Example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter onPattern

List of usage examples for com.google.common.base Splitter onPattern


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter onPattern.


public static Splitter onPattern(String separatorPattern) 

Source Link


Returns a splitter that considers any subsequence matching a given pattern (regular expression) to be a separator.


From source file:org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.SentryPolicyStoreProcessor.java

static List<NotificationHandler> createHandlers(Configuration conf) throws SentrySiteConfigurationException {
    List<NotificationHandler> handlers = Lists.newArrayList();
    Iterable<String> notificationHandlers = Splitter.onPattern("[\\s,]").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings()
            .split(conf.get(PolicyStoreServerConfig.NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS, ""));
    for (String notificationHandler : notificationHandlers) {
        Class<?> clazz = null;
        try {//w w  w .  j  a va  2s . co  m
            clazz = Class.forName(notificationHandler);
            if (!NotificationHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
                throw new SentrySiteConfigurationException(
                        "Class " + notificationHandler + " is not a " + NotificationHandler.class.getName());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new SentrySiteConfigurationException("Value " + notificationHandler + " is not a class", e);
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(clazz, "Error class cannot be null");
        try {
            Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getConstructor(Configuration.class);
            handlers.add((NotificationHandler) constructor.newInstance(conf));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SentrySiteConfigurationException("Error attempting to create " + notificationHandler, e);
    return handlers;

From source file:org.robotframework.ide.eclipse.main.plugin.tableeditor.source.SuiteSourceFormattingStrategy.java

private List<Integer> getCellLenghts(final String line) {
    final List<String> cells = Splitter.onPattern("  +").splitToList(line);
    return newArrayList(Iterables.transform(cells, new Function<String, Integer>() {

        @Override/*from  w  w  w.ja  va  2s .  co  m*/
        public Integer apply(final String cellContent) {
            return cellContent.length();

From source file:org.gpfvic.mahout.cf.taste.impl.model.file.FileDataModel.java

 * @param delimiterRegex If your data file don't use '\t' or ',' as delimiters, you can specify 
 * user own using regex pattern./*w  w w. ja  v  a  2s.c  o m*/
 * @throws IOException
public FileDataModel(File dataFile, boolean transpose, long minReloadIntervalMS, String delimiterRegex)
        throws IOException {

    this.dataFile = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dataFile.getAbsoluteFile());
    if (!dataFile.exists() || dataFile.isDirectory()) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException(dataFile.toString());
    Preconditions.checkArgument(dataFile.length() > 0L, "dataFile is empty");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(minReloadIntervalMS >= 0L, "minReloadIntervalMs must be non-negative");

    log.info("Creating FileDataModel for file {}", dataFile);

    this.lastModified = dataFile.lastModified();
    this.lastUpdateFileModified = readLastUpdateFileModified();

    FileLineIterator iterator = new FileLineIterator(dataFile, false);
    String firstLine = iterator.peek();
    while (firstLine.isEmpty() || firstLine.charAt(0) == COMMENT_CHAR) {
        firstLine = iterator.peek();
    Closeables.close(iterator, true);

    char delimiter;
    if (delimiterRegex == null) {
        delimiter = determineDelimiter(firstLine);
        delimiterPattern = Splitter.on(delimiter);
    } else {
        delimiter = '\0';
        delimiterPattern = Splitter.onPattern(delimiterRegex);
        if (!delimiterPattern.split(firstLine).iterator().hasNext()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Did not find a delimiter(pattern) in first line");
    List<String> firstLineSplit = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String token : delimiterPattern.split(firstLine)) {
    // If preference value exists and isn't empty then the file is specifying pref values
    hasPrefValues = firstLineSplit.size() >= 3 && !firstLineSplit.get(2).isEmpty();

    this.reloadLock = new ReentrantLock();
    this.transpose = transpose;
    this.minReloadIntervalMS = minReloadIntervalMS;


From source file:org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.model.file.FileDataModel.java

