Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode spliterator

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode spliterator


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode spliterator.


default Spliterator<T> spliterator() 

Source Link


Creates a Spliterator over the elements described by this Iterable .


From source file:io.syndesis.dao.DeploymentDescriptorTest.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert", "PMD.JUnitTestContainsTooManyAsserts" })
public void deploymentDescriptorTakeCueFromConnectorDescriptor() {
    for (final JsonNode entry : deployment) {
        if ("connector".equals(entry.get("kind").asText())) {

            final String connectorId = entry.get("data").get("id").asText();

            final JsonNode connectorData = entry.get("data");
            final JsonNode connectorPropertiesJson = connectorData.get("properties");

            final JsonNode actions = connectorData.get("actions");
            StreamSupport.stream(actions.spliterator(), true).forEach(action -> {
                final String actionName = action.get("name").asText();
                final String gav = action.get("camelConnectorGAV").asText();

                assertThat(gav).as("Action `%s` does not have `camelConnectorGAV` property", actionName)
                        .isNotEmpty();//from   ww w .  j  a  v a  2s  .co  m

                final String[] coordinates = gav.split(":");

                final Set<String> names = mavenArtifactProvider.addArtifactToCatalog(camelCatalog,
                        connectorCatalog, coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2]);
                assertThat(names).as("Could not resolve artifact for Camel catalog with GAV: %s:%s:%s",
                        (Object[]) coordinates).isNotEmpty();

                final String scheme = action.get("camelConnectorPrefix").asText();

                try {
                    camelCatalog.asEndpointUri(scheme, new HashMap<>(), false);
                } catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
                    fail("Action `%s` cannot be added to Camel context", actionName, e);

                final String componentJsonSchemaFromCatalog = camelCatalog.componentJSonSchema(scheme);
                final JsonNode catalogedJsonSchema;
                try {
                    catalogedJsonSchema = MAPPER.readTree(componentJsonSchemaFromCatalog);
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    fail("Unable to parse Camel component JSON schema", e);
                    return;// never happens

                final JsonNode component = catalogedJsonSchema.get("component");
                final String groupId = component.get("groupId").asText();
                final String artifactId = component.get("artifactId").asText();
                final String version = component.get("version").asText();

                assertThat(new String[] { groupId, artifactId, version })
                        .as("The scheme `%s` was resolved from a unexpected artifact", scheme)

                final JsonNode componentPropertiesFromCatalog = catalogedJsonSchema.get("componentProperties");

                assertConnectorProperties(connectorId, connectorPropertiesJson, componentPropertiesFromCatalog);

                assertActionProperties(connectorId, action, actionName, catalogedJsonSchema);

                assertActionDataShapes(connectorCatalog, action, actionName, coordinates);


From source file:com.jaredjstewart.SampleSecurityManager.java

private Map<String, Role> readRoles(final JsonNode jsonNode) {
    if (jsonNode.get("roles") == null) {
        return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
    }//w ww .ja v a 2 s .co  m
    Map<String, Role> roleMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (JsonNode rolesNode : jsonNode.get("roles")) {
        Role role = new Role();
        role.name = rolesNode.get("name").asText();
        String regionNames = null;
        String keys = null;

        JsonNode regionsNode = rolesNode.get("regions");
        if (regionsNode != null) {
            if (regionsNode.isArray()) {
                regionNames = StreamSupport.stream(regionsNode.spliterator(), false).map(JsonNode::asText)
            } else {
                regionNames = regionsNode.asText();

        for (JsonNode operationsAllowedNode : rolesNode.get("operationsAllowed")) {
            String[] parts = operationsAllowedNode.asText().split(":");
            String resourcePart = (parts.length > 0) ? parts[0] : null;
            String operationPart = (parts.length > 1) ? parts[1] : null;

            if (parts.length > 2) {
                regionNames = parts[2];
            if (parts.length > 3) {
                keys = parts[3];

            String regionPart = (regionNames != null) ? regionNames : "*";
            String keyPart = (keys != null) ? keys : "*";

            role.permissions.add(new ResourcePermission(resourcePart, operationPart, regionPart, keyPart));

        roleMap.put(role.name, role);

        if (rolesNode.has("serverGroup")) {
            role.serverGroup = rolesNode.get("serverGroup").asText();

    return roleMap;

