List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode forEach
default void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action)
From source
private JsonNode mergeDefinition(JsonNode customDefinition, JsonNode mandatoryDefinition) { customDefinition.forEach(((ArrayNode) mandatoryDefinition)::add); return mandatoryDefinition; }
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private void scanAllRecordsByZone(List<String> zones) { Instant startTime =;"Scanning all records in each available zones"); for (String zone : zones) { logger.debug("Scanning all records in Dynect zone {} ", zone); ObjectNode response = getDynectClient().get("REST/AllRecord/" + zone); JsonNode recordsData = response.path("data"); if (recordsData.isArray()) { recordsData.forEach(record -> { String recordFullName = record.asText(); logger.debug("Scanning {} record for more information in {} zone", recordFullName, zone); ObjectNode recordResponse = getDynectClient().get(recordFullName); ObjectNode data = toRecordJson(recordResponse.get("data")); String recordId = Splitter.on("/").splitToList(recordFullName).get(5); String cypher = "MATCH (z:DynHostedZone {zoneName:{zone}})" + "MERGE (m:DynHostedZoneRecord {recordId:{recordId}}) " + "ON CREATE SET m+={props}, m.createTs = timestamp(), m.updateTs=timestamp() " + "ON MATCH SET m+={props}, m.updateTs=timestamp() " + "MERGE (z)-[:CONTAINS]->(m);"; getProjector().getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "recordId", recordId, "props", data, "zone", zone);/*from ww w .jav a 2 s . co m*/ }); } } Instant endTime =;"Updating neo4j with the latest information of all records from zones in Dynect took {} secs", Duration.between(startTime, endTime).getSeconds()); }
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private void loadOtherTags(final JsonNode json) { final JsonNode arrayTags = json.get("Other-Info"); if (arrayTags != null && arrayTags.isArray()) { arrayTags.forEach(tag -> tag.fieldNames().forEachRemaining(sections::add)); final Iterator<JsonNode> arrayEntries = arrayTags.elements(); while (arrayEntries.hasNext()) { final JsonNode entries =; final Iterator<String> tagNames = entries.fieldNames(); while (tagNames.hasNext()) { final String tagName =; metadataFields.put(tagName, metadataFields(entries, tagName)); }/* www . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } } logger.debug("tagFiles is {}", sections); logger.debug("metadataFields is {}", metadataFields); }
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private List<String> scanZones() { Instant startTime =;"Scanning all zones in Dynect"); ObjectNode response = getDynectClient().get("REST/Zone/"); JsonNode zoneData = response.path("data"); List<String> zonesList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (zoneData.isArray()) { zoneData.forEach(zone -> { String zoneNode = zone.asText(); String zoneName = Splitter.on("/").splitToList(zoneNode).get(3); zonesList.add(zoneName);/*from w w w.j ava 2s . c o m*/ }); }"Scanning {} zones in Dynect to get more details", zonesList.size()); for (String zone : zonesList) { response = getDynectClient().get("REST/Zone/" + zone); logger.debug("Scanning {} zone", zone); ObjectNode n = toZoneJson(response.get("data")); Preconditions.checkNotNull(getProjector().getNeoRxClient(), "neorx client must be set"); String cypher = "MERGE (m:DynHostedZone {zoneName:{zone}}) " + "ON CREATE SET m+={props}, m.createTs = timestamp(), m.updateTs=timestamp() " + "ON MATCH SET m+={props}, m.updateTs=timestamp();"; getProjector().getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "zone", zone, "props", n); } Instant endTime =;"Updating neo4j with the latest information of all {} zones from Dynect took {} secs", zonesList.size(), Duration.between(startTime, endTime).getSeconds()); return zonesList; }
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/** * Gets the set of configured BGP peers. * * @return BGP peers/* www .j a v a 2s. c om*/ */ public Set<PeerConfig> bgpPeers() { Set<PeerConfig> peers = Sets.newHashSet(); JsonNode peersNode = object.get(PEERS); if (peersNode == null) { return peers; } peersNode.forEach(jsonNode -> { Optional<String> name; if (jsonNode.get(NAME) == null) { name = Optional.empty(); } else { name = Optional.of(jsonNode.get(NAME).asText()); } peers.add(new PeerConfig(name, IpAddress.valueOf(jsonNode.path(IP).asText()), ConnectPoint.deviceConnectPoint(jsonNode.path(CONN_POINT).asText()), jsonNode.path(INTF_NAME).asText())); }); return peers; }
