Example usage for com.badlogic.gdx InputAdapter InputAdapter

List of usage examples for com.badlogic.gdx InputAdapter InputAdapter


In this page you can find the example usage for com.badlogic.gdx InputAdapter InputAdapter.



Source Link


From source file:com.mbrlabs.mundus.Editor.java

License:Apache License

private void setupInput() {
    // NOTE: order in wich processors are added is important: first added,
    // first executed!
    inputManager.addProcessor(ui);/*from   www .ja  v  a 2s. c  om*/
    // when user does not click on a ui element -> unfocus UI
    inputManager.addProcessor(new InputAdapter() {
        public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
            return false;

From source file:com.mygdx.game.Invaders.java

License:Apache License

public void create() {
    Array<Controller> controllers = Controllers.getControllers();
    if (controllers.size > 0) {
        controller = controllers.first();
    }//from  w  w  w .ja  va 2 s .c o m

    //      setScreen(new MainMenu(this));
    setScreen(new GameLoop(this));

    if (audio_enabled == true) {
        music = Gdx.audio.newMusic(Gdx.files.getFileHandle("data/8.12.mp3", FileType.Internal));

    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter() {
        public boolean keyUp(int keycode) {
            if (keycode == Keys.ENTER && Gdx.app.getType() == ApplicationType.WebGL) {
            return true;

    fps = new FPSLogger();

From source file:com.sbes.game.SBEGame.java

public void create() {
    //These variables, corresponding to the screen's width and height in cells and a cell's width and height in
    //pixels, must match the size you specified in the launcher for input to behave.
    //This is one of the more common places a mistake can happen.
    //In our desktop launcher, we gave these arguments to the configuration:
    //   config.width = 80 * 8;
    //  config.height = 40 * 18;
    //Here, config.height refers to the total number of rows to be displayed on the screen.
    //We're displaying 32 rows of dungeon, then 8 more rows of text generation to show some tricks with language.
    //gridHeight is 32 because that variable will be used for generating the dungeon and handling movement within
    //the upper 32 rows. Anything that refers to the full height, which happens rarely and usually for things like
    //screen resizes, just uses gridHeight + 8. Next to it is gridWidth, which is 80 because we want 80 grid spaces
    //across the whole screen. cellWidth and cellHeight are 8 and 18, and match the multipliers for config.width and
    //config.height, but in this case don't strictly need to because we soon use a "Stretchable" font. While
    //gridWidth and gridHeight are measured in spaces on the grid, cellWidth and cellHeight are the pixel dimensions
    //of an individual cell. The font will look more crisp if the cell dimensions match the config multipliers
    //exactly, and the stretchable fonts (technically, distance field fonts) can resize to non-square sizes and
    //still retain most of that crispness.
    gridWidth = 80;//ww  w  . j a  v a  2  s  . com
    gridHeight = 32;
    cellWidth = 8;
    cellHeight = 18;
    // gotta have a random number generator. We can seed an RNG with any long we want, or even a String.
    rng = new RNG("SquidLib!");

    //Some classes in SquidLib need access to a batch to render certain things, so it's a good idea to have one.
    batch = new SpriteBatch();
    //Here we make sure our Stage, which holds any text-based grids we make, uses our Batch.
    stage = new Stage(new StretchViewport(gridWidth * cellWidth, (gridHeight + 8) * cellHeight), batch);
    // the font will try to load Inconsolata-LGC-Custom as an embedded bitmap font with a distance field effect.
    // this font is covered under the SIL Open Font License (fully free), so there's no reason it can't be used.
    display = new SquidLayers(gridWidth, gridHeight + 8, cellWidth, cellHeight,
    // a bit of a hack to increase the text height slightly without changing the size of the cells they're in.
    // this causes a tiny bit of overlap between cells, which gets rid of an annoying gap between vertical lines.
    // if you use '#' for walls instead of box drawing chars, you don't need this.
    display.getTextFactory().height(cellHeight + 1).initBySize();
    // this makes animations very fast, which is good for multi-cell movement but bad for attack animations.

