Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables all

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables all


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables all.


public static <T> boolean all(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns true if every element in iterable satisfies the predicate.


From source file:de.cosmocode.palava.salesforce.DefaultSalesforceService.java

private List<SaveResult> update(List<SObject> objects, int retries) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(objects, "Objects");
    if (objects.isEmpty())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Objects must not be empty");
    final List<SaveResult> results;

    try {//from   ww w .  j a  v  a2s  .com
        results = get().update(objects);
    } catch (InvalidFieldFault e) {
        throw new SalesforceException(e);
    } catch (InvalidIdFault e) {
        throw new SalesforceException(e);
    } catch (InvalidSObjectFault e) {
        throw new SalesforceException(e);
    } catch (UnexpectedErrorFault e) {
        if (retries < maxRetries) {
            return update(objects, retries + 1);
        } else {
            throw new SalesforceException(e);

    if (Iterables.all(results, Salesforce.SAVE_SUCCESS)) {
        final String name = objects.get(0).getClass().getSimpleName();
        LOG.info("Successfully updated {} {}(s)", results.size(), name);
        return results;
    } else {
        final Iterable<SaveResult> failures = Iterables.filter(results, Salesforce.SAVE_FAILURE);
        final List<Error> errors = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (SaveResult failure : failures) {
        throw new SalesforceException(errors);

From source file:org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.internal.refresh.listeners.EdgeLayoutUpdaterModelChangeTrigger.java

 * Test whether the edge centering should be refreshed for this
 * notification./* w w w.j av a  2s  .com*/
 * @param notification
 *            The {@link Notification} to check.
 * @param notifications
 *            the whole notification list.
 * @return true if this notification concerns the edge ends centering, false
 *         otherwise.
private boolean isRefreshEdgeLayoutNeededForNotification(final Notification notification,
        Collection<Notification> notifications) {
    if (REFRESH_FEATURES.contains(notification.getFeature())) {
        Option<Edge> optionalEdge = getCorrespondingEdge(notification);
        if (optionalEdge.some()) {
            final Edge referenceEdge = optionalEdge.get();
            // Analyze other notifications to detect if the source or the
            // target of the concerned edges has been moved. In this case we
            // consider that a "full" layout has been done and that it its
            // responsibility to correctly set the edge layout.
            return Iterables.all(notifications, new Predicate<Notification>() {
                public boolean apply(Notification currentNotification) {
                    boolean apply = false;
                    if (currentNotification == notification) {
                        apply = true;
                    } else {
                        Option<? extends View> optionalView = getCorrespondingView(currentNotification);
                        if (optionalView.some() && optionalView.get() == referenceEdge.getSource()
                                || optionalView.get() == referenceEdge.getTarget()) {
                            // The notification concerns the source or the
                            // target of the edge, return true only if the
                            // notification does not concern a move or a
                            // resize feature
                            apply = !MOVE_OR_RESIZE_FEATURES.contains(currentNotification.getFeature());
                        } else {
                            apply = true;
                    return apply;
    return false;

From source file:com.google.enterprise.adaptor.secmgr.servlets.ResponseParser.java

private boolean areValidSubjectConfirmations(List<SubjectConfirmation> confirmations) {
    if (confirmations.isEmpty()) {
        // This violates the SAML spec, but the GSA has historically ignored this
        // information, so we must allow it.
        warn("SAML assertion received without subject confirmation");
        return true;
    }//from  w ww.  j a va  2 s . com
    Iterable<SubjectConfirmation> bearers = Iterables.filter(confirmations, bearerPredicate);
    return warnIfFalse(!Iterables.isEmpty(bearers), "SubjectConfirmations contains no bearers.")
            && warnIfFalse(Iterables.all(bearers, validBearerPredicate), "SubjectConfirmations were invalid.");

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.PackageFunction.java

 * These deps have already been marked (see {@link SkyframeHybridGlobber}) but we need to properly
 * handle some errors that legacy package loading can't handle gracefully.
 *//*from  w ww  .  j a va 2s.  c om*/
private static boolean handleGlobDepsAndPropagateFilesystemExceptions(PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier,
        Iterable<SkyKey> depKeys, Environment env, boolean packageWasInError)
        throws InternalInconsistentFilesystemException, InterruptedException {
    Preconditions.checkState(Iterables.all(depKeys, SkyFunctions.isSkyFunction(SkyFunctions.GLOB)), depKeys);
    boolean packageShouldBeInError = packageWasInError;
    for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException4<IOException, BuildFileNotFoundException, FileSymlinkException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> entry : env
            .getValuesOrThrow(depKeys, IOException.class, BuildFileNotFoundException.class,
                    FileSymlinkException.class, InconsistentFilesystemException.class)
            .entrySet()) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException | BuildFileNotFoundException e) {
            maybeThrowFilesystemInconsistency(packageIdentifier, e, packageWasInError);
        } catch (FileSymlinkException e) {
            // Legacy doesn't detect symlink cycles.
            packageShouldBeInError = true;
        } catch (InconsistentFilesystemException e) {
            throw new InternalInconsistentFilesystemException(packageIdentifier, e);
    return packageShouldBeInError;