From source file:jp.classmethod.aws.brian.BrianClient.java

public List<String> listTriggerGroups() throws BrianClientException, BrianServerException {
    logger.debug("list trigger groups: {}");
    HttpResponse httpResponse = null;/*from   w w  w  . jav a2  s .c  o  m*/
    try {
        URI uri = new URI(scheme, null, hostname, port, "/triggers", null, null);
        HttpUriRequest httpRequest = RequestBuilder.get().setUri(uri).build();
        httpResponse = httpClientExecute(httpRequest);
        int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        logger.debug("statusCode: {}", statusCode);
        if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            JsonNode tree = mapper.readTree(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent());
            return StreamSupport.stream(tree.spliterator(), false).map(item -> item.textValue())
        } else if (statusCode >= 500) {
            throw new BrianServerException("status = " + statusCode);
        } else if (statusCode >= 400) {
            throw new BrianClientException("status = " + statusCode);
        } else {
            throw new Error("status = " + statusCode);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new BrianServerException(e);
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        throw new Error(e);
    } finally {
        if (httpResponse != null) {

From source file:jp.classmethod.aws.brian.BrianClient.java

public List<String> listTriggers(String group) throws BrianClientException, BrianServerException {
    logger.debug("list triggers: {}", group);
    HttpResponse httpResponse = null;/*from w  ww.j a  v  a  2s. c  o m*/
    try {
        String path = String.format("/triggers/%s", group);
        URI uri = new URI(scheme, null, hostname, port, path, null, null);
        HttpUriRequest httpRequest = RequestBuilder.get().setUri(uri).build();
        httpResponse = httpClientExecute(httpRequest);
        int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        logger.debug("statusCode: {}", statusCode);
        if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            JsonNode tree = mapper.readTree(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent());
            return StreamSupport.stream(tree.spliterator(), false).map(item -> item.textValue())
        } else if (statusCode >= 500) {
            throw new BrianServerException("status = " + statusCode);
        } else if (statusCode >= 400) {
            throw new BrianClientException("status = " + statusCode);
        } else {
            throw new Error("status = " + statusCode);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new BrianServerException(e);
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        throw new Error(e);
    } finally {
        if (httpResponse != null) {

From source file:fi.vm.sade.eperusteet.ylops.service.ops.impl.OpetussuunnitelmaServiceImpl.java

private void fetchOrganisaatioNimet(OpetussuunnitelmaBaseDto opetussuunnitelmaDto) {
    for (OrganisaatioDto organisaatioDto : opetussuunnitelmaDto.getOrganisaatiot()) {
        Map<String, String> tekstit = new HashMap<>();
        List<String> tyypit = new ArrayList<>();
        JsonNode organisaatio = organisaatioService.getOrganisaatio(organisaatioDto.getOid());
        if (organisaatio != null) {
            JsonNode nimiNode = organisaatio.get("nimi");
            if (nimiNode != null) {
                Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> it = nimiNode.fields();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field = it.next();
                    tekstit.put(field.getKey(), field.getValue().asText());
                }//ww w.j  ava2 s .  c o m

            JsonNode tyypitNode = ofNullable(organisaatio.get("tyypit"))
            if (tyypitNode != null) {
                tyypit = StreamSupport.stream(tyypitNode.spliterator(), false).map(JsonNode::asText)
        organisaatioDto.setNimi(new LokalisoituTekstiDto(tekstit));

