List of usage examples for Multimap containsKey
boolean containsKey(@Nullable Object key);
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ @Override public boolean process(MorphDictionary dict, Lemma.Builder lemmaBuilder, Multimap<String, Wordform> wfMap) { Multimap<String, Wordform> additionalWfs = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (String wfStr : wfMap.keySet()) { // alternative wordform string String altStr = StringUtils.replaceChars(wfStr, YO_CHARS, YO_REPLACEMENTS); if (Objects.equal(wfStr, altStr)) { continue; } // else wfStr contains 'yo' if (wfMap.containsKey(altStr)) { // the wordform multimap already contains string without 'yo' continue; } additionalWfs.putAll(altStr, wfMap.get(wfStr)); } wfMap.putAll(additionalWfs); return true; }
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private Collection<TropixObjectContext<VirtualFolder>> buildSharedFolderContexts( final Collection<VirtualFolder> virtualFolders, final String gridId) { final Multimap<String, String> objectsRoles = getTropixObjectDao().getRoles(gridId, ModelUtils.getIds(virtualFolders)); return Collections2.transform(Collections2.filter(virtualFolders, new Predicate<TropixObject>() { public boolean apply(final TropixObject input) { return objectsRoles.containsKey(input.getId()) && ModelPredicates.isValidObjectPredicate().apply(input); }/*from ww w .j a va2 s . c o m*/ }), new Function<VirtualFolder, TropixObjectContext<VirtualFolder>>() { public TropixObjectContext<VirtualFolder> apply(final VirtualFolder input) { final Collection<String> objectRoles = objectsRoles.get(input.getId()); final TropixObjectUserAuthorities context = new TropixObjectUserAuthorities( objectRoles.contains("write"), objectRoles.contains("write")); return new TropixObjectContext<VirtualFolder>(context, input); } }); }
From source
/** * check if passed in entry from poll-result-meta-data matches an "allowance" or an enforcement * filter-integer from * //from www . ja v a 2 s . c o m * @param filterStrings map of rules to check against * @param resultPropertyValue the property of the entry to check * @param resultFilterValue value to compare to entry-content * @param checkType type of check to perform (contains/matches) * * @return true, if passed in result-filter-value is contained or matched with entry inside * filter-string--map */ public boolean checkPollResultForIPTablesIntegerRules(Multimap<String, Integer> filterInteger, String resultPropertyValue, int resultFilterValue, byte checkType, byte resultType) { // equals-match if (checkType == RULECHECK_TYPE_EQUALS) { if (filterInteger.containsKey(resultPropertyValue)) { // get entry for attribute Object[] resultFilter = filterInteger.get(resultPropertyValue).toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < resultFilter.length; i++) { int currentFilter = new Integer((Integer) resultFilter[0]).intValue(); if (resultFilterValue == currentFilter) { return true; } } } } // greater-match else if (checkType == RULECHECK_TYPE_GREATER) { if (filterInteger.containsKey(resultPropertyValue)) { // get entry for attribute Object[] resultFilter = filterInteger.get(resultPropertyValue).toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < resultFilter.length; i++) { int currentFilter = new Integer((Integer) resultFilter[0]).intValue(); if (resultFilterValue > currentFilter) { return true; } } } } // lower-match ;-) else /* if (checkType == RULECHECK_TYPE_MATCHES) */ { if (filterInteger.containsKey(resultPropertyValue)) { // get entry for attribute Object[] resultFilter = filterInteger.get(resultPropertyValue).toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < resultFilter.length; i++) { int currentFilter = new Integer((Integer) resultFilter[0]).intValue(); if (resultFilterValue < currentFilter) { return true; } } } } return false; }
