Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast.


public static <T> T getLast(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, @Nullable T defaultValue) 

Source Link


Returns the last element of iterable or defaultValue if the iterable is empty.


From source file:actors.DeployLogRelay.java

public void onReceive(final Object message) throws Exception {
    if ("check".equals(message)) {
        final List<DeploymentLog> logs = DeploymentLog.getLogsSince(_deployment, DeploymentLog.ref(_lastId));

        final ObjectNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
        final ArrayNode messages = node.putArray("messages");
        logs.forEach((logLine) -> messages.addObject().put("line", logLine.getMessage())
                .put("timestamp", logLine.getLogTime().toString()).put("host",
        pushLog(node);//from ww  w  .  j a  va  2s  . co  m
        _lastId = Optional.fromNullable(Iterables.getLast(logs, null)).transform(DeploymentLog::getId)
        _logger.info("Refreshed the deploy, finished=" + _deployment.getFinished());
        if (_deployment.getFinished() != null) {
            context().system().scheduler().scheduleOnce(FiniteDuration.apply(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS), self(),
                    "close", context().dispatcher(), self());
    } else if ("close".equals(message)) {
        self().tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), self());

From source file:cz.cuni.mff.ms.brodecva.botnicek.ide.check.code.model.checker.DefaultCodeChecker.java

 * Nejlep snaha o odstrann implementa?nch podrobnost a zachovn pouze
 * samotnho tla zprvy.//  www  .  java 2  s .  co m
private static String cutMessage(final String message) {
    if (message == Intended.nullReference()) {
        return "";

    return Iterables.getLast(Splitter.on(MESSAGE_PARTS_SEPARATOR).splitToList(message), "").trim();

From source file:com.jeroensteenbeeke.andalite.java.transformation.operations.impl.EnsureEndReturnStatement.java

public ActionResult verify(IBodyContainer input) {
    AnalyzedStatement last = Iterables.getLast(input.getStatements(), null);

    if (last instanceof ReturnStatement) {
        ReturnStatement statement = (ReturnStatement) last;

        AnalyzedExpression returnExpression = statement.getReturnExpression();
        if (!returnExpression.toJavaString().equals(returnValue)) {
            return ActionResult.error("Invalid return expression: %s", returnExpression.toJavaString());
        }//w  w w  .j a  v a2 s  .com

        return ActionResult.ok();

    if (last != null) {
        return ActionResult.error("Last statement is not a return statement: %s", last.toJavaString());
    } else {
        return ActionResult.error("Body has no statements");

From source file:org.apache.metron.management.ConfigurationFunctions.java

private static synchronized void setupTreeCache(Context context) throws Exception {
    try {//from  w  w  w. j a  v  a 2  s.c om
        Optional<Object> treeCacheOpt = context.getCapability("treeCache");
        if (treeCacheOpt.isPresent()) {
    } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {

    Optional<Object> clientOpt = context.getCapability(Context.Capabilities.ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT);
    if (!clientOpt.isPresent()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "I expected a zookeeper client to exist and it did not.  Please connect to zookeeper.");
    CuratorFramework client = (CuratorFramework) clientOpt.get();
    TreeCache cache = new TreeCache(client, Constants.ZOOKEEPER_TOPOLOGY_ROOT);
    TreeCacheListener listener = new TreeCacheListener() {
        public void childEvent(CuratorFramework client, TreeCacheEvent event) throws Exception {
            if (event.getType().equals(TreeCacheEvent.Type.NODE_ADDED)
                    || event.getType().equals(TreeCacheEvent.Type.NODE_UPDATED)) {
                String path = event.getData().getPath();
                byte[] data = event.getData().getData();
                String sensor = Iterables.getLast(Splitter.on("/").split(path), null);
                if (path.startsWith(ConfigurationType.PARSER.getZookeeperRoot())) {
                    Map<String, String> sensorMap = (Map<String, String>) configMap
                    sensorMap.put(sensor, new String(data));
                } else if (ConfigurationType.GLOBAL.getZookeeperRoot().equals(path)) {
                    configMap.put(ConfigurationType.GLOBAL, new String(data));
                } else if (ConfigurationType.PROFILER.getZookeeperRoot().equals(path)) {
                    configMap.put(ConfigurationType.PROFILER, new String(data));
                } else if (path.startsWith(ConfigurationType.ENRICHMENT.getZookeeperRoot())) {
                    Map<String, String> sensorMap = (Map<String, String>) configMap
                    sensorMap.put(sensor, new String(data));
                } else if (path.startsWith(ConfigurationType.INDEXING.getZookeeperRoot())) {
                    Map<String, String> sensorMap = (Map<String, String>) configMap
                    sensorMap.put(sensor, new String(data));
            } else if (event.getType().equals(TreeCacheEvent.Type.NODE_REMOVED)) {
                String path = event.getData().getPath();
                String sensor = Iterables.getLast(Splitter.on("/").split(path), null);
                if (path.startsWith(ConfigurationType.PARSER.getZookeeperRoot())) {
                    Map<String, String> sensorMap = (Map<String, String>) configMap
                } else if (path.startsWith(ConfigurationType.ENRICHMENT.getZookeeperRoot())) {
                    Map<String, String> sensorMap = (Map<String, String>) configMap
                } else if (path.startsWith(ConfigurationType.INDEXING.getZookeeperRoot())) {
                    Map<String, String> sensorMap = (Map<String, String>) configMap
                } else if (ConfigurationType.PROFILER.getZookeeperRoot().equals(path)) {
                    configMap.put(ConfigurationType.PROFILER, null);
                } else if (ConfigurationType.GLOBAL.getZookeeperRoot().equals(path)) {
                    configMap.put(ConfigurationType.GLOBAL, null);
    for (ConfigurationType ct : ConfigurationType.values()) {
        switch (ct) {
        case GLOBAL:
        case PROFILER: {
            String data = "";
            try {
                byte[] bytes = ConfigurationsUtils.readFromZookeeper(ct.getZookeeperRoot(), client);
                data = new String(bytes);
            } catch (Exception ex) {

