List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asLong
public long asLong()
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private int cmp(JsonNode node, Number value) { if (value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short || value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long) { return cmp(node.asLong(), value.longValue()); } else if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double) { return cmp(node.asDouble(), value.doubleValue()); } else if (value instanceof BigInteger) { return cmp(node.bigIntegerValue(), (BigInteger) value); } else {// w w w. ja va 2s. c o m return cmp(node.decimalValue(), (BigDecimal) value); } }
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/** Inserts a single-valued vertex property into a JSON object * @param f/* w ww. j a va 2s . co m*/ * @param vp * @param o * @return */ protected static Object jsonNodeToObject(final JsonNode j) { return Patterns.match().<Object>andReturn().when(() -> null == j, () -> j) .when(() -> j.isTextual(), () -> j.asText()).when(() -> j.isDouble(), () -> j.asDouble()) .when(() -> j.isIntegralNumber(), () -> j.asLong()).when(() -> j.isBoolean(), () -> j.asBoolean()) .otherwise(__ -> null); }
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@Override public TokenInfo introspect(final String token) { try {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(baseUrl).openConnection(); connection.getOutputStream().write(format("token=%s", token).getBytes()); connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); connection.setDoOutput(true); if (bearerToken != null) { connection.addRequestProperty("Authorization", format("Bearer %s", bearerToken)); } int code = connection.getResponseCode(); if (code != 200) { return TokenInfo.INVALID; } try (InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream()) { JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(stream); if (node.get("active").asBoolean()) { JsonNode exp = node.get("exp"); long expiresIn = 0; if (exp != null) { expiresIn = exp.asLong() - System.currentTimeMillis(); } JsonNode scope = node.get("scope"); String[] scopes = null; if (scope != null) { scopes = scope.asText().split(" "); } return new TokenInfo(true, expiresIn, scopes); } } } catch (IOException e) { // Ignored } return TokenInfo.INVALID; }
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private long decodeTtl(JsonNode tree, String name) { final JsonNode n = tree.get(name); if (n == null) return 0; return n.asLong(); }
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@Override public ResponseAnswerDTO deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { log.debug("deserializing responseAnswer JSON"); JsonNode node = parser.getCodec().readTree(parser); ResponseAnswerDTO dto = new ResponseAnswerDTO(); JsonNode questionNode = node.get("question"); log.debug(questionNode.toString());//from w w w . j a v a2s . c o m if (questionNode != null && questionNode.canConvertToLong()) { Long questionId = questionNode.asLong(); dto.setQuestion(questionId); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResponseAnswer Json missing/bad question field"); } JsonNode answerNode = node.get("answer"); if (answerNode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResponseAnswer Json missing answer field"); } if (answerNode.canConvertToLong()) { dto.addAnswerId(answerNode.asLong()); } else if (answerNode.isObject()) { for (Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = answerNode.fields(); fields.hasNext();) { Entry<String, JsonNode> field =; Long answerId = Long.parseLong(field.getKey()); assert (field.getValue().isBoolean()); boolean answerSelected = field.getValue().asBoolean(false); if (answerSelected) { dto.addAnswerId(answerId); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResponseAnswer Json bad answer argument field"); } return dto; }
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private Date decodeTime(JsonNode tree, String name) { final JsonNode n = tree.get(name); if (n == null) return null; final long time = n.asLong(); return new Date(time); }
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public CMJacksonModule() { super("CustomModule", new Version(1, 0, 0, null)); addSerializer(new JsonSerializer<Date>() { @Override// ww w . ja v a 2 s . co m public void serialize(Date value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { jgen.writeStartObject(); jgen.writeRaw(JsonUtilities.convertDateToUnwrappedJsonClass(value)); jgen.writeEndObject(); } @Override public Class<Date> handledType() { return Date.class; } }); addDeserializer(Date.class, new JsonDeserializer<Date>() { @Override public Date deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) jp.getCodec(); ObjectNode root = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(jp); JsonNode classNode = root.get(JsonUtilities.CLASS_KEY); boolean isDate = classNode != null && JsonUtilities.DATE_CLASS.equals(classNode.asText()); if (isDate) { JsonNode timeNode = root.get(JsonUtilities.TIME_KEY); if (timeNode != null) { Long seconds = timeNode.asLong(); Date date = new Date(seconds * 1000); return date; } } return null; } }); addSerializer(new JsonSerializer<SimpleCMObject>() { @Override public void serialize(SimpleCMObject value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { jgen.writeStartObject(); String json = null; try { json = value.asUnkeyedObject(); } catch (ConversionException e) { LOG.error("Error while serializing, sending empty json", e); json = JsonUtilities.EMPTY_JSON; } jgen.writeRaw(JsonUtilities.unwrap(json)); jgen.writeEndObject(); } @Override public Class<SimpleCMObject> handledType() { return SimpleCMObject.class; } }); addSerializer(jsonSerializerForType(CMFile.class)); addSerializer(jsonSerializerForType(CMSessionToken.class)); addSerializer(jsonSerializerForType(CMType.class)); addSerializer(jsonSerializerForType(TransportableString.class)); addSerializer(jsonSerializerForType(ResponseBase.class)); }
