Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMultimap builder

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMultimap builder


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMultimap builder.


public static <K, V> Builder<K, V> builder() 

Source Link


Returns a new builder.


From source file:uk.ac.open.kmi.iserve.sal.manager.impl.ServiceManagerIndexRdf.java

 * Given an operation, this method obtains the list of output URIs mapped to their annotated types (i.e., modelReferences).
 * Note that the same input may have several annotations indicating the type.
 * @param operationUri the URI for which we want to obtain the outputs and their annotated types
 * @return a Multimap with the outputs and their corresponding types.
 *//*from  w w w  .j a v  a 2s.  com*/
public Multimap<URI, URI> listTypedOutputs(URI operationUri) {
    if (operationUri == null) {
        return ImmutableMultimap.of();

    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<URI, URI> result = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
    for (URI output : this.opOutputMap.get(operationUri)) {
        result.putAll(output, this.modelReferencesMap.get(output));

    return result.build();

From source file:com.facebook.presto.metadata.DatabaseShardManager.java

public Multimap<Long, String> getCommittedShardNodesByTableId(TableHandle tableHandle) {
    checkNotNull(tableHandle, "tableHandle is null");
    checkState(tableHandle instanceof NativeTableHandle, "tableHandle not a native table");
    final long tableId = ((NativeTableHandle) tableHandle).getTableId();

    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Long, String> map = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
    for (ShardNode shardNode : dao.getCommittedShardNodesByTableId(tableId)) {
        map.put(shardNode.getShardId(), shardNode.getNodeIdentifier());
    }/*from  w ww .  ja  v a 2s .c o m*/
    return map.build();

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.precondition.segkro.RefineSolverBasedItp.java

private Multimap<CFANode, BooleanFormula> predsFromTrace(final PathPosition pFinalWpPosition,
        final PathFormula pInstanciatedTracePrecond)
        throws SolverException, InterruptedException, CPATransferException {


    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<CFANode, BooleanFormula> result = ImmutableMultimap.builder();

    // TODO: It might be possible to use this code to also derive the predicate for the first sate.

    // Get additional predicates from the states along the trace
    //    (or the WPs along the trace)...

    PathFormula preAtK = pInstanciatedTracePrecond; // FIXME: The paper might be wrong here... or hard to understand... (we should start with the negation)

    PathIterator reverseIt = pFinalWpPosition.reverseIterator();

    while (reverseIt.hasNext()) {

        final CFAEdge t = reverseIt.getIncomingEdge();
        reverseIt.advance();//from  w  ww  . j  a  v  a  2  s  .  co m
        final PathPosition nextPos = reverseIt.getPosition();

        if (t == null) {

        if (t.getEdgeType() != CFAEdgeType.BlankEdge) {

            //           X                         X'
            //        varphi_k                 varphi_k+1
            //    ...--->o------------------------->o---...
            //         psi_E         t_k

            // 1. Compute the two formulas (A/B) that are needed to compute a Craig interpolant
            //      afterTransCond === varphi_{k+1}

            // Formula A
            PathFormula preAtKp1 = pre(nextPos, FormulaMode.INSTANTIATED);

            if (bmgr.isTrue(preAtKp1.getFormula())) {

            final List<BooleanFormula> predsNew = enp.extractNewPreds(preAtKp1.getFormula());
            if (predsNew.size() > 0) {
                preAtKp1 = alterPf(preAtKp1, bmgr.and(preAtKp1.getFormula(), bmgr.and(predsNew)));

            // Formula B
            final PathFormula transFromPreAtK = computeCounterCondition(t,
                    alterPf(preAtK, bmgr.not(preAtK.getFormula())));

            // Compute an interpolant; use a set of candidate predicates.
            //    The candidates for the interpolant are taken from Formula A (since that formula should get over-approximated)

            final SSAMap instantiateWith = transFromPreAtK.getSsa();
            preAtK = alterPf(transFromPreAtK,
                    ipc.getInterpolant(mgrv.instantiate(preAtKp1.getFormula(), instantiateWith),
                            transFromPreAtK.getFormula(), mgrv.instantiate(predsNew, instantiateWith),

            result.putAll(t.getSuccessor(), uninstantiatedLiterals(preAtK.getFormula()));

    return result.build();