            configMap.put(ct, data);
        case INDEXING:
        case ENRICHMENT:
        case PARSER: {
            List<String> sensorTypes = client.getChildren().forPath(ct.getZookeeperRoot());
            Map<String, String> sensorMap = (Map<String, String>) configMap.get(ct);
            for (String sensorType : sensorTypes) {
                sensorMap.put(sensorType, new String(ConfigurationsUtils
                        .readFromZookeeper(ct.getZookeeperRoot() + "/" + sensorType, client)));
    context.addCapability("treeCache", () -> cache);

From source file:com.android.tools.idea.welcome.wizard.ConsoleHighlighter.java

public synchronized void print(String string, @Nullable TextAttributes attributes) {
    Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication();
    myPendingStrings.append(string);//from  w w  w. j  av  a  2 s. c om
    if (!myIsUpdatePending && application != null && !application.isUnitTestMode()) {
        myIsUpdatePending = true;
        application.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        }, myModalityState);

    HighlightRange lastRange = Iterables.getLast(myRanges, HighlightRange.EMPTY);
    assert lastRange != null;
    int start = lastRange.end;
    myRanges.add(new HighlightRange(start, start + string.length(), attributes));

From source file:org.apache.metron.writer.NoopWriter.java

private Function<Void, Void> getSleepFunction(String sleepConfig) {
    String usageMessage = "Unexpected: " + sleepConfig
            + " Expected value: integer for a fixed sleep duration in milliseconds (e.g. 10) "
            + "or a range of latencies separated by a comma (e.g. \"10, 20\") to sleep a random amount in that range.";
    try {/*from   w  ww  .  ja v  a2s. c  o  m*/
        if (sleepConfig.contains(",")) {
            // random latency within a range.
            Iterable<String> it = Splitter.on(',').split(sleepConfig);
            Integer min = ConversionUtils.convert(Iterables.getFirst(it, "").trim(), Integer.class);
            Integer max = ConversionUtils.convert(Iterables.getLast(it, "").trim(), Integer.class);
            if (min != null && max != null) {
                return new RandomLatency(min, max);
        } else {
            //fixed latency
            Integer latency = ConversionUtils.convert(sleepConfig.trim(), Integer.class);
            if (latency != null) {
                return new FixedLatency(latency);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(usageMessage, t);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(usageMessage);

From source file:org.opendaylight.controller.config.persist.storage.file.xml.model.Config.java

public Optional<ConfigSnapshot> getLastSnapshot() {
    ConfigSnapshot last = Iterables.getLast(snapshots, null);
    return last == null ? Optional.<ConfigSnapshot>absent() : Optional.of(last);

From source file:nextmethod.web.razor.parser.syntaxtree.Block.java

public Span findLastDescendentSpan() {
    SyntaxTreeNode current = this;
    while (current != null && current.isBlock()) {
        current = Iterables.getLast(((Block) current).children, null);
    }/*from w w  w  . j  a  v  a 2  s.c om*/
    return typeAs(current, Span.class);

From source file:com.madvay.tools.android.perf.apat.CommandLine.java

public String getUnaryFlagWithDefault(String name, String def) {
    return Iterables.getLast(flags.get(name), def);

From source file:com.b2international.snowowl.datastore.BranchPath.java

public String lastSegment() {
    if (BranchPathUtils.isMain(this)) {
        return IBranchPath.MAIN_BRANCH;
    }//  ww w .  j av  a 2  s . c  om

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) {
        return IBranchPath.EMPTY_PATH;

    final Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(IBranchPath.SEPARATOR_CHAR).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults();
    final Iterable<String> segments = splitter.split(path);

    return Iterables.getLast(segments, IBranchPath.EMPTY_PATH);