Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables limit

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables limit


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables limit.


public static <T> Iterable<T> limit(final Iterable<T> iterable, final int limitSize) 

Source Link


Creates an iterable with the first limitSize elements of the given iterable.


From source file:cosmos.mapred.MediawikiQueries.java

public void run(int numIterations) throws Exception {
    final Random offsetR = new Random(), cardinalityR = new Random();

    int iters = 0;

    while (iters < numIterations) {
        Store id = Store.create(this.con,

        int offset = offsetR.nextInt(MAX_OFFSET);
        int numRecords = cardinalityR.nextInt(MAX_SIZE) + 1;

        BatchScanner bs = this.con.createBatchScanner("sortswiki", new Authorizations(), 4);

        bs.setRanges(Collections.singleton(new Range(Integer.toString(offset), Integer.toString(MAX_ROW))));

        Iterable<Entry<Key, Value>> inputIterable = Iterables.limit(bs, numRecords);


        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": " + id.uuid() + " - Iteration " + iters);
        long recordsReturned = 0l;
        Function<Entry<Key, Value>, MultimapRecord> func = new Function<Entry<Key, Value>, MultimapRecord>() {
            @Override//from w w  w.  j  a  va 2  s .co  m
            public MultimapRecord apply(Entry<Key, Value> input) {
                Page p;
                try {
                    p = Page.parseFrom(input.getValue().get());
                } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
                return pagesToQueryResult(p);

        Map<Column, Long> counts = Maps.newHashMap();
        ArrayList<MultimapRecord> tformSource = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(20000);

        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
        Stopwatch tformSw = new Stopwatch();

        for (Entry<Key, Value> input : inputIterable) {

            MultimapRecord r = func.apply(input);


            loadCountsForRecord(counts, r);

        this.sorts.addResults(id, tformSource);

        long actualNumResults = tformSource.size();

        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": Took " + tformSw + " transforming and " + sw
                + " to store " + recordsReturned + " records");
        logTiming(actualNumResults, tformSw.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), "transformInput");
        logTiming(actualNumResults, sw.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), "ingest");


        Random r = new Random();
        int max = r.nextInt(10) + 1;

        // Run a bunch of queries
        for (int count = 0; count < max; count++) {
            long resultCount;
            String name;
            int i = r.nextInt(9);

            if (0 == i) {
                resultCount = docIdFetch(id, counts, actualNumResults);
                name = "docIdFetch";
            } else if (1 == i) {
                resultCount = columnFetch(id, REVISION_ID, counts, actualNumResults);
                name = "revisionIdFetch";
            } else if (2 == i) {
                resultCount = columnFetch(id, PAGE_ID, counts, actualNumResults);
                name = "pageIdFetch";
            } else if (3 == i) {
                groupBy(id, REVISION_ID, counts, actualNumResults);
                // no sense to verify here
                resultCount = recordsReturned;
                name = "groupByRevisionId";
            } else if (4 == i) {
                groupBy(id, PAGE_ID, counts, actualNumResults);
                // no sense to verify here
                resultCount = recordsReturned;
                name = "groupByRevisionId";
            } else if (5 == i) {
                resultCount = columnFetch(id, CONTRIBUTOR_USERNAME, counts, actualNumResults);
                name = "contributorUsernameFetch";
            } else if (6 == i) {
                groupBy(id, CONTRIBUTOR_USERNAME, counts, actualNumResults);
                // no sense to verify here
                resultCount = recordsReturned;
                name = "groupByContributorUsername";
            } else if (7 == i) {
                resultCount = columnFetch(id, CONTRIBUTOR_ID, counts, actualNumResults);
                name = "contributorIdFetch";
            } else {//if (8 == i) {
                groupBy(id, CONTRIBUTOR_ID, counts, actualNumResults);
                // no sense to verify here
                resultCount = recordsReturned;
                name = "groupByContributorID";
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": not deleting " + id);
        // Delete the results
        sw = new Stopwatch();



        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": Took " + sw.toString() + " to delete results");
        logTiming(actualNumResults, sw.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), "deleteResults");



From source file:com.yahoo.pulsar.broker.service.persistent.PersistentDispatcherMultipleConsumers.java

private void readMoreEntries() {
    if (totalAvailablePermits > 0 && isAtleastOneConsumerAvailable()) {
        int messagesToRead = Math.min(totalAvailablePermits, readBatchSize);

        if (!messagesToReplay.isEmpty()) {
            if (havePendingReplayRead) {
                log.debug("[{}] Skipping replay while awaiting previous read to complete", name);
            }//from  w w w.  jav  a 2 s.  co m