    //These need to have their positions set before adding any entities if there is an offset involved.
    //There is no offset used here, but it's still a good practice here to set positions early on.
    display.setPosition(0, 0);

    //This uses the seeded RNG we made earlier to build a procedural dungeon using a method that takes rectangular
    //sections of pre-drawn dungeon and drops them into place in a tiling pattern. It makes good "ruined" dungeons.
    dungeonGen = new DungeonGenerator(gridWidth, gridHeight, rng);
    //uncomment this next line to randomly add water to the dungeon in pools.
    //decoDungeon is given the dungeon with any decorations we specified. (Here, we didn't, unless you chose to add
    //water to the dungeon. In that case, decoDungeon will have different contents than bareDungeon, next.)
    decoDungeon = dungeonGen.generate();
    //getBareDungeon provides the simplest representation of the generated dungeon -- '#' for walls, '.' for floors.
    bareDungeon = dungeonGen.getBareDungeon();
    //When we draw, we may want to use a nicer representation of walls. DungeonUtility has lots of useful methods
    //for modifying char[][] dungeon grids, and this one takes each '#' and replaces it with a box-drawing character.
    lineDungeon = DungeonUtility.hashesToLines(decoDungeon);
    // it's more efficient to get random floors from a packed set containing only (compressed) floor positions.
    short[] placement = CoordPacker.pack(bareDungeon, '.');
    //Coord is the type we use as a general 2D point, usually in a dungeon.
    //Because we know dungeons won't be incredibly huge, Coord performs best for x and y values less than 256.
    cursor = Coord.get(-1, -1);
    //player is, here, just a Coord that stores his position. In a real game, you would probably have a class for
    //creatures, and possibly a subclass for the player.
    player = dungeonGen.utility.randomCell(placement);
    //This is used to allow clicks or taps to take the player to the desired area.
    toCursor = new ArrayList<Coord>(100);
    awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<Coord>(100);
    //DijkstraMap is the pathfinding swiss-army knife we use here to find a path to the latest cursor position.
    playerToCursor = new DijkstraMap(decoDungeon, DijkstraMap.Measurement.MANHATTAN);
    bgColor = SColor.DARK_SLATE_GRAY;
    colorIndices = DungeonUtility.generatePaletteIndices(decoDungeon);
    bgColorIndices = DungeonUtility.generateBGPaletteIndices(decoDungeon);
    // these were generated by the FakeLanguageGen class, which is compatible with most platforms SquidLib runs on,
    // but not HTML. So they are simply pre-generated chunks of text to show the glyph support in SquidLib.
    lang = new String[] { "Ned jation, quariok sied pebation gnadism erbiss!",
            "Tezen kisaiba konnouda, bubotan, ne rijonnozouna?", "M le roe leth glang ioui?",
            "Potron oxa kthoi opleipotron ola aisaisp kthou.",
            " ? ? ?  ?.",
            "Tuskierovich topliegrachigary khodynamyv, toskiafi!",
            "?, ? ? !",
            "Hmaagrai eindian, ase agluxi-ugg?", "Gu, auna sazeun nonanen kunnenou ro.",
            "Esibnt srm tsed spoupot l dely?y go, sneiec bism ?lsi?",
            "aaire v?a?  c? ; r,  ??ggr n!",
            "Gatyriam reta - venn dn on? kazhy s, tsibiinki.", };

    // this is a big one.
    // SquidInput can be constructed with a KeyHandler (which just processes specific keypresses), a SquidMouse
    // (which is given an InputProcessor implementation and can handle multiple kinds of mouse move), or both.
    // keyHandler is meant to be able to handle complex, modified key input, typically for games that distinguish
    // between, say, 'q' and 'Q' for 'quaff' and 'Quip' or whatever obtuse combination you choose. The
    // implementation here handles hjkl keys (also called vi-keys), numpad, arrow keys, and wasd for 4-way movement.
    // Shifted letter keys produce capitalized chars when passed to KeyHandler.handle(), but we don't care about
    // that so we just use two case statements with the same body, i.e. one for 'A' and one for 'a'.
    // You can also set up a series of future moves by clicking within FOV range, using mouseMoved to determine the
    // path to the mouse position with a DijkstraMap (called playerToCursor), and using touchUp to actually trigger
    // the event when someone clicks.
    input = new SquidInput(new SquidInput.KeyHandler() {
        public void handle(char key, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift) {
            switch (key) {
            case SquidInput.UP_ARROW:
            case 'k':
            case 'w':
            case 'K':
            case 'W': {
                //-1 is up on the screen
                move(0, -1);
            case SquidInput.DOWN_ARROW:
            case 'j':
            case 's':
            case 'J':
            case 'S': {
                //+1 is down on the screen
                move(0, 1);
            case SquidInput.LEFT_ARROW:
            case 'h':
            case 'a':
            case 'H':
            case 'A': {
                move(-1, 0);
            case SquidInput.RIGHT_ARROW:
            case 'l':
            case 'd':
            case 'L':
            case 'D': {
                move(1, 0);
            case 'Q':
            case 'q':
            case SquidInput.ESCAPE: {
            //The second parameter passed to a SquidInput can be a SquidMouse, which takes mouse or touchscreen
            //input and converts it to grid coordinates (here, a cell is 12 wide and 24 tall, so clicking at the
            // pixel position 15,51 will pass screenX as 1 (since if you divide 15 by 12 and round down you get 1),
            // and screenY as 2 (since 51 divided by 24 rounded down is 2)).
            new SquidMouse(cellWidth, cellHeight, gridWidth, gridHeight, 0, 0, new InputAdapter() {

