Example usage for com.facebook.react.bridge ReadableMap hasKey

List of usage examples for com.facebook.react.bridge ReadableMap hasKey


In this page you can find the example usage for com.facebook.react.bridge ReadableMap hasKey.


boolean hasKey(@NonNull String name);

Source Link


From source file:com.horcrux.svg.GlyphContext.java

License:Open Source License

public ReadableMap getGlyphFont() {
    String fontFamily = null;//from   w  w w . j a  v a 2  s  . com
    float fontSize = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
    boolean fontSizeSet = false;
    String fontWeight = null;
    String fontStyle = null;

    int index = mContextLength - 1;

    for (; index >= 0; index--) {
        ReadableMap font = mFontContext.get(index);

        if (fontFamily == null && font.hasKey("fontFamily")) {
            fontFamily = font.getString("fontFamily");

        if (!fontSizeSet && font.hasKey("fontSize")) {
            fontSize = (float) font.getDouble("fontSize");
            fontSizeSet = true;

        if (fontWeight == null && font.hasKey("fontWeight")) {
            fontWeight = font.getString("fontWeight");
        if (fontStyle == null && font.hasKey("fontStyle")) {
            fontStyle = font.getString("fontStyle");

        if (fontFamily != null && fontSizeSet && fontWeight != null && fontStyle != null) {

    WritableMap map = Arguments.createMap();
    map.putString("fontFamily", fontFamily);
    map.putDouble("fontSize", fontSize);
    map.putString("fontWeight", fontWeight);
    map.putString("fontStyle", fontStyle);

    return map;

From source file:com.horcrux.svg.ImageView.java

License:Open Source License

@ReactProp(name = "src")
public void setSrc(@Nullable ReadableMap src) {
    if (src != null) {
        uriString = src.getString("uri");

        if (uriString == null || uriString.isEmpty()) {
            //TODO: give warning about this
        }//from w  w w  . java  2 s.c o m

        if (src.hasKey("width") && src.hasKey("height")) {
            mImageWidth = src.getInt("width");
            mImageHeight = src.getInt("height");
        } else {
            mImageWidth = 0;
            mImageHeight = 0;
        Uri mUri = Uri.parse(uriString);
        if (mUri.getScheme() == null) {
            ResourceDrawableIdHelper.getInstance().getResourceDrawableUri(mContext, uriString);

From source file:com.horcrux.svg.RNSVGTextShadowNode.java

License:Open Source License

private void applyTextPropertiesToPaint(Paint paint) {
    int alignment = mTextAlignment;
    switch (alignment) {
        break;/* ww w.ja  v a2  s  . c om*/
    if (mFrame != null) {
        if (mFrame.hasKey(PROP_FONT)) {
            ReadableMap font = mFrame.getMap(PROP_FONT);
            if (font != null) {
                float fontSize = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
                if (font.hasKey(PROP_FONT_SIZE)) {
                    fontSize = (float) font.getDouble(PROP_FONT_SIZE);
                paint.setTextSize(fontSize * mScale);
                boolean isBold = font.hasKey(PROP_FONT_WEIGHT)
                        && "bold".equals(font.getString(PROP_FONT_WEIGHT));
                boolean isItalic = font.hasKey(PROP_FONT_STYLE)
                        && "italic".equals(font.getString(PROP_FONT_STYLE));
                int fontStyle;
                if (isBold && isItalic) {
                    fontStyle = Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC;
                } else if (isBold) {
                    fontStyle = Typeface.BOLD;
                } else if (isItalic) {
                    fontStyle = Typeface.ITALIC;
                } else {
                    fontStyle = Typeface.NORMAL;
                // NB: if the font family is null / unsupported, the default one will be used
                paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create(font.getString(PROP_FONT_FAMILY), fontStyle));

From source file:com.horcrux.svg.TSpanShadowNode.java

License:Open Source License

private void applyTextPropertiesToPaint(Paint paint) {
    ReadableMap font = getFontFromContext();


    float fontSize = (float) font.getDouble(PROP_FONT_SIZE);

    paint.setTextSize(fontSize * mScale);

    boolean isBold = font.hasKey(PROP_FONT_WEIGHT) && "bold".equals(font.getString(PROP_FONT_WEIGHT));
    boolean isItalic = font.hasKey(PROP_FONT_STYLE) && "italic".equals(font.getString(PROP_FONT_STYLE));

    int fontStyle;
    if (isBold && isItalic) {
        fontStyle = Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC;
    } else if (isBold) {
        fontStyle = Typeface.BOLD;// w ww .j  a  va2  s  .  c  om
    } else if (isItalic) {
        fontStyle = Typeface.ITALIC;
    } else {
        fontStyle = Typeface.NORMAL;
    // NB: if the font family is null / unsupported, the default one will be used
    paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create(font.getString(PROP_FONT_FAMILY), fontStyle));