            Set<PositionImpl> messagesToReplayNow = ImmutableSet
                    .copyOf(Iterables.limit(messagesToReplay, messagesToRead));

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("[{}] Schedule replay of {} messages for {} consumers", name,
                        messagesToReplayNow.size(), consumerList.size());

            havePendingReplayRead = true;
            Set<? extends Position> deletedMessages = cursor.asyncReplayEntries(messagesToReplayNow, this,
            // clear already acked positions from replay bucket
            // if all the entries are acked-entries and cleared up from messagesToReplay, try to read
            // next entries as readCompletedEntries-callback was never called 
            if ((messagesToReplayNow.size() - deletedMessages.size()) == 0) {
                havePendingReplayRead = false;
        } else if (!havePendingRead) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("[{}] Schedule read of {} messages for {} consumers", name, messagesToRead,
            havePendingRead = true;
            cursor.asyncReadEntriesOrWait(messagesToRead, this, ReadType.Normal);
        } else {
            log.debug("[{}] Cannot schedule next read until previous one is done", name);
    } else {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("[{}] Consumer buffer is full, pause reading", name);

From source file:brooklyn.entity.rebind.Dumpers.java

private static void deepDumpInternal(Object o, Predicate<Field> fieldPredicate, PrintStream out, int indentSize,
        String prefix, List<Object> visited) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
    String indent = com.google.common.base.Strings.repeat(" ", indentSize * 2);
    Class<?> clazz = (o != null) ? o.getClass() : null;

    if (o == null) {
        out.println(indent + prefix + "null");
    } else if (isClassUntraversable(clazz)) {
        out.println(indent + prefix + "(untraversable) type=" + clazz + "; val=" + o.toString());
    } else if (containsSame(visited, o)) {
        out.println(indent + prefix + "duplicate (type=" + clazz + "; val=" + o.toString() + ")");
    } else {/* w  ww .  jav a2 s.c o  m*/
        out.println(indent + prefix + "type=" + clazz + "; val=" + o.toString());
        Map<String, Object> members = findMembers(o, fieldPredicate);
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : Iterables.limit(members.entrySet(), MAX_MEMBERS)) {
            deepDumpInternal(entry.getValue(), fieldPredicate, out, indentSize + 1, "" + entry.getKey() + ": ",
        if (members.size() > MAX_MEMBERS) {
            out.println(indent + prefix + "TRUNCATED (" + members.size() + " members in total)");

From source file:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.lucene.directory.IndexRootDirectory.java

 * <ul>//from w ww .j a  v  a 2 s  .c  o m
 *     <li>abc -> abc</li>
 *     <li>xy:abc -> xyabc</li>
 *     <li>/oak:index/abc -> abc</li>
 * </ul>
 * The resulting file name would be truncated to MAX_NAME_LENGTH
static String getIndexFolderBaseName(String indexPath) {
    List<String> elements = Lists.newArrayList(PathUtils.elements(indexPath));
    List<String> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(2);

    //Max 3 nodeNames including oak:index which is the immediate parent for any indexPath
    for (String e : Iterables.limit(elements, 3)) {
        if ("oak:index".equals(e)) {
        //Strip of any char outside of a-zA-Z0-9-
        result.add(e.replaceAll("\\W", ""));

    String name = Joiner.on('_').join(result);
    if (name.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {
        name = name.substring(0, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    return name;

From source file:org.onos.yangtools.yang.data.impl.schema.tree.InMemoryDataTreeModification.java

private OperationWithModification resolveModificationFor(final YangInstanceIdentifier path) {
    upgradeIfPossible();/*from   w  w  w.  java  2s . c o  m*/

     * Walk the strategy and modification trees in-sync, creating modification nodes as needed.
     * If the user has provided wrong input, we may end up with a bunch of TOUCH nodes present
     * ending with an empty one, as we will throw the exception below. This fact could end up
     * being a problem, as we'd have bunch of phantom operations.
     * That is fine, as we will prune any empty TOUCH nodes in the last phase of the ready
     * process.
    ModificationApplyOperation operation = strategyTree;
    ModifiedNode modification = rootNode;

    int i = 1;
    for (final PathArgument pathArg : path.getPathArguments()) {
        final Optional<ModificationApplyOperation> potential = operation.getChild(pathArg);
        if (!potential.isPresent()) {
            throw new SchemaValidationFailedException(String.format("Child %s is not present in schema tree.",
                    Iterables.toString(Iterables.limit(path.getPathArguments(), i))));
        operation = potential.get();

        modification = modification.modifyChild(pathArg, operation.getChildPolicy());

    return OperationWithModification.from(operation, modification);

