List of usage examples for ImmutableMap isEmpty
@Override public boolean isEmpty()
From source
/** * Create all build rules needed to generate the static library. * * @return build rule that builds the static library version of this C/C++ library. *///from www. j a va 2 s.c o m private static BuildRule createStaticLibraryBuildRule(BuildRuleParams params, BuildRuleResolver resolver, CxxBuckConfig cxxBuckConfig, CxxPlatform cxxPlatform, Arg args, CxxSourceRuleFactory.PicType pic) throws NoSuchBuildTargetException { SourcePathRuleFinder ruleFinder = new SourcePathRuleFinder(resolver); SourcePathResolver sourcePathResolver = new SourcePathResolver(ruleFinder); // Create rules for compiling the object files. ImmutableMap<CxxPreprocessAndCompile, SourcePath> objects = CxxDescriptionEnhancer.requireObjects(params, resolver, sourcePathResolver, ruleFinder, cxxBuckConfig, cxxPlatform, pic, args); // Write a build rule to create the archive for this C/C++ library. BuildTarget staticTarget = CxxDescriptionEnhancer.createStaticLibraryBuildTarget(params.getBuildTarget(), cxxPlatform.getFlavor(), pic); if (objects.isEmpty()) { return new NoopBuildRule(new BuildRuleParams(staticTarget, Suppliers.ofInstance(ImmutableSortedSet.of()), Suppliers.ofInstance(ImmutableSortedSet.of()), params.getProjectFilesystem(), params.getCellRoots()), sourcePathResolver); } Path staticLibraryPath = CxxDescriptionEnhancer.getStaticLibraryPath(params.getProjectFilesystem(), params.getBuildTarget(), cxxPlatform.getFlavor(), pic, cxxPlatform.getStaticLibraryExtension()); return Archive.from(staticTarget, params, sourcePathResolver, ruleFinder, cxxPlatform, cxxBuckConfig.getArchiveContents(), staticLibraryPath, ImmutableList.copyOf(objects.values())); }
From source
@Override public ImmutableList<Note> analyze(ShipshapeContext context) throws AnalyzerException { ImmutableMap<String, String> javaFiles = CheckstyleUtils.getJavaFiles(context); if (javaFiles.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableList.of(); }//ww w . ja v a 2 s.c o m return CheckstyleUtils.runCheckstyle(context, getCategory(), javaFiles, "/google_checks.xml"); }
From source
/** * Returns a {@link VmSpec} based on the data gathered by this visitor. * * @throws IllegalStateException if not all the data has been gathered. *//*from ww w.j a v a 2s. c om*/ VmSpec vmSpec() { ImmutableMap<String, String> options =; checkState(!options.isEmpty()); return new VmSpec.Builder().addAllProperties(vmProperties.get()).addAllOptions(options).build(); }
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public ErrorMap(@NonNull final ImmutableMap<Integer, LensError> errors) { checkArgument(!errors.isEmpty()); this.errors = errors; /* All error pay load classes in error objects should be unique. * If two error objects are having same error code, then error pay load passed by them should also be same. */ checkState(getErrorPayloadClassesList().size() == getErrorPayloadClasses().size(), "In error conf files, error objects defined with different error codes must have different" + " error payload class."); }
From source
@Override public Map<String, Supplier<Set<String>>> get() { Builder<String, Set<String>> map = ImmutableMap.builder(); HttpResponseException exception = null; // TODO: this should be parallel for (String region : regions.get()) { try {// w w w. ja va 2 s .co m ImmutableSet<String> zones = ImmutableSet .copyOf(Iterables.transform(client.describeAvailabilityZonesInRegion(region), new Function<AvailabilityZoneInfo, String>() { @Override public String apply(AvailabilityZoneInfo arg0) { return arg0.getZone(); } })); if (zones.size() > 0) map.put(region, zones); } catch (HttpResponseException e) { // TODO: this should be in retry handler, not here. if (e.getMessage().contains("Unable to tunnel through proxy")) { exception = e; logger.error(e, "Could not describe availability zones in Region: %s", region); } else { throw e; } } } ImmutableMap<String, Set<String>> result =; if (result.isEmpty() && exception != null) { throw exception; } return Maps.transformValues(result, Suppliers2.<Set<String>>ofInstanceFunction()); }