From source file:com.horcrux.svg.TSpanView.java

License:Open Source License

private Path getLinePath(String line, Paint paint, Canvas canvas) {
    final int length = line.length();
    final Path path = new Path();

    if (length == 0) {
        return path;
    }/*from   w  w  w  . j av  a 2 s  .c o  m*/

    double pathLength = 0;
    PathMeasure pm = null;
    boolean isClosed = false;
    final boolean hasTextPath = textPath != null;
    if (hasTextPath) {
        pm = new PathMeasure(textPath.getTextPath(canvas, paint), false);
        pathLength = pm.getLength();
        isClosed = pm.isClosed();
        if (pathLength == 0) {
            return path;

    GlyphContext gc = getTextRootGlyphContext();
    FontData font = gc.getFont();
    applyTextPropertiesToPaint(paint, font);
    GlyphPathBag bag = new GlyphPathBag(paint);
    boolean[] ligature = new boolean[length];
    final char[] chars = line.toCharArray();

    * Three properties affect the space between characters and words:
    * kerning indicates whether the user agent should adjust inter-glyph spacing
    * based on kerning tables that are included in the relevant font
    * (i.e., enable auto-kerning) or instead disable auto-kerning
    * and instead set inter-character spacing to a specific length (typically, zero).
    * letter-spacing indicates an amount of space that is to be added between text
    * characters supplemental to any spacing due to the kerning property.
    * word-spacing indicates the spacing behavior between words.
    *  Letter-spacing is applied after bidi reordering and is in addition to any word-spacing.
    *  Depending on the justification rules in effect, user agents may further increase
    *  or decrease the space between typographic character units in order to justify text.
    * */
    double kerning = font.kerning;
    double wordSpacing = font.wordSpacing;
    double letterSpacing = font.letterSpacing;
    final boolean autoKerning = !font.manualKerning;

    11.1.2. Fonts and glyphs
    A font consists of a collection of glyphs together with other information (collectively,
    the font tables) necessary to use those glyphs to present characters on some visual medium.
    The combination of the collection of glyphs and the font tables is called the font data.
    A font may supply substitution and positioning tables that can be used by a formatter
    (text shaper) to re-order, combine and position a sequence of glyphs to form one or more
    composite glyphs.
    The combining may be as simple as a ligature, or as complex as an indic syllable which
    combines, usually with some re-ordering, multiple consonants and vowel glyphs.
    The tables may be language dependent, allowing the use of language appropriate letter forms.
    When a glyph, simple or composite, represents an indivisible unit for typesetting purposes,
    it is know as a typographic character.
    Ligatures are an important feature of advance text layout.
    Some ligatures are discretionary while others (e.g. in Arabic) are required.
    The following explicit rules apply to ligature formation:
    Ligature formation should not be enabled when characters are in different DOM text nodes;
    thus, characters separated by markup should not use ligatures.
    Ligature formation should not be enabled when characters are in different text chunks.
    Discretionary ligatures should not be used when the spacing between two characters is not
    the same as the default space (e.g. when letter-spacing has a non-default value,
    or text-align has a value of justify and text-justify has a value of distribute).
    (See CSS Text Module Level 3, ([css-text-3]).
    SVG attributes such as dx, textLength, and spacing (in textPath) that may reposition
    typographic characters do not break discretionary ligatures.
    If discretionary ligatures are not desired
    they can be turned off by using the font-variant-ligatures property.
    When the effective letter-spacing between two characters is not zero
    (due to either justification or non-zero computed letter-spacing),
    user agents should not apply optional ligatures.
    final boolean allowOptionalLigatures = letterSpacing == 0
            && font.fontVariantLigatures == FontVariantLigatures.normal;