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/** * Variation of {@link Multimap#put} that triggers an exception if a value already exists. *//*from w ww . ja va 2 s. c o m*/ @VisibleForTesting static <K, V> void putOnlyEntry(Multimap<K, V> map, K key, V value) { // Performance note: while "Verify.verify(!map.containsKey(key, value), String.format(...)))" // is simpler code, profiling shows a substantial performance penalty to that approach // (~10% extra analysis phase time on a simple cc_binary). Most of that is from the cost of // evaluating value.toString() on every call. This approach essentially eliminates the overhead. if (map.containsKey(key)) { throw new VerifyException( String.format("couldn't insert %s: map already has key %s", value.toString(), key.toString())); } map.put(key, value); }
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public Element toXml(Set<ObjectName> instancesToMap, Set<ObjectName> configBeans, Document document) { Element root = XmlUtil.createElement(document, XmlNetconfConstants.DATA_KEY, Optional.<String>absent()); Element modulesElement = XmlUtil.createElement(document, XmlNetconfConstants.MODULES_KEY, Optional.of(XmlNetconfConstants.URN_OPENDAYLIGHT_PARAMS_XML_NS_YANG_CONTROLLER_CONFIG)); root.appendChild(modulesElement);/*w w w . j a va2 s . c o m*/ Map<String, Multimap<String, ObjectName>> moduleToRuntimeInstance = mapInstancesToModules(instancesToMap); Map<String, Map<String, Collection<ObjectName>>> moduleToConfigInstance = Config .getMappedInstances(configBeans, moduleConfigs); for (String localNamespace : moduleConfigs.keySet()) { Map<String, Collection<ObjectName>> instanceToMbe = moduleToConfigInstance.get(localNamespace); for (String moduleName : moduleConfigs.get(localNamespace).keySet()) { Multimap<String, ObjectName> instanceToRbe = moduleToRuntimeInstance.get(moduleName); for (ObjectName instanceON : instanceToMbe.get(moduleName)) { String instanceName = ObjectNameUtil.getInstanceName(instanceON); Element runtimeXml; ModuleConfig moduleConfig = moduleConfigs.get(localNamespace).get(moduleName); if (instanceToRbe == null || !instanceToRbe.containsKey(instanceName)) { runtimeXml = moduleConfig.toXml(instanceON, document, localNamespace); } else { ModuleRuntime moduleRuntime = moduleRuntimes.get(localNamespace).get(moduleName); runtimeXml = moduleRuntime.toXml(localNamespace, instanceToRbe.get(instanceName), document, moduleConfig, instanceON); } modulesElement.appendChild(runtimeXml); } } } return root; }
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private static void createAccount(PublicKey pubKey, UserInfo userInfo, String loginFilePath, String groupFilePath, Properties props, Multimap<String, String> groupsMap) throws ManageUsersException, KeyException { if (!userInfo.isLoginSet()) { warnWithMessage(PROVIDED_USERNAME + IS_EMPTY_SKIPPING); return;/* w w w . j a va 2 s.c om*/ } if (!userInfo.isPasswordSet()) { warnWithMessage("Provided password for user " + userInfo.getLogin() + IS_EMPTY_SKIPPING); return; } if (!userInfo.isGroupSet()) { warnWithMessage("Provided groups for user " + userInfo.getLogin() + IS_EMPTY_SKIPPING); return; } if (props.containsKey(userInfo.getLogin())) { warnWithMessage(USER_HEADER + userInfo.getLogin() + ALREADY_EXISTS_IN_LOGIN_FILE + loginFilePath + UPDATING_THIS_USER_INFORMATION); } if (groupsMap.containsKey(userInfo.getLogin())) { warnWithMessage(USER_HEADER + userInfo.getLogin() + ALREADY_EXISTS_IN_GROUP_FILE + groupFilePath + UPDATING_THIS_USER_INFORMATION); } updateUserPassword(pubKey, userInfo.getLogin(), userInfo.getPassword(), props); updateUserGroups(userInfo.getLogin(), userInfo.getGroups(), groupsMap); System.out.println("Created user " + userInfo.getLogin()); }