From source file:com.facebook.buck.android.PreDexedFilesSorter.java

public Result sortIntoPrimaryAndSecondaryDexes(BuildContext context, ImmutableList.Builder<Step> steps) {
    List<DexWithClasses> primaryDexContents = Lists.newArrayList();
    List<List<DexWithClasses>> secondaryDexesContents = Lists.newArrayList();

    int primaryDexSize = 0;
    // R.class files should always be in the primary dex.
    if (rDotJavaDex.isPresent()) {
        primaryDexSize += rDotJavaDex.get().getSizeEstimate();
    }//from www  .  jav a 2 s  .c o  m

    // Sort dex files so that there's a better chance of the same set of pre-dexed files to end up
    // in a given secondary dex file.
    ImmutableList<DexWithClasses> sortedDexFilesToMerge = FluentIterable.from(dexFilesToMerge)

    // Bucket each DexWithClasses into the appropriate dex file.
    List<DexWithClasses> currentSecondaryDexContents = null;
    int currentSecondaryDexSize = 0;
    for (DexWithClasses dexWithClasses : sortedDexFilesToMerge) {
        if (mustBeInPrimaryDex(dexWithClasses)) {
            // Case 1: Entry must be in the primary dex.
            primaryDexSize += dexWithClasses.getSizeEstimate();
            if (primaryDexSize > linearAllocHardLimit) {
                        "DexWithClasses %s with cost %s puts the linear alloc estimate for the primary dex "
                                + "at %s, exceeding the maximum of %s.",
                        dexWithClasses.getPathToDexFile(), dexWithClasses.getSizeEstimate(), primaryDexSize,
                throw new HumanReadableException("Primary dex exceeds linear alloc limit.");
        } else {
            // Case 2: Entry must go in a secondary dex.

            // If the individual DexWithClasses exceeds the limit for a secondary dex, then we have done
            // something horribly wrong.
            if (dexWithClasses.getSizeEstimate() > linearAllocHardLimit) {
                        "DexWithClasses %s with cost %s exceeds the max cost %s for a secondary dex file.",
                        dexWithClasses.getPathToDexFile(), dexWithClasses.getSizeEstimate(),
                throw new HumanReadableException("Secondary dex exceeds linear alloc limit.");

            // If there is no current secondary dex, or dexWithClasses would put the current secondary
            // dex over the cost threshold, then create a new secondary dex and initialize it with a
            // canary.
            if (currentSecondaryDexContents == null
                    || dexWithClasses.getSizeEstimate() + currentSecondaryDexSize > linearAllocHardLimit) {
                DexWithClasses canary = createCanary(secondaryDexesContents.size() + 1, steps);

                currentSecondaryDexContents = Lists.newArrayList(canary);
                currentSecondaryDexSize = canary.getSizeEstimate();

            // Now add the contributions from the dexWithClasses entry.
            currentSecondaryDexSize += dexWithClasses.getSizeEstimate();

    ImmutableSet<Path> primaryDexInputs = FluentIterable.from(primaryDexContents)

    Map<Path, DexWithClasses> metadataTxtEntries = Maps.newHashMap();

    String pattern = "secondary-%d" + dexStore.getExtension();
    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Path, Path> secondaryOutputToInputs = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
    for (int index = 0; index < secondaryDexesContents.size(); index++) {
        String secondaryDexFilename = String.format(pattern, index + 1);
        Path pathToSecondaryDex = secondaryDexJarFilesDir.resolve(secondaryDexFilename);
        metadataTxtEntries.put(pathToSecondaryDex, secondaryDexesContents.get(index).get(0));
        Collection<Path> dexContentPaths = Collections2.transform(secondaryDexesContents.get(index),
        secondaryOutputToInputs.putAll(pathToSecondaryDex, dexContentPaths);

    return new Result(primaryDexInputs, secondaryOutputToInputs.build(), metadataTxtEntries,
            getDexInputsHashes(primaryDexContents, secondaryDexesContents));