    For OpenType fonts, discretionary ligatures include those enabled by
    the liga, clig, dlig, hlig, and cala features;
    required ligatures are found in the rlig feature.
    6.12. Low-level font feature settings control: the font-feature-settings property
    Name:   font-feature-settings
    Value:   normal | <feature-tag-value> #
    Initial:   normal
    Applies to:   all elements
    Inherited:   yes
    Percentages:   N/A
    Media:   visual
    Computed value:   as specified
    Animatable:   no
    7.1. Default features
    For OpenType fonts, user agents must enable the default features defined in the OpenType
    documentation for a given script and writing mode.
    Required ligatures, common ligatures and contextual forms must be enabled by default
    (OpenType features: rlig, liga, clig, calt),
    along with localized forms (OpenType feature: locl),
    and features required for proper display of composed characters and marks
    (OpenType features: ccmp, mark, mkmk).
    These features must always be enabled, even when the value of the font-variant and
    font-feature-settings properties is normal.
    Individual features are only disabled when explicitly overridden by the author,
    as when font-variant-ligatures is set to no-common-ligatures.
    TODO For handling complex scripts such as Arabic, Mongolian or Devanagari additional features
    are required.
    TODO For upright text within vertical text runs,
    vertical alternates (OpenType feature: vert) must be enabled.
        String required = "'rlig', 'liga', 'clig', 'calt', 'locl', 'ccmp', 'mark', 'mkmk',";
        String defaultFeatures = required + "'kern', ";
        if (allowOptionalLigatures) {
            String additionalLigatures = "'hlig', 'cala', ";
            paint.setFontFeatureSettings(defaultFeatures + additionalLigatures + font.fontFeatureSettings);
        } else {
            String disableDiscretionaryLigatures = "'liga' 0, 'clig' 0, 'dlig' 0, 'hlig' 0, 'cala' 0, ";
                    defaultFeatures + disableDiscretionaryLigatures + font.fontFeatureSettings);
    // OpenType.js font data
    ReadableMap fontData = font.fontData;

    float[] advances = new float[length];
    paint.getTextWidths(line, advances);

    This would give both advances and textMeasure in one call / looping over the text
    double textMeasure = paint.getTextRunAdvances(line, 0, length, 0, length, true, advances, 0);
    Determine the startpoint-on-the-path for the first glyph using attribute startOffset
    and property text-anchor.
    For text-anchor:start, startpoint-on-the-path is the point
    on the path which represents the point on the path which is startOffset distance
    along the path from the start of the path, calculated using the user agent's distance
    along the path algorithm.
    For text-anchor:middle, startpoint-on-the-path is the point
    on the path which represents the point on the path which is [ startOffset minus half
    of the total advance values for all of the glyphs in the textPath element ] distance
    along the path from the start of the path, calculated using the user agent's distance
    along the path algorithm.
    For text-anchor:end, startpoint-on-the-path is the point on
    the path which represents the point on the path which is [ startOffset minus the
    total advance values for all of the glyphs in the textPath element ].
    Before rendering the first glyph, the horizontal component of the startpoint-on-the-path
    is adjusted to take into account various horizontal alignment text properties and
    attributes, such as a dx attribute value on a tspan element.
    final TextAnchor textAnchor = font.textAnchor;
    final double textMeasure = paint.measureText(line);
    double offset = getTextAnchorOffset(textAnchor, textMeasure);

    int side = 1;
    double startOfRendering = 0;
    double endOfRendering = pathLength;
    final double fontSize = gc.getFontSize();
    boolean sharpMidLine = false;
    if (hasTextPath) {
        sharpMidLine = textPath.getMidLine() == TextPathMidLine.sharp;
        left | right
        initial value
        Determines the side of the path the text is placed on
        (relative to the path direction).
        Specifying a value of right effectively reverses the path.
        Added in SVG 2 to allow text either inside or outside closed subpaths
        and basic shapes (e.g. rectangles, circles, and ellipses).
        Adding 'side' was resolved at the Sydney (2015) meeting.
        side = textPath.getSide() == TextPathSide.right ? -1 : 1;
        <length> | <percentage> | <number>
        initial value
        An offset from the start of the path for the initial current text position,
        calculated using the user agent's distance along the path algorithm,
        after converting the path to the textPath element's coordinate system.
        If a <length> other than a percentage is given, then the startOffset
        represents a distance along the path measured in the current user coordinate
        system for the textPath element.
        If a percentage is given, then the startOffset represents a percentage
        distance along the entire path. Thus, startOffset="0%" indicates the start
        point of the path and startOffset="100%" indicates the end point of the path.
        Negative values and values larger than the path length (e.g. 150%) are allowed.
        Any typographic characters with mid-points that are not on the path are not rendered
        For paths consisting of a single closed subpath (including an equivalent path for a
        basic shape), typographic characters are rendered along one complete circuit of the
        path. The text is aligned as determined by the text-anchor property to a position
        along the path set by the startOffset attribute.
        For the start (end) value, the text is rendered from the start (end) of the line
        until the initial position along the path is reached again.
        For the middle, the text is rendered from the middle point in both directions until
        a point on the path equal distance in both directions from the initial position on
        the path is reached.
        final double absoluteStartOffset = getAbsoluteStartOffset(textPath.getStartOffset(), pathLength,
        offset += absoluteStartOffset;
        if (isClosed) {
            final double halfPathDistance = pathLength / 2;
            startOfRendering = absoluteStartOffset + (textAnchor == TextAnchor.middle ? -halfPathDistance : 0);
            endOfRendering = startOfRendering + pathLength;
        TextPathSpacing spacing = textPath.getSpacing();
        if (spacing == TextPathSpacing.auto) {
        // Hmm, what to do here?
        // https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/text.html#TextPathElementSpacingAttribute