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public Element toXml(Set<ObjectName> instancesToMap, Set<ObjectName> configBeans, Document document, final EnumResolver enumResolver) { Element root = XmlUtil.createElement(document, XmlMappingConstants.DATA_KEY, Optional.<String>absent()); Element modulesElement = XmlUtil.createElement(document, XmlMappingConstants.MODULES_KEY, Optional.of(XmlMappingConstants.URN_OPENDAYLIGHT_PARAMS_XML_NS_YANG_CONTROLLER_CONFIG)); root.appendChild(modulesElement);/*from w ww .ja v a2 s.c o m*/ Map<String, Multimap<String, ObjectName>> moduleToRuntimeInstance = mapInstancesToModules(instancesToMap); Map<String, Map<String, Collection<ObjectName>>> moduleToConfigInstance = Config .getMappedInstances(configBeans, moduleConfigs); for (String localNamespace : moduleConfigs.keySet()) { Map<String, Collection<ObjectName>> instanceToMbe = moduleToConfigInstance.get(localNamespace); for (String moduleName : moduleConfigs.get(localNamespace).keySet()) { Multimap<String, ObjectName> instanceToRbe = moduleToRuntimeInstance.get(moduleName); for (ObjectName instanceON : instanceToMbe.get(moduleName)) { String instanceName = ObjectNameUtil.getInstanceName(instanceON); Element runtimeXml; ModuleConfig moduleConfig = moduleConfigs.get(localNamespace).get(moduleName); if (instanceToRbe == null || !instanceToRbe.containsKey(instanceName)) { runtimeXml = moduleConfig.toXml(instanceON, document, localNamespace, enumResolver); } else { ModuleRuntime moduleRuntime = moduleRuntimes.get(localNamespace).get(moduleName); runtimeXml = moduleRuntime.toXml(localNamespace, instanceToRbe.get(instanceName), document, moduleConfig, instanceON, enumResolver); } modulesElement.appendChild(runtimeXml); } } } return root; }
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private void validateIssue(Multimap<Integer, Expectations.Issue> expected, List<Integer> unexpectedLines, AnalyzerMessage issue) {//w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m int line = issue.getLine(); if (expected.containsKey(line)) { Expectations.Issue attrs = Iterables.getLast(expected.get(line)); assertAttributeMatch(issue, attrs, MESSAGE); validateAnalyzerMessageAttributes(attrs, issue); expected.remove(line, attrs); } else { unexpectedLines.add(line); } }
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private Multimap<FunctionDeclaration<?>, UninterpretedFunctionApplication> merge( Multimap<FunctionDeclaration<?>, UninterpretedFunctionApplication> pUfs, Result pPreviousResult) { for (Entry<FunctionDeclaration<?>, UninterpretedFunctionApplication> ufInOtherFormula : pPreviousResult .getUfs().entries()) {//w ww .jav a 2 s .c o m if (pUfs.containsKey(ufInOtherFormula.getKey())) { pUfs.put(ufInOtherFormula.getKey(), ufInOtherFormula.getValue()); } } return pUfs; }
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@Override protected List<EdgeAlarmStatusSummary> getEdgeAlarmSummaries(List<Integer> linkIds) { List<CdpTopologyLink> cdpLinks = getCdpLinkDao().findLinksForTopologyByIds(linkIds.toArray(new Integer[0])); Multimap<String, EdgeAlarmStatusSummary> summaryMap = HashMultimap.create(); for (CdpTopologyLink link : cdpLinks) { summaryMap.put(link.getSrcNodeId() + ":" + link.getSrcIfIndex(), new EdgeAlarmStatusSummary(link.getSourceId(), link.getTargetId(), null)); }//from w ww. jav a 2 s .c o m List<OnmsAlarm> alarms = getLinkDownAlarms(); for (OnmsAlarm alarm : alarms) { String key = alarm.getNodeId() + ":" + alarm.getIfIndex(); if (summaryMap.containsKey(key)) { Collection<EdgeAlarmStatusSummary> summaries = summaryMap.get(key); for (EdgeAlarmStatusSummary summary : summaries) { summary.setEventUEI(alarm.getUei()); } } } return new ArrayList<>(summaryMap.values()); }