List of usage examples for Iterables mergeSorted
@Beta public static <T> Iterable<T> mergeSorted(final Iterable<? extends Iterable<? extends T>> iterables, final Comparator<? super T> comparator)
From source
/** * Get the revision of the latest change made to this node. At the same * time this method collects all collisions that happened for the given * {@code changeRev}. The reported latest change takes branches into * account. This means, if {@code changeRev} is on a branch, the latest * change is either a change that was done by a preceding branch commit or * a change that happened before the base of the branch. Changes done after * the branch base on trunk are not considered in this case. For a trunk * commit the latest change is reported similarly. In this case, unmerged * branch commits are not considered as latest change. Only commits to trunk * are considered.// ww w. j ava 2 s. c o m * * Collisions include the following cases: * <ul> * <li>The other change is not yet committed</li> * <li>The other change is a branch commit and not yet merged</li> * <li>The {@code changeRev} is a branch commit and the other change * happened after the base revision of the branch</li> * <li>The other change is from another cluster node and not yet * visible</li> * </ul> * * @param context the revision context. * @param baseRev the base revision of the current change. * @param changeRev the revision of the current change. * @param branch the branch associated with the current change or * {@code null} if {@code changeRev} is not a branch commit. * @param collisions changes that happened after {@code baseRev}. */ @CheckForNull Revision getNewestRevision(final RevisionContext context, final RevisionVector baseRev, final Revision changeRev, final Branch branch, final Set<Revision> collisions) { checkArgument(!baseRev.isBranch() || branch != null, "Branch must be non-null if baseRev is a branch revision"); RevisionVector head = context.getHeadRevision(); RevisionVector lower = branch != null ? branch.getBase() : baseRev; // the clusterIds to check when walking the changes Set<Integer> clusterIds = Collections.emptySet(); if (!getPreviousRanges().isEmpty()) { clusterIds = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Revision prevRev : getPreviousRanges().keySet()) { if (lower.isRevisionNewer(prevRev) || equal(prevRev, lower.getRevision(prevRev.getClusterId()))) { clusterIds.add(prevRev.getClusterId()); } } if (!clusterIds.isEmpty()) { // add clusterIds of local changes as well for (Revision r : getLocalCommitRoot().keySet()) { clusterIds.add(r.getClusterId()); } for (Revision r : getLocalRevisions().keySet()) { clusterIds.add(r.getClusterId()); } } } // if we don't have clusterIds, we can use the local changes only boolean fullScan = true; Iterable<Revision> changes = Iterables.mergeSorted( ImmutableList.of(getLocalRevisions().keySet(), getLocalCommitRoot().keySet()), getLocalRevisions().comparator()); if (!clusterIds.isEmpty()) { // there are some previous documents that potentially // contain changes after 'lower' revision vector // include previous documents as well (only needed in rare cases) fullScan = false; changes = Iterables.mergeSorted( ImmutableList.of(changes, getChanges(REVISIONS, lower), getChanges(COMMIT_ROOT, lower)), getLocalRevisions().comparator()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("getNewestRevision() with changeRev {} on {}, " + "_revisions {}, _commitRoot {}", changeRev, getId(), getLocalRevisions(), getLocalCommitRoot()); } } Map<Integer, Revision> newestRevs = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<Revision, String> validRevisions = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Revision r : changes) { if (r.equals(changeRev)) { continue; } if (!fullScan) { // check if we can stop going through changes if (clusterIds.contains(r.getClusterId()) && !lower.isRevisionNewer(r) && newestRevs.containsKey(r.getClusterId())) { clusterIds.remove(r.getClusterId()); if (clusterIds.isEmpty()) { // all remaining revisions are older than // the lower bound break; } } } if (newestRevs.containsKey(r.getClusterId())) { // we already found the newest revision