    align | stretch
    initial value
    Indicates the method by which text should be rendered along the path.
    A value of align indicates that the typographic character should be rendered using
    simple 23 matrix transformations such that there is no stretching/warping of the
    typographic characters. Typically, supplemental rotation, scaling and translation
    transformations are done for each typographic characters to be rendered.
    As a result, with align, in fonts where the typographic characters are designed to be
    connected (e.g., cursive fonts), the connections may not align properly when text is
    rendered along a path.
    A value of stretch indicates that the typographic character outlines will be converted
    into paths, and then all end points and control points will be adjusted to be along the
    perpendicular vectors from the path, thereby stretching and possibly warping the glyphs.
    With this approach, connected typographic characters, such as in cursive scripts,
    will maintain their connections. (Non-vertical straight path segments should be
    converted to Bzier curves in such a way that horizontal straight paths have an
    (approximately) constant offset from the path along which the typographic characters
    are rendered.)
    TODO implement stretch

    Name   Value   Initial value   Animatable
    textLength   <length> | <percentage> | <number>   See below   yes
    The author's computation of the total sum of all of the advance values that correspond
    to character data within this element, including the advance value on the glyph
    (horizontal or vertical), the effect of properties letter-spacing and word-spacing and
    adjustments due to attributes dx and dy on this text or tspan element or any
    descendants. This value is used to calibrate the user agent's own calculations with
    that of the author.
    The purpose of this attribute is to allow the author to achieve exact alignment,
    in visual rendering order after any bidirectional reordering, for the first and
    last rendered glyphs that correspond to this element; thus, for the last rendered
    character (in visual rendering order after any bidirectional reordering),
    any supplemental inter-character spacing beyond normal glyph advances are ignored
    (in most cases) when the user agent determines the appropriate amount to expand/compress
    the text string to fit within a length of textLength.
    If attribute textLength is specified on a given element and also specified on an
    ancestor, the adjustments on all character data within this element are controlled by
    the value of textLength on this element exclusively, with the possible side-effect
    that the adjustment ratio for the contents of this element might be different than the
    adjustment ratio used for other content that shares the same ancestor. The user agent
    must assume that the total advance values for the other content within that ancestor is
    the difference between the advance value on that ancestor and the advance value for
    this element.
    This attribute is not intended for use to obtain effects such as shrinking or
    expanding text.
    A negative value is an error (see Error processing).
    The textLength attribute is only applied when the wrapping area is not defined by the
    TODO shape-inside or the inline-size properties. It is also not applied for any text or
    TODO tspan element that has forced line breaks (due to a white-space value of pre or
    If the attribute is not specified anywhere within a text element, the effect is as if
    the author's computation exactly matched the value calculated by the user agent;
    thus, no advance adjustments are made.
    double scaleSpacingAndGlyphs = 1;
    if (mTextLength != null) {
        final double author = PropHelper.fromRelative(mTextLength, canvas.getWidth(), 0, mScale, fontSize);
        if (author < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative textLength value");
        switch (mLengthAdjust) {
        case spacing:
            letterSpacing += (author - textMeasure) / (length - 1);
        case spacingAndGlyphs:
            scaleSpacingAndGlyphs = author / textMeasure;
    final double scaledDirection = scaleSpacingAndGlyphs * side;

    https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/text.html#AlignmentBaselineProperty The alignment-baseline property
    This property is defined in the CSS Line Layout Module 3 specification. See 'alignment-baseline'. [css-inline-3]
    The vertical-align property shorthand should be preferred in new content.
    SVG 2 introduces some changes to the definition of this property.
    In particular: the values 'auto', 'before-edge', and 'after-edge' have been removed.
    For backwards compatibility, 'text-before-edge' should be mapped to 'text-top' and
    'text-after-edge' should be mapped to 'text-bottom'.
    Neither 'text-before-edge' nor 'text-after-edge' should be used with the vertical-align property.
    final Paint.FontMetrics fm = paint.getFontMetrics();
    final double descenderDepth = fm.descent;
    final double bottom = descenderDepth + fm.leading;
    final double ascenderHeight = -fm.ascent + fm.leading;
    final double top = -fm.top;
    final double totalHeight = top + bottom;
    double baselineShift = 0;
    String baselineShiftString = getBaselineShift();
    AlignmentBaseline baseline = getAlignmentBaseline();
    if (baseline != null) {
        // TODO alignment-baseline, test / verify behavior
        // TODO get per glyph baselines from font baseline table, for high-precision alignment
        switch (baseline) {
        // https://wiki.apache.org/xmlgraphics-fop/LineLayout/AlignmentHandling
        case baseline:
            // Use the dominant baseline choice of the parent.
            // Match the boxs corresponding baseline to that of its parent.
            baselineShift = 0;

