Example usage for com.amazonaws.services.s3.model ObjectListing getObjectSummaries

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.services.s3.model ObjectListing getObjectSummaries


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws.services.s3.model ObjectListing getObjectSummaries.


public List<S3ObjectSummary> getObjectSummaries() 

Source Link


Gets the list of object summaries describing the objects stored in the S3 bucket.


From source file:com.upplication.s3fs.util.S3ObjectSummaryLookup.java

License:Open Source License

 * Get the {@link com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.S3ObjectSummary} that represent this Path or her first child if this path not exists
 * @param s3Path {@link com.upplication.s3fs.S3Path}
 * @return {@link com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.S3ObjectSummary}
 * @throws java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException if not found the path and any child
 *//*from w w w .  j  a  v  a 2 s.co m*/
public S3ObjectSummary lookup(S3Path s3Path) throws NoSuchFileException {

     * check is object summary has been cached
    S3ObjectSummary summary = s3Path.fetchObjectSummary();
    if (summary != null) {
        return summary;

    final AmazonS3Client client = s3Path.getFileSystem().getClient();

     * when `key` is an empty string retrieve the object meta-data of the bucket
    if ("".equals(s3Path.getKey())) {
        ObjectMetadata meta = client.getObjectMetadata(s3Path.getBucket(), "");
        if (meta == null)
            throw new NoSuchFileException("s3://" + s3Path.getBucket());

        summary = new S3ObjectSummary();
        // TODO summary.setOwner(?);
        // TODO summary.setStorageClass(?);
        return summary;

     * Lookup for the object summary for the specified object key
     * by using a `listObjects` request
    String marker = null;
    while (true) {
        ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest();
        if (marker != null)

        ObjectListing listing = client.listObjects(request);
        List<S3ObjectSummary> results = listing.getObjectSummaries();

        if (results.isEmpty()) {

        for (S3ObjectSummary item : results) {
            if (matchName(s3Path.getKey(), item)) {
                return item;

        if (listing.isTruncated())
            marker = listing.getNextMarker();

    throw new NoSuchFileException("s3://" + s3Path.getBucket() + "/" + s3Path.toString());

From source file:com.yahoo.athenz.zts.store.impl.S3ChangeLogStore.java

License:Apache License

 * list the objects in the zts bucket. If the mod time is specified as 0
 * then we want to list all objects otherwise, we only list objects
 * that are newer than the specified timestamp
 * @param s3 AWS S3 client object// w  w w.ja  v  a2s .  co m
 * @param domains collection to be updated to include domain names
 * @param modTime only include domains newer than this timestamp
void listObjects(AmazonS3 s3, Collection<String> domains, long modTime) {

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("listObjects: Retrieving domains from {} with mod time > {}", s3BucketName, modTime);

    ObjectListing objectListing = s3.listObjects(new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(s3BucketName));

    String objectName;
    while (objectListing != null) {

        // process each entry in our result set and add the domain
        // name to our return list

        final List<S3ObjectSummary> objectSummaries = objectListing.getObjectSummaries();
        boolean listTruncated = objectListing.isTruncated();

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("listObjects: retrieved {} objects, more objects available - {}",
                    objectSummaries.size(), listTruncated);

        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectSummaries) {

            // if mod time is specified then make sure we automatically skip
            // any domains older than the specified value

            if (modTime > 0 && objectSummary.getLastModified().getTime() <= modTime) {

            // for now skip any folders/objects that start with '.'

            objectName = objectSummary.getKey();
            if (objectName.charAt(0) == '.') {

        // check if the object listing is truncated or not (break out in this case)
        // technically we can skip this call and just call listNextBatchOfResults
        // since that returns null if the object listing is not truncated but 
        // this direct check here makes the logic easier to follow

        if (!listTruncated) {

        objectListing = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(objectListing);