 * @param delimiterRegex If your data file don't use '\t' or ',' as delimiters, you can specify 
 * user own using regex pattern./* w ww.jav a  2  s .  co m*/
 * @throws IOException
public FileDataModel(File dataFile, boolean transpose, long minReloadIntervalMS, String delimiterRegex)
        throws IOException {

    this.dataFile = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dataFile.getAbsoluteFile());
    if (!dataFile.exists() || dataFile.isDirectory()) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException(dataFile.toString());
    Preconditions.checkArgument(dataFile.length() > 0L, "dataFile is empty");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(minReloadIntervalMS >= 0L, "minReloadIntervalMs must be non-negative");

    log.info("Creating FileDataModel for file {}", dataFile);

    this.lastModified = dataFile.lastModified();
    this.lastUpdateFileModified = readLastUpdateFileModified();

    FileLineIterator iterator = new FileLineIterator(dataFile, false);
    String firstLine = iterator.peek();
    while (firstLine.isEmpty() || firstLine.charAt(0) == COMMENT_CHAR) {
        firstLine = iterator.peek();
    Closeables.close(iterator, true);

    if (delimiterRegex == null) {
        delimiter = determineDelimiter(firstLine);
        delimiterPattern = Splitter.on(delimiter);
    } else {
        delimiter = '\0';
        delimiterPattern = Splitter.onPattern(delimiterRegex);
        if (!delimiterPattern.split(firstLine).iterator().hasNext()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Did not find a delimiter(pattern) in first line");
    List<String> firstLineSplit = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (String token : delimiterPattern.split(firstLine)) {
    // If preference value exists and isn't empty then the file is specifying pref values
    hasPrefValues = firstLineSplit.size() >= 3 && !firstLineSplit.get(2).isEmpty();

    this.reloadLock = new ReentrantLock();
    this.transpose = transpose;
    this.minReloadIntervalMS = minReloadIntervalMS;


From source file:vogar.Run.java

 * Returns a parsed list of the --invoke-with command and its
 * arguments, or an empty list if no --invoke-with was provided.
 *///from  w  w  w . ja  v a2  s  .  c  o m
public Iterable<String> invokeWith() {
    if (invokeWith == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    return Splitter.onPattern("\\s+").omitEmptyStrings().split(invokeWith);

From source file:fr.obeo.intent.specification.parser.SpecificationParser.java

private void parseScenarios(IntentSection intentSection, StringBuffer validElements) {
    // Get valid scenarios
    StringBuffer validScenarios = new StringBuffer();
    for (String element : Splitter.onPattern("\r?\n").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(validElements)) {
        if (isScenario(element)) {
            validScenarios.append(element + "\n");
        }//  www  .  ja  v a  2  s. co m

    // "Scenario:"
    final String scenarioPattern = SpecificationKeyword.SCENARIO.value + COLON;
    for (String description : Splitter.onPattern(scenarioPattern).trimResults().omitEmptyStrings()
            .split(validScenarios)) {
        Iterable<String> results = Splitter.onPattern("\r?\n").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings()
                .split(scenarioPattern + description);
        Scenario scenario = null;
        for (String result : results) {
            if (result.startsWith(SpecificationKeyword.SCENARIO.value)) {
                String scenarioDescription = Splitter.on(SpecificationKeyword.SCENARIO.value + COLON)
                // Scenario: Name [Parent Story]
                final String scenarioName = scenarioDescription
                        .substring(0, scenarioDescription.indexOf(OPEN_BRACKET)).trim();

                NamedElement namedElement = getNamedElement(scenarioName, Scenario.class);
                if (namedElement == null) {
                    scenario = specificationFactory.createScenario();
                    parsedElements.add(new ParsedElement(intentSection, scenario));
                } else if (namedElement instanceof Scenario) {
                    scenario = (Scenario) namedElement;
                } else {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

                // Scenario: Name [Parent Story] @ui
                TestGenerationNote testNote = specificationFactory.createTestGenerationNote();
                if (scenarioDescription.contains(AROBASE)) {
                    final String scenarioTestType = scenarioDescription
                    if (scenarioTestType.contains(TestType.UI.getName().toLowerCase())) {
                    } else if (scenarioTestType.contains(TestType.UNIT.getName().toLowerCase())) {
                    } else if (scenarioTestType.contains(TestType.PLUGIN.getName().toLowerCase())) {

