List of usage examples for Iterables removeIf
public static <T> boolean removeIf(Iterable<T> removeFrom, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
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private void filterGlobalRepoIfNeeded(Set<RepoStorageSummary> summaries) { if (ConstantValues.disableGlobalRepoAccess.getBoolean()) { Iterables.removeIf(summaries, new Predicate<RepoStorageSummary>() { @Override//from w ww . j ava 2 s .c om public boolean apply(RepoStorageSummary summary) { return VirtualRepoDescriptor.GLOBAL_VIRTUAL_REPO_KEY.equals(summary.getRepoKey()); } }); } }
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/** * Updates the local representation of the charging station authorization list. * Tokens in the updatedIdentificationTokens will be removed from the local operator api list. * * @param chargingStation the chargingstation. * @param updatedLocalAuthorizations the updated tokens. *//*from w ww. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ private void updateAuthorizationList(final ChargingStation chargingStation, final Set<LocalAuthorization> updatedLocalAuthorizations) { Set<LocalAuthorization> authorizationList = chargingStation.getLocalAuthorizations(); Iterables.removeIf(authorizationList, new Predicate<LocalAuthorization>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable LocalAuthorization identifyingToken) { return updatedLocalAuthorizations != null && updatedLocalAuthorizations.contains(identifyingToken); } }); authorizationList.addAll(updatedLocalAuthorizations); }
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@Override public void broadcast(FacesEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException { super.broadcast(event); if (event instanceof TreeSelectionChangeEvent) { TreeSelectionChangeEvent selectionEvent = (TreeSelectionChangeEvent) event; final Collection<Object> newSelection = selectionEvent.getNewSelection(); Collection<Object> selectionCollection = getSelection(); Iterables.removeIf(selectionCollection, new Predicate<Object>() { public boolean apply(Object input) { return !newSelection.contains(input); }/*from w w w .jav a2 s. c om*/ ; }); if (!newSelection.isEmpty()) { Iterables.addAll(selectionCollection, newSelection); } } else if (event instanceof TreeToggleEvent) { TreeToggleEvent toggleEvent = (TreeToggleEvent) event; AbstractTreeNode treeNodeComponent = findTreeNodeComponent(); boolean newExpandedValue = toggleEvent.isExpanded(); FacesContext context = getFacesContext(); ValueExpression expression = treeNodeComponent .getValueExpression(AbstractTreeNode.PropertyKeys.expanded.toString()); if (expression != null) { ELContext elContext = context.getELContext(); Exception caught = null; FacesMessage message = null; try { expression.setValue(elContext, newExpandedValue); } catch (ELException e) { caught = e; String messageStr = e.getMessage(); Throwable result = e.getCause(); while (null != result && result.getClass().isAssignableFrom(ELException.class)) { messageStr = result.getMessage(); result = result.getCause(); } if (null == messageStr) { MessageFactory messageFactory = ServiceTracker.getService(MessageFactory.class); message = messageFactory.createMessage(context, FacesMessages.UIINPUT_UPDATE, MessageUtil.getLabel(context, this)); } else { message = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, messageStr, messageStr); } } catch (Exception e) { caught = e; MessageFactory messageFactory = ServiceTracker.getService(MessageFactory.class); message = messageFactory.createMessage(context, FacesMessages.UIINPUT_UPDATE, MessageUtil.getLabel(context, this)); } if (caught != null) { assert (message != null); UpdateModelException toQueue = new UpdateModelException(message, caught); ExceptionQueuedEventContext eventContext = new ExceptionQueuedEventContext(context, toQueue, this, PhaseId.UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES); context.getApplication().publishEvent(context, ExceptionQueuedEvent.class, eventContext); } } else { treeNodeComponent.setExpanded(newExpandedValue); } } }