From source file:com.facebook.presto.metadata.DatabaseShardManager.java

public Multimap<Long, String> getShardNodes(long tableId, String partitionName) {
    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Long, String> map = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
    for (ShardNode shardNode : dao.getAllShardNodes(tableId, partitionName)) {
        map.put(shardNode.getShardId(), shardNode.getNodeIdentifier());
    }//from  w  w w . j  a v a2s . c  om
    return map.build();

From source file:org.tensorics.core.tensor.operations.InnerTensorOperation.java

public Tensor<V> perform(Tensor<V> left, Tensor<V> right) {
    checkNotNull(left, "left tensor must not be null!");
    checkNotNull(right, "right tensor must not be null!");

    List<CoContraDimensionPair> allPairs = CoContraDimensionPairs.coContraPairsOf(left.shape(), right.shape());
    List<CoContraDimensionPair> pairsToReduce = CoContraDimensionPairs.chooseOnePerContravariantPart(allPairs);
    Set<Class<?>> dimensionsNotToBroadcast = CoContraDimensionPairs.allDimensionsIn(pairsToReduce);

    TensorPair<V> broadcasted = broadcast(left, right, dimensionsNotToBroadcast);

    Set<Class<?>> leftDimensionsToReduce = CoContraDimensionPairs.leftDimensionsIn(pairsToReduce);
    Set<Class<?>> rightDimensionsToReduce = CoContraDimensionPairs.rightDimensionsIn(pairsToReduce);

    Set<Class<?>> remainingLeftDimensions = Sets
            .difference(broadcasted.left().shape().dimensionSet(), leftDimensionsToReduce).immutableCopy();
    Set<Class<?>> remainingRightDimensions = Sets
            .difference(broadcasted.right().shape().dimensionSet(), rightDimensionsToReduce).immutableCopy();

    Set<Class<?>> targetDimensions = Sets.union(remainingLeftDimensions, remainingRightDimensions)
            .immutableCopy();/*from  w w w.jav a2  s .co m*/
    Set<Class<?>> remainingCommonDimensions = Sets.intersection(remainingLeftDimensions,

     * produce a multimap from positions, consisting of all but the unique right dimensions to positions.
    Set<Class<?>> uniqueLeftDimensions = Sets.difference(remainingLeftDimensions, remainingCommonDimensions);
    Set<Class<?>> uniqueRightDimensions = Sets.difference(remainingRightDimensions, remainingCommonDimensions);
    Multimap<Position, Position> nonUniqueToRightPositions = Positions
            .mapByStripping(broadcasted.right().shape().positionSet(), uniqueRightDimensions);

    DimensionStripper stripper = Positions.stripping(uniqueLeftDimensions);

    DimensionStripper targetLeftStripper = Positions.stripping(leftDimensionsToReduce);
    DimensionStripper targetRightStripper = Positions.stripping(rightDimensionsToReduce);

    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Position, PositionPair> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
    for (Position leftPosition : broadcasted.left().shape().positionSet()) {
        Position remainingLeftPosition = targetLeftStripper.apply(leftPosition);

        Position nonUniqueLeftPosition = stripper.apply(leftPosition);
        Position nonUniqueRightPosition = CoContraDimensionPairs.convertToRight(nonUniqueLeftPosition,
        Collection<Position> rightPositions = nonUniqueToRightPositions.get(nonUniqueRightPosition);
        for (Position rightPosition : rightPositions) {
            Position remainingRightPosition = targetRightStripper.apply(rightPosition);
            Position targetPosition = Positions.combineDimensions(remainingLeftPosition, remainingRightPosition,
            builder.put(targetPosition, PositionPair.fromLeftRight(leftPosition, rightPosition));

    Multimap<Position, PositionPair> targetPositionToPairs = builder.build();

    ListMultimap<Position, ValuePair<V>> valuePairs = broadcasted.mapValues(targetPositionToPairs);

    ListMultimap<Position, V> targetPositionToValueSet = Operations.mapAll(valuePairs, elementOperation);

    Map<Position, V> result = IterableOperations.reduce(targetPositionToValueSet, reductionOperation);

    ContextPropagationStrategy cps = optionRegistry.get(ContextPropagationStrategy.class);
    Position resultingContext = cps.contextForLeftRight(left.context(), right.context());

