List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode get
public JsonNode get(String paramString)
From source
@Override public List<Locale> getTranslationLocales(String edition) { Response response = getRemote().get(getResourceUri() + "/i18n/locales?edition=" + edition); ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) response.getObjectNode().get("locales"); List<Locale> locales = new ArrayList<Locale>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { String localeString = array.get(i).textValue(); Locale locale = org.gitana.util.I18NUtil.parseLocale(localeString); locales.add(locale);//from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c om } return locales; }
From source
private void handleSubscription(String id, Map.Entry<String, WampClient> entry, ArrayNode message) { if (entry == null) { LOGGER.error("Invalid SUBSCRIBE message, cannot identify the client {}", id); return;//from ww w . j a va2 s .c o m } if (message.get(1) == null || message.get(1).asText().isEmpty()) { // The subscription does not allow error reporting, just ignore. LOGGER.error("Invalid SUBSCRIBE message, missing topic in {}", message); return; } String uri = message.get(1).asText(); entry.getValue().subscribe(uri); }
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private void handlePrefixMessage(String id, Map.Entry<String, WampClient> entry, ArrayNode message) { if (entry == null) { LOGGER.error("Invalid PREFIX message, cannot identify the client {}", id); return;/*www . jav a 2s . c om*/ } String pref = message.get(1).asText(); String uri = message.get(2).asText(); entry.getValue().registerPrefix(pref, uri); }
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private void handleUnsubscription(String id, Map.Entry<String, WampClient> entry, ArrayNode message) { if (entry == null) { LOGGER.error("Invalid UNSUBSCRIBE message, cannot identify the client {}", id); return;/*from ww w . j a v a 2s. co m*/ } if (message.get(1) == null || message.get(1).asText().isEmpty()) { // The un-subscription does not allow error reporting, just ignore. LOGGER.error("Invalid UNSUBSCRIBE message, missing topic in {}", message); return; } String uri = message.get(1).asText(); entry.getValue().unsubscribe(uri); entry.getValue().unsubscribe(uri); }
From source
public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) { if (parentElement instanceof ActivitiCloudEditorRoot) { if (modelsNode == null) { try { initializeRootElements(); } catch (final ActivitiCloudEditorException e) { String detailMessage = null; if (e.getExceptionNode() != null) { detailMessage = e.getExceptionNode().get("message").asText(); } else { detailMessage = e.getMessage(); }/*from w ww .ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ // creating fake entry ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); modelsNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); ArrayNode modelArrayNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); ((ObjectNode) modelsNode).put("data", modelArrayNode); ObjectNode errorNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); modelArrayNode.add(errorNode); errorNode.put("name", "Process models could not be retrieved: " + detailMessage); } } if (modelsNode != null) { ArrayNode modelArrayNode = (ArrayNode) modelsNode.get("data"); Object[] objectArray = new Object[modelArrayNode.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < modelArrayNode.size(); i++) { JsonNode modelNode = modelArrayNode.get(i); objectArray[i] = modelNode; } return objectArray; } else { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } } else { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } }
From source
private void handleCallMessage(String id, Map.Entry<String, WampClient> entry, ArrayNode message) { if (entry == null) { LOGGER.error("Invalid CALL message, cannot identify the client {}", id); return;/*from w ww .ja v a 2s. c om*/ } if (message.get(1) == null || message.get(1).asText() == null) { LOGGER.error("Invalid CALL message, callId not defined in the CALL message {}", message.toString()); sendOnWebSocket(new RPCError("0", new IllegalArgumentException("callId not defined in CALL message"), errorPrefix).toJson(json), entry.getValue()); return; } String callId = message.get(1).asText(); if (message.get(2) == null || message.get(2).asText() == null) { LOGGER.error("Invalid CALL message, procId not defined in the CALL message {}", message.toString()); sendOnWebSocket(new RPCError(callId, new IllegalArgumentException("procId not defined in CALL message"), errorPrefix).toJson(json), entry.getValue()); return; } String procId = message.get(2).asText(); List<JsonNode> args = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 3; i < message.size(); i++) { args.add(message.get(i)); } // Get full url from the potential compacted url (prefixed) String url = entry.getValue().getUri(procId); // Extract the service object identifier int index = url.indexOf("#"); if (index == -1) { LOGGER.error("Invalid CALL message, malformed procId in the CALL message {}", message.toString()); sendOnWebSocket( new RPCError(callId, new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed procId " + procId), errorPrefix) .toJson(json), entry.getValue()); return; } String regId = url.substring(0, index); String method = url.substring(index + 1); ExportedService service; synchronized (this) { service = registry.get(regId); } if (service == null) { LOGGER.error("Invalid CALL message, cannot find service {} from message {}", regId, message.toString()); sendOnWebSocket( new RPCError(callId, new IllegalArgumentException("Service object " + regId + " not found"), errorPrefix).toJson(json), entry.getValue()); return; } if (method.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error("Invalid CALL message, broken method name in message {}", message.toString()); sendOnWebSocket(new RPCError(callId, new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed method name in " + procId), errorPrefix).toJson(json), entry.getValue()); return; } // invocation handleRPCInvocation(entry.getValue(), callId, service, method, args); }
From source
private Object convertToJcrValues(Node node, Object value, boolean encoded) throws RepositoryException { if (value == NullNode.getInstance() || (value instanceof ArrayNode && ((ArrayNode) value).size() == 0)) { // for any null value of empty json array, return an empty array which will mean the property will be removed return null; }/* w w w .jav a 2s . c om*/ org.modeshape.jcr.api.ValueFactory valueFactory = (org.modeshape.jcr.api.ValueFactory) node.getSession() .getValueFactory(); if (value instanceof ArrayNode) { ArrayNode jsonValues = (ArrayNode) value; Value[] values = new Value[jsonValues.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsonValues.size(); i++) { if (encoded) { values[i] = createBinaryValue(jsonValues.get(i).asText(), valueFactory); } else { values[i] = RestHelper.jsonValueToJCRValue(jsonValues.get(i), valueFactory); } } return values; } return encoded ? createBinaryValue(value.toString(), valueFactory) : RestHelper.jsonValueToJCRValue(value, valueFactory); }
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/** * { expression, $depth : exactdepth, $relativedepth : /- depth, vary : [] }, * $depth and $relativedepth being optional (mutual exclusive), * vary being optional/*w w w. j a va2s.c om*/ * * @param command * @param level * @throws InvalidParseOperationException */ private void analyzeVary(final JsonNode command, int level) throws InvalidParseOperationException { if (command == null) { throw new InvalidParseOperationException("Not correctly parsed"); } // check vary List<TypeField> fields = new ArrayList<>(); if (command.has(VARY)) { final ArrayNode jvary = (ArrayNode) ((ObjectNode) command).remove(VARY); for (int i = 0; i < jvary.size(); i++) { JsonNode node = jvary.get(i); TypeField tf = getField(node, level); if (tf != null) { fields.add(tf); } } } levelFields.add(fields); levelRequests.add(command); }
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@Test public void addStringToArray() { String value = "bar"; ArrayNode array = new ArrayNode(factory); Assert.assertEquals(0, array.size()); parser.addStringToArray(array, value); Assert.assertEquals(1, array.size()); Assert.assertEquals(value, array.get(0).textValue()); }
From source
@Test public void addObjectToArray() { JsonNode value = new TextNode("asdf"); ArrayNode array = new ArrayNode(factory); Assert.assertEquals(0, array.size()); parser.addObjectToArray(array, value); Assert.assertEquals(1, array.size()); Assert.assertEquals(value, array.get(0)); }