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@Override protected final boolean evaluate(ExpressionEvaluationContext context, String path, JsonNode evaluatedNode) { if (null == evaluatedNode || !evaluatedNode.isNumber()) { return false; }/* www . j a v a2 s. c om*/ int comparisonResult = 0; if (evaluatedNode.isIntegralNumber()) { comparisonResult =, value.longValue()); } else if (evaluatedNode.isFloatingPointNumber()) { comparisonResult =, value.doubleValue()); } return evaluate(context, comparisonResult); }
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public Tweet deserialize(JsonNode node) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { final long id = node.path("id").asLong(); final String text = node.path("text").asText(); if (id <= 0 || text == null || text.isEmpty()) { return null; }//from www.j a va2 s. c om JsonNode fromUserNode = node.get("user"); String dateFormat = TIMELINE_DATE_FORMAT; String fromScreenName = fromUserNode.get("screen_name").asText(); long fromId = fromUserNode.get("id").asLong(); String fromImageUrl = fromUserNode.get("profile_image_url").asText(); Date createdAt = toDate(node.get("created_at").asText(), new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat, Locale.ENGLISH)); String source = node.get("source").asText(); JsonNode toUserIdNode = node.get("in_reply_to_user_id"); Long toUserId = toUserIdNode != null ? toUserIdNode.asLong() : null; String languageCode = node.get("lang").asText(); Tweet tweet = new Tweet(id, text, createdAt, fromScreenName, fromImageUrl, toUserId, fromId, languageCode, source); JsonNode inReplyToStatusIdNode = node.get("in_reply_to_status_id"); Long inReplyToStatusId = inReplyToStatusIdNode != null && !inReplyToStatusIdNode.isNull() ? inReplyToStatusIdNode.asLong() : null; tweet.setInReplyToStatusId(inReplyToStatusId); JsonNode inReplyToUserIdNode = node.get("in_reply_to_user_id"); Long inReplyUsersId = inReplyToUserIdNode != null && !inReplyToUserIdNode.isNull() ? inReplyToUserIdNode.asLong() : null; tweet.setInReplyToUserId(inReplyUsersId); tweet.setInReplyToScreenName(node.path("in_reply_to_screen_name").asText()); JsonNode retweetCountNode = node.get("retweet_count"); Integer retweetCount = retweetCountNode != null && !retweetCountNode.isNull() ? retweetCountNode.asInt() : null; tweet.setRetweetCount(retweetCount); JsonNode retweetedNode = node.get("retweeted"); JsonNode retweetedStatusNode = node.get("retweeted_status"); boolean retweeted = retweetedNode != null && !retweetedNode.isNull() ? retweetedNode.asBoolean() : false; tweet.setRetweeted(retweeted); Tweet retweetedStatus = retweetedStatusNode != null ? this.deserialize(retweetedStatusNode) : null; tweet.setRetweetedStatus(retweetedStatus); JsonNode favoritedNode = node.get("favorited"); boolean favorited = favoritedNode != null && !favoritedNode.isNull() ? favoritedNode.asBoolean() : false; tweet.setFavorited(favorited); JsonNode favoriteCountNode = node.get("favorite_count"); Integer favoriteCount = favoriteCountNode != null && !favoriteCountNode.isNull() ? favoriteCountNode.asInt() : null; tweet.setFavoriteCount(favoriteCount); Entities entities = toEntities(node.get("entities"), text); tweet.setEntities(entities); TwitterProfile user = toProfile(fromUserNode); tweet.setUser(user); JsonNode coordinatesNode = node.get("coordinates"); Coordinates coordinates = toCoordinates(coordinatesNode); tweet.setCoordinates(coordinates); JsonNode placeNode = node.get("place"); Place place = toPlace(placeNode); tweet.setPlace(place); return tweet; }
From source
/** * Parse a single tweet.//from w w w .j a v a 2s . co m */ private static Tweet parseSingleTweet(JsonNode objectRoot) throws JsonDeserializerException { // Basic sanity check if (!objectRoot.isObject()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("Tweet JsonNode is not an object"); } JsonNode node; Tweet tweet = new Tweet(); // When was this tweet created? node = objectRoot.path("created_at"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'created_at' missing or invalid"); } try { tweet.setCreatedAt(mDateFormat.parse(node.textValue())); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("Invalid date specified in 'created_at'", e); } // Who sent it? (user handle) node = objectRoot.path("from_user"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'from_user' missing or invalid"); } tweet.setFromUser(node.textValue()); // Who sent it? (user id) node = objectRoot.path("from_user_id"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.canConvertToLong()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'from_user_id' missing or invalid"); } tweet.setFromUserId(node.asLong()); // Tweet id node = objectRoot.path("id"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.canConvertToLong()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'id' missing or invalid"); } tweet.setId(node.asLong()); // Profile image url - prefer https over http node = objectRoot.path("profile_image_url_https"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { // Fall back to http node = objectRoot.path("profile_image_url"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'profile_image_url' missing or invalid"); } } tweet.setProfileImageUrl(node.textValue()); // Finally: tweet contents! node = objectRoot.path("text"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'text' missing or invalid"); } tweet.setText(node.textValue()); // FIXME: entities // Optional fields // Who sent it? (display name - yes, apparently this is OPTIONAL!) tweet.setFromUserName(objectRoot.path("from_user_name").textValue()); // Free-form location tweet.setLocation(objectRoot.path("location").textValue()); // FIXME: geo // End of tweet :-) return tweet; }