List of usage examples for Iterables addAll
public static <T> boolean addAll(Collection<T> addTo, Iterable<? extends T> elementsToAdd)
From source
@Override public Collection<Module> modules() throws MetaborgException { try {/* w ww . j av a2 s .co m*/ final Iterable<T> plugins = getPlugins(); final Collection<Module> modules = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (final T plugin : plugins) { Iterables.addAll(modules, plugin.modules()); } return modules; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new MetaborgException( "Unhandled exception while loading module plugins with IntelliJ's IntelliJPluginLoader.", e); } }
From source
public AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal(Iterable<? extends Node> initialNodes) { toExplore = Lists.newLinkedList();//ww w.j a v a2 s.c o m Iterables.addAll(toExplore, initialNodes); explored = Sets.newHashSet(); }
From source
@Override public VmCommandBuilder newVmCommandBuilder(Action action, File workingDirectory) { List<String> vmCommand = new ArrayList<String>(); vmCommand.addAll(; vmCommand.add(run.getAndroidData()); Iterables.addAll(vmCommand, run.invokeWith()); vmCommand.add("app_process"); return new VmCommandBuilder(run.log).vmCommand(vmCommand).vmArgs(action.getUserDir().getPath()) .classpathViaProperty(true).maxLength(1024); }
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public BoundedLinkedHashSet(Iterable<T> contents, @Nullable String token) { Iterables.addAll(this, checkNotNull(contents, "contents")); this.token = token; }
From source
public NetworkSection(String info, Iterable<Network> networks) { = info; Iterables.addAll(this.networks, networks); }
From source
public AbstractBreadthFirstThrowingTraversal(Iterable<? extends Node> initialNodes) { toExplore = Lists.newLinkedList();//w w w. j a v a 2 s .com Iterables.addAll(toExplore, initialNodes); explored = Sets.newHashSet(); }
From source
@Override public VmCommandBuilder newVmCommandBuilder(Action action, File workingDirectory) { List<String> vmCommand = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterables.addAll(vmCommand, run.invokeWith()); vmCommand.add(run.javaPath(run.vmCommand)); if (run.profile) { vmCommand.add("-agentlib:hprof=" + "cpu=samples," + "format=" + (run.profileBinary ? 'b' : 'a') + "," + "file=" + run.profileFile + "," + "depth=" + run.profileDepth + "," + "interval=" + run.profileInterval + "," + "thread=y," + "verbose=n"); }//from w w w . j a v a 2s.c o m return new VmCommandBuilder(run.log).userDir(workingDirectory).vmCommand(vmCommand); }
From source
@Override public Optional<LeafSetNode<?>> modify(LeafListSchemaNode schema, Optional<LeafSetNode<?>> actual, Optional<LeafSetNode<?>> modification, OperationStack operationStack) throws DataModificationException { List<LeafSetEntryNode<?>> resultNodes = Lists.newArrayList(); if (actual.isPresent()) { Iterables.addAll(resultNodes, actual.get().getValue()); }/*from w ww . j a v a2 s. co m*/ // TODO implement ordering for modification nodes for (LeafSetEntryNode<?> leafListModification : modification.get().getValue()) { operationStack.enteringNode(leafListModification); switch (operationStack.getCurrentOperation()) { case MERGE: case CREATE: { DataModificationException.DataExistsException.check(schema.getQName(), actual, leafListModification); } case REPLACE: { if (!contains(actual, leafListModification)) { resultNodes.add(leafListModification); } break; } case DELETE: { DataModificationException.DataMissingException.check(schema.getQName(), actual, leafListModification); } case REMOVE: { if (resultNodes.contains(leafListModification)) { resultNodes.remove(leafListModification); } break; } case NONE: { break; } default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException( String.format("Unable to perform operation: %s on: %s, unknown", operationStack.getCurrentOperation(), schema)); } operationStack.exitingNode(leafListModification); } return build(schema, resultNodes); }
From source
public void addModifiers(Iterable<Modifier> modifiers) { Iterables.addAll(this.modifiers, modifiers); }
From source
public AbstractBreadthFirstThrowingTraversal(Iterable<? extends Node> initialNodes) { toExplore = new LinkedList<>(); Iterables.addAll(toExplore, initialNodes); explored = new HashSet<>(); }