        case textBottom:
        case afterEdge:
        case textAfterEdge:
            // Match the bottom of the box to the bottom of the parents content area.
            // text-after-edge = text-bottom
            // text-after-edge = descender depth
            baselineShift = -descenderDepth;

        case alphabetic:
            // Match the boxs alphabetic baseline to that of its parent.
            // alphabetic = 0
            baselineShift = 0;

        case ideographic:
            // Match the boxs ideographic character face under-side baseline to that of its parent.
            // ideographic = descender depth
            baselineShift = -descenderDepth;

        case middle:
            // Align the vertical midpoint of the box with the baseline of the parent box plus half the x-height of the parent.
            // middle = x height / 2
            Rect bounds = new Rect();
            // this will just retrieve the bounding rect for 'x'
            paint.getTextBounds("x", 0, 1, bounds);
            int xHeight = bounds.height();
            baselineShift = xHeight / 2;

        case central:
            // Match the boxs central baseline to the central baseline of its parent.
            // central = (ascender height - descender depth) / 2
            baselineShift = (ascenderHeight - descenderDepth) / 2;

        case mathematical:
            // Match the boxs mathematical baseline to that of its parent.
            // Hanging and mathematical baselines
            // There are no obvious formulas to calculate the position of these baselines.
            // At the time of writing FOP puts the hanging baseline at 80% of the ascender
            // height and the mathematical baseline at 50%.
            baselineShift = 0.5 * ascenderHeight;

        case hanging:
            baselineShift = 0.8 * ascenderHeight;

        case textTop:
        case beforeEdge:
        case textBeforeEdge:
            // Match the top of the box to the top of the parents content area.
            // text-before-edge = text-top
            // text-before-edge = ascender height
            baselineShift = ascenderHeight;

        case bottom:
            // Align the top of the aligned subtree with the top of the line box.
            baselineShift = bottom;

        case center:
            // Align the center of the aligned subtree with the center of the line box.
            baselineShift = totalHeight / 2;

        case top:
            // Align the bottom of the aligned subtree with the bottom of the line box.
            baselineShift = top;
    2.2.2. Alignment Shift: baseline-shift longhand
    This property specifies by how much the box is shifted up from its alignment point.
    It does not apply when alignment-baseline is top or bottom.
    Authors should use the vertical-align shorthand instead of this property.
    Values have the following meanings:
    Raise (positive value) or lower (negative value) by the specified length.
    Raise (positive value) or lower (negative value) by the specified percentage of the line-height.
    TODO sub
    Lower by the offset appropriate for subscripts of the parents box.
    (The UA should use the parents font data to find this offset whenever possible.)
    TODO super
    Raise by the offset appropriate for superscripts of the parents box.
    (The UA should use the parents font data to find this offset whenever possible.)
    User agents may additionally support the keyword baseline as computing to 0
    if is necessary for them to support legacy SVG content.
    Issue: We would prefer to remove this,
    and are looking for feedback from SVG user agents as to whether its necessary.
    if (baselineShiftString != null && !baselineShiftString.isEmpty()) {
        switch (baseline) {
        case top:
        case bottom:

            switch (baselineShiftString) {
            case "sub":
                // TODO
                if (fontData != null && fontData.hasKey("tables") && fontData.hasKey("unitsPerEm")) {
                    int unitsPerEm = fontData.getInt("unitsPerEm");
                    ReadableMap tables = fontData.getMap("tables");
                    if (tables.hasKey("os2")) {
                        ReadableMap os2 = tables.getMap("os2");
                        if (os2.hasKey("ySubscriptYOffset")) {
                            double subOffset = os2.getDouble("ySubscriptYOffset");
                            baselineShift += mScale * fontSize * subOffset / unitsPerEm;

