List of usage examples for Iterables getOnlyElement
public static <T> T getOnlyElement(Iterable<T> iterable)
From source
@Override public CompiledFunctionDefinition compile(final FunctionCompilationContext context, final Instant atInstant) { return new HullWhiteCompiledFunction(getTargetToDefinitionConverter(context), getDefinitionToDerivativeConverter(context), true) { @Override/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ protected Set<ComputedValue> getValues(final FunctionExecutionContext executionContext, final FunctionInputs inputs, final ComputationTarget target, final Set<ValueRequirement> desiredValues, final InstrumentDerivative derivative, final FXMatrix fxMatrix) { final HullWhiteOneFactorProviderInterface data = getMergedProviders(inputs, fxMatrix); final ValueRequirement desiredValue = Iterables.getOnlyElement(desiredValues); final double convexityAdjustment = derivative.accept(CALCULATOR, data); final ValueProperties properties = desiredValue.getConstraints().copy().get(); final ValueSpecification spec = new ValueSpecification(CONVEXITY_ADJUSTMENT, target.toSpecification(), properties); return Collections.singleton(new ComputedValue(spec, convexityAdjustment)); } @Override public boolean canApplyTo(final FunctionCompilationContext compilationContext, final ComputationTarget target) { final Security security = target.getTrade().getSecurity(); return security instanceof DeliverableSwapFutureSecurity || security instanceof InterestRateFutureSecurity; } }; }
From source
@Override public CompiledFunctionDefinition compile(final FunctionCompilationContext context, final Instant atInstant) { return new FXForwardPointsCompiledFunction(getTargetToDefinitionConverter(context), getDefinitionToDerivativeConverter(context), true) { @Override/*from ww w . jav a 2 s . c om*/ protected Set<ComputedValue> getValues(final FunctionInputs inputs, final ComputationTarget target, final Set<ValueRequirement> desiredValues, final Forex forex, final FXMatrix fxMatrix, final ZonedDateTime now) { final MulticurveProviderInterface data = getMergedProviders(inputs, fxMatrix); final ValueRequirement desiredValue = Iterables.getOnlyElement(desiredValues); final String fxForwardCurveName = desiredValue.getConstraint(FORWARD_CURVE_NAME); final DoublesCurve forwardPoints = getForwardPoints(inputs, fxForwardCurveName, now); final CurrencyPairs pairs = (CurrencyPairs) inputs.getValue(CURRENCY_PAIRS); final Pair<Currency, Currency> ccyPair; final Currency currency1 = forex.getCurrency1(); final Currency currency2 = forex.getCurrency2(); if (currency1.equals(pairs.getCurrencyPair(currency1, currency2).getBase())) { ccyPair = Pair.of(currency1, currency2); } else { ccyPair = Pair.of(currency2, currency1); } final double[] sensitivities = CALCULATOR.presentValueForwardPointsSensitivity(forex, data, forwardPoints, ccyPair); final CurveDefinition definition = (CurveDefinition) inputs .getValue(new ValueRequirement(CURVE_DEFINITION, ComputationTargetSpecification.NULL, ValueProperties.with(CURVE, fxForwardCurveName).get())); final DoubleLabelledMatrix1D matrix = MultiCurveUtils .getLabelledMatrix(new DoubleMatrix1D(sensitivities), definition); final ValueProperties properties = desiredValue.getConstraints().copy().get(); final ValueSpecification spec = new ValueSpecification(FX_FORWARD_POINTS_NODE_SENSITIVITIES, target.toSpecification(), properties); return Collections.singleton(new ComputedValue(spec, matrix)); } }; }
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@Override public PlanNode replaceChildren(List<PlanNode> newChildren) { return new TopNNode(getId(), Iterables.getOnlyElement(newChildren), count, orderingScheme, step); }