    TensorBuilder<V> finalBuilder = Tensorics.builder(targetDimensions);
    return finalBuilder.build();

From source file:com.android.tools.idea.templates.TemplateMetadata.java

private Multimap<Parameter, Parameter> computeRelatedParameters() {
    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Parameter, Parameter> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
    for (Parameter p : myParameterMap.values()) {
        for (Parameter p2 : myParameterMap.values()) {
            if (p == p2) {
            }/*  w w w .j ava 2s.  c om*/
            if (p.isRelated(p2)) {
                builder.put(p, p2);
    return builder.build();

From source file:com.facebook.buck.android.CompileStringsStep.java

 * Groups a list of file paths matching STRING_FILE_PATTERN by the locale.
 * eg. given the following list://from   w  w w  .j  a  v a 2s .c  o  m
 * ImmutableSet.of(
 *   Paths.get("one/res/values-es/strings.xml"),
 *   Paths.get("two/res/values-es/strings.xml"),
 *   Paths.get("three/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml"),
 *   Paths.get("four/res/values/-pt-rPT/strings.xml"));
 * returns:
 * ImmutableMap.of(
 *   "es", ImmutableSet.of(Paths.get("one/res/values-es/strings.xml"),
 *        Paths.get("two/res/values-es/strings.xml")),
 *   "pt_BR", ImmutableSet.of(Paths.get("three/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml'),
 *   "pt_PT", ImmutableSet.of(Paths.get("four/res/values/-pt-rPT/strings.xml")));
ImmutableMultimap<String, Path> groupFilesByLocale(ImmutableSet<Path> files) {
    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<String, Path> localeToFiles = ImmutableMultimap.builder();

    for (Path filepath : files) {
        Matcher matcher = STRING_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(filepath.toString());
        if (!matcher.matches()) {

        String baseLocale = matcher.group(1);
        String country = matcher.group(2);
        String locale = country == null ? baseLocale : baseLocale + "_" + country;
        if (country != null && !regionSpecificToBaseLocaleMap.containsKey(locale)) {
            regionSpecificToBaseLocaleMap.put(locale, baseLocale);

        localeToFiles.put(locale, filepath);

    return localeToFiles.build();

From source file:org.apache.awf.web.http.HttpRequestImpl.java

private ImmutableMultimap<String, String> parseParameters(String params) {
    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder();

    String[] paramArray = PARAM_STRING_PATTERN.split(params);
    for (String keyValue : paramArray) {
        String[] keyValueArray = KEY_VALUE_PATTERN.split(keyValue);
        // We need to check if the parameter has a value associated with
        // it./*from   w  w w .  j  a v a2s. c  o  m*/
        if (keyValueArray.length > 1) {
            String value = keyValueArray[1];
            try {
                value = URLDecoder.decode(value, "UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                // Should not happen
            builder.put(keyValueArray[0], value);

    return builder.build();

From source file:org.jclouds.aws.util.AWSUtils.java

public static <R extends HttpRequest> R indexMapOfIterableToFormValuesWithPrefix(R request, String prefix,
        String keySuffix, String valueSuffix, Object input) {
    checkArgument(checkNotNull(input, "input") instanceof Map<?, ?>,
            "this binder is only valid for Map<?,Iterable<?>>: " + input.getClass());
    Map<Object, Iterable<Object>> map = (Map<Object, Iterable<Object>>) input;
    Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
    int i = 1;/*from  ww  w . j  a v a  2  s .c o m*/
    for (Map.Entry<Object, Iterable<Object>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        builder.put(prefix + "." + i + "." + keySuffix,
                checkNotNull(entry.getKey().toString(), keySuffix.toLowerCase() + "s[" + i + "]"));
        Iterable<Object> iterable = entry.getValue();
        if (!Iterables.isEmpty(iterable)) {
            int j = 1;
            for (Object v : iterable) {
                builder.put(prefix + "." + i + "." + valueSuffix + "." + j, v.toString());
    ImmutableMultimap<String, String> forms = builder.build();
    return forms.size() == 0 ? request : (R) request.toBuilder().replaceFormParams(forms).build();