                String stories = scenarioDescription.substring(scenarioDescription.indexOf(OPEN_BRACKET) + 1,
                for (String storyName : Splitter.on(COMMA).trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(stories)) {
                    namedElement = getNamedElement(storyName, Story.class);
                    Story story = null;
                    if (namedElement == null) {
                        story = specificationFactory.createStory();
                        parsedElements.add(new ParsedElement(intentSection, story));
                    } else if (namedElement instanceof Story) {
                        story = (Story) namedElement;
                    } else {
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
            } else if (result.startsWith(SpecificationKeyword.GIVEN.value)) {
                String contextName = null;
                if (result.contains(VARIABLE)) {
                    contextName = Splitter.on(SpecificationKeyword.GIVEN.value + COLON).trimResults()
                            .omitEmptyStrings().split(result.substring(0, result.indexOf(VARIABLE))).iterator()
                } else {
                    // Given: MyContext [ParentContext]
                    if (result.contains(OPEN_BRACKET)) {
                        contextName = Splitter.on(SpecificationKeyword.GIVEN.value + COLON).trimResults()
                                .omitEmptyStrings().split(result.substring(0, result.indexOf(OPEN_BRACKET)))
                    } else {
                        // Given: MyContext
                        contextName = Splitter.on(SpecificationKeyword.GIVEN.value + COLON).trimResults()

                Context parentContext = null;
                // Given: MyContext [ParentContext]
                if (result.contains(OPEN_BRACKET) && result.contains(CLOSE_BRACKET)) {
                    String parentContextName = result.substring(result.indexOf(OPEN_BRACKET) + 1,
                    NamedElement namedElement = getNamedElement(parentContextName, Context.class);
                    if (namedElement == null) {
                        parentContext = specificationFactory.createContext();
                    } else if (namedElement instanceof Context) {
                        parentContext = (Context) namedElement;

                NamedElement namedElement = getNamedElement(contextName, Context.class);
                Context context = null;
                if (namedElement == null) {
                    context = specificationFactory.createContext();
                    if (parentContext != null) {

                } else if (namedElement instanceof Context) {
                    context = (Context) namedElement;
                } else {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

                parseParameters(result, context, scenario);
            } else if (result.startsWith(SpecificationKeyword.WHEN.value)) {
                String actionName = null;
                if (result.contains(VARIABLE)) {
                    actionName = Splitter.on(SpecificationKeyword.WHEN.value + COLON).trimResults()
                            .omitEmptyStrings().split(result.substring(0, result.indexOf(VARIABLE))).iterator()
                } else {
                    actionName = Splitter.on(SpecificationKeyword.WHEN.value + COLON).trimResults()
                NamedElement namedElement = getNamedElement(actionName, Action.class);
                Action action = null;
                if (namedElement == null) {
                    action = specificationFactory.createAction();
                } else if (namedElement instanceof Action) {
                    action = (Action) namedElement;
                } else {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
                parseParameters(result, action, scenario);

            } else if (result.startsWith(SpecificationKeyword.THEN.value)) {

                String behaviourName = null;
                if (result.contains(VARIABLE)) {
                    behaviourName = Splitter.on(SpecificationKeyword.THEN.value + COLON).trimResults()
                            .omitEmptyStrings().split(result.substring(0, result.indexOf(VARIABLE))).iterator()
                } else {
                    behaviourName = Splitter.on(SpecificationKeyword.THEN.value + COLON).trimResults()
                NamedElement namedElement = getNamedElement(behaviourName, Behaviour.class);
                Behaviour behaviour = null;
                if (namedElement == null) {
                    behaviour = specificationFactory.createBehaviour();
                } else if (namedElement instanceof Behaviour) {
                    behaviour = (Behaviour) namedElement;
                } else {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
                parseParameters(result, behaviour, scenario);

From source file:keepcalm.programs.idfixer.Configuration.java

private void save(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Property>> category : categories.entrySet()) {
        out.write("# " + category.getKey() + " \r\n");
        if (customCategoryComments.containsKey(category.getKey())) {
            String comment = customCategoryComments.get(category.getKey());
            Splitter splitter = Splitter.onPattern("\r?\n");
            for (String commentLine : splitter.split(comment)) {
                out.write("# ");
                out.write(commentLine + "\r\n");
            }//from  ww w. j a va2 s . c  o  m