From source file:com.eucalyptus.reporting.Counter.java

private CountPeriod<C> period(final long time) {
    Optional<CountPeriod<C>> period = Optional.empty();
    while (!period.isPresent()) {
        period = periods.get().stream().filter(p -> p.test(time)).findFirst();
        if (!period.isPresent()) {
            final List<CountPeriod<C>> periodList = periods.get();
            final List<CountPeriod<C>> newPeriodList = Lists.newArrayList();
            while (newPeriodList.size() < periodCount && !periodList.isEmpty()) {
                if (newPeriodList.get(newPeriodList.size() - 1).key.start != periodList.get(0).key.end) {
                    newPeriodList.add(/* w  ww. j a va2 s .  com*/
                            newPeriod((newPeriodList.get(newPeriodList.size() - 1).key.start - periodLength)));
                } else {
            if (newPeriodList.size() < periodCount) {
                        Iterables.limit(periodList, periodCount - newPeriodList.size()));
            periods.compareAndSet(periodList, ImmutableList.copyOf(newPeriodList));
    return period.get();

From source file:org.diqube.execution.steps.BuildColumnFromValuesStep.java

protected void execute() {
    // this is the last run of this execute method if the input source is fully done.
    boolean intermediateRun = !sourceIsDone.get();

    if (intermediateRun && !existsOutputConsumerOfType(ColumnVersionBuiltConsumer.class))
        // if this is NOT the last run (= there are more values to be provided), but there is no-one who'd listen to
        // intermediary updates, do not calculate them.
        return;/*from   w  w w .  ja va  2 s .  c om*/

    if (intermediateRun && !atLeastOneInterestingUpdate.get())

    Map<Long, Object> values;
    Set<Long> curUpdatedRowIds;
    synchronized (columnSync) {

        if (columnValues == null || columnValues.isEmpty()) {
            if (!intermediateRun) {
                // source is done but we did not receive any data. Do not build column, just report "done".
                forEachOutputConsumerOfType(GenericConsumer.class, c -> c.sourceIsDone());

        values = new HashMap<Long, Object>(columnValues);

        curUpdatedRowIds = updatedRowIds;
        updatedRowIds = new HashSet<>();
    long numberOfRows = values.keySet().stream().max(Long::compare).get() + 1;

    SparseColumnShardBuilder<Object> columnShardBuilder = columnShardBuilderFactory

    ColumnShard newColumn = columnShardBuilder.build();

    // inform ColumnVersionBuiltConsumers
    if (existsOutputConsumerOfType(ColumnVersionBuiltConsumer.class)) {
        logger.trace("Building new column version for {} after adjusting rows (limt) {}", colName,
                Iterables.limit(curUpdatedRowIds, 500));
        VersionedExecutionEnvironment newEnv = columnVersionManager.createNewVersion(newColumn);
                c -> c.columnVersionBuilt(newEnv, colName, curUpdatedRowIds));

    // if done, inform other consumers.
    if (!intermediateRun) {
        switch (newColumn.getColumnType()) {
        case STRING:
            defaultEnv.storeTemporaryStringColumnShard((StringColumnShard) newColumn);
        case LONG:
            defaultEnv.storeTemporaryLongColumnShard((LongColumnShard) newColumn);
        case DOUBLE:
            defaultEnv.storeTemporaryDoubleColumnShard((DoubleColumnShard) newColumn);

        logger.trace("Built column {} from values received from a ColumnValueConsumer.", colName);
        forEachOutputConsumerOfType(ColumnBuiltConsumer.class, c -> c.columnBuilt(colName));
        forEachOutputConsumerOfType(GenericConsumer.class, c -> c.sourceIsDone());

From source file:org.diqube.execution.steps.FilterRequestedColumnsAndActiveRowIdsStep.java

