List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.auth BasicAWSCredentials BasicAWSCredentials
public BasicAWSCredentials(String accessKey, String secretKey)
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License:Open Source License
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { BasicParser p = new BasicParser(); Options o = getOptions();/*from ww w. jav a2 s .c o m*/ CommandLine cl = p.parse(o, args); if (cl.hasOption('h')) { HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); hf.setWidth(80); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Upload:\n"); sb.append(" -u -r creds -s 50M -b my_bucket -f hda1.dump -t 10\n"); sb.append("Download:\n"); sb.append(" -d -r creds -s 50M -b my_bucket -f hda1.dump -t 10\n"); sb.append("Upload encrypted:\n"); sb.append(" -u -r creds -z -k secret_key -s 50M -b my_bucket -f hda1.dump -t 10\n"); sb.append("Download encrypted:\n"); sb.append(" -d -r creds -z -k secret_key -s 50M -b my_bucket -f hda1.dump -t 10\n"); sb.append("Cleanup in-progress multipart uploads\n"); sb.append(" -c -r creds -b my_bucket\n"); System.out.println(sb.toString()); hf.printHelp("See above", o); return; } int n = 0; if (cl.hasOption('d')) n++; if (cl.hasOption('u')) n++; if (cl.hasOption('c')) n++; if (cl.hasOption('m')) n++; if (n != 1) { System.err.println("Must specify at exactly one of -d, -u, -c or -m"); System.exit(-1); } if (cl.hasOption('m')) { //InputStream in = new,1024*1024*2); InputStream in =; System.out.println(TreeHashGenerator.calculateTreeHash(in)); return; } require(cl, 'b'); if (cl.hasOption('d') || cl.hasOption('u')) { require(cl, 'f'); } if (cl.hasOption('z')) { require(cl, 'k'); } AWSCredentials creds = null; if (cl.hasOption('r')) { creds = Utils.loadAWSCredentails(cl.getOptionValue('r')); } else { if (cl.hasOption('i') && cl.hasOption('e')) { creds = new BasicAWSCredentials(cl.getOptionValue('i'), cl.getOptionValue('e')); } else { System.out.println("Must specify either credential file (-r) or AWS key ID and secret (-i and -e)"); System.exit(-1); } } S3StreamConfig config = new S3StreamConfig(); config.setEncryption(false); if (cl.hasOption('z')) { config.setEncryption(true); config.setSecretKey(Utils.loadSecretKey(cl.getOptionValue("k"))); } if (cl.hasOption("encryption-mode")) { config.setEncryptionMode(cl.getOptionValue("encryption-mode")); } config.setS3Bucket(cl.getOptionValue("bucket")); if (cl.hasOption("file")) { config.setS3File(cl.getOptionValue("file")); } if (cl.hasOption("threads")) { config.setIOThreads(Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("threads"))); } if (cl.hasOption("blocksize")) { String s = cl.getOptionValue("blocksize"); s = s.toUpperCase(); int multi = 1; int end = 0; while ((end < s.length()) && (s.charAt(end) >= '0') && (s.charAt(end) <= '9')) { end++; } int size = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, end)); if (end < s.length()) { String m = s.substring(end); if (m.equals("K")) multi = 1024; else if (m.equals("M")) multi = 1048576; else if (m.equals("G")) multi = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; else if (m.equals("KB")) multi = 1024; else if (m.equals("MB")) multi = 1048576; else if (m.equals("GB")) multi = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; else { System.out.println("Unknown suffix on block size. Only K,M and G understood."); System.exit(-1); } } size *= multi; config.setBlockSize(size); } Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(Level.FINE); S3StreamingDownload.log.setLevel(Level.FINE); S3StreamingUpload.log.setLevel(Level.FINE); config.setS3Client(new AmazonS3Client(creds)); config.setGlacierClient(new AmazonGlacierClient(creds)); config.getGlacierClient().setEndpoint(""); if (cl.hasOption("glacier")) { config.setGlacier(true); config.setStorageInterface(new StorageGlacier(config.getGlacierClient())); } else { config.setStorageInterface(new StorageS3(config.getS3Client())); } if (cl.hasOption("bwlimit")) { config.setMaxBytesPerSecond(Double.parseDouble(cl.getOptionValue("bwlimit"))); } if (cl.hasOption('c')) { if (config.getGlacier()) { GlacierCleanupMultipart.cleanup(config); } else { S3CleanupMultipart.cleanup(config); } return; } if (cl.hasOption('d')) { config.setOutputStream(System.out);; return; } if (cl.hasOption('u')) { config.setInputStream(; S3StreamingUpload.upload(config); return; } }
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License:Open Source License
public static AWSCredentials loadAWSCredentails(String file_path) throws { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file_path); Scanner scan = new Scanner(fin); String id =;/*from w ww. j a va 2s. com*/ String key =; fin.close(); return new BasicAWSCredentials(id, key); }
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License:Open Source License
public AWSUploader(String existingBucketName, boolean sse, String profile) throws IOException { SSE = sse;//from www .j a v a2 s . c o m this.profile = profile; this.existingBucketName = existingBucketName; AWSCredentials c; try { DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain prov = new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(); c = prov.getCredentials(); } catch (AmazonClientException ex) { // read from ~/.aws/credentials String access = null; String secret = null; try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.aws/credentials"))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null && !line.contains("[" + this.profile + "]")) { } line = br.readLine(); if (line != null) access = line.split(" = ")[1]; line = br.readLine(); if (line != null) secret = line.split(" = ")[1]; } c = new BasicAWSCredentials(access, secret); } = new TransferManager(c); }