                // if the user clicks and there are no awaitedMoves queued up, generate toCursor if it
                // hasn't been generated already by mouseMoved, then copy it over to awaitedMoves.
                public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
                    if (awaitedMoves.isEmpty()) {
                        if (toCursor.isEmpty()) {
                            cursor = Coord.get(screenX, screenY);
                            //This uses DijkstraMap.findPath to get a possibly long path from the current player position
                            //to the position the user clicked on.
                            toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(100, null, null, player, cursor);
                        awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<>(toCursor);
                    return false;

                public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) {
                    return mouseMoved(screenX, screenY);

                // causes the path to the mouse position to become highlighted (toCursor contains a list of points that
                // receive highlighting). Uses DijkstraMap.findPath() to find the path, which is surprisingly fast.
                public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) {
                    if (!awaitedMoves.isEmpty())
                        return false;
                    if (cursor.x == screenX && cursor.y == screenY) {
                        return false;
                    cursor = Coord.get(screenX, screenY);
                    toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(100, null, null, player, cursor);
                    return false;
    //Setting the InputProcessor is ABSOLUTELY NEEDED TO HANDLE INPUT
    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputMultiplexer(stage, input));
    //You might be able to get by with the next line instead of the above line, but the former is preferred.
    // and then add display, our one visual component, to the list of things that act in Stage.


From source file:com.shiz.shzrgl.ShzRgl.java

private SquidInput getSquidInput() {
    return new SquidInput(new SquidInput.KeyHandler() {
        @Override//from   w  ww  . j  a  v  a  2s. c o  m
        public void handle(char key, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift) {

            //The second parameter passed to a SquidInput can be a SquidMouse, which takes mouse or touchscreen
            //input and converts it to grid coordinates (here, a cell is 12 wide and 24 tall, so clicking at the
            // pixel position 15,51 will pass screenX as 1 (since if you divide 15 by 12 and round down you get 1),
            // and screenY as 2 (since 51 divided by 24 rounded down is 2)).
            new SquidMouse(cellWidth, cellHeight, gridWidth, gridHeight, 0, 0, new InputAdapter() {

                // if the user clicks and there are no awaitedMoves queued up, generate toCursor if it
                // hasn't been generated already by mouseMoved, then copy it over to awaitedMoves.
                public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
                    if (awaitedMoves.isEmpty()) {
                        if (toCursor.isEmpty()) {
                            cursor = Coord.get(screenX, screenY);
                            //This uses DijkstraMap.findPath to get a possibly long path from the current player position
                            //to the position the user clicked on.
                            toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(100, null, null, player, cursor);
                        awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<>(toCursor);
                    return false;

                public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) {
                    return mouseMoved(screenX, screenY);

                // causes the path to the mouse position to become highlighted (toCursor contains a list of points that
                // receive highlighting). Uses DijkstraMap.findPath() to find the path, which is surprisingly fast.
                public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) {
                    if (!awaitedMoves.isEmpty())
                        return false;
                    if (cursor.x == screenX && cursor.y == screenY) {
                        return false;
                    cursor = Coord.get(screenX, screenY);
                    toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(100, null, null, player, cursor);
                    return false;

From source file:com.squidpony.basic.demo.BasicGame.java

public void create() {
    //These variables, corresponding to the screen's width and height in cells and a cell's width and height in
    //pixels, must match the size you specified in the launcher for input to behave.
    //This is one of the more common places a mistake can happen.
    //In our desktop launcher, we gave this arguments to the configuration:
    //   config.width = 80 * 12;
    //  config.height = 25 * 24;
    //Most games that do not use multiple Panels should probably use the same approach.
    width = 80;/*from w w w  . j a  v a2 s .com*/
    height = 25;
    cellWidth = 12;
    cellHeight = 24;
    // gotta have a random number generator. We seed a LightRNG with any long we want, then pass that to an RNG.
    rng = new RNG(new LightRNG(0xd00d));

