Example usage for com.google.common.collect Lists transform

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Lists transform


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Lists transform.


public static <F, T> List<T> transform(List<F> fromList, Function<? super F, ? extends T> function) 

Source Link


Returns a list that applies function to each element of fromList .


From source file:com.dangdang.ddframe.rdb.sharding.router.binding.BindingRoutingDataSource.java

BindingRoutingDataSource(final SingleRoutingDataSource routingDataSource) {
            new Function<SingleRoutingTableFactor, BindingRoutingTableFactor>() {

                @Override//from   ww  w.j av  a2 s. c  om
                public BindingRoutingTableFactor apply(final SingleRoutingTableFactor input) {
                    return new BindingRoutingTableFactor(input.getLogicTable(), input.getActualTable());

From source file:io.druid.query.topn.TopNResultValue.java

public TopNResultValue(List<?> value) {
    this.value = (value == null) ? Lists.<DimensionAndMetricValueExtractor>newArrayList()
            : Lists.transform(value, new Function<Object, DimensionAndMetricValueExtractor>() {
                @Override/*from   w  w w  . j  ava2  s .  co  m*/
                public DimensionAndMetricValueExtractor apply(@Nullable Object input) {
                    if (input instanceof Map) {
                        return new DimensionAndMetricValueExtractor((Map) input);
                    } else if (input instanceof DimensionAndMetricValueExtractor) {
                        return (DimensionAndMetricValueExtractor) input;
                    } else {
                        throw new IAE("Unknown type for input[%s]", input.getClass());

From source file:com.ebuddy.cassandra.structure.DefaultPath.java

/** Create a DefaultPath from un-encoded string elements. */
public static DefaultPath fromStrings(String... elements) {
    return new DefaultPath(Lists.transform(Arrays.asList(elements), urlEncodeFunction));

From source file:org.jetbrains.jet.plugin.navigation.ImplementationTestUtils.java

public static void assertGotoImplementations(Editor editor, GotoTargetHandler.GotoData gotoData) {
    // Get expected references from the tested document
    List<String> expectedReferences = Arrays
            .asList(InTextDirectivesUtils.findListWithPrefix("// REF:", editor.getDocument().getText()));

    if (gotoData != null) {
        // Transform given reference result to strings
        List<String> psiElements = Lists.transform(Arrays.asList(gotoData.targets),
                new Function<PsiElement, String>() {
                    @Override//from  ww  w  . j  av a2  s  .  co m
                    public String apply(@Nullable PsiElement element) {
                        if (element instanceof JetLightClass) {
                            JetLightClass jetLightClass = (JetLightClass) element;
                            JetLightClassListCellRenderer renderer = new JetLightClassListCellRenderer();
                            String elementText = renderer.getElementText(jetLightClass);
                            String containerText = JetLightClassListCellRenderer
                            return (containerText != null) ? containerText + "." + elementText : elementText;

                        Assert.assertTrue(element instanceof NavigationItem);
                        ItemPresentation presentation = ((NavigationItem) element).getPresentation();


                        String presentableText = presentation.getPresentableText();
                        String locationString = presentation.getLocationString();
                        return locationString != null ? (locationString + "." + presentableText)
                                : presentableText;

        // Compare
        UsefulTestCase.assertOrderedEquals(Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(psiElements), expectedReferences);
    } else {

From source file:com.facebook.presto.metadata.PartitionResult.java

public PartitionResult(String connectorId, ConnectorPartitionResult connectorPartitionResult) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(connectorId, "connectorId is null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(connectorPartitionResult, "connectorPartitionResult is null");

    partitions = Lists.transform(connectorPartitionResult.getPartitions(), fromConnectorPartition(connectorId));
    undeterminedTupleDomain = fromConnectorDomain(connectorId,

From source file:io.druid.query.groupby.GroupByQueryHelper.java

public static <T> Pair<IncrementalIndex, Accumulator<IncrementalIndex, T>> createIndexAccumulatorPair(
        final GroupByQuery query, final GroupByQueryConfig config, StupidPool<ByteBuffer> bufferPool

) {/*from   w  w  w  .  j  a v  a  2 s . com*/
    final QueryGranularity gran = query.getGranularity();
    final long timeStart = query.getIntervals().get(0).getStartMillis();