for this clusterId // from a baseRev point of view // we still need to find collisions up to the base // of the branch if this is for a commit on a branch if (branch != null && !branch.containsCommit(r)) { // change does not belong to the branch if (branch.getBase(changeRev).isRevisionNewer(r)) { // and happened after the base of the branch collisions.add(r); } } } else { // we don't yet have the newest committed change // for this clusterId // check if change is visible from baseRev if (isValidRevision(context, r, null, baseRev, validRevisions)) { // consider for newestRev newestRevs.put(r.getClusterId(), r); } else { // not valid means: // 1) 'r' is not committed -> collision // 2) 'r' is on a branch, but not the same as // changeRev -> collisions // 3) changeRev is on a branch and 'r' is newer than // the base of the branch -> collision // 4) 'r' is committed but not yet visible to current // cluster node -> collisions // 5) changeRev is not on a branch, 'r' is committed and // newer than baseRev -> newestRev NodeDocument commitRoot = getCommitRoot(r); Revision commitRevision = null; if (commitRoot != null) { commitRevision = commitRoot.getCommitRevision(r); } if (commitRevision != null // committed but not yet visible && head.isRevisionNewer(commitRevision)) { // case 4) collisions.add(r); } else if (commitRevision != null // committed && branch == null // changeRev not on branch && baseRev.isRevisionNewer(r)) { // case 5) newestRevs.put(r.getClusterId(), r); } else { // remaining cases 1), 2) and 3) collisions.add(r); } } } } // select the newest committed change Revision newestRev = null; for (Revision r : newestRevs.values()) { newestRev = Utils.max(newestRev, r, StableRevisionComparator.INSTANCE); } if (newestRev == null) { return null; } // the local deleted map contains the most recent revisions SortedMap<Revision, String> deleted = getLocalDeleted(); String value = deleted.get(newestRev); if (value == null && deleted.headMap(newestRev).isEmpty()) { // newestRev is newer than most recent entry in local deleted // no need to check previous docs return newestRev; } if (value == null) { // get from complete map value = getDeleted().get(newestRev); } if ("true".equals(value)) { // deleted in the newest revision return null; } return newestRev; }
From source
/** * Returns an {@link Iterable} of {@link Revision} of all changes performed * on this document. This covers all entries for {@link #REVISIONS} and * {@link #COMMIT_ROOT} including previous documents. The revisions are * returned in descending stable revision order using * {@link StableRevisionComparator#REVERSE}. * * @return revisions of all changes performed on this document. *//* w ww .java2s . c om*/ Iterable<Revision> getAllChanges() { RevisionVector empty = new RevisionVector(); return Iterables.mergeSorted(ImmutableList.of(getChanges(REVISIONS, empty), getChanges(COMMIT_ROOT, empty)), StableRevisionComparator.REVERSE); }
From source
/** * Returns all changes for the given property back to {@code min} revision * (exclusive). The revisions include committed as well as uncommitted * changes. The returned revisions are sorted in reverse order (newest * first).//www .ja v a 2 s . co m * * @param property the name of the property. * @param min the lower bound revision (exclusive). * @return changes back to {@code min} revision. */ @Nonnull Iterable<Revision> getChanges(@Nonnull final String property, @Nonnull final RevisionVector min) { Predicate<Revision> p = new Predicate<Revision>() { @Override public boolean apply(Revision input) { return min.isRevisionNewer(input); } }; List<Iterable<Revision>> changes = Lists.newArrayList(); changes.add(abortingIterable(getLocalMap(property).keySet(), p)); for (Map.Entry<Revision, Range> e : getPreviousRanges().entrySet()) { if (min.isRevisionNewer(e.getKey())) { final NodeDocument prev = getPreviousDoc(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); if (prev != null) { changes.add(abortingIterable(prev.getValueMap(property).keySet(), p)); } } } if (changes.size() == 1) { return changes.get(0); } else { return Iterables.mergeSorted(changes, StableRevisionComparator.REVERSE); } }