    //Some classes in SquidLib need access to a batch to render certain things, so it's a good idea to have one.
    batch = new SpriteBatch();
    //Here we make sure our Stage, which holds any text-based grids we make, uses our Batch.
    stage = new Stage(new ScreenViewport(), batch);
    // the font will try to load Inconsolata-LGC as a bitmap font from resources.
    // this font is covered under the SIL Open Font License (fully free), so there's no reason it can't be used.
    display = new SquidLayers(width, height, cellWidth, cellHeight, DefaultResources.smoothNameLarge);

    //These need to have their positions set before adding any entities if there is an offset involved.
    //There is no offset used here, but it's still a good practice here to set positions early on.
    display.setPosition(0, 0);

    //This uses the seeded RNG we made earlier to build a procedural dungeon using a method that takes rectangular
    //sections of pre-drawn dungeon and drops them into place in a tiling pattern. It makes good "ruined" dungeons.
    dungeonGen = new DungeonGenerator(width, height, rng);
    //uncomment this next line to randomly add water to the dungeon in pools.
    //decoDungeon is given the dungeon with any decorations we specified. (Here, we didn't, unless you chose to add
    //water to the dungeon. In that case, decoDungeon will have different contents than bareDungeon, next.)
    decoDungeon = dungeonGen.generate();
    //getBareDungeon provides the simplest representation of the generated dungeon -- '#' for walls, '.' for floors.
    bareDungeon = dungeonGen.getBareDungeon();
    //When we draw, we may want to use a nicer representation of walls. DungeonUtility has lots of useful methods
    //for modifying char[][] dungeon grids, and this one takes each '#' and replaces it with a box-drawing character.
    lineDungeon = DungeonUtility.hashesToLines(decoDungeon);
    // it's more efficient to get random floors from a packed set containing only (compressed) floor positions.
    short[] placement = CoordPacker.pack(bareDungeon, '.');
    //Coord is the type we use as a general 2D point, usually in a dungeon.
    //Because we know dungeons won't be incredibly huge, Coord performs best for x and y values less than 256.
    cursor = Coord.get(-1, -1);
    //player is, here, just a Coord that stores his position. In a real game, you would probably have a class for
    //creatures, and possibly a subclass for the player.
    player = dungeonGen.utility.randomCell(placement);
    //This is used to allow clicks or taps to take the player to the desired area.
    toCursor = new ArrayList<Coord>(100);
    awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<Coord>(100);
    //DijkstraMap is the pathfinding swiss-army knife we use here to find a path to the latest cursor position.
    playerToCursor = new DijkstraMap(decoDungeon, DijkstraMap.Measurement.MANHATTAN);
    bgColor = SColor.DARK_SLATE_GRAY;
    colorIndices = DungeonUtility.generatePaletteIndices(decoDungeon);
    bgColorIndices = DungeonUtility.generateBGPaletteIndices(decoDungeon);
    // this is a big one.
    // SquidInput can be constructed with a KeyHandler (which just processes specific keypresses), a SquidMouse
    // (which is given an InputProcessor implementation and can handle multiple kinds of mouse move), or both.
    // keyHandler is meant to be able to handle complex, modified key input, typically for games that distinguish
    // between, say, 'q' and 'Q' for 'quaff' and 'Quip' or whatever obtuse combination you choose. The
    // implementation here handles hjkl keys (also called vi-keys), numpad, arrow keys, and wasd for 4-way movement.
    // Shifted letter keys produce capitalized chars when passed to KeyHandler.handle(), but we don't care about
    // that so we just use two case statements with the same body, i.e. one for 'A' and one for 'a'.
    // You can also set up a series of future moves by clicking within FOV range, using mouseMoved to determine the
    // path to the mouse position with a DijkstraMap (called playerToCursor), and using touchUp to actually trigger
    // the event when someone clicks.
    input = new SquidInput(new SquidInput.KeyHandler() {
        public void handle(char key, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift) {
            switch (key) {
            case SquidInput.UP_ARROW:
            case 'k':
            case 'w':
            case 'K':
            case 'W': {
                //-1 is up on the screen
                move(0, -1);
            case SquidInput.DOWN_ARROW:
            case 'j':
            case 's':
            case 'J':
            case 'S': {
                //+1 is down on the screen
                move(0, 1);
            case SquidInput.LEFT_ARROW:
            case 'h':
            case 'a':
            case 'H':
            case 'A': {
                move(-1, 0);
            case SquidInput.RIGHT_ARROW:
            case 'l':
            case 'd':
            case 'L':
            case 'D': {
                move(1, 0);
            case 'Q':
            case 'q':
            case SquidInput.ESCAPE: {
            //The second parameter passed to a SquidInput can be a SquidMouse, which takes mouse or touchscreen
            //input and converts it to grid coordinates (here, a cell is 12 wide and 24 tall, so clicking at the
            // pixel position 15,51 will pass screenX as 1 (since if you divide 15 by 12 and round down you get 1),
            // and screenY as 2 (since 51 divided by 24 rounded down is 2)).
            new SquidMouse(cellWidth, cellHeight, width, height, 0, 0, new InputAdapter() {

