroupsMap.get(relationshipGroupId); // create rolegroup with relationships SnomedRoleGroup roleGroup = new SnomedRoleGroupImpl(); roleGroup.setRelationships(new HashSet<SnomedRelationship>(rels)); // set relationship group id for role group roleGroup.setRelationshipGroupId(relationshipGroupId); // add to roleGroups roleGroups.add(roleGroup); } concept.setRoleGroups(roleGroups); }