            case "super":
                // TODO
                if (fontData != null && fontData.hasKey("tables") && fontData.hasKey("unitsPerEm")) {
                    int unitsPerEm = fontData.getInt("unitsPerEm");
                    ReadableMap tables = fontData.getMap("tables");
                    if (tables.hasKey("os2")) {
                        ReadableMap os2 = tables.getMap("os2");
                        if (os2.hasKey("ySuperscriptYOffset")) {
                            double superOffset = os2.getDouble("ySuperscriptYOffset");
                            baselineShift -= mScale * fontSize * superOffset / unitsPerEm;

            case "baseline":

                baselineShift -= PropHelper.fromRelative(baselineShiftString, mScale * fontSize, 0, mScale,

    final Matrix start = new Matrix();
    final Matrix mid = new Matrix();
    final Matrix end = new Matrix();

    final float[] startPointMatrixData = new float[9];
    final float[] midPointMatrixData = new float[9];
    final float[] endPointMatrixData = new float[9];

    for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
        char currentChar = chars[index];
        String current = String.valueOf(currentChar);
        boolean alreadyRenderedGraphemeCluster = ligature[index];

        Determine the glyph's charwidth (i.e., the amount which the current text position
        advances horizontally when the glyph is drawn using horizontal text layout).
        boolean hasLigature = false;
        if (alreadyRenderedGraphemeCluster) {
            current = "";
        } else {
            int nextIndex = index;
            while (++nextIndex < length) {
                float nextWidth = advances[nextIndex];
                if (nextWidth > 0) {
                String nextLigature = current + String.valueOf(chars[nextIndex]);
                ligature[nextIndex] = true;
                current = nextLigature;
                hasLigature = true;
        double charWidth = paint.measureText(current) * scaleSpacingAndGlyphs;

        For each subsequent glyph, set a new startpoint-on-the-path as the previous
        endpoint-on-the-path, but with appropriate adjustments taking into account
        horizontal kerning tables in the font and current values of various attributes
        and properties, including spacing properties (e.g. letter-spacing and word-spacing)
        and tspan elements with values provided for attributes dx and dy. All
        adjustments are calculated as distance adjustments along the path, calculated
        using the user agent's distance along the path algorithm.
        if (autoKerning) {
            double kerned = advances[index] * scaleSpacingAndGlyphs;
            kerning = kerned - charWidth;

        boolean isWordSeparator = currentChar == ' ';
        double wordSpace = isWordSeparator ? wordSpacing : 0;
        double spacing = wordSpace + letterSpacing;
        double advance = charWidth + spacing;

        double x = gc.nextX(alreadyRenderedGraphemeCluster ? 0 : kerning + advance);
        double y = gc.nextY();
        double dx = gc.nextDeltaX();
        double dy = gc.nextDeltaY();
        double r = gc.nextRotation();

        if (alreadyRenderedGraphemeCluster || isWordSeparator) {
            // Skip rendering other grapheme clusters of ligatures (already rendered),
            // But, make sure to increment index positions by making gc.next() calls.

        advance *= side;
        charWidth *= side;
        double cursor = offset + (x + dx) * side;
        double startPoint = cursor - advance;

        if (hasTextPath) {
            Determine the point on the curve which is charwidth distance along the path from
            the startpoint-on-the-path for this glyph, calculated using the user agent's
            distance along the path algorithm. This point is the endpoint-on-the-path for
            the glyph.
            double endPoint = startPoint + charWidth;

            Determine the midpoint-on-the-path, which is the point on the path which is
            "halfway" (user agents can choose either a distance calculation or a parametric
            calculation) between the startpoint-on-the-path and the endpoint-on-the-path.
            double halfWay = charWidth / 2;
            double midPoint = startPoint + halfWay;

            //  Glyphs whose midpoint-on-the-path are off the path are not rendered.
            if (midPoint > endOfRendering) {
            } else if (midPoint < startOfRendering) {

            Determine the glyph-midline, which is the vertical line in the glyph's
            coordinate system that goes through the glyph's x-axis midpoint.
            Position the glyph such that the glyph-midline passes through
            the midpoint-on-the-path and is perpendicular to the line
            through the startpoint-on-the-path and the endpoint-on-the-path.
            TODO suggest adding a compatibility mid-line rendering attribute to textPath,
            for a chrome/firefox/opera/safari compatible sharp text path rendering,
            which doesn't bend text smoothly along a right angle curve, (like Edge does)
            but keeps the mid-line orthogonal to the mid-point tangent at all times instead.
            final int posAndTanFlags = POSITION_MATRIX_FLAG | TANGENT_MATRIX_FLAG;
            if (sharpMidLine) {
                pm.getMatrix((float) midPoint, mid, posAndTanFlags);
            } else {
                    In the calculation above, if either the startpoint-on-the-path
                    or the endpoint-on-the-path is off the end of the path,
                    then extend the path beyond its end points with a straight line
                    that is parallel to the tangent at the path at its end point
                    so that the midpoint-on-the-path can still be calculated.
                    TODO suggest change in wording of svg spec:
                    so that the midpoint-on-the-path can still be calculated.
                    so that the angle of the glyph-midline to the x-axis can still be calculated.
                    so that the line through the startpoint-on-the-path and the
                    endpoint-on-the-path can still be calculated.
                if (startPoint < 0) {
                    pm.getMatrix(0, start, posAndTanFlags);
                    start.preTranslate((float) startPoint, 0);
                } else {
                    pm.getMatrix((float) startPoint, start, POSITION_MATRIX_FLAG);