                // if the user clicks and there are no awaitedMoves queued up, generate toCursor if it
                // hasn't been generated already by mouseMoved, then copy it over to awaitedMoves.
                public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
                    if (awaitedMoves.isEmpty()) {
                        if (toCursor.isEmpty()) {
                            cursor = Coord.get(screenX, screenY);
                            //This uses DijkstraMap.findPath to get a possibly long path from the current player position
                            //to the position the user clicked on.
                            toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(100, null, null, player, cursor);
                        awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<>(toCursor);
                    return false;

                public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) {
                    return mouseMoved(screenX, screenY);

                // causes the path to the mouse position to become highlighted (toCursor contains a list of points that
                // receive highlighting). Uses DijkstraMap.findPath() to find the path, which is surprisingly fast.
                public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) {
                    if (!awaitedMoves.isEmpty())
                        return false;
                    if (cursor.x == screenX && cursor.y == screenY) {
                        return false;
                    cursor = Coord.get(screenX, screenY);
                    toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(100, null, null, player, cursor);
                    return false;
    //Setting the InputProcessor is ABSOLUTELY NEEDED TO HANDLE INPUT
    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputMultiplexer(stage, input));
    //You might be able to get by with the next line instead of the above line, but the former is preferred.
    // and then add display, our one visual component, to the list of things that act in Stage.


From source file:com.squidpony.pandora.PandoraGame.java

public void create() {
    // gotta have a random number generator. We seed a LightRNG with any long we want, then pass that to an RNG.
    lrng = new LightRNG(0xBADBEEFB0BBL);
    rng = new RNG(lrng);

    // SaturationFilter here is used to de-saturate the background and over-saturate the foreground.

    fgCenter = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.SaturationFilter(1.15f));
    bgCenter = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.SaturationFilter(0.85f));
    batch = new SpriteBatch();
    width = 35;//  w  ww  . jav a  2  s  .  c om
    height = 35;
    depth = 12;
    cellWidth = 8;
    cellHeight = 18;
    currentDepth = 0;
    decoDungeons = new char[depth][][];
    bareDungeons = new char[depth][][];
    lineDungeons = new char[depth][][];
    // the font will try to load Inconsolata-LGC as a bitmap font from resources.
    // this font is covered under the SIL Open Font License (fully free), so there's no reason it can't be used.
    display = new SquidLayers(width * 2, height + 1, cellWidth, cellHeight, DefaultResources.smoothName,
            bgCenter, fgCenter);
    messages = new SquidMessageBox(width * 2, 4, new TextCellFactory().font(DefaultResources.smoothName)
    stage = new Stage(new ScreenViewport(), batch);

    //These need to have their positions set before adding any entities if there is an offset involved.
    messages.setPosition(0, 0);
    display.setPosition(0, messages.getHeight());
    messages.appendMessage("Pandora opened The Box of All Evil... to beat up All Evil.");
    messages.appendWrappingMessage("Use numpad or vi-keys to move, bump=attack. ? for help, q to quit.");
    counter = 0;

    dungeonGen = new DungeonGenerator(width, height, rng);
    dungeonGen.addDoors(8, false);
    SerpentDeepMapGenerator serpent = new SerpentDeepMapGenerator(width, height, depth, rng, 0.1);
    char[][][] sg = serpent.generate();
    for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
        decoDungeons[i] = dungeonGen.generateRespectingStairs(sg[i]);

        // change the TilesetType to lots of different choices to see what dungeon works best.
        //bareDungeons = dungeonGen.generate(TilesetType.DEFAULT_DUNGEON);
        bareDungeons[i] = dungeonGen.getBareDungeon();
        lineDungeons[i] = DungeonUtility
                .hashesToLines(DungeonUtility.doubleWidth(DungeonUtility.closeDoors(decoDungeons[i])), true);

