Example usage for Java com.facebook.react ReactInstanceManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
ReactInstanceManagerBuilder | builder() Creates a builder that is capable of creating an instance of ReactInstanceManager . |
ReactContext | getCurrentReactContext() |
void | onActivityResult(Activity activity, int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) |
void | onBackPressed() This method will give JS the opportunity to consume the back button event. |
void | onHostDestroy(Activity activity) Call this from Activity#onDestroy() . |
void | onHostPause(Activity activity) Call this from Activity#onPause() . |
void | onHostResume(Activity activity, DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler defaultBackButtonImpl) Use this method when the activity resumes to enable invoking the back button directly from JS. |
void | onNewIntent(Intent intent) This method will give JS the opportunity to receive intents via Linking. |
void | showDevOptionsDialog() |