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License:Open Source License
public CopyOfAWSUploader(String existingBucketName) throws IOException { this.existingBucketName = existingBucketName; AWSCredentials c;//from www . j a v a 2 s .c o m try { DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain prov = new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(); c = prov.getCredentials(); } catch (AmazonClientException ex) { // read from ~/.aws/credentials String access = null; String secret = null; try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.aws/credentials"))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null && !line.contains("[default]")) { } line = br.readLine(); if (line != null) access = line.split(" = ")[1]; line = br.readLine(); if (line != null) secret = line.split(" = ")[1]; } c = new BasicAWSCredentials(access, secret); } = new TransferManager(c); }
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License:Apache License
public DatabaseObject createDatabase(String AWSKeyId, String AWSSecretKey, String dbname, String dbType, String dbIdentifier, String dbClass, int dbSize, String dbUser, String dbPassword) {//throws Exception { DatabaseObject dbobj = new DatabaseObject(); String endpoint_str = ""; BasicAWSCredentials basic_credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AWSKeyId, AWSSecretKey); AmazonRDSClient rDSClient = new AmazonRDSClient(basic_credentials); //Minimum size per db type, as described in API Reference if (dbType != null && dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("MySQL") && dbSize < 5) { dbSize = 5;//from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m } if (dbType != null && (dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle-se1") || dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle-se") || dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle-ee")) && dbSize < 10) { dbSize = 10; } CreateDBInstanceRequest create_dbinstance = new CreateDBInstanceRequest(); create_dbinstance.setDBName(dbname); create_dbinstance.setEngine(dbType); create_dbinstance.setMasterUsername(dbUser); create_dbinstance.setMasterUserPassword(dbPassword); create_dbinstance.setDBInstanceIdentifier(dbIdentifier); create_dbinstance.setAllocatedStorage(dbSize);//min size =5GB for mysql,10gb for oracle create_dbinstance.setDBInstanceClass("db.m1.small");//db.m1.small//db.m1.large//db.m1.xlarge//db.m2.xlarge//db.m2.2xlarge//db.m2.4xlarge.... String group = "c4sallowallipgroup"; Vector sec_groups = new Vector(); sec_groups.add(group); create_dbinstance.setDBSecurityGroups(sec_groups); DBInstance dbInstance_create = new DBInstance(); System.out.println("will call createDBInstance"); try { dbInstance_create = rDSClient.createDBInstance(create_dbinstance); } catch (AmazonClientException amazonClientException) { System.out.println("Error in Database Creation."); } System.out.println("called createDBInstance"); String status = ""; System.out.println("called createDBInstance"); //wait 5 minutes for the first time int busyWaitingTime = 3000;//3sec //int busyWaitingTime=300000; //int busyWaitingTime=40000; while (!status.equalsIgnoreCase("available")) { System.out.println("just got inside while"); try { System.out.println("preparing for sleep"); Thread.sleep(busyWaitingTime); System.out.println("woke up"); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BeansDatabase.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } DescribeDBInstancesRequest describeDBInstancesRequest = new DescribeDBInstancesRequest(); describeDBInstancesRequest.setDBInstanceIdentifier(dbname + "cloud4soaid"); //describeDBInstancesRequest.setDBInstanceIdentifier("c4sdb2cloud4soaid"); DBInstance dbInstance = new DBInstance(); System.out.println("will call describeDBInstances"); DescribeDBInstancesResult describeDBInstances = rDSClient .describeDBInstances(describeDBInstancesRequest); System.out.println("called describeDBInstances"); List<DBInstance> dbInstances = describeDBInstances.getDBInstances(); System.out.println("size--->" + dbInstances.size()); System.out.println("status--->" + dbInstances.get(0).getDBInstanceStatus()); System.out.println("dbname--->" + dbInstances.get(0).getDBName()); dbobj.setDbhost(dbInstances.get(0).getDBInstanceStatus()); if (dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint() != null) { System.out.println("endpoint--->" + dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getAddress()); System.out.println("port--->" + dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getPort()); System.out.println("all--->" + dbInstances.get(0).toString()); dbobj.setDbhost(dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getAddress()); dbobj.setDbname(dbInstances.get(0).getDBName()); dbobj.setPort(dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getPort()); status = dbInstances.get(0).getDBInstanceStatus(); //after