    // it's more efficient to get random floors from a packed set containing only (compressed) floor positions.
    short[] placement = CoordPacker.pack(bareDungeons[currentDepth], '.');
    Coord pl = dungeonGen.utility.randomCell(placement);
    placement = CoordPacker.removePacked(placement, pl.x, pl.y);
    int numMonsters = 10;
    monsters = new HashMap<AnimatedEntity, Integer>(numMonsters);
    for (int i = 0; i < numMonsters; i++) {
        Coord monPos = dungeonGen.utility.randomCell(placement);
        placement = CoordPacker.removePacked(placement, monPos.x, monPos.y);
        monsters.put(display.animateActor(monPos.x, monPos.y,
                (FakeLanguageGen.GREEK_AUTHENTIC.word(rng, true) + "??").substring(0, 2),
                fgCenter.filter(display.getPalette().get(11)), true), 0);
    // your choice of FOV matters here.
    fov = new FOV(FOV.RIPPLE_TIGHT);
    getToPlayer = new DijkstraMap(decoDungeons[currentDepth], DijkstraMap.Measurement.CHEBYSHEV);
    getToPlayer.rng = rng;
    pathMap = getToPlayer.scan(null);
    res = DungeonUtility.generateResistances(decoDungeons[currentDepth]);
    fovmap = fov.calculateFOV(res, pl.x, pl.y, 8, Radius.SQUARE);

    player = display.animateActor(pl.x, pl.y, "@@", fgCenter.filter(display.getPalette().get(30)), true);
    cursor = Coord.get(-1, -1);
    toCursor = new ArrayList<Coord>(10);
    awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<Coord>(10);
    playerToCursor = new DijkstraMap(decoDungeons[currentDepth], DijkstraMap.Measurement.EUCLIDEAN);
    colors = DungeonUtility.generatePaletteIndices(decoDungeons[currentDepth]);
    bgColors = DungeonUtility.generateBGPaletteIndices(decoDungeons[currentDepth]);
    bgColor = SColor.DARK_SLATE_GRAY;

    lights = DungeonUtility.generateLightnessModifiers(decoDungeons[currentDepth], counter);
    seen = new boolean[depth][width][height];
    lang = FakeLanguageGen.GREEK_AUTHENTIC.sentence(rng, 4, 5, new String[] { ",", ",", ";" },
            new String[] { "...", "...", "...", "!", "." }, 0.1);
    // this is a big one.
    // SquidInput can be constructed with a KeyHandler (which just processes specific keypresses), a SquidMouse
    // (which is given an InputProcessor implementation and can handle multiple kinds of mouse move), or both.
    // keyHandler is meant to be able to handle complex, modified key input, typically for games that distinguish
    // between, say, 'q' and 'Q' for 'quaff' and 'Quip' or whatever obtuse combination you choose. The
    // implementation here handles hjklyubn keys for 8-way movement, numpad for 8-way movement, arrow keys for
    // 4-way movement, and wasd for 4-way movement. Shifted letter keys produce capitalized chars when passed to
    // KeyHandler.handle(), but we don't care about that so we just use two case statements with the same body,
    // one for the lower case letter and one for the upper case letter.
    // You can also set up a series of future moves by clicking within FOV range, using mouseMoved to determine the
    // path to the mouse position with a DijkstraMap (called playerToCursor), and using touchUp to actually trigger
    // the event when someone clicks.
    input = new SquidInput(new SquidInput.KeyHandler() {
        public void handle(char key, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift) {
            switch (key) {
            case SquidInput.UP_ARROW:
            case 'k':
            case 'w':
            case 'K':
            case 'W': {
                move(0, -1);
            case SquidInput.DOWN_ARROW:
            case 'j':
            case 's':
            case 'J':
            case 'S': {
                move(0, 1);
            case SquidInput.LEFT_ARROW:
            case 'h':
            case 'a':
            case 'H':
            case 'A': {
                move(-1, 0);
            case SquidInput.RIGHT_ARROW:
            case 'l':
            case 'd':
            case 'L':
            case 'D': {
                move(1, 0);

            case SquidInput.UP_LEFT_ARROW:
            case 'y':
            case 'Y': {
                move(-1, -1);
            case SquidInput.UP_RIGHT_ARROW:
            case 'u':
            case 'U': {
                move(1, -1);
            case SquidInput.DOWN_RIGHT_ARROW:
            case 'n':
            case 'N': {
                move(1, 1);
            case SquidInput.DOWN_LEFT_ARROW:
            case 'b':
            case 'B': {
                move(-1, 1);
            case '?': {
            case 'Q':
            case 'q':
            case SquidInput.ESCAPE: {
    }, new SquidMouse(cellWidth, cellHeight, width, height, 0, 0, new InputAdapter() {

