Example usage for com.amazonaws.util EC2MetadataUtils getNetworkInterfaces

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.util EC2MetadataUtils getNetworkInterfaces


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws.util EC2MetadataUtils getNetworkInterfaces.


public static List<NetworkInterface> getNetworkInterfaces() 

Source Link


Get the list of network interfaces on the instance.


From source file:com.kixeye.chassis.bootstrap.aws.ServerInstanceContext.java

License:Apache License

private ServerInstanceContext() {
    amazonElasticLoadBalancing = new AmazonElasticLoadBalancingClient();
    amazonEC2 = new AmazonEC2Client();

    ec2MetadataClient = new Ec2MetadataClient() {
        @Override/*  www  . j a v a  2 s . co  m*/
        public String getAvailabilityZone() {
            return EC2MetadataUtils.getAvailabilityZone();

        public String getInstanceId() {
            return EC2MetadataUtils.getInstanceId();

        public String getUserData() {
            return EC2MetadataUtils.getUserData();

        public String getPrivateIpAddress() {
            return EC2MetadataUtils.getPrivateIpAddress();

        public String getPublicIpAddress() {
            for (EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface net : EC2MetadataUtils.getNetworkInterfaces()) {
                List<String> ips = net.getPublicIPv4s();
                if (ips != null && ips.size() > 0) {
                    return ips.get(0);
            return null;


From source file:dsmwatcher.DSMWatcher.java

License:Open Source License

public void doRetrieveAgentInformation() throws Exception {
    HostStatusTransport hostStatus;//from   www. j  a  v  a  2  s .c  o  m
    boolean isolationCandidate;
    List<NetworkInterface> netInts = EC2MetadataUtils.getNetworkInterfaces();
    String vpcid = EC2MetadataUtils.getData(
            "/latest/meta-data/network/interfaces/macs/" + netInts.get(0).getMacAddress() + "/vpc-id/");
    String placement = EC2MetadataUtils.getData("/latest/meta-data/placement/availability-zone/");
    region = Regions.fromName(placement.substring(0, placement.length() - 1));
    AmazonEC2Client ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client().withRegion(region);
    DescribeInstancesResult descInstances = ec2.describeInstances(new DescribeInstancesRequest().withFilters(
            new Filter("vpc-id").withValues(vpcid), new Filter("instance-state-name").withValues("running")));
    List<Reservation> runningInstances = descInstances.getReservations();
    _ManagerService = _Service.getManager(new URL(dsmSOAP));
    try {

        _sid = _ManagerService.authenticate(dsmUser, dsmPass);
        HostTransport host;

        ApacheHttpClient4Executor executor = new ApacheHttpClient4Executor();
        ICloudAccountAPI cloudAPI = ProxyFactory.create(ICloudAccountAPI.class, dsmREST, executor);
        // resync the cloud accounts to ensure the DSM has the latest info
        try {
            CloudAccountListing cloudAccounts = cloudAPI.getCloudAccounts(_sid);
            List<CloudAccountElement> accounts = cloudAccounts.getCloudAccounts();
            for (CloudAccountElement account : accounts)
                if (account.getCloudType().equals("AMAZON"))
                    cloudAPI.synchronizeCloudAccount(account.getCloudAccountId(), _sid);
        } catch (ClientResponseFailure e) {

            ClientResponse<?> clientResponse = e.getResponse();
            javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status status = clientResponse.getResponseStatus();
            log("Server returned error status code " + status.getStatusCode() + " (" + status + ")");
            ErrorMessage errorMessage = clientResponse.getEntity(ErrorMessage.class);
            log("Returned error message: " + errorMessage.getMessage());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.log("error:" + e.getMessage());

        for (Reservation reservation : runningInstances) {
            List<Instance> instances = reservation.getInstances();
            for (Instance instance : instances) {
                Boolean beenNotified = notifiedInstances.contains(instance.getInstanceId());
                Boolean isExempt = checkExempt(instance, ec2);
                ArrayList<String> violationReasons = new ArrayList<String>();
                host = null;
                isolationCandidate = false;
                if (!instance.getPrivateDnsName().isEmpty())
                    host = _ManagerService.hostRetrieveByName(instance.getPrivateDnsName(), _sid);
                if (host == null)
                    host = _ManagerService.hostRetrieveByName(instance.getInstanceId(), _sid);
                if (host == null && !instance.getPublicDnsName().isEmpty())
                    host = _ManagerService.hostRetrieveByName(instance.getPublicDnsName(), _sid);
                if (host == null && !(instance.getPublicIpAddress() == null))
                    host = _ManagerService.hostRetrieveByName(instance.getPublicIpAddress(), _sid);
                if (host == null)
                    host = _ManagerService.hostRetrieveByName(instance.getPrivateIpAddress(), _sid);
                if (host == null) //giveup
                    error("Error: instance found in DescribeInstances but not found in DSM");
                if (host != null) {
                    hostStatus = (HostStatusTransport) _ManagerService.hostGetStatus(host.getID(), _sid);
                    Boolean isIsolated = checkIfIsolated(instance, ec2);
                    if (hostStatus.getOverallStatus().equals("Unmanaged (Unknown)")) {
                        if (!isIsolated && !isExempt && !beenNotified)
                            log("Found unmanaged instance in EC2:" + instance.getInstanceId()
                                    + " with IP address of " + instance.getPrivateIpAddress()
                                    + " is currently running and not managed by Deep Security.");
                        isolationCandidate = true;
                        violationReasons.add("Instance is unmanaged");

