Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables filter

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables filter


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables filter.


public static <T> Iterable<T> filter(final Iterable<?> unfiltered, final Class<T> desiredType) 

Source Link


Returns all elements in unfiltered that are of the type desiredType .


From source file:com.pets.core.petstore.domain.mappers.PetModelMapper.java

public static PetModel transform(Pet pet) {
    if (pet == null) {
        return null;
    }//from w w w .  ja va 2  s  . c o  m
    PetModel petModel = new PetModel(pet.getId());

    petModel.setName(pet.getName()).setStatus(pet.getStatus() == null ? null : pet.getStatus().toString())
            .setCategoryName(pet.getCategory() == null ? null : pet.getCategory().getName());

    List<Tag> tags = pet.getTags();
    if (tags != null) {
        final List<String> tagNames = Lists
                .newArrayList(Iterables.transform(pet.getTags(), new Function<Tag, String>() {
                    public String apply(final Tag tag) {
                        return tag.getName();

    // Do some business logic (that should have been on the server side)
    // and filter out non-valid photo URLs
    List<String> urls = pet.getPhotoUrls();
    if (urls != null) {
        final List<String> photoUrls = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(urls, new Predicate<String>() {
            public boolean apply(String url) {
                return url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://");

    return petModel;

From source file:playground.michalm.poznan.demand.taxi.PoznanServedRequests.java

public static Iterable<ServedRequest> filterRequestsWithinAgglomeration(Iterable<ServedRequest> requests) {
    MultiPolygon area = PoznanZones.readAgglomerationArea();
    return Iterables.filter(requests, ServedRequests.createWithinAreaPredicate(area));

From source file:ru.org.linux.site.tags.BoxListTag.java

public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
    Template t = Template.getTemplate(pageContext.getRequest());

    List<String> boxnames = ImmutableList
            .copyOf(Iterables.filter(t.getProf().getBoxlets(), DefaultProfile.boxPredicate()));

    pageContext.setAttribute(var, boxnames);

From source file:org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.resolution.DefaultJvmLibrary.java

public Iterable<JvmLibrarySourcesArtifact> getSourcesArtifacts() {
    return Iterables.filter(getAllArtifacts(), JvmLibrarySourcesArtifact.class);

From source file:io.druid.timeline.UnionTimeLineLookup.java

public UnionTimeLineLookup(Iterable<TimelineLookup<VersionType, ObjectType>> delegates) {
    // delegate can be null in case there is no segment loaded for the dataSource on this node
    this.delegates = Iterables.filter(delegates, Predicates.notNull());

From source file:brooklyn.rest.transform.SensorTransformer.java

public static SensorSummary sensorSummary(Entity entity, Sensor<?> sensor) {
    String applicationUri = "/v1/applications/" + entity.getApplicationId();
    String entityUri = applicationUri + "/entities/" + entity.getId();
    String selfUri = entityUri + "/sensors/" + URLParamEncoder.encode(sensor.getName());

    MutableMap.Builder<String, URI> lb = MutableMap.<String, URI>builder().put("self", URI.create(selfUri))
            .put("application", URI.create(applicationUri)).put("entity", URI.create(entityUri))
            .put("action:json", URI.create(selfUri));

    if (sensor instanceof AttributeSensor) {
        Iterable<RendererHints.NamedAction> hints = Iterables.filter(
                RendererHints.getHintsFor((AttributeSensor<?>) sensor), RendererHints.NamedAction.class);
        for (RendererHints.NamedAction na : hints)
            addNamedAction(lb, na, entity, sensor);
    }/*www . j  av  a2 s.  c om*/

    return new SensorSummary(sensor.getName(), sensor.getTypeName(), sensor.getDescription(), lb.build());

From source file:org.zalando.github.spring.pagination.LinkRelationExtractor.java

public Optional<LinkRelation> extractLinkRelation(String linkHeaderValue, String relation) {
    Iterable<String> splittedHeaderIterable = splitter.split(linkHeaderValue);
    Iterable<LinkRelation> linkRelations = Iterables.transform(splittedHeaderIterable, transformer);
    linkRelations = Iterables.filter(linkRelations, new RelationsPredicate(relation));
    return Optional.fromNullable(Iterables.getFirst(linkRelations, null));

From source file:org.caleydo.vis.lineup.ui.RankTableKeyListener.java

public void keyPressed(IKeyEvent e) {
    if (e.isKey(ESpecialKey.DOWN))
        table.selectNextRow();//from w w w.j a  va 2 s. co m
    else if (e.isKey(ESpecialKey.UP))
    else if (e.isControlDown() && (e.isKey(TOGGLE_ALIGN_ALL))) {
        // short cut for align all
        for (StackedRankColumnModel stacked : Iterables.filter(table.getColumns(),
                StackedRankColumnModel.class)) {
    } else if (body != null) {
        if (e.isKey(ESpecialKey.PAGE_UP)) {
        } else if (e.isKey(ESpecialKey.PAGE_DOWN)) {
        } else if (e.isKey(ESpecialKey.HOME)) {
        } else if (e.isKey(ESpecialKey.END)) {

From source file:org.sonar.api.batch.fs.internal.AbstractFilePredicate.java

public Iterable<InputFile> filter(Iterable<InputFile> target) {
    return Iterables.filter(target, this::apply);

From source file:uk.ac.stfc.isis.ibex.instrument.list.InstrumentListUtils.java

 * Given an observable for a list of instruments, filter out invalid
 * instruments.//from ww  w. ja v  a  2s.co m
 * @param instruments instruments to filter
 * @param logger a logger to log information and warnings about invalid
 *            instruments
 * @return the valid instruments extracted from the input observable
public static Collection<InstrumentInfo> filterValidInstruments(Collection<InstrumentInfo> instruments,
        Logger logger) {
    if (instruments == null) {
        logger.warn("Error while parsing instrument list PV - no instrument could be read");
        return new ArrayList<>();

    Iterable<InstrumentInfo> validInstruments = Iterables.filter(instruments, new Predicate<InstrumentInfo>() {
        public boolean apply(InstrumentInfo item) {
            return item.name() != null;

    Collection<InstrumentInfo> returnValue = Lists.newArrayList(validInstruments);
    if (returnValue.size() < instruments.size()) {
        logger.warn("Error while parsing instrument list PV - one or more instruments could not be read");
    } else {
        logger.info("Instrument list PV was read successfully");

    return returnValue;