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public void scanTasksForSwarm(String swarmClusterId) {"scanning tasks for swarm: {}", swarmClusterId); AtomicLong earlistUpdate = new AtomicLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); AtomicBoolean error = new AtomicBoolean(false); JsonNode response = getRestClient().getTasks(); response.forEach(it -> { try {//from w w w .java 2s. co m earlistUpdate.set(Math.min(earlistUpdate.get(), saveTask(it))); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("problem updating task", e); error.set(true); } }); if (error.get() == false) { if (earlistUpdate.get() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { dockerScanner.getNeoRxClient().execCypher( "match (x:DockerTask) where x.swarmClusterId={swarmClusterId} and x.updateTs<{cutoff} detach delete x", "cutoff", earlistUpdate.get(), "swarmClusterId", swarmClusterId); } } }
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public void scanServicesForSwarm(String swarmClusterId) { JsonNode response = getRestClient().getServices(); AtomicLong earlistUpdate = new AtomicLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); AtomicBoolean error = new AtomicBoolean(false); response.forEach(it -> { try {//from ww w . ja v a 2s .c o m ObjectNode n = flattenService(it); n.put("swarmClusterId", swarmClusterId); dockerScanner.getNeoRxClient().execCypher( "merge (x:DockerService {serviceId:{serviceId}}) set x+={props}, x.updateTs=timestamp() return x", "serviceId", n.get("serviceId").asText(), "props", n).forEach(svc -> { removeDockerLabels("DockerService", "serviceId", n.get("serviceId").asText(), n, svc); earlistUpdate.set( Math.min(earlistUpdate.get(), svc.path("updateTs").asLong(Long.MAX_VALUE))); }); dockerScanner.getNeoRxClient().execCypher( "match (swarm:DockerSwarm {swarmClusterId:{swarmClusterId}}),(service:DockerService{serviceId:{serviceId}}) merge (swarm)-[x:CONTAINS]->(service) set x.updateTs=timestamp()", "swarmClusterId", swarmClusterId, "serviceId", n.path("serviceId").asText()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("problem updating service", e); error.set(true); } }); if (error.get() == false) { if (earlistUpdate.get() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { dockerScanner.getNeoRxClient().execCypher( "match (x:DockerService) where x.swarmClusterId={swarmClusterId} and x.updateTs<{cutoff} detach delete x", "cutoff", earlistUpdate.get(), "swarmClusterId", swarmClusterId); } } }
From source
private void processJsonNode(ObjectMapper mapper, JsonNode node) { JsonNode eventTypeNode = node.get("eventType"); if (eventTypeNode == null) { System.err.println(format("{0}: Invalid message, missing eventType", discoveryName)); return;/*from w w w . j av a2 s . co m*/ } switch (eventTypeNode.asText()) { case "error": try { PluggableDiscoveryMessage msg = mapper.treeToValue(node, PluggableDiscoveryMessage.class); debug("error: " + msg.getMessage()); if (msg.getMessage().contains("START_SYNC")) { startPolling(); } } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; case "list": JsonNode portsNode = node.get("ports"); if (portsNode == null) { System.err.println(format("{0}: Invalid message, missing ports list", discoveryName)); return; } if (!portsNode.isArray()) { System.err.println(format("{0}: Invalid message, ports list should be an array", discoveryName)); return; } synchronized (portList) { portList.clear(); } portsNode.forEach(portNode -> { BoardPort port = mapJsonNodeToBoardPort(mapper, node); if (port != null) { addOrUpdate(port); } }); return; // Messages for SYNC updates case "add": BoardPort addedPort = mapJsonNodeToBoardPort(mapper, node); if (addedPort != null) { addOrUpdate(addedPort); } return; case "remove": BoardPort removedPort = mapJsonNodeToBoardPort(mapper, node); if (removedPort != null) { remove(removedPort); } return; default: debug("Invalid event: " + eventTypeNode.asText()); return; } }
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/** * see *///from ww w. ja v a 2 s .c om @Test public void shouldGetPreparationColumnTypesWhenDomainIsForced() throws Exception { // given final String dataSetId = createDataset("first_interactions_400.csv", "first interactions", "text/csv"); final String preparationId = createEmptyPreparationFromDataset(dataSetId, "first interactions"); // (force the domain to gender to replace all the 'F' by 'France') applyActionFromFile(preparationId, "change_domain.json"); applyActionFromFile(preparationId, "replace_value.json"); // when final Response response = when().get("/preparations/{preparationId}/columns/{columnId}/types", preparationId, "0005"); // then assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode()); final JsonNode rootNode = mapper.readTree(response.asInputStream()); assertEquals(5, rootNode.size()); final List<String> actual = new ArrayList<>(5); rootNode.forEach(n -> actual.add(n.get("id").textValue().toUpperCase())); final List<String> expected = Arrays.asList("COUNTRY", "CIVILITY", "GENDER", "LAST_NAME", "FIRST_NAME"); assertTrue(expected.containsAll(actual)); }