From source file:fi.vm.sade.eperusteet.ylops.service.ops.impl.OpetussuunnitelmaServiceImpl.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true)//from  w ww .j a  v  a2s.c om
public List<OpetussuunnitelmaJulkinenDto> getAllJulkiset(OpetussuunnitelmaQuery query) {
    List<Opetussuunnitelma> opetussuunnitelmat;
    if (query != null) {
        opetussuunnitelmat = findByQuery(query).stream().filter(ops -> ops.getTila() == Tila.JULKAISTU)
    } else {
        opetussuunnitelmat = repository.findAllByTyyppiAndTilaIsJulkaistu(Tyyppi.OPS);

    final List<OpetussuunnitelmaJulkinenDto> dtot = mapper.mapAsList(opetussuunnitelmat,

    dtot.forEach(dto -> {
        for (KoodistoDto koodistoDto : dto.getKunnat()) {
            Map<String, String> tekstit = new HashMap<>();
            KoodistoKoodiDto kunta = koodistoService.get("kunta", koodistoDto.getKoodiUri());
            if (kunta != null) {
                for (KoodistoMetadataDto metadata : kunta.getMetadata()) {
                    tekstit.put(metadata.getKieli(), metadata.getNimi());
            koodistoDto.setNimi(new LokalisoituTekstiDto(tekstit));

        for (OrganisaatioDto organisaatioDto : dto.getOrganisaatiot()) {
            Map<String, String> tekstit = new HashMap<>();
            List<String> tyypit = new ArrayList<>();
            JsonNode organisaatio = organisaatioService.getOrganisaatio(organisaatioDto.getOid());
            if (organisaatio != null) {
                JsonNode nimiNode = organisaatio.get("nimi");
                if (nimiNode != null) {
                    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> it = nimiNode.fields();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field = it.next();
                        tekstit.put(field.getKey(), field.getValue().asText());

                JsonNode tyypitNode = Optional.ofNullable(organisaatio.get("tyypit"))
                if (tyypitNode != null) {
                    tyypit = StreamSupport.stream(tyypitNode.spliterator(), false).map(JsonNode::asText)
            organisaatioDto.setNimi(new LokalisoituTekstiDto(tekstit));
    return dtot;

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.mongodb.services.IkanowV1SyncService_Buckets.java

/** Builds a V2 bucket out of a V1 source
 * @param src_json/*from  ww w .j  a va2  s .  c om*/
 * @return
 * @throws JsonParseException
 * @throws JsonMappingException
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws ParseException
protected static DataBucketBean getBucketFromV1Source(final JsonNode src_json)
        throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException, ParseException {
    // (think we'll use key instead of _id):
    //final String _id = safeJsonGet(JsonUtils._ID, src_json).asText(); 
    final String key = safeJsonGet("key", src_json).asText();
    final String created = safeJsonGet("created", src_json).asText();
    final String modified = safeJsonGet("modified", src_json).asText();
    final String title = safeJsonGet("title", src_json).asText();
    final String description = safeJsonGet("description", src_json).asText();
    final String owner_id = safeJsonGet("ownerId", src_json).asText();

    final JsonNode tags = safeJsonGet("tags", src_json); // collection of strings
    //final JsonNode comm_ids = safeJsonGet("communityIds", src_json); // collection of strings
    final JsonNode px_pipeline = safeJsonGet("processingPipeline", src_json); // collection of JSON objects, first one should have data_bucket
    final JsonNode px_pipeline_first_el = ((ObjectNode) px_pipeline.get(0))
    final JsonNode data_bucket_tmp = safeJsonGet("data_bucket", px_pipeline_first_el);// (WARNING: mutable, see below)
    final JsonNode scripting = safeJsonGet("scripting", data_bucket_tmp);