                pm.getMatrix((float) midPoint, mid, POSITION_MATRIX_FLAG);

                if (endPoint > pathLength) {
                    pm.getMatrix((float) pathLength, end, posAndTanFlags);
                    end.preTranslate((float) (endPoint - pathLength), 0);
                } else {
                    pm.getMatrix((float) endPoint, end, POSITION_MATRIX_FLAG);


                double startX = startPointMatrixData[MTRANS_X];
                double startY = startPointMatrixData[MTRANS_Y];
                double endX = endPointMatrixData[MTRANS_X];
                double endY = endPointMatrixData[MTRANS_Y];

                // line through the startpoint-on-the-path and the endpoint-on-the-path
                double lineX = endX - startX;
                double lineY = endY - startY;

                double glyphMidlineAngle = Math.atan2(lineY, lineX);

                mid.preRotate((float) (glyphMidlineAngle * radToDeg * side));

                Align the glyph vertically relative to the midpoint-on-the-path based on property
                alignment-baseline and any specified values for attribute dy on a tspan element.
            mid.preTranslate((float) -halfWay, (float) (dy + baselineShift));
            mid.preScale((float) scaledDirection, (float) side);
            mid.postTranslate(0, (float) y);
        } else {
            mid.setTranslate((float) startPoint, (float) (y + dy + baselineShift));

        mid.preRotate((float) r);

        Path glyph;
        if (hasLigature) {
            glyph = new Path();
            paint.getTextPath(current, 0, current.length(), 0, 0, glyph);
        } else {
            glyph = bag.getOrCreateAndCache(currentChar, current);
        RectF bounds = new RectF();
        glyph.computeBounds(bounds, true);
        float width = bounds.width();
        if (width == 0) { // Render unicode emoji
            double midX = midPointMatrixData[MTRANS_X];
            double midY = midPointMatrixData[MTRANS_Y];
            canvas.rotate((float) r, (float) midX, (float) midY);
            canvas.drawText(current, (float) midX, (float) midY, paint);
            canvas.rotate((float) -r, (float) midX, (float) midY);
        } else {

    return path;

From source file:com.lightappbuilder.lab4.lablibrary.rnviews.webview.ReactWebViewManager.java

License:Open Source License

@ReactProp(name = "source")
public void setSource(DynamicSizeWrapperView wrapperView, @Nullable ReadableMap source) {
    ReactWebView view = (ReactWebView) wrapperView.getWrappedChild();
    if (source != null) {
        if (source.hasKey("html")) {
            String html = source.getString("html");
            if (source.hasKey("baseUrl")) {
                view.loadDataWithBaseURL(source.getString("baseUrl"), html, HTML_MIME_TYPE, HTML_ENCODING,
                        null);//from  w w w. j  av a 2  s.  co m
            } else {
                view.loadData(html, HTML_MIME_TYPE, HTML_ENCODING);
        if (source.hasKey("uri")) {
            String url = source.getString("uri");
            String previousUrl = view.getUrl();
            if (previousUrl != null && previousUrl.equals(url)) {
            if (source.hasKey("method")) {
                String method = source.getString("method");
                if (method.equals(HTTP_METHOD_POST)) {
                    byte[] postData = null;
                    if (source.hasKey("body")) {
                        String body = source.getString("body");
                        try {
                            postData = body.getBytes("UTF-8");
                        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                            postData = body.getBytes();
                    if (postData == null) {
                        postData = new byte[0];
                    view.postUrl(url, postData);
            HashMap<String, String> headerMap = new HashMap<>();
            if (source.hasKey("headers")) {
                ReadableMap headers = source.getMap("headers");
                ReadableMapKeySetIterator iter = headers.keySetIterator();
                while (iter.hasNextKey()) {
                    String key = iter.nextKey();
                    if ("user-agent".equals(key.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
                        if (view.getSettings() != null) {
                    } else {
                        headerMap.put(key, headers.getString(key));
            view.loadUrl(url, headerMap);