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private List<TestComputationRule> buildTestComputationRulesForLevelRules( final List<ScoringRule> scoringRuleList, final List<BlueprintElement> blueprintElementList) { final List<TestComputationRule> testComputationRuleList = Lists.newArrayList(); if (Iterables.any(scoringRuleList, LEVEL_TYPE_FILTER)) { // construct each leaf node into a separate scoring rule final List<ScoringRule> levelScoringRules = Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.filter(scoringRuleList, LEVEL_TYPE_FILTER)); for (final ScoringRule scoringRule : levelScoringRules) { final int i = 1; // winnow blueprintElement list down to matching levels only Iterables.removeIf(blueprintElementList, Predicates.not(LEVEL_FILTER.getInstance(scoringRule.getBlueprintReferenceId()))); // transform every leaf node bp element into a scoring rule mimicking this scoringRule testComputationRuleList.addAll(Lists.transform(blueprintElementList, LEAF_NODE_LEVEL_SCORING_RULE_TRANSFORMER.getInstance(scoringRule, i))); }/* w ww.j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ } return testComputationRuleList; }
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private Set<? extends RepoDescriptor> calcSpecificRepoForIndexing(@Nullable final List<String> repoKeys) { Set<RepoBaseDescriptor> excludedRepos = Sets.newHashSet(); excludedRepos.addAll(repositoryService.getLocalRepoDescriptors()); excludedRepos.addAll(repositoryService.getRemoteRepoDescriptors()); excludedRepos.addAll(getAllVirtualReposExceptGlobal()); if ((repoKeys != null) && !repoKeys.isEmpty()) { Iterables.removeIf(excludedRepos, new Predicate<RepoBaseDescriptor>() { @Override// ww w . j a va 2s . c o m public boolean apply(@Nullable RepoBaseDescriptor repoBaseDescriptor) { if (repoBaseDescriptor == null) { return false; } return repoKeys.contains(repoBaseDescriptor.getKey()); } }); } return excludedRepos; }
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private void removeLanguagesThatMustNotBeInDBAnymore(Consultant consultant, final List<LanguageModel> languageModels) { Iterables.removeIf(consultant.getLanguages(), new Predicate<Language>() { @Override//from www.j a v a 2 s .c o m public boolean apply(Language language) { LanguageModel languageModel = mysqlLanguageToModelConverter.convert(language); return !languageModels.contains(languageModel); } }); }
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private void removeLanguagesThatAlreadyExistInDB(final String consultantId, List<LanguageModel> languageModels) { Iterables.removeIf(languageModels, new Predicate<LanguageModel>() { @Override/* w w w . j av a2s . c om*/ public boolean apply(LanguageModel languageModel) { List<LanguageModel> languages = mysqlLanguageToModelConverter .convertList(languageRepository.findByConsultantId(Long.parseLong(consultantId))); return languages.contains(languageModel); } }); }
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private Iterable<URL> sanitizeCP(Iterable<URL> baseClassPathForScanning) { /*//ww w . j av a2 s. c om If Brooklyn is being run via apache daemon[1], and the classpath contains the contents of an empty folder, (e.g. xxx:lib/patch/*:xxx) the classpath will be incorrectly expanded to include a zero-length string (e.g. xxx::xxx), which is then interpreted by {@link org.reflections.Reflections#scan} as the root of the file system. See [2], line 90+. This needs to be removed, lest we attempt to scan the entire filesystem [1]: [2]: */ Iterables.removeIf(baseClassPathForScanning, new Predicate<URL>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable URL url) { return Strings.isEmpty(url.getFile()) || "/".equals(url.getFile()); } }); return baseClassPathForScanning; }
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private void removeSkillsThatMustNotBeInDBAnymore(Consultant consultant, final Set<String> skills) { Iterables.removeIf(consultant.getSkills(), new Predicate<Skill>() { @Override//w w w. ja va 2 s . com public boolean apply(Skill skill) { return !skills.contains(skill.getId().getSkill()); } }); }
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private void removeSkillsThatAlreadyExistInDB(final Set<String> skills) { Iterables.removeIf(skills, new Predicate<String>() { @Override/*from w ww . j av a2 s . co m*/ public boolean apply(String skill) { return skillRepository.findByIdSkill(skill) != null; } }); }