        // if the user clicks within FOV range and there are no awaitedMoves queued up, generate toCursor if it
        // hasn't been generated already by mouseMoved, then copy it over to awaitedMoves.
        public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
            if (fovmap[screenX / 2][screenY] > 0.0 && awaitedMoves.isEmpty()) {
                if (toCursor.isEmpty()) {
                    cursor = Coord.get(screenX / 2, screenY);
                    //Uses DijkstraMap to get a path. from the player's position to the cursor
                    toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(30, null, null, Coord.get(player.gridX, player.gridY),
                awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<Coord>(toCursor);
            return false;

        public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) {
            return mouseMoved(screenX, screenY);

        // causes the path to the mouse position to become highlighted (toCursor contains a list of points that
        // receive highlighting). Uses DijkstraMap.findPath() to find the path, which is surprisingly fast.
        public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) {
            if (!awaitedMoves.isEmpty())
                return false;
            if (cursor.x == screenX / 2 && cursor.y == screenY) {
                return false;
            if (fovmap[screenX / 2][screenY] > 0.0) {
                cursor = Coord.get(screenX / 2, screenY);
                //Uses DijkstraMap to get a path. from the player's position to the cursor
                toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(30, null, null, Coord.get(player.gridX, player.gridY),
            return false;
    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputMultiplexer(stage, input));
    // and then add display and messages, our two visual components, to the list of things that act in Stage.


From source file:com.tnf.ptm.screens.main.InputMapControllerScreen.java

License:Apache License

public void setEnterNewKey(boolean newKey) {
    isEnterNewKey = newKey;/*from  ww w.jav a  2  s  .  c o m*/

    // Cancel the key input
    if (!isEnterNewKey) {
    } else {
        // Capture the new key input
        // Keyboard items
        Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter() {
            public boolean keyUp(int keycode) {
                // Don't capture the escape key
                if (keycode == Input.Keys.ESCAPE) {
                    return true;

                if (selectedIndex >= controllerItems) {
                    InputConfigItem item = itemsList.get(selectedIndex);
                    itemsList.set(selectedIndex, item);


                isEnterNewKey = false;
                return true; // return true to indicate the event was handled

        // Controller items
        // setup the listener that prints events to the console
        Controllers.addListener(new ControllerListener() {
            public int indexOf(Controller controller) {
                return Controllers.getControllers().indexOf(controller, true);

            public void connected(Controller controller) {

            public void disconnected(Controller controller) {

            public boolean buttonDown(Controller controller, int buttonIndex) {
                // Do nothing on button down - register the button up event
                return true;

            public boolean buttonUp(Controller controller, int buttonIndex) {
                logger.printDebug(String.format("#{}, button  {} up", indexOf(controller), buttonIndex));

                if (selectedIndex < controllerItems) {
                    InputConfigItem item = itemsList.get(selectedIndex);
                    item.setInputKey("Button: " + buttonIndex);
                    itemsList.set(selectedIndex, item);


                isEnterNewKey = false;
                return true; // return true to indicate the event was handled

            public boolean axisMoved(Controller controller, int axisIndex, float value) {
                logger.printDebug(String.format("#{}, axis {}: {}", indexOf(controller), axisIndex, value));

                if (value > 0.5f || value < -0.5f) {
                    if (selectedIndex < controllerItems) {
                        InputConfigItem item = itemsList.get(selectedIndex);
                        item.setInputKey("Axis: " + axisIndex);
                        itemsList.set(selectedIndex, item);


                    isEnterNewKey = false;

                return true;

            public boolean povMoved(Controller controller, int povIndex, PovDirection value) {
                return false;

            public boolean xSliderMoved(Controller controller, int sliderIndex, boolean value) {
                return false;

            public boolean ySliderMoved(Controller controller, int sliderIndex, boolean value) {
                return false;

            public boolean accelerometerMoved(Controller controller, int accelerometerIndex, Vector3 value) {
                return false;

From source file:com.tnf.ptm.screens.main.InputMapKeyboardScreen.java

License:Apache License

public void setEnterNewKey(boolean newKey) {
    isEnterNewKey = newKey;/*from   w  w w  .j  av  a 2 s .c o m*/

    // Cancel the key input
    if (!isEnterNewKey) {
    } else {
        // Capture the new key input
        Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter() {
            public boolean keyUp(int keycode) {
                // Don't capture the escape key
                if (keycode == Input.Keys.ESCAPE) {
                    return true;

                InputConfigItem item = itemsList.get(selectedIndex);
                itemsList.set(selectedIndex, item);

                isEnterNewKey = false;
                return true; // return true to indicate the event was handled

From source file:de.cwclan.gdxtest.core.games.CarGame.java

public void show() {
    world = new World(new Vector2(0, -9.8f), true);
    debugRenderer = new Box2DDebugRenderer();
    batch = new SpriteBatch();

    camera = new OrthographicCamera(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 25, Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 25);

    BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
    FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
    FixtureDef wheelFixtureDef = new FixtureDef();

    //car/*w  w w .j  av a2  s  . c o  m*/
    fixtureDef.density = 5;
    fixtureDef.friction = .4f;
    fixtureDef.restitution = .3f;

    wheelFixtureDef.density = fixtureDef.density * 1.5f;
    wheelFixtureDef.friction = 50;
    wheelFixtureDef.restitution = .4f;
    car = new Car(world, fixtureDef, wheelFixtureDef, 0, 3, 3, 1.5f);

    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputMultiplexer(new InputAdapter() {

        public boolean keyDown(int keycode) {

            switch (keycode) {
            case Keys.ESCAPE:
                ((com.badlogic.gdx.Game) Gdx.app.getApplicationListener()).setScreen(new LevelMenu());

            return false;

        public boolean scrolled(int amount) {
            camera.zoom += amount / 25f;
            return true;
    }, car));

     * the ground
    ChainShape groundShape = new ChainShape();
    groundShape.createChain(new Vector2[] { new Vector2(-50, 10), new Vector2(-49, 0), new Vector2(-40, 0),
            new Vector2(-30, -1), new Vector2(-20, 0), new Vector2(-10, -1), new Vector2(0, 1),
            new Vector2(10, 2), new Vector2(20, 0), new Vector2(30, -1), new Vector2(40, -2),
            new Vector2(50, 0) });

    bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody;
    bodyDef.position.set(0, 0);
    fixtureDef.friction = .5f;
    fixtureDef.restitution = 0;
    fixtureDef.shape = groundShape;

     * another ground 

    groundShape = new ChainShape();
            new Vector2[] { new Vector2(40, -5), new Vector2(50, -3), new Vector2(60, 0), new Vector2(70, -1),
                    new Vector2(80, 3), new Vector2(90, -1), new Vector2(100, 1), new Vector2(110, 2),
                    new Vector2(120, 0), new Vector2(130, -1), new Vector2(140, -2), new Vector2(150, 0) });


From source file:de.cwclan.gdxtest.core.games.JumperGame.java

public void show() {

    if (Gdx.app.getType() == Application.ApplicationType.Desktop) {
        Gdx.graphics.setDisplayMode((int) (Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 1.5), Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), false);
    }//w w w .  j  av  a2 s  .  co  m

    world = new World(new Vector2(0, -9.8f), true);
    debugRenderer = new Box2DDebugRenderer();
    batch = new SpriteBatch();

    camera = new OrthographicCamera(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 25, Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 25);

    BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
    FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
    FixtureDef wheelFixtureDef = new FixtureDef();

    fixtureDef.density = 5;
    fixtureDef.friction = .4f;
    fixtureDef.restitution = .3f;

    wheelFixtureDef.density = fixtureDef.density * 1.5f;
    wheelFixtureDef.friction = 50;
    wheelFixtureDef.restitution = .4f;
    player = new Player(world, 0, 1, 1);

    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputMultiplexer(new InputAdapter() {

        public boolean keyDown(int keycode) {

            switch (keycode) {
            case Keys.ESCAPE:
                ((com.badlogic.gdx.Game) Gdx.app.getApplicationListener()).setScreen(new LevelMenu());

            return false;

        public boolean scrolled(int amount) {
            camera.zoom += amount / 25f;
            return true;

    }, player));

     * the ground
    ChainShape groundShape = new ChainShape();
    buttomLeft = new Vector3(0, Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), 0);
    buttomRight = new Vector3(Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), buttomLeft.y, 0);

    groundShape.createChain(new float[] { buttomLeft.x, buttomLeft.y, buttomRight.x, buttomRight.y });

    bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody;
    bodyDef.position.set(0, 0);
    fixtureDef.friction = .5f;
    fixtureDef.restitution = 0;
    fixtureDef.shape = groundShape;

    Body ground = world.createBody(bodyDef);


    //        //a test platform
    //        groundShape = new ChainShape();
    //        groundShape.createChain(new float[]{buttomRight.x / 10, 3, buttomRight.x / 4, 3});
    //        world.createBody(bodyDef).createFixture(fixtureDef);
    levelGenerator = new LevelGenerator(ground, buttomLeft.x, buttomRight.x, player.HEIGHT / 2,
            player.HEIGHT * 3, player.WIDTH * 1.5f, player.WIDTH * 4f, player.WIDTH / 3, 0);//10*MathUtils.degRad);