    final String sub_prefix = Optional.ofNullable(scripting.get("sub_prefix")).map(x -> x.asText())
    final String sub_suffix = Optional.ofNullable(scripting.get("sub_suffix")).map(x -> x.asText())
    final List<UnaryOperator<String>> search_replace = StreamSupport
            .stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(scripting.fieldNames(), Spliterator.ORDERED), false)
            .filter(f -> !f.equals("sub_prefix") && !f.equals("sub_suffix")) // (remove non language fields)
            .map(lang -> Tuples._2T(scripting.get(lang), lang))
            // Get (separator regex, entire script, sub prefix)
            .map(scriptobj_lang -> Tuples._3T(safeJsonGet("separator_regex", scriptobj_lang._1()).asText(),
                    safeJsonGet("script", scriptobj_lang._1()).asText(), sub_prefix + scriptobj_lang._2()))
            // Split each "entire script" up into blocks of format (bloc, lang)
            .<Stream<Tuple2<String, String>>>map(regex_script_lang -> Stream.concat(
                    Stream.of(Tuples._2T(regex_script_lang._2(), regex_script_lang._3())),
                            ? Stream.of(Tuples._2T(regex_script_lang._2(), regex_script_lang._3()))
                            : Arrays.stream(regex_script_lang._2().split(regex_script_lang._1()))
                                    .<Tuple2<String, String>>map(s -> Tuples._2T(s, regex_script_lang._3()))))
            // Associate a per-lang index with each  script block -> (replacement, string_sub)
            .<Tuple2<String, String>>flatMap(stream -> StreamUtils.zip(stream, Stream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1),
                    (script_lang, i) -> Tuples._2T(
                            script_lang._1().replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r"),
                            i == 0 ? script_lang._2() + sub_suffix // (entire thing)
                                    : script_lang._2() + "_" + i + sub_suffix))) //(broken down components)

            .<UnaryOperator<String>>map(t2 -> (String s) -> s.replace(t2._2(), t2._1()))
            //(need to escape "s and newlines)

    // Apply the list of transforms to the string
    ((ObjectNode) data_bucket_tmp).remove("scripting"); // (WARNING: mutable)
    final String data_bucket_str = search_replace.stream().reduce(data_bucket_tmp.toString(),
            (acc, s) -> s.apply(acc), (acc1, acc2) -> acc1);

    // Convert back to the bucket JSON
    final JsonNode data_bucket = ((ObjectNode) _mapper.readTree(data_bucket_str))

    final DataBucketBean bucket = BeanTemplateUtils.build(data_bucket, DataBucketBean.class)
            .with(DataBucketBean::_id, getBucketIdFromV1SourceKey(key))
            .with(DataBucketBean::created, parseJavaDate(created))
            .with(DataBucketBean::modified, parseJavaDate(modified)).with(DataBucketBean::display_name, title)
            .with(DataBucketBean::description, description).with(DataBucketBean::owner_id, owner_id)
            .with(DataBucketBean::tags, StreamSupport.stream(tags.spliterator(), false).map(jt -> jt.asText())

    return bucket;


From source file:org.talend.dataprep.preparation.service.PreparationControllerTest.java

 * Check that the folder search is correct.
 * @param folderId the folder to search.
 * @param expectedIds the expected preparations id.
 * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
 *//* w w  w.j  a  v a2 s . co m*/
private void checkSearchFolder(final String folderId, final List<String> expectedIds, String sort)
        throws IOException {
    // when
    final Response response = given() //
            .queryParam("folderId", folderId) //
            .queryParam("sort", sort) //
            .queryParam("order", "asc") //
            .when().expect().statusCode(200).log().ifError() //

    // then
    assertThat(response.getStatusCode(), is(200));
    final JsonNode rootNode = mapper.reader().readTree(response.asInputStream());
    assertEquals(expectedIds.size(), rootNode.size());
    final List<String> actualIds = StreamSupport.stream(rootNode.spliterator(), false)
            .map(n -> n.get("id").asText()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    assertEquals(expectedIds, actualIds);

From source file:org.talend.dataprep.preparation.service.PreparationControllerTest.java

private void checkSearchByName(String name, boolean exactMatch, List<String> expectedIds) throws IOException {
    // when/*from   w w w . j  av  a 2 s. co  m*/
    final Response response = given() //
            .queryParam("name", name) //
            .queryParam("exactMatch", exactMatch) //
            .queryParam("sort", "creationDate") //
            .queryParam("order", "asc") //
            .when().expect().statusCode(200).log().ifError() //

    // then
    assertThat(response.getStatusCode(), is(200));
    final JsonNode rootNode = mapper.reader().readTree(response.asInputStream());
    assertEquals(expectedIds.size(), rootNode.size());
    final List<String> actualIds = StreamSupport.stream(rootNode.spliterator(), false)
            .map(n -> n.get("id").asText()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    assertEquals(expectedIds.size(), actualIds.stream().filter(expectedIds::contains).count());