List of usage examples for Iterables get
public static <T> T get(Iterable<T> iterable, int position)
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public URI apply(Object from) { Iterable<Object> orgVdc = (Iterable<Object>) checkNotNull(from, "args"); Object org = Iterables.get(orgVdc, 0); Object vdc = Iterables.get(orgVdc, 1); if (org == null && vdc == null) return defaultVdc.get().getHref(); else if (org == null) org = defaultOrg.get().getName(); try {//from ww w. j a v a 2s. c o m Set<Reference> vdcs = checkNotNull(orgNameToVdcEndpoint.get().get(org)).getVdcs(); return vdc == null ? Iterables.getLast(vdcs).getHref() : Iterables.find(vdcs, nameEquals((String) vdc)).getHref(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new NoSuchElementException(org + "/" + vdc + " not found in " + orgNameToVdcEndpoint.get()); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public URI apply(Object from) { Iterable<Object> orgVdc = (Iterable<Object>) checkNotNull(from, "args"); Object org = Iterables.get(orgVdc, 0); Object Vdc = Iterables.get(orgVdc, 1); Object resource = Iterables.get(orgVdc, 2); if (org == null) org = defaultOrg.get().getName(); if (Vdc == null) Vdc = defaultVdc.get().getName(); Map<String, Map<String, org.jclouds.vcloud.director.v1_5.domain.Vdc>> orgToVdcs = orgVdcMap.get(); checkState(orgToVdcs != null, "could not get map of org name to Vdcs!"); Map<String, org.jclouds.vcloud.director.v1_5.domain.Vdc> Vdcs = orgToVdcs.get(org); if (Vdcs == null) throw new NoSuchElementException("org " + org + " not found in " + orgToVdcs.keySet()); org.jclouds.vcloud.director.v1_5.domain.Vdc VdcObject = Vdcs.get(Vdc); if (VdcObject == null) throw new NoSuchElementException("Vdc " + Vdc + " in org " + org + " not found in " + Vdcs.keySet()); return getEndpointOfResourceInVdc(org, Vdc, resource, VdcObject); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public URI apply(Object from) { Iterable<Object> orgCatalog = (Iterable<Object>) checkNotNull(from, "args"); Object org = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 0); Object catalog = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 1); Object catalogItem = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 2); if (org == null) org = defaultOrg.get().getName(); if (catalog == null) catalog = defaultCatalog.get().getName(); try {/* w w w. j ava 2s .c o m*/ Map<String, Catalog> catalogs = checkNotNull(orgCatalogMap.get().get(org)); return Iterables.find(catalogs.get(catalog).getCatalogItems(), nameEquals((String) catalogItem)) .getHref(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new NoSuchElementException( org + "/" + catalog + "/" + catalogItem + " not found in " + orgCatalogMap.get()); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public URI apply(Object from) { Iterable<Object> orgVDC = (Iterable<Object>) checkNotNull(from, "args"); Object org = Iterables.get(orgVDC, 0); Object vDC = Iterables.get(orgVDC, 1); Object resource = Iterables.get(orgVDC, 2); if (org == null) org = defaultOrg.get().getName(); if (vDC == null) vDC = defaultVDC.get().getName(); Map<String, Map<String, ? extends org.jclouds.trmk.vcloud_0_8.domain.VDC>> orgToVDCs = orgVDCMap.get(); checkState(orgToVDCs != null, "could not get map of org name to vdcs!"); Map<String, ? extends org.jclouds.trmk.vcloud_0_8.domain.VDC> vDCs = orgToVDCs.get(org); if (vDCs == null) throw new NoSuchElementException("org " + org + " not found in " + orgToVDCs.keySet()); org.jclouds.trmk.vcloud_0_8.domain.VDC vDCObject = vDCs.get(vDC); if (vDCObject == null) throw new NoSuchElementException("vdc " + vDC + " in org " + org + " not found in " + vDCs.keySet()); return getEndpointOfResourceInVDC(org, vDC, resource, vDCObject); }
From source
/** * Parses JSON message for message type. * First key contains message name:/*from www .jav a 2 s .com*/ * * <pre> * { "messageType": * { * // payload * } * } * </pre> */ private static String getMessageType(String message) throws Exception { try { JsonObject result = PARSER.parse(message).getAsJsonObject(); return Iterables.get(result.entrySet(), 0).getKey(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Cannot find type of message. Invalid JSON: " + message); } }
From source
public TreeNode getChildAt(int childIndex) { if (childIndex < getChildCount()) { return Iterables.get(children, childIndex); }//w w w . jav a2 s .com return null; }
From source
@Override public String value() throws AuthException { try {/*from w ww . j ava 2 s . co m*/ // Token issue time is available via the access key create date for // temporary credentials final Context context = Contexts.lookup(); final Subject subject = context.getSubject(); final List<AccessKey> keys = context.getUser().getKeys(); final Set<AccessKeyCredential> accessKeyCredentials = subject == null ? Collections.emptySet() : subject.getPublicCredentials(AccessKeyCredential.class); if (accessKeyCredentials.size() == 1 && Iterables.get(accessKeyCredentials, 0).getType().isDefined() && keys.size() == 1) { return Iso8601DateParser.toString(keys.get(0).getCreateDate()); } } catch (final IllegalContextAccessException e) { // so null } return null; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public URI apply(Object from) { Iterable<Object> orgCatalog = (Iterable<Object>) checkNotNull(from, "args"); Object org = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 0); Object catalog = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 1); Object catalogItem = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 2); if (org == null) org = defaultOrg.get().getName(); if (catalog == null) catalog = defaultCatalog.get().getName(); Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, CatalogItem>>> orgCatalogItemMap = this.orgCatalogItemMap.get(); if (!orgCatalogItemMap.containsKey(org)) throw new NoSuchElementException("org: " + org + " not found in " + orgCatalogItemMap.keySet()); Map<String, Map<String, CatalogItem>> catalogs = orgCatalogItemMap.get(org); if (!catalogs.containsKey(catalog)) throw new NoSuchElementException( "catalog: " + org + "/" + catalog + " not found in " + catalogs.keySet()); Map<String, CatalogItem> catalogMap = catalogs.get(catalog); if (!catalogMap.containsKey(catalogItem)) throw new NoSuchElementException( "item: " + org + "/" + catalog + "/" + catalogItem + " not found in " + catalogMap.keySet()); CatalogItem item = catalogMap.get(catalogItem); return checkNotNull(item.getEntity(), "item: " + org + "/" + catalog + "/" + catalogItem + " has no entity") .getHref();/*from w ww . j a va2 m*/ }
From source
@Override public Hardware apply(VApp from) { checkNotNull(from, "VApp"); // TODO make this work with composite vApps Vm vm = from.getChildren().size() == 0 ? null : Iterables.get(from.getChildren(), 0); if (vm == null) return null; VirtualHardwareSection hardware = vm.getVirtualHardwareSection(); HardwareBuilder builder = rasdToHardwareBuilder.apply(hardware.getItems()); builder.location(findLocationForResource.apply(checkNotNull(from, "from").getVDC())); builder.ids(from.getHref().toASCIIString()).name(from.getName()) .supportsImage(ImagePredicates.idEquals(from.getHref().toASCIIString())); builder.hypervisor("VMware"); return; }
From source
@Override protected String getPathPermission(ServletRequest request) { String pathInfo = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getRequestURI(); Iterable<String> iterable = Splitter.on("/").split(pathInfo); return Iterables.get(iterable, DOMAIN_UID_PATH_INDEX) + ":" + Iterables.get(iterable, SUB_DOMAIN_PATH_INDEX); }