From source file:com.yahoo.athenz.zts.store.s3.S3ChangeLogStore.java

License:Apache License

 * list the objects in the zts bucket. If te mod time is specified as 0
 * then we want to list all objects otherwise, we only list objects
 * that are newer than the specified timestamp
 * @param s3 AWS S3 client object/*w  w w . ja v a2 s.  c  o m*/
 * @param domains collection to be updated to include domain names
 * @param modTime only include domains newer than this timestamp
void listObjects(AmazonS3 s3, Collection<String> domains, long modTime) {

    ObjectListing objectListing = s3.listObjects(new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(s3BucketName));

    String objectName = null;
    while (objectListing != null) {

        // process each entry in our result set and add the domain
        // name to our return list

        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {

            // if mod time is specified then make sure we automatically skip
            // any domains older than the specified value

            if (modTime > 0 && objectSummary.getLastModified().getTime() <= modTime) {

            // for now skip any folders/objects that start with '.'

            objectName = objectSummary.getKey();
            if (objectName.charAt(0) == '.') {

        // check if the object listing is truncated or not (break out in this case)
        // technically we can skip this call and just call listNextBatchOfResults
        // since that returns null if the object listing is not truncated but 
        // this direct check here makes the logic easier to follow

        if (!objectListing.isTruncated()) {

        objectListing = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(objectListing);

From source file:com.yahoo.ycsb.db.S3Client.java

License:Open Source License

* Perform an emulation of a database scan operation on a S3 bucket.
* @param bucket//from   w  w w. ja v a  2 s  . co  m
*            The name of the bucket
* @param startkey
*            The file key of the first file to read.
* @param recordcount
*            The number of files to read
* @param fields
*            The list of fields to read, or null for all of them
* @param result
*            A Vector of HashMaps, where each HashMap is a set field/value
*            pairs for one file
protected Status scanFromStorage(String bucket, String startkey, int recordcount,
        Vector<HashMap<String, ByteIterator>> result, SSECustomerKey ssecLocal) {

    int counter = 0;
    ObjectListing listing = s3Client.listObjects(bucket);
    List<S3ObjectSummary> summaries = listing.getObjectSummaries();
    List<String> keyList = new ArrayList();
    int startkeyNumber = 0;
    int numberOfIteration = 0;
    // getting the list of files in the bucket
    while (listing.isTruncated()) {
        listing = s3Client.listNextBatchOfObjects(listing);
    for (S3ObjectSummary summary : summaries) {
        String summaryKey = summary.getKey();
    // Sorting the list of files in Alphabetical order
    Collections.sort(keyList); // sorting the list
    // Getting the position of the startingfile for the scan
    for (String key : keyList) {
        if (key.equals(startkey)) {
            startkeyNumber = counter;
        } else {
            counter = counter + 1;
    // Checking if the total number of file is bigger than the file to read,
    // if not using the total number of Files
    if (recordcount < keyList.size()) {
        numberOfIteration = recordcount;
    } else {
        numberOfIteration = keyList.size();
    // Reading the Files starting from the startkey File till the end
    // of the Files or Till the recordcount number
    for (int i = startkeyNumber; i < numberOfIteration; i++) {
        HashMap<String, ByteIterator> resultTemp = new HashMap<String, ByteIterator>();
        readFromStorage(bucket, keyList.get(i), resultTemp, ssecLocal);
    return Status.OK;

From source file:com.zhang.aws.s3.S3Sample.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    /*/*from w  w w  .  j a  va2s . c  o m*/
     * The ProfileCredentialsProvider will return your [default]
     * credential profile by reading from the credentials file located at
     * (~/.aws/credentials).
    ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("credentials");
    AWSCredentials credentials = null;
    try {
        //            credentials = new ProfileCredentialsProvider().getCredentials();
        credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(bundle.getString("aws_access_key_id"),
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AmazonClientException("Cannot load the credentials from the credential profiles file. "
                + "Please make sure that your credentials file is at the correct "
                + "location (~/.aws/credentials), and is in valid format.", e);

    AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);
    Region usWest2 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2);

    String bucketName = "elasticbeanstalk-us-west-2-948206320069";
    String key = "MyObjectKey2";

    System.out.println("Getting Started with Amazon S3");

    try {
         * Create a new S3 bucket - Amazon S3 bucket names are globally unique,
         * so once a bucket name has been taken by any user, you can't create
         * another bucket with that same name.
         * You can optionally specify a location for your bucket if you want to
         * keep your data closer to your applications or users.
        System.out.println("Creating bucket " + bucketName + "\n");
        //            s3.createBucket(bucketName);

         * List the buckets in your account
        System.out.println("Listing buckets");
        for (Bucket bucket : s3.listBuckets()) {
            System.out.println(" - " + bucket.getName());

         * Upload an object to your bucket - You can easily upload a file to
         * S3, or upload directly an InputStream if you know the length of
         * the data in the stream. You can also specify your own metadata
         * when uploading to S3, which allows you set a variety of options
         * like content-type and content-encoding, plus additional metadata
         * specific to your applications.
        System.out.println("Uploading a new object to S3 from a file\n");
        //            s3.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, createSampleFile()));
        s3.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, getFileFromDisk()));
         * ?url
         * */
        GeneratePresignedUrlRequest urlRequest = new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(bucketName, key);
        URL generatePresignedUrl = s3.generatePresignedUrl(urlRequest);
        System.out.println("public url:" + generatePresignedUrl.toString());
         * Download an object - When you download an object, you get all of
         * the object's metadata and a stream from which to read the contents.
         * It's important to read the contents of the stream as quickly as
         * possibly since the data is streamed directly from Amazon S3 and your
         * network connection will remain open until you read all the data or
         * close the input stream.
         * GetObjectRequest also supports several other options, including
         * conditional downloading of objects based on modification times,
         * ETags, and selectively downloading a range of an object.
        //            System.out.println("Downloading an object");
        //            S3Object object = s3.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key));
        //            System.out.println("Content-Type: "  + object.getObjectMetadata().getContentType());
        //            displayTextInputStream(object.getObjectContent());

         * List objects in your bucket by prefix - There are many options for
         * listing the objects in your bucket.  Keep in mind that buckets with
         * many objects might truncate their results when listing their objects,
         * so be sure to check if the returned object listing is truncated, and
         * use the AmazonS3.listNextBatchOfObjects(...) operation to retrieve
         * additional results.
        System.out.println("Listing objects");
        ObjectListing objectListing = s3
                .listObjects(new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(bucketName).withPrefix("My"));
        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
                    " - " + objectSummary.getKey() + "  " + "(size = " + objectSummary.getSize() + ")");

         * Delete an object - Unless versioning has been turned on for your bucket,
         * there is no way to undelete an object, so use caution when deleting objects.
        //            System.out.println("Deleting an object\n");
        //            s3.deleteObject(bucketName, key);

         * Delete a bucket - A bucket must be completely empty before it can be
         * deleted, so remember to delete any objects from your buckets before
         * you try to delete them.
        //            System.out.println("Deleting bucket " + bucketName + "\n");
        //            s3.deleteBucket(bucketName);
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        System.out.println("Caught an AmazonServiceException, which means your request made it "
                + "to Amazon S3, but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");
        System.out.println("Error Message:    " + ase.getMessage());
        System.out.println("HTTP Status Code: " + ase.getStatusCode());
        System.out.println("AWS Error Code:   " + ase.getErrorCode());
        System.out.println("Error Type:       " + ase.getErrorType());
        System.out.println("Request ID:       " + ase.getRequestId());
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        System.out.println("Caught an AmazonClientException, which means the client encountered "
                + "a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with S3, "
                + "such as not being able to access the network.");
        System.out.println("Error Message: " + ace.getMessage());