 * Filters all values of all columns that have one of the specified rowIds and informs {@link ColumnValueConsumer}s
 * about them./*from w w  w.  j a va2s . c o m*/
private void processValues(Map<String, Map<Long, Object>> values, Set<Long> rowIds) {
    for (Entry<String, Map<Long, Object>> valueEntry : values.entrySet()) {
        Set<Long> activeValueRowIds = Sets.intersection(valueEntry.getValue().keySet(), rowIds);
        if (!activeValueRowIds.isEmpty()) {
            Map<Long, Object> newValues = Maps.filterKeys(valueEntry.getValue(),
                    rowId -> activeValueRowIds.contains(rowId));

            logger.trace("Sending out values for {}, rowIds (limit) {}", valueEntry.getKey(),
                    Iterables.limit(activeValueRowIds, 100));

                    c -> c.consume(valueEntry.getKey(), newValues));

From source file:org.diqube.execution.steps.GroupStep.java

protected void execute() {
    if (columnBuiltConsumer.getNumberOfTimesWired() > 0 && !allColumnsBuilt.get())
        // we wait until our columns are all built.
        return;/* w  w w .  ja  v a2 s .  co  m*/

    if (headGrouper == null)
        // create groupers. Do this just now, as we know that now really all columns are available!
        headGrouper = createGroupers(colNamesToGroupBy, 0).get();

    List<Long> activeRowIds = new ArrayList<>();
    Long newRowId;
    while ((newRowId = rowIds.poll()) != null)

    if (activeRowIds.size() > 0) {
        // use headGrouper to group the new RowIDs, collect the new groupings in a new map.
        Map<Long, List<Long>> changesGroups = new HashMap<>();
        headGrouper.groupRowIds(activeRowIds, changesGroups);

        logger.trace("Grouped new rowIds (limit each): {}",
                Maps.transformValues(changesGroups, lst -> Iterables.limit(lst, 50)));

        Set<Long> newGroupIds = Sets.difference(changesGroups.keySet(), groups.keySet());

        if (!newGroupIds.isEmpty()) {
            // If we started new groups, we need to resolve the values of the group-by fields (if they are selected, e.g.).
            // As each groupID is in fact a rowID (of one arbitrary row that is inside the group), we find those new row IDs
            // and send them to RowID consumers.
            Long[] newRowIdsArray = newGroupIds.stream().toArray(l -> new Long[l]);
            logger.trace("New group IDs (limit): {}", Iterables.limit(Arrays.asList(newRowIdsArray), 100));

            forEachOutputConsumerOfType(RowIdConsumer.class, c -> c.consume(newRowIdsArray));

        for (Long groupId : changesGroups.keySet()) {
            if (!groups.containsKey(groupId))
                groups.put(groupId, new ArrayList<>(changesGroups.get(groupId)));

        forEachOutputConsumerOfType(GroupDeltaConsumer.class, c -> c.consumeGroupDeltas(changesGroups));
        forEachOutputConsumerOfType(GroupConsumer.class, c -> c.consumeGroups(groups));
    if (sourceIsEmpty.get() && rowIds.isEmpty()) {
        forEachOutputConsumerOfType(GenericConsumer.class, c -> c.sourceIsDone());

From source file:gaffer.store.schema.ViewValidator.java

protected boolean validateGroupBy(final boolean isStoreOrdered, final String group,
        final ViewElementDefinition viewElDef, final SchemaElementDefinition schemaElDef) {
    final LinkedHashSet<String> viewGroupBy = viewElDef.getGroupBy();

    boolean isValid = true;
    if (null != viewGroupBy && !viewGroupBy.isEmpty()) {
        final LinkedHashSet<String> schemaGroupBy = schemaElDef.getGroupBy();
        if (null != schemaGroupBy && schemaGroupBy.containsAll(viewGroupBy)) {
            if (isStoreOrdered) {
                final LinkedHashSet<String> schemaGroupBySubset = Sets
                        .newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.limit(schemaGroupBy, viewGroupBy.size()));
                if (!viewGroupBy.equals(schemaGroupBySubset)) {
                    LOGGER.error("Group by properties for group " + group
                            + " are not in the same order as the group by properties in the schema. View groupBy:"
                            + viewGroupBy + ". Schema groupBy:" + schemaGroupBy);
                    isValid = false;//from www  .j  av a  2  s.co m
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("Group by properties for group " + group
                    + " in the view are not all included in the group by field in the schema. View groupBy:"
                    + viewGroupBy + ". Schema groupBy:" + schemaGroupBy);
            isValid = false;

    return isValid;