List of usage examples for Iterables toArray
static <T> T[] toArray(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, T[] array)
From source
@Override public void end(Object context) throws Exception { String file = new File(folder_, config_.getFileName()).getAbsolutePath(); file = Paths.changeExtension(file, "xlsx"); File ssfile = new File(file); //File ssfile = new File("C:\\test.xls"); SXSSFWorkbook workbook = new SXSSFWorkbook(null, 100, false, true); try (FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(ssfile)) { switch (config_.getLayout()) { case ByComponent: { HashMap<String, List<NamedObject<TsData>>> allData = new HashMap<>(); for (DefaultSummary summary : summaries_) { for (Entry<String, TsData> keyValue : summary.getAllSeries().entrySet()) { List<NamedObject<TsData>> list = null; if (!allData.containsKey(keyValue.getKey())) { list = new ArrayList<>(); allData.put(keyValue.getKey(), list); } else { list = allData.get(keyValue.getKey()); }/*from w w w.ja va 2s . c o m*/ String name; if (fullName) { name = MultiLineNameUtil.join(summary.getName(), " * "); } else { name = MultiLineNameUtil.last(summary.getName()); } list.add(new NamedObject<>(name, keyValue.getValue())); } } for (Entry<String, List<NamedObject<TsData>>> keyValue : allData.entrySet()) { TsDataTable byComponentTable = new TsDataTable(); List<NamedObject<TsData>> value = keyValue.getValue(); String[] headers = new String[value.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { NamedObject<TsData> data = value.get(i); headers[i] =; byComponentTable.insert(-1, data.object); } //ADD SHEET XSSFHelper.addSheet(workbook, keyValue.getKey(), new String[] { keyValue.getKey() }, headers, byComponentTable, config_.isVerticalOrientation()); } break; } case BySeries: { for (int i = 0; i < summaries_.size(); i++) { DefaultSummary summary = summaries_.get(i); Set<Entry<String, TsData>> tmp = summary.getAllSeries().entrySet(); TsDataTable bySeriesTable = new TsDataTable(); String[] componentHeaders = new String[tmp.size()]; int j = 0; for (Entry<String, TsData> keyValue : tmp) { componentHeaders[j++] = keyValue.getKey(); bySeriesTable.insert(-1, keyValue.getValue()); } //ADD SHEET String name; if (fullName) { name = MultiLineNameUtil.join(summary.getName(), " * "); } else { name = MultiLineNameUtil.last(summary.getName()); } XSSFHelper.addSheet(workbook, "Series" + Integer.toString(i), new String[] { name }, componentHeaders, bySeriesTable, config_.isVerticalOrientation()); } break; } case OneSheet: { List<String> headers0 = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> headers1 = new ArrayList<>(); TsDataTable oneSheetTable = new TsDataTable(); for (DefaultSummary summary : summaries_) { String name; if (fullName) { name = MultiLineNameUtil.join(summary.getName(), " * "); } else { name = MultiLineNameUtil.last(summary.getName()); } headers0.add(name); Map<String, TsData> data = summary.getAllSeries(); for (Entry<String, TsData> keyValue : data.entrySet()) { headers1.add(keyValue.getKey()); oneSheetTable.insert(-1, keyValue.getValue()); } for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { headers0.add(""); } } //ADD SHEET XSSFHelper.addSheet(workbook, "Series", Iterables.toArray(headers0, String.class), Iterables.toArray(headers1, String.class), oneSheetTable, config_.isVerticalOrientation()); break; } } workbook.write(stream); } finally { workbook.dispose(); } }
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/** * @param left/* w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * @param right * @return */ public static NQLObject plus(NQLObject left, NQLObject right) { if ((left instanceof Numeric) && (right instanceof Numeric)) { Numeric l = (Numeric) left; Numeric r = (Numeric) right; if (left.getType() == Type.FLOAT || right.getType() == Type.FLOAT) return Objects.create(l.getAsFloat() + r.getAsFloat()); else if (left.getType() == Type.LONG || right.getType() == Type.LONG) return Objects.create(l.getAsLong() + r.getAsLong()); else return Objects.create(l.getAsInt() + r.getAsInt()); } if ((left instanceof Sequence) && (right instanceof Sequence)) { Sequence l = (Sequence) left; Sequence r = (Sequence) right; if (left.getType() != right.getType()) throw new TypeError(left, "can only concatenate sequences of the same type"); if (left.getType() == Type.LIST) switch (left.getType()) { case LIST: return new ListObject(Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.concat(l, r))); case STRING: return new StringObject(l.toString() + r.toString()); case TUPLE: NQLObject[] result = Iterables.toArray(Iterables.concat(l, r), NQLObject.class); return new TupleObject(result); } } throw new TypeError("can only add/concatenate types that are either numeric or sequence"); }
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/** * Builds Cayenne configuration object based on configured properties. *//*from w w w .