From source file:common.S3Processor.java

License:Open Source License

public static List<String> getObjectList() {
    List<String> restaurantObjecName = new ArrayList<String>();
    ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest();
    request.setBucketName(BUCKET_NAME);/*from  ww  w  .jav  a 2 s . co  m*/
    ObjectListing objectListing = s3.listObjects(request);
    for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
    return restaurantObjecName;

From source file:controllers.s3locationmodify.java

License:Open Source License

private static long calculateregionload(String regionname) {

    AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);
    long size = 0;

    AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider());
    //try {/*from  w w  w.  java  2 s.c  om*/
    ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(regionname);

    ObjectListing objectListing;
    do {
        objectListing = s3client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);

        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
            size = objectSummary.getSize();

    } while (objectListing.isTruncated());

    return size;

From source file:core.connector.s3.sync.S3Connector.java

License:GNU General Public License

public List<FileInfo> listDirectory(String path) throws ConnectorException {
    try {/*from   www  .j a v  a2s .c om*/
        ObjectListing bucketListing = s3
                .listObjects(new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(info.getBucketName()).withPrefix(path));

        List<FileInfo> listing = new ArrayList<FileInfo>(bucketListing.getObjectSummaries().size());

        boolean finished = false;
        while (!finished) {
            for (S3ObjectSummary s3s : bucketListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
                String key = s3s.getKey();
                long size = s3s.getSize();
                Date date = s3s.getLastModified();

                listing.add(new FileInfo(key, key.substring(path.length() + 1), size, date, s3s.getETag()));
            if (bucketListing.isTruncated())
                bucketListing = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(bucketListing);
                finished = true;

        return listing;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ConnectorException(e);

From source file:cz.pichlik.goodsentiment.server.repository.S3RepositoryBase.java

License:Apache License

public List<String> list(final String bucket, final String key) {
    ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(bucket).withPrefix(key);

    ObjectListing objectListing = s3Client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);
    LinkedList<String> result = new LinkedList<>();
    for (;;) {//from ww w  .j a v  a 2  s  .  c  om
        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
        if (objectListing.isTruncated()) {
            objectListing = s3Client.listNextBatchOfObjects(objectListing);
        } else {
            return result;

From source file:dashboard.AmazonLogs.java

License:Open Source License

public int readAmazonLogs(int n, String AWS_USER, String AWS_PASS, String IPfile, String ERRfile,
        String bucketName, String DELETE_PROCESSED_LOGS, String API_KEY, String TOKEN, String apiuser,
        String apipass) throws Exception {

    if (n < 1)
        return 0;
    int eventsNumber = 0;
    String line = null;//from w  w w. j a v a  2s  .  c o m
    int begin = 0;
    int zips = 0;
    int deletedZips = 0;
    int mixpanelStatus = 0;

    String registrant = "";
    String ip = "";
    String prevIP = "";
    Mixpanel mix = new Mixpanel();
    Whois w = new Whois(apiuser, apipass);
    int index = -1;
    Registrant r;
    ArrayList<Registrant> rList = new ArrayList<Registrant>();
    ArrayList<Registrant> eList = new ArrayList<Registrant>();
    IPList ipl = new IPList();
    IPList errl = new IPList();

    // Log files Bucket
    AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AWS_USER, AWS_PASS);
    AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);
    ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(bucketName);

    BufferedReader br = null;

    ObjectListing objectListing = s3Client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);
    ObjectListing nextObjectListing = objectListing;
    zips = 0;
    Boolean more = true;
    if (objectListing == null)
        more = false;
    else {
        ipl.loadList(rList, IPfile);
        ipl.printList(rList, 30);

    while (more) {
        // Reads 1000 files
        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
            // Handle  ZIP files        

            try { // Open and send to mixpanel events of one ZIP file  
                String key = objectSummary.getKey();