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@Override public DataTransactionResult removeFrom(ValueContainer<?> container) { if (container instanceof ISpongeUser) { ImmutableMap<UUID, Vector3d> removed = ((ISpongeUser) container).removeAllBeds(); if (!removed.isEmpty()) { return DataTransactionResult.builder().result(DataTransactionResult.Type.SUCCESS) .replace(constructImmutableValue(removed)).build(); } else {//w w w . j av a2s . co m return DataTransactionResult.successNoData(); } } return DataTransactionResult.failNoData(); }
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/** * @param sessionFactoryMap//ww w.ja v a 2 s . com * map of route keys to their corresponding {@link SessionFactory}. * @throws NullPointerException * if sessionFactoryMap is null or any {@link Entry} in sessionFactoryMap has a null value with a * non-null key * @throws IllegalStateException * if sessionFactoryMap is empty */ public AbstractHibernateDAORouter(final ImmutableMap<String, SessionFactory> sessionFactoryMap) { checkNotNull(sessionFactoryMap); checkState(!sessionFactoryMap.isEmpty()); final Map<String, ImmutableMap<Class<?>, Object>> daosByRoute = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Entry<String, SessionFactory> e : sessionFactoryMap.entrySet()) { SessionFactory factory = checkNotNull(e.getValue()); daosByRoute.put(e.getKey(), constructDAOs(factory)); } this.daosByRoute = ImmutableMap.copyOf(daosByRoute); }
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@Override public DataTransactionResult removeFrom(ValueContainer<?> container) { if (container instanceof ISpongeUser) { ImmutableMap<UUID, RespawnLocation> removed = ((ISpongeUser) container).removeAllBeds(); if (!removed.isEmpty()) { return DataTransactionResult.successRemove(constructImmutableValue(removed)); } else {/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. co m*/ return DataTransactionResult.successNoData(); } } return DataTransactionResult.failNoData(); }
From source
@Override public FileTree transform(FileTreeKey key, TransformationEnvironment env) { DirectoryList currentDir = env.getDep(ImmutableDirectoryListKey.of(key.getPath())); ImmutableMap<FileTreeKey, FileTree> children = env.getDeps(FileTreeKey.class); ImmutableMap<Path, FileTree> deps; if (children.isEmpty()) { deps = ImmutableMap.of();//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m } else { // Convert Map<FileTreeKey, FileTree> to Map<Path, FileTree> // Not using streams etc. for performance // May be instead have FileTree object to have Map<FileTreeKey, FileTree> instead of // Map<Path, FileTree>? The interface is less cleaner then, but we can reuse collections deps = MoreMaps.transformKeys(children, k -> k.getPath()); } return ImmutableFileTree.of(key.getPath(), currentDir, deps); }
From source
@Override public Optional<ImmutableZkWorker> findWorkerForTask(final RemoteTaskRunnerConfig config, final ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableZkWorker> zkWorkers, final Task task) { // don't run other datasources on affinity workers; we only want our configured datasources to run on them ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ImmutableZkWorker> builder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (String workerHost : zkWorkers.keySet()) { if (!affinityWorkerHosts.contains(workerHost)) { builder.put(workerHost, zkWorkers.get(workerHost)); }// w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m } ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableZkWorker> eligibleWorkers =; List<String> workerHosts = affinityConfig.getAffinity().get(task.getDataSource()); if (workerHosts == null) { return super.findWorkerForTask(config, eligibleWorkers, task); } ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ImmutableZkWorker> affinityBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (String workerHost : workerHosts) { ImmutableZkWorker zkWorker = zkWorkers.get(workerHost); if (zkWorker != null) { affinityBuilder.put(workerHost, zkWorker); } } ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableZkWorker> affinityWorkers =; if (!affinityWorkers.isEmpty()) { Optional<ImmutableZkWorker> retVal = super.findWorkerForTask(config, affinityWorkers, task); if (retVal.isPresent()) { return retVal; } } return super.findWorkerForTask(config, eligibleWorkers, task); }