        String catKey = category.getKey();
        if (!allowedProperties.matchesAllOf(catKey)) {
            catKey = '"' + catKey + '"';
        out.write(catKey + " {\r\n");
        writeProperties(out, category.getValue().values());

From source file:keepcalm.programs.idfixer.Configuration.java

private void writeProperties(BufferedWriter buffer, Collection<Property> props) throws IOException {
    for (Property property : props) {
        if (property.comment != null) {
            Splitter splitter = Splitter.onPattern("\r?\n");
            for (String commentLine : splitter.split(property.comment)) {
                buffer.write("   # " + commentLine + "\r\n");
            }//from  w  w w .  ja  va2  s.  c o  m
        String propName = property.getName();
        if (!allowedProperties.matchesAllOf(propName)) {
            propName = '"' + propName + '"';
        buffer.write("   " + propName + "=" + property.value);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.apple.project_generator.XCodeProjectCommandHelper.java

private FocusedModuleTargetMatcher getFocusModules(ListeningExecutorService executor)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (modulesToFocusOn == null) {
        return FocusedModuleTargetMatcher.noFocus();
    }// w  w w.  j  a  v a  2s.  c  om

    Iterable<String> patterns = Splitter.onPattern("\\s+").split(modulesToFocusOn);
    // Parse patterns with the following syntax:
    // https://buckbuild.com/concept/build_target_pattern.html
    ImmutableList<TargetNodeSpec> specs = argsParser.apply(patterns);

    // Resolve the list of targets matching the patterns.
    ImmutableSet<BuildTarget> passedInTargetsSet;
    ParserConfig parserConfig = buckConfig.getView(ParserConfig.class);
    try {
        passedInTargetsSet = parser
                .resolveTargetSpecs(buckEventBus, cell, enableParserProfiling, executor, specs,
                        SpeculativeParsing.of(false), parserConfig.getDefaultFlavorsMode())
                .stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).map(target -> target.withoutCell())
    } catch (BuildTargetException | BuildFileParseException | HumanReadableException e) {
        return FocusedModuleTargetMatcher.noFocus();
    LOG.debug("Selected targets: %s", passedInTargetsSet.toString());

    ImmutableSet<UnflavoredBuildTarget> passedInUnflavoredTargetsSet = RichStream.from(passedInTargetsSet)
    LOG.debug("Selected unflavored targets: %s", passedInUnflavoredTargetsSet.toString());
    return FocusedModuleTargetMatcher.focusedOn(passedInUnflavoredTargetsSet);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.features.apple.project.XCodeProjectCommandHelper.java

private FocusedModuleTargetMatcher getFocusModules() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (modulesToFocusOn == null) {
        return FocusedModuleTargetMatcher.noFocus();
    }/*from  w ww.j ava 2 s . c o  m*/

    Iterable<String> patterns = Splitter.onPattern("\\s+").split(modulesToFocusOn);
    // Parse patterns with the following syntax:
    // https://buckbuild.com/concept/build_target_pattern.html
    ImmutableList<TargetNodeSpec> specs = argsParser.apply(patterns);

    // Resolve the list of targets matching the patterns.
    ImmutableSet<BuildTarget> passedInTargetsSet;
    try {
        passedInTargetsSet = parser
                .resolveTargetSpecs(parsingContext.withSpeculativeParsing(SpeculativeParsing.DISABLED), specs,
    } catch (HumanReadableException e) {
        return FocusedModuleTargetMatcher.noFocus();
    LOG.debug("Selected targets: %s", passedInTargetsSet.toString());

    ImmutableSet<UnflavoredBuildTarget> passedInUnflavoredTargetsSet = RichStream.from(passedInTargetsSet)
    LOG.debug("Selected unflavored targets: %s", passedInUnflavoredTargetsSet.toString());
    return FocusedModuleTargetMatcher.focusedOn(passedInUnflavoredTargetsSet);