From source file:com.isotrol.impe3.pms.core.impl.PortalsServiceImpl.java

 * @see com.isotrol.impe3.pms.api.portal.PortalsService#setName(com.isotrol.impe3.pms.api.portal.PortalNameDTO)
 */// ww w  .  j  a  v a  2  s  .  c  om
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Throwable.class)
@Authorized(global = GlobalAuthority.PORTAL_SET, portal = PortalAuthority.SET)
public void setName(PortalNameDTO dto) throws PMSException {
    checkArgument(dto.getLocales() == null || Iterables.all(dto.getLocales().keySet(), MoreLocales.VALID));
    final String id = dto.getId();
    final PortalEntity entity = load(id);
    final PortalDfn dfn = portalManager.touchOffline(entity);
    if (dto.getLocales() != null) {
    if (dto.getLocales() != null) {
        dfn.getL7DNames().putAll(filterValues(dto.getLocales(), notNull()));

From source file:google.registry.tools.CreateOrUpdateRegistrarCommand.java

protected final void init() throws Exception {
    initRegistrarCommand();/*from   ww w . jav  a 2 s .  co  m*/
    DateTime now = DateTime.now(UTC);
    for (String clientId : mainParameters) {
        Registrar oldRegistrar = getOldRegistrar(clientId);
        Registrar.Builder builder = (oldRegistrar == null) ? new Registrar.Builder().setClientId(clientId)
                : oldRegistrar.asBuilder();

        if (!isNullOrEmpty(password)) {
        if (!isNullOrEmpty(registrarName)) {
        if (email != null) {
        if (url != null) {
        if (phone != null) {
        if (fax != null) {
        if (registrarType != null) {
        if (registrarState != null) {
        if (driveFolderId != null) {
        if (!allowedTlds.isEmpty()) {
            checkArgument(addAllowedTlds.isEmpty(), "Can't specify both --allowedTlds and --addAllowedTlds");
            ImmutableSet.Builder<String> allowedTldsBuilder = new ImmutableSet.Builder<>();
            for (String allowedTld : allowedTlds) {
        if (!addAllowedTlds.isEmpty()) {
            ImmutableSet.Builder<String> allowedTldsBuilder = new ImmutableSet.Builder<>();
            if (oldRegistrar != null) {
            for (String allowedTld : addAllowedTlds) {
        if (!ipWhitelist.isEmpty()) {
            ImmutableList.Builder<CidrAddressBlock> ipWhitelistBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
            if (!(ipWhitelist.size() == 1 && ipWhitelist.get(0).contains("null"))) {
                for (String ipRange : ipWhitelist) {
        if (clientCertificateFilename != null) {
            String asciiCert = new String(Files.readAllBytes(clientCertificateFilename), US_ASCII);
            builder.setClientCertificate(asciiCert, now);
        if (failoverClientCertificateFilename != null) {
            String asciiCert = new String(Files.readAllBytes(failoverClientCertificateFilename), US_ASCII);
            builder.setFailoverClientCertificate(asciiCert, now);
        if (!isNullOrEmpty(clientCertificateHash)) {
            checkArgument(clientCertificateFilename == null, "Can't specify both --cert_hash and --cert_file");
            if ("null".equals(clientCertificateHash)) {
                clientCertificateHash = null;
        if (ianaId != null) {
        if (billingId != null) {
        if (billingMethod != null) {
            if (oldRegistrar != null && !billingMethod.equals(oldRegistrar.getBillingMethod())) {
                Map<CurrencyUnit, Money> balances = RegistrarBillingUtils.loadBalance(oldRegistrar);
                for (Money balance : balances.values()) {
                            "Refusing to change billing method on Registrar '%s' from %s to %s"
                                    + " because current balance is non-zero: %s",
                            clientId, oldRegistrar.getBillingMethod(), billingMethod, balances);
        List<Object> streetAddressFields = Arrays.asList(street, city, state, zip, countryCode);
                Iterables.any(streetAddressFields, isNull()) == Iterables.all(streetAddressFields, isNull()),
                "Must specify all fields of address");
        if (street != null) {
            // We always set the localized address for now. That should be safe to do since it supports
            // unrestricted UTF-8.
            builder.setLocalizedAddress(new RegistrarAddress.Builder().setStreet(ImmutableList.copyOf(street))
                    .setCity(city).setState("null".equals(state) ? null : state)
                    .setZip("null".equals(zip) ? null : zip).setCountryCode(countryCode).build());
        if (blockPremiumNames != null) {
        if (contactsRequireSyncing != null) {
        // When creating a new REAL registrar or changing the type to REAL, a passcode is required.
        // Leave existing REAL registrars alone.
        if (Registrar.Type.REAL.equals(registrarType)
                && (oldRegistrar == null || oldRegistrar.getPhonePasscode() == null)) {
            checkArgument(phonePasscode != null, "--passcode is required for REAL registrars.");
        if (phonePasscode != null) {
        if (icannReferralEmail != null) {
        if (whoisServer != null) {