From source
private void readData(String email, byte[] pluginsContent, byte[] rulesContent, byte[] customersContent, byte[] devicesContent, List<byte[]> dashboardsContent) throws Exception { Map<String, String> pluginTokenMap = new HashMap<>(); if (pluginsContent != null) { JsonNode pluginsJson = objectMapper.readTree(pluginsContent); JsonNode pluginsArray = pluginsJson.get("plugins"); String hash = DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(email.getBytes()).substring(0, 10); pluginsArray.forEach(jsonNode -> { try { PluginMetaData plugin = objectMapper.treeToValue(jsonNode, PluginMetaData.class); String pluginToken = plugin.getApiToken(); String newPluginToken = pluginToken + "_" + hash; pluginTokenMap.put(pluginToken, newPluginToken); plugin.setApiToken(newPluginToken); if (plugin.getState() == ComponentLifecycleState.ACTIVE) { plugin.setState(ComponentLifecycleState.SUSPENDED); }/* w ww. j a va2s . c om*/ this.plugins.add(plugin); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to load plugins from json!"); log.error("Cause:", e); System.exit(-1); } }); } if (rulesContent != null) { JsonNode rulesJson = objectMapper.readTree(rulesContent); JsonNode rulesArray = rulesJson.get("rules"); rulesArray.forEach(jsonNode -> { try { String jsonBody = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(jsonNode); jsonBody = jsonBody.replaceAll("\\$EMAIL", email); RuleMetaData rule = objectMapper.treeToValue(objectMapper.readTree(jsonBody), RuleMetaData.class); String newPluginToken; // Need to be able to reference system plugins. if (pluginTokenMap.containsKey(rule.getPluginToken())) { newPluginToken = pluginTokenMap.get(rule.getPluginToken()); } else { newPluginToken = rule.getPluginToken(); } if (newPluginToken != null) { rule.setPluginToken(newPluginToken); } if (rule.getState() == ComponentLifecycleState.ACTIVE) { rule.setState(ComponentLifecycleState.SUSPENDED); } this.rules.add(rule); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to load rule from json!"); log.error("Cause:", e); } }); } if (customersContent != null) { JsonNode customersJson = objectMapper.readTree(customersContent); JsonNode customersArray = customersJson.get("customers"); Map<String, CustomerId> customerIdMap = new HashMap<>(); customersArray.forEach(jsonNode -> { try { Customer customer = objectMapper.treeToValue(jsonNode, Customer.class); this.customers.add(customer); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to load customer from json!"); log.error("Cause:", e); } }); } if (devicesContent != null) { JsonNode devicesJson = objectMapper.readTree(devicesContent); JsonNode devicesArray = devicesJson.get("devices"); devicesArray.forEach(jsonNode -> { try { Device device = objectMapper.treeToValue(jsonNode, Device.class); this.devices.add(device); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to load device from json!"); log.error("Cause:", e); } }); JsonNode customerDevicesJson = devicesJson.get("customerDevices"); customerDevicesJson.forEach(jsonNode -> { String deviceName = jsonNode.get("deviceName").asText(); String customerTitle = jsonNode.get("customerTitle").asText(); customerDevices.put(deviceName, customerTitle); }); JsonNode deviceAttributesJson = devicesJson.get("deviceAttributes"); deviceAttributesJson.forEach(jsonNode -> { String deviceName = jsonNode.get("deviceName").asText(); Map<String, JsonNode> attributesMap = new HashMap<>(); if (jsonNode.has("server")) { JsonNode serverAttributes = jsonNode.get("server"); attributesMap.put(DataConstants.SERVER_SCOPE, serverAttributes); } if (jsonNode.has("shared")) { JsonNode sharedAttributes = jsonNode.get("shared"); attributesMap.put(DataConstants.SHARED_SCOPE, sharedAttributes); } devicesAttributes.put(deviceName, attributesMap); }); } dashboardsContent.forEach(dashboardContent -> { try { JsonNode dashboardJson = objectMapper.readTree(dashboardContent); Dashboard dashboard = objectMapper.treeToValue(dashboardJson, Dashboard.class); this.dashboards.add(dashboard); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to load dashboard from json!"); log.error("Cause:", e); } }); }