                    } else {

                        // SecurityProfileTransport hostSecurityProfile = _ManagerService.securityProfileRetrieve(hostSecurityProfileID, _sid);
                        if (requireAV && (hostStatus.getOverallAntiMalwareStatus().startsWith(avOn) == false)) {

                            if (!isIsolated && !isExempt && !beenNotified
                                    && (hostStatus.getOverallAntiMalwareStatus().compareTo(
                                            "Anti-Malware: Smart Protection Server Disconnected for Smart Scan") != 0)) {
                                log("Policy violation: Instance " + instance.getInstanceId()
                                        + " with IP address of " + instance.getPrivateIpAddress()
                                        + " found with AV agent disabled");
                                //log("DEBUG: getOverallAntiMalwareStatus() returned:" + hostStatus.getOverallAntiMalwareStatus());
                            if (!isIsolated && (hostStatus.getOverallAntiMalwareStatus().compareTo(
                                    "Anti-Malware: Smart Protection Server Disconnected for Smart Scan") != 0)) {
                                isolationCandidate = true;
                                violationReasons.add("AV is required but disabled");

                        if (requireFW && (hostStatus.getOverallFirewallStatus().substring(0, fwOn.length())
                                .compareTo(fwOn) != 0)) {
                            if (!isIsolated && !isExempt && !beenNotified)
                                log("Policy violation: Instance " + instance.getInstanceId()
                                        + " with IP address of " + instance.getPrivateIpAddress()
                                        + " found with host based firewall disabled");
                            isolationCandidate = true;
                            violationReasons.add("Firewall is required but disabled");

                        if (requireFIM && (hostStatus.getOverallIntegrityMonitoringStatus()
                                .substring(0, fimOn.length()).compareTo(fimOn) != 0)) {
                            if (!isIsolated && !isExempt && !beenNotified)
                                log("Policy violation: Instance " + instance.getInstanceId()
                                        + " with IP address of " + instance.getPrivateIpAddress()
                                        + " found with file integrity monitoring disabled");
                            isolationCandidate = true;
                            violationReasons.add("File Integrity Monitoring is required but disabled");

                        if (requireDPI && (hostStatus.getOverallDpiStatus().substring(0, dpiOn.length())
                                .compareTo(dpiOn) != 0)) {
                            if (!isIsolated && !isExempt && !beenNotified)
                                log("Policy violation: Instance " + instance.getInstanceId()
                                        + " with IP address of " + instance.getPrivateIpAddress()
                                        + " found with deep packet inspection disabled or in an invalid mode");
                            isolationCandidate = true;
                                    "Deep Packet Instection is required but disabled or not in enforce mode");


                    if (isolationCandidate && enableIsolation && !isIsolated && !isExempt) {
                        log("Instance " + instance.getInstanceId()
                                + " will be isolated for failing one or more policy checks");
                        notifyAdmin(instance, violationReasons, false);
                        isolateInstance(instance, ec2);

                    if (isolationCandidate && !enableIsolation && !isIsolated && !isExempt && !beenNotified) {
                        log("Instance " + instance.getInstanceId()
                                + " is elligable for isolation but enforcement is disabled");
                        notifyAdmin(instance, violationReasons, false);

                    if (!isolationCandidate && isIsolated) {
                        removeIsolation(instance, ec2);
                        notifyAdmin(instance, violationReasons, true);
                    if (beenNotified && !isolationCandidate)


    catch (Exception e) {
        this.log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
    if (_sid != null)


From source file:dsmwatcher.DSMWatcher.java

License:Open Source License

public Boolean checkExempt(Instance instance, AmazonEC2Client ec2) throws Exception {
    //check for DSM IP address, address of ourself, presence of the EXEMPTTAG
    // and if Start Time is < 5 mintues from now
    List<Tag> tagSet = instance.getTags();
    //EC2MetadataUtils metadata = new EC2MetadataUtils();
    List<NetworkInterface> netInts = EC2MetadataUtils.getNetworkInterfaces();
    String myIP = netInts.get(0).getLocalIPv4s().get(0);
    if (instance.getPrivateIpAddress().compareTo(myIP) == 0) {
        return true;
    }//from  w  w  w  . j av  a 2  s.  co m
    if (instance.getPrivateIpAddress().compareTo(dsmIP) == 0) {
        return true;
    for (Tag tag : tagSet) {
        if ((tag.getKey().compareTo(exemptTag) == 0) && (tag.getValue().compareTo(exemptTagValue)) == 0) {
            return true;
    if ((instance.getLaunchTime().getTime() + 300000) > System.currentTimeMillis()) {
        return true;
    return false;

From source file:gobblin.aws.GobblinAWSTaskRunner.java

License:Apache License

private static String getTaskRunnerId() {
    return EC2MetadataUtils.getNetworkInterfaces().get(0).getPublicIPv4s().get(0);