        // If the registrarName is being set, verify that it is either null or it normalizes uniquely.
        String oldRegistrarName = (oldRegistrar == null) ? null : oldRegistrar.getRegistrarName();
        if (registrarName != null && !registrarName.equals(oldRegistrarName)) {
            String normalizedName = normalizeRegistrarName(registrarName);
            for (Registrar registrar : Registrar.loadAll()) {
                if (registrar.getRegistrarName() != null) {
                            "The registrar name %s normalizes identically to existing registrar name %s",
                            registrarName, registrar.getRegistrarName());

        stageEntityChange(oldRegistrar, builder.build());

From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.cassandra.CQLKeyValueService.java

protected void performInitialSetup() {
    Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata();

    final CassandraKeyValueServiceConfig config = configManager.getConfig();
    String partitioner = metadata.getPartitioner();
    if (!config.safetyDisabled()) {
                "partitioner is: " + partitioner);
    }/*from  w ww.ja v  a  2 s.  c  om*/

    Set<Peer> peers = CQLKeyValueServices.getPeers(session);

    boolean noDatacentersPresentInCluster = Iterables.all(peers, new Predicate<Peer>() {
        public boolean apply(Peer peer) {
            return peer.data_center == null;

    boolean allNodesHaveSaneNumberOfVnodes = Iterables.all(peers, new Predicate<Peer>() {
        public boolean apply(Peer peer) {
            return peer.tokens.size() > CassandraConstants.ABSOLUTE_MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TOKENS_PER_NODE;

    // node we're querying doesn't count itself as a peer
    if (peers.size() > 0 && !allNodesHaveSaneNumberOfVnodes) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "All nodes in cluster must have sane number of vnodes (or cluster must consist of a single node).");

    Set<String> dcsInCluster = Sets.newHashSet();
    if (!noDatacentersPresentInCluster) {
        for (Peer peer : peers) {
            if (peer.data_center == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Cluster should not mix datacenter-aware and non-datacenter-aware nodes.");

    if (metadata.getKeyspace(config.keyspace()) == null) { // keyspace previously didn't exist; we need to set it up
        createKeyspace(config.keyspace(), dcsInCluster);

    createTables(ImmutableMap.of(CassandraConstants.METADATA_TABLE, AtlasDbConstants.EMPTY_TABLE_METADATA));

From source file:com.qcadoo.mes.productionPerShift.util.ProgressPerShiftViewSaver.java

private Either<? extends List<Entity>, Void> validateDailyProgressesFor(final Entity progressForDay) {
    List<Entity> savedDailyProgresses = FluentIterable
            .transform(new Function<Entity, Entity>() {

                @Override// w  ww.j a  v  a2s  .c om
                public Entity apply(final Entity dailyProgress) {
                    return tryValidateDailyProgress(dailyProgress).fold(Functions.<Entity>identity(),
    if (Iterables.all(savedDailyProgresses, IS_VALID)) {
        return Either.right(null);
    return Either.left(savedDailyProgresses);

From source file:org.richfaces.ui.input.autocomplete.AbstractAutocomplete.java

 * Returns 'table' if all children are columns and thus the component should be rendered as a table; it returns 'list'
 * otherwise/*  w w  w. ja  va2 s.c om*/
@Attribute(generate = false, hidden = true, defaultValue = "Layout.list")
public String getLayout() {
    return (getChildCount() > 0 && Iterables.all(getChildren(), Predicates.instanceOf(UIColumn.class)))
            ? "table"
            : "list";

From source file:org.jclouds.gogrid.GoGridLiveTestDisabled.java

 * Tests common server image operations.
 *///from  w w  w .  ja  v  a  2 s.co  m
@Test(enabled = true)
public void testImageLifecycle() {
    GetImageListOptions options = GetImageListOptions.Builder.publicDatabaseServers();
    Set<ServerImage> images = api.getImageServices().getImageList(options);

    Predicate<ServerImage> isDatabaseServer = new Predicate<ServerImage>() {
        public boolean apply(@Nullable ServerImage serverImage) {
            return checkNotNull(serverImage).getType() == ServerImageType.DATABASE_SERVER;

    assert Iterables.all(images, isDatabaseServer) : "All of the images should've been of database type";

    ServerImage image = Iterables.getLast(images);
    ServerImage imageFromServer = Iterables
    assertEquals(image, imageFromServer);

    try {
        api.getImageServices().editImageDescription(image.getName(), "newDescription");
        throw new TestException(
                "An exception hasn't been thrown where expected; expected GoGridResponseException");
    } catch (GoGridResponseException e) {
        // expected situation - check and proceed