From source file:com.microsoft.aad.adal.ReactNativeAdalPlugin.java

License:Open Source License

public void createAsync(ReadableMap obj, Callback callback) {

    try {/*from  w  w  w.  ja  va2  s . co m*/
        String authority = obj.hasKey("authority") ? obj.getString("authority") : null;
        boolean validateAuthority = obj.hasKey("validateAuthority") ? obj.getBoolean("validateAuthority")
                : false;

        getOrCreateContext(authority, validateAuthority);

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:com.microsoft.aad.adal.ReactNativeAdalPlugin.java

License:Open Source License

public void acquireTokenAsync(ReadableMap obj, Callback callback) {

    final AuthenticationContext authContext;
    String authority = obj.hasKey("authority") ? obj.getString("authority") : null;
    boolean validateAuthority = obj.hasKey("validateAuthority") ? obj.getBoolean("validateAuthority") : false;
    String resourceId = obj.hasKey("resourceId") ? obj.getString("resourceId") : null;
    String clientId = obj.hasKey("clientId") ? obj.getString("clientId") : null;
    String redirectUri = obj.hasKey("redirectUri") ? obj.getString("redirectUri") : null;
    String userId = obj.hasKey("userId") ? obj.getString("userId") : null;
    String extraQueryParams = obj.hasKey("extraQueryParams") ? obj.getString("extraQueryParams") : null;

    try {//ww w. j a v  a 2  s .c o  m
        authContext = getOrCreateContext(authority, validateAuthority);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    if (userId != null) {
        ITokenCacheStore cache = authContext.getCache();
        if (cache instanceof ITokenStoreQuery) {

            List<TokenCacheItem> tokensForUserId = ((ITokenStoreQuery) cache).getTokensForUser(userId);
            if (tokensForUserId.size() > 0) {
                // Try to acquire alias for specified userId
                userId = tokensForUserId.get(0).getUserInfo().getDisplayableId();

    authContext.acquireToken(this.getCurrentActivity(), resourceId, clientId, redirectUri, userId,
            SHOW_PROMPT_ALWAYS, extraQueryParams, new DefaultAuthenticationCallback(callback));

From source file:com.microsoft.aad.adal.ReactNativeAdalPlugin.java

License:Open Source License

public void acquireTokenSilentAsync(ReadableMap obj, Callback callback) { //String authority, boolean validateAuthority, String resourceUrl, String clientId, String userId) {

    final AuthenticationContext authContext;
    String authority = obj.hasKey("authority") ? obj.getString("authority") : null;
    boolean validateAuthority = obj.hasKey("validateAuthority") ? obj.getBoolean("validateAuthority") : false;
    String resourceId = obj.hasKey("resourceId") ? obj.getString("resourceId") : null;
    String clientId = obj.hasKey("clientId") ? obj.getString("clientId") : null;
    String userId = obj.hasKey("userId") ? obj.getString("userId") : null;
    try {//from   www .ja  v a2s.c o  m
        authContext = getOrCreateContext(authority, validateAuthority);

        //  We should retrieve userId from broker cache since local is always empty
        boolean useBroker = AuthenticationSettings.INSTANCE.getUseBroker();
        if (useBroker) {
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(userId)) {
                // Get first user from account list
                userId = authContext.getBrokerUser();

            for (UserInfo info : authContext.getBrokerUsers()) {
                if (info.getDisplayableId().equals(userId)) {
                    userId = info.getUserId();

    } catch (Exception e) {

    authContext.acquireTokenSilentAsync(resourceId, clientId, userId,
            new DefaultAuthenticationCallback(callback));

From source file:com.microsoft.aad.adal.ReactNativeAdalPlugin.java

License:Open Source License

public void tokenCacheReadItems(ReadableMap obj, Callback callback) throws JSONException {

    final AuthenticationContext authContext;
    String authority = obj.hasKey("authority") ? obj.getString("authority") : null;
    boolean validateAuthority = obj.hasKey("validateAuthority") ? obj.getBoolean("validateAuthority") : false;

    try {/*from   w  ww. j a  v a2s  .c  om*/
        authContext = getOrCreateContext(authority, validateAuthority);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    WritableArray result = Arguments.createArray();
    ITokenCacheStore cache = authContext.getCache();

    if (cache instanceof ITokenStoreQuery) {
        Iterator<TokenCacheItem> cacheItems = ((ITokenStoreQuery) cache).getAll();

        while (cacheItems.hasNext()) {
            TokenCacheItem item = cacheItems.next();

    callback.invoke(null, result);
