Example usage for com.amazonaws.services.simpledb.model BatchPutAttributesRequest BatchPutAttributesRequest

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.services.simpledb.model BatchPutAttributesRequest BatchPutAttributesRequest


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws.services.simpledb.model BatchPutAttributesRequest BatchPutAttributesRequest.


public BatchPutAttributesRequest(String domainName, java.util.List<ReplaceableItem> items) 

Source Link


Constructs a new BatchPutAttributesRequest object.


From source file:org.teiid.resource.adapter.simpledb.SimpleDBConnectionImpl.java

License:Open Source License

private void executeBatch(String domainName, List<ReplaceableItem> insertItems) {
    if (!insertItems.isEmpty()) {
        BatchPutAttributesRequest request = new BatchPutAttributesRequest(domainName, insertItems);
    }/*from w  w w. j a v a  2  s.c o m*/

From source file:org.teiid.resource.adpter.simpledb.SimpleDbAPIClass.java

License:Open Source License

 *  Performs update on given domain and items
 * @param domainName/*from   w  w  w .j a  v a 2 s  .  c om*/
 * @param items

public void performUpdate(String domainName, Map<String, Map<String, String>> items) {
    List<ReplaceableItem> itemsList = new ArrayList<ReplaceableItem>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> item : items.entrySet()) {
        ReplaceableItem it = new ReplaceableItem(item.getKey());
        List<ReplaceableAttribute> attributesList = new ArrayList<ReplaceableAttribute>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> attribute : item.getValue().entrySet()) {
            attributesList.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(attribute.getKey(), attribute.getValue(), true));
    BatchPutAttributesRequest req = new BatchPutAttributesRequest(domainName, itemsList);

From source file:siena.sdb.SdbPersistenceManager.java

License:Apache License

public int insert(Iterable<?> objects) {
    Map<String, List<ReplaceableItem>> doMap = new HashMap<String, List<ReplaceableItem>>();
    int nb = 0;/*from w  w  w .  j  a v  a 2  s.  c  o  m*/
    for (Object obj : objects) {
        Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();
        String domain = SdbMappingUtils.getDomainName(clazz, prefix);
        List<ReplaceableItem> doList = doMap.get(domain);
        if (doList == null) {
            doList = new ArrayList<ReplaceableItem>();
            doMap.put(domain, doList);

    try {
        for (String domain : doMap.keySet()) {
            List<ReplaceableItem> doList = doMap.get(domain);

            int len = doList.size() > MAX_ITEMS_PER_CALL ? MAX_ITEMS_PER_CALL : doList.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < doList.size(); i += len) {
                int sz = i + len;
                if (sz > doList.size()) {
                    sz = doList.size();

                sdb.batchPutAttributes(new BatchPutAttributesRequest(domain, doList.subList(i, sz)));


    } catch (AmazonClientException ex) {
        throw new SienaException(ex);
    return nb;

From source file:siena.sdb.SdbPersistenceManager.java

License:Apache License

public <T> int update(Iterable<T> models) {
    Map<String, List<ReplaceableItem>> doMap = new HashMap<String, List<ReplaceableItem>>();
    int nb = 0;//w ww  . ja  va2s .  c om
    for (Object obj : models) {
        Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();
        String domain = SdbMappingUtils.getDomainName(clazz, prefix);
        List<ReplaceableItem> doList = doMap.get(domain);
        if (doList == null) {
            doList = new ArrayList<ReplaceableItem>();
            doMap.put(domain, doList);

    try {
        for (String domain : doMap.keySet()) {
            List<ReplaceableItem> doList = doMap.get(domain);

            int len = doList.size() > MAX_ITEMS_PER_CALL ? MAX_ITEMS_PER_CALL : doList.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < doList.size(); i += len) {
                int sz = i + len;
                if (sz > doList.size()) {
                    sz = doList.size();
                sdb.batchPutAttributes(new BatchPutAttributesRequest(domain, doList.subList(i, sz)));
    } catch (AmazonClientException ex) {
        throw new SienaException(ex);
    return nb;

From source file:wwutil.jsoda.SimpleDBService.java

License:Mozilla Public License

public <T> void putObjs(Class<T> modelClass, List<T> dataObjs) throws Exception {
    String modelName = jsoda.getModelName(modelClass);
    int offset = 0;
    String table = jsoda.getModelTable(modelName);

    while (offset < dataObjs.size()) {
        List<ReplaceableItem> items = buildPutItems(dataObjs, modelName, offset);
        offset += items.size();/*w w w.  j  av  a2 s . com*/
        sdbClient.batchPutAttributes(new BatchPutAttributesRequest(table, items));