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@Override public AbstractState getInitialState(CFANode pNode) { // Try to get all possible program counter values SingleLoopHead singleLoopHead = null; if (pNode instanceof SingleLoopHead) { singleLoopHead = (SingleLoopHead) pNode; } else if (cfa.getLoopStructure().isPresent()) { LoopStructure loopStructure = cfa.getLoopStructure().get(); if (loopStructure.getCount() == 1) { Loop singleLoop = Iterables.getOnlyElement(loopStructure.getAllLoops()); if (singleLoop.getLoopHeads().size() == 1) { CFANode loopHead = Iterables.getOnlyElement(singleLoop.getLoopHeads()); if (loopHead instanceof SingleLoopHead) { singleLoopHead = (SingleLoopHead) loopHead; }//from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m } } } if (singleLoopHead != null) { FluentIterable<BigInteger> potentialValues = FluentIterable .from(singleLoopHead.getProgramCounterValues()).transform(new Function<Integer, BigInteger>() { @Override public BigInteger apply(Integer pArg0) { return BigInteger.valueOf(pArg0); } }); if (!potentialValues.isEmpty()) { return ProgramCounterState.getStateForValues(potentialValues); } } // If the possible program counter values cannot be determined, return TOP return ProgramCounterState.getTopState(); }
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ReasonerAtomicQuery(Conjunction<Statement> pattern, TransactionOLTP tx) { super(pattern, tx); this.atom = Iterables.getOnlyElement(selectAtoms()::iterator); }
From source
@Test(groups = { "integration", "live" }) public void testNotWithDetails() throws InterruptedException { String key = "hello"; // NOTE all metadata in jclouds comes out as lowercase, in an effort to normalize the // providers. Blob object = view.getBlobStore().blobBuilder(key).userMetadata(ImmutableMap.of("Adrian", "powderpuff")) .payload(TEST_STRING).contentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).build(); String containerName = getContainerName(); try {/* w ww. j av a 2 s. c om*/ addBlobToContainer(containerName, object); validateContent(containerName, key); PageSet<? extends StorageMetadata> container = view.getBlobStore().list(containerName, maxResults(1)); BlobMetadata metadata = (BlobMetadata) Iterables.getOnlyElement(container); // transient container should be lenient and not return metadata on undetailed listing. assertEquals(metadata.getUserMetadata().size(), 0); } finally { returnContainer(containerName); } }
From source
private Query build(final Occur occur, Iterable<Query> queries) { final int size = Iterables.size(queries); checkArgument(size > 0, "At least one clause must be specified to build a query"); if (size == 1) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(queries); } else {/*w w w .j av a2 s .c o m*/ final BooleanQuery.Builder query = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); for (Query q : queries) { query.add(q, occur); } return; } }
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@Override public Optional<ValueAnalysisState> getStrongestPost(final ValueAnalysisState pOrigin, final Precision pPrecision, final CFAEdge pOperation) throws CPAException { final Collection<ValueAnalysisState> successors = transfer.getAbstractSuccessorsForEdge(pOrigin, pPrecision, pOperation);/*from w w w.j a va 2 s . c o m*/ if (successors.isEmpty()) { return Optional.absent(); } else { return Optional.of(Iterables.getOnlyElement(successors)); } }
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@Override public PlanNode replaceChildren(List<PlanNode> newChildren) { return new StatisticsWriterNode(getId(), Iterables.getOnlyElement(newChildren), target, rowCountSymbol, rowCountEnabled, descriptor); }
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public void annotate(Document doc, String outputAnnotationSetName) throws IOException { Clusterer.printClusteringAsAnnotationSet(doc, doc.readClusterFile(), outputAnnotationSetName); // remove singletons AnnotationSet coref = doc.getAnnotationSet(outputAnnotationSetName); Map<String, Set<String>> map = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); Map<String, Annotation> aMap = new HashMap<String, Annotation>(); for (Annotation a : coref) { String key = a.getAttribute(Constants.CLUSTER_ID); String val = a.getAttribute(Constants.CE_ID); MapUtil.addToMapSet(map, key, val); aMap.put(key, a);//from w ww .j a va2s. c om } for (String key : map.keySet()) { Set<String> vals = map.get(key); if (vals.size() == 1) { String val = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vals); Annotation a = aMap.get(val); boolean success = coref.remove(a); if (!success) { System.out.println("failed to remove: " + a); } } } doc.writeAnnotationSet(coref); }