                S3Object object = s3Client.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key));
                // Extract ZIP and read Object to reader
                br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream(object.getObjectContent())));

                // Read the lines from the unzipped file, break it and send to Mixpanel
                while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                    if (line.startsWith("#"))
                    if (line.trim().equals(""))
                    String[] values = line.split("\\s");

                    String eventTime = values[0] + " " + values[1];
                    ip = values[4];

                    if (ip != prevIP) {

                        prevIP = ip;

                        index = ipl.ipInList(ip, rList);
                        if (index >= 0) {
                            r = rList.get(index);
                            registrant = r.name;
                            // Update counter for this IP
                            r.counter = r.counter + 1;
                            rList.set(index, r);
                        } else {
                            // WHOIS - Check registrant of this IP address
                            registrant = w.whoisIP(ip);
                            // if there was an error, try again
                            if (registrant.equals("ERROR"))
                                registrant = w.whoisIP(ip);

                            // if there was a second error, add it to errors list
                            if (registrant.equals("ERROR")) {
                                eList.add(new Registrant(ip, registrant, 1));
                            } else {
                                // If name includes a comma, exclude the comma
                                registrant = registrant.replace(",", "");
                                rList.add(new Registrant(ip, registrant, 1));

                    String method = values[5];
                    String fileName = values[7];
                    String statusCode = values[8];
                    String userAgent = values[10];
                    String fName = fileName;

                    if (fileName.contains("gigaspaces-")) {
                        begin = fileName.lastIndexOf("gigaspaces-") + 11;
                        fName = fileName.substring(begin, fileName.length());

                    System.out.println(eventsNumber + ": " + eventTime + " " + ip + " " + registrant);

                    // ====================================================
                    // Track the event in Mixpanel (using the POST import)
                    // ====================================================
                    mixpanelStatus = mix.postCDNEventToMixpanel(API_KEY, TOKEN, ip, "Cloudfront CDN", eventTime,
                            method, fileName, fName, userAgent, statusCode, registrant);

                // while on ZIP file lines

                if (mixpanelStatus == 1 & DELETE_PROCESSED_LOGS.equals("YES")) {
                    // Delete the CDN log ZIP file
                    s3Client.deleteObject(bucketName, key);
                    System.out.println("========= Deleted Zip " + zips + " ===== List Size " + rList.size()
                            + " ==========");
            } catch (IOException e) {

                return eventsNumber;
            } finally {
                if (br != null) {

                if (eventsNumber >= n) {
                    System.out.println("\n>>> " + eventsNumber + " events in " + zips + " Zip files. Deleted "
                            + deletedZips + " Zip files.\n");

                    ipl.printList(rList, 100);
                    ipl.saveList(rList, IPfile);

                    if (!eList.isEmpty()) {
                        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm");
                        String fName = ERRfile + sdf.format(new Date()) + ".txt";

                        System.out.println("\n>>> " + eList.size() + " DomainTools errors:");
                        errl.saveList(eList, fName);
                    } else
                        System.out.println("\n>>> No DomainTools errors");

                    return eventsNumber;

        // for (continue to next ZIP file

        // If there are more ZIP files, read next batch of 1000
        if (objectListing.isTruncated()) {
            nextObjectListing = s3Client.listNextBatchOfObjects(objectListing);
            objectListing = nextObjectListing;
        } else
            more = false; // no more files

    } // while next objectListing

    System.out.println("\n>>> " + eventsNumber + " events in " + zips + " Zip files. Deleted " + deletedZips
            + " Zip files.\n");
    ipl.printList(rList, 50);

    ipl.saveList(rList, IPfile);

    if (!eList.isEmpty()) {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm");
        String fName = ERRfile + sdf.format(new Date()) + ".txt";

        System.out.println("\n>>> " + eList.size() + " DomainTools errors:");
        errl.saveList(eList, fName);
    } else
        System.out.println("\n>>> No DomainTools errors");

    return eventsNumber;