    // use gran.iterable instead of gran.truncate so that
    // AllGranularity returns timeStart instead of Long.MIN_VALUE
    final long granTimeStart = gran.iterable(timeStart, timeStart + 1).iterator().next();

    final List<AggregatorFactory> aggs = Lists.transform(query.getAggregatorSpecs(),
            new Function<AggregatorFactory, AggregatorFactory>() {
                public AggregatorFactory apply(AggregatorFactory input) {
                    return input.getCombiningFactory();
    final List<String> dimensions = Lists.transform(query.getDimensions(),
            new Function<DimensionSpec, String>() {
                public String apply(DimensionSpec input) {
                    return input.getOutputName();
    final IncrementalIndex index;
    if (query.getContextValue("useOffheap", false)) {
        index = new OffheapIncrementalIndex(
                // use granularity truncated min timestamp
                // since incoming truncated timestamps may precede timeStart
                granTimeStart, gran, aggs.toArray(new AggregatorFactory[aggs.size()]), bufferPool, false,
    } else {
        index = new OnheapIncrementalIndex(
                // use granularity truncated min timestamp
                // since incoming truncated timestamps may precede timeStart
                granTimeStart, gran, aggs.toArray(new AggregatorFactory[aggs.size()]), false,

    Accumulator<IncrementalIndex, T> accumulator = new Accumulator<IncrementalIndex, T>() {
        public IncrementalIndex accumulate(IncrementalIndex accumulated, T in) {

            if (in instanceof MapBasedRow) {
                try {
                    MapBasedRow row = (MapBasedRow) in;
                    accumulated.add(new MapBasedInputRow(row.getTimestamp(), dimensions, row.getEvent()));
                } catch (IndexSizeExceededException e) {
                    throw new ISE(e.getMessage());
            } else {
                throw new ISE("Unable to accumulate something of type [%s]", in.getClass());

            return accumulated;
    return new Pair<>(index, accumulator);

From source file:br.com.objectos.way.io.IsXlsWritableLineBuilder.java

public <T extends IsXlsWritable> List<String> transform(List<T> writables) {
    List<Row> moreRows;/*from   ww  w .  j a v  a2  s. c  o  m*/
    moreRows = Lists.transform(writables, new IsXlsWritableToRow());


    List<String> strings;
    strings = Lists.transform(rows, Functions.toStringFunction());

    return ImmutableList.copyOf(strings);

From source file:org.apache.kylin.tool.metrics.systemcube.ProjectCreator.java

public static ProjectInstance generateKylinProjectInstance(String owner, List<TableDesc> kylinTables,
        List<DataModelDesc> kylinModels, List<CubeDesc> kylinCubeDescs) {
    ProjectInstance projectInstance = new ProjectInstance();

    projectInstance.setOwner(owner);/*  ww  w  . j  a v  a2  s  .  c o m*/

    if (kylinTables != null)
                .setTables(Sets.newHashSet(Lists.transform(kylinTables, new Function<TableDesc, String>() {
                    public String apply(@Nullable TableDesc tableDesc) {
                        if (tableDesc != null) {
                            return tableDesc.getIdentity();
                        return null;

    if (kylinModels != null)
        projectInstance.setModels(Lists.transform(kylinModels, new Function<DataModelDesc, String>() {
            public String apply(@Nullable DataModelDesc modelDesc) {
                if (modelDesc != null) {
                    return modelDesc.getName();
                return null;

    if (kylinCubeDescs != null)
                Lists.transform(kylinCubeDescs, new Function<CubeDesc, RealizationEntry>() {
                    public RealizationEntry apply(@Nullable CubeDesc cubeDesc) {
                        if (cubeDesc != null) {
                            RealizationEntry entry = new RealizationEntry();
                            return entry;
                        return null;

    return projectInstance;

From source file:com.google.jstestdriver.DryRunInfo.java

 * @return the testNames/*from  w ww  . j av a  2 s .c  o m*/
public List<String> getTestNames() {
    return Lists.transform(testCases, new Function<TestCase, String>() {
        public String apply(TestCase tc) {
            return tc.toString();

From source file:org.apache.samza.sql.interfaces.SamzaSqlJavaTypeFactoryImpl.java

private static RelDataType convertToSql(final RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, RelDataType type) {
    if (type instanceof RelRecordType) {
        return typeFactory.createStructType(
                Lists.transform(type.getFieldList(), a0 -> convertToSql(typeFactory, a0.getType())),
                type.getFieldNames());/* ww  w . ja va 2  s .  c  o m*/
    if (type instanceof JavaType) {
        SqlTypeName typeName = JavaToSqlTypeConversionRules.instance().lookup(((JavaType) type).getJavaClass());
        // For unknown sql type names, return ANY sql type to make Calcite validation not fail.
        if (typeName == null) {
            typeName = SqlTypeName.ANY;
        return typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(typeFactory.createSqlType(typeName), type.isNullable());
    } else {
        return JavaTypeFactoryImpl.toSql(typeFactory, type);