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { // check datasource and transaction if (transactionManager == null && dataSource == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property 'transactionManager' or 'dataSource' is required"); } // create default resource loader if no attached spring context. if (applicationContext == null) { this.resourceLoader = new DefaultResourceLoader(); } else { this.resourceLoader = applicationContext; } SpringServerModule springModule = new SpringServerModule(); List<String> configurationLocations = ImmutableList.of(); if (dataDomainDefinitions != null && !dataDomainDefinitions.isEmpty()) { configurationLocations = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(dataDomainDefinitions.size()); for (DataDomainDefinition dataDomainDefinition : dataDomainDefinitions) { Assert.notNull(dataDomainDefinition.getName(), "the name of DataDomain is required"); Resource resource = Assert.notNull(dataDomainDefinition.getDomainResource(), "the resource of DataDomain is required"); URL url = null; try { url = resource.getURL(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CayenneException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } configurationLocations.add(url.toString()); // set default update strategy if (dataDomainDefinition.getSchemaUpdateStrategy() == null) { dataDomainDefinition.setSchemaUpdateStrategy(getDefaultSchemaUpdateStrategy()); } } } // create specific datasource Factory if (dataSourceFactory == null) { dataSourceFactory = new SpringDataSourceFactory(this); } // create cayenne runtime instance with domain definitions cayenneRuntime = new ServerRuntime(Iterables.toArray(configurationLocations, String.class), springModule); // create default transaction manager if (transactionManager == null) { transactionManager = new CayenneTransactionManager(dataSource, cayenneRuntime); } else { this.transactionManager.setCayenneRuntime(cayenneRuntime); } }
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@Override public void init() { super.init(); ImmutableList.Builder<ModuleTemplate> deviceTemplates = ImmutableList.builder(); ImmutableList.Builder<ModuleTemplate> extrasTemplates = ImmutableList.builder(); Set<FormFactor> formFactorSet = Sets.newHashSet(); // Android device templates are shown first, with less important templates following for (ModuleTemplateProvider provider : myModuleTypesProviders) { for (ModuleTemplate moduleTemplate : provider.getModuleTemplates()) { FormFactor formFactor = moduleTemplate.getFormFactor(); if (formFactor != null) { if (formFactor == FormFactor.GLASS && !AndroidSdkUtils.isGlassInstalled()) { // Hidden if not installed continue; }/*from w ww . j av a2 s . c o m*/ if (formFactor != FormFactor.CAR) { // Auto is not a standalone module (but rather a modification to a mobile module): deviceTemplates.add(moduleTemplate); formFactorSet.add(formFactor); } } else { extrasTemplates.add(moduleTemplate); } } } for (final FormFactor formFactor : formFactorSet) { registerValueDeriver(FormFactorUtils.getInclusionKey(formFactor), new ValueDeriver<Boolean>() { @Nullable @Override public Boolean deriveValue(@NotNull ScopedStateStore state, @Nullable ScopedStateStore.Key changedKey, @Nullable Boolean currentValue) { ModuleTemplate moduleTemplate = myState.get(SELECTED_MODULE_TYPE_KEY); return moduleTemplate != null && Objects.equal(formFactor, moduleTemplate.getFormFactor()); } }); } List<ModuleTemplate> galleryTemplatesList =; List<ModuleTemplate> extrasTemplatesList =; Iterable<ModuleTemplate> allTemplates = Iterables.concat(galleryTemplatesList, extrasTemplatesList); myFormFactorGallery .setModel(JBList.createDefaultListModel(Iterables.toArray(allTemplates, ModuleTemplate.class))); ModuleTypeBinding binding = new ModuleTypeBinding(); register(SELECTED_MODULE_TYPE_KEY, myPanel, binding); myFormFactorGallery.addListSelectionListener(new ModuleTypeSelectionListener()); if (!galleryTemplatesList.isEmpty()) { myState.put(SELECTED_MODULE_TYPE_KEY, galleryTemplatesList.get(0)); } }
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public static ColumnDescriptor descriptor(String column, MessageType schema) { String[] path = Iterables.toArray(DOT.split(column), String.class); Preconditions.checkArgument(schema.containsPath(path), "Schema doesn't have column: " + column); return schema.getColumnDescription(path); }
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protected String[] splitFixedLength(String line, int length) { Iterable<String> splitIter = Splitter.fixedLength(length).split(line); List<String> tok = new ArrayList<>(); Iterables.addAll(tok, splitIter);/*from w ww . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ return Iterables.toArray(tok, String.class); }
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public void file(Filer filer, CharSequence name, Iterable<? extends Element> originatingElements) throws IOException { final JavaFileObject sourceFile = filer.createSourceFile(name, Iterables.toArray(originatingElements, Element.class)); try {/* www. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ new Formatter().formatSource(CharSource.wrap(write(new StringBuilder())), new CharSink() { @Override public Writer openStream() throws IOException { return sourceFile.openWriter(); } }); } catch (FormatterException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("The writer produced code that could not be parsed by the formatter", e); } }
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public Folder[] getAllGroupFolders(final String gridId) { return Iterables.toArray(getTropixObjectDao().getAllGroupFolders(), Folder.class); }
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@Override public PropertyNode add(final String key, final byte[] value, final Collection<Attribute> attributes) { return internalAdd(true, key, value, Iterables.toArray(attributes, Attribute.class)); }
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public void checkSponsorRepresentativeInformationDisplayed(FirebirdUser user) { page.getPersonTag().getHelper().verifyPersonInformationIsDisplayed(user.getPerson()); Organization[] sponsors = Iterables.toArray(user.getSponsorRepresentativeOrganizations(), Organization.class); page.getSponsorSection().getHelper().verifySponsorRepresentativesAreDisplayed(sponsors); checkSelectedRolesDisplayed(UserRoleType.SPONSOR); }