the first 5 minutes test every minute busyWaitingTime = 60000; } } System.out.println("just got outside while"); System.out.println( "just got outside while and endpoint is :" + dbobj.getDbhost() + ", name is " + dbobj.getDbname()); /* * * DescribeDBInstancesRequest describeDBInstancesRequest = new * DescribeDBInstancesRequest(); * * describeDBInstancesRequest.setDBInstanceIdentifier(dbname + * "cloud4soaid"); * //describeDBInstancesRequest.setDBInstanceIdentifier("c4sdb2cloud4soaid"); * DBInstance dbInstance = new DBInstance(); * * System.out.println("will call describeDBInstances"); * DescribeDBInstancesResult describeDBInstances = * rDSClient.describeDBInstances(describeDBInstancesRequest); * System.out.println("called describeDBInstances"); * * List<DBInstance> dbInstances = describeDBInstances.getDBInstances(); * * System.out.println("size--->" + dbInstances.size()); * System.out.println("status--->" + * dbInstances.get(0).getDBInstanceStatus()); * System.out.println("dbname--->" + dbInstances.get(0).getDBName()); * dbobj.setDbhost(dbInstances.get(0).getDBInstanceStatus()); * * * if(dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint()!=null){ * * * System.out.println("endpoint--->" + * dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getAddress()); * System.out.println("port--->" + * dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getPort()); * System.out.println("all--->" + dbInstances.get(0).toString()); * * dbobj.setDbhost(dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getAddress()); * dbobj.setDbname(dbInstances.get(0).getDBName()); * dbobj.setPort(dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getPort()); } */ return dbobj; }
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License:Apache License
public DatabaseObject getDBInstanceInfo(String AWSKeyId, String AWSSecretKey, String dbname) {//throws Exception { BasicAWSCredentials basic_credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AWSKeyId, AWSSecretKey); AmazonRDSClient rDSClient = new AmazonRDSClient(basic_credentials); DescribeDBInstancesRequest describeDBInstancesRequest = new DescribeDBInstancesRequest(); describeDBInstancesRequest.setDBInstanceIdentifier(dbname + "cloud4soaid"); DBInstance dbInstance = new DBInstance(); DescribeDBInstancesResult describeDBInstances = rDSClient.describeDBInstances(describeDBInstancesRequest); List<DBInstance> dbInstances = describeDBInstances.getDBInstances(); System.out.println("size--->" + dbInstances.size()); System.out.println("dbname--->" + dbInstances.get(0).getDBName()); System.out.println("endpoint--->" + dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getAddress()); System.out.println("port--->" + dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getPort()); System.out.println("all--->" + dbInstances.get(0).toString()); DatabaseObject dbobj = new DatabaseObject(); dbobj.setDbhost(dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getAddress()); dbobj.setDbname(dbInstances.get(0).getDBName()); dbobj.setPort(dbInstances.get(0).getEndpoint().getPort()); return dbobj; }
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License:Apache License
public String getDBEndpoint(String AWSKeyId, String AWSSecretKey, String dbname) {//throws Exception { String endpoint_str = ""; BasicAWSCredentials basic_credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AWSKeyId, AWSSecretKey); AmazonRDSClient rDSClient = new AmazonRDSClient(basic_credentials); ModifyDBInstanceRequest mod_db = new ModifyDBInstanceRequest(dbname + "cloud4soaid"); DBInstance dbInstance = new DBInstance(); ////CHECK THIS. in order to make correct ModifyDBInstanceRequest an attribute must be sent for modification. ///5 (GB) is the minimum mod_db.setAllocatedStorage(6);/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ dbInstance = rDSClient.modifyDBInstance(mod_db); Endpoint endpoint = new Endpoint(); endpoint = dbInstance.getEndpoint(); if (endpoint != null) { endpoint_str = endpoint.getAddress(); System.out.println("endpoint to string:" + endpoint_str);/////{Address:, Port: 3306, } System.out.println("endpoint get address:" + endpoint.getAddress());///// } return endpoint_str; }
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License:Apache License
public boolean deleteDatabase(String AWSKeyId, String AWSSecretKey, String dbIdentifier) {//throws Exception { boolean ret = false; // credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(BeanstalkDeployNoGUI.class.getResourceAsStream("")) BasicAWSCredentials basic_credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AWSKeyId, AWSSecretKey); // SimpleDBUtils simpledb= new SimpleDBUtils(); AmazonRDSClient rDSClient = new AmazonRDSClient(basic_credentials); // RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotRequest req= new RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotRequest(); // req.setDBName("dbname"); // req.setPort(3306); DescribeDBInstancesRequest ddbi = new DescribeDBInstancesRequest(); DBInstance dbins = new DBInstance(); dbins.getEndpoint();// ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m DeleteDBInstanceRequest delRequest = new DeleteDBInstanceRequest(dbIdentifier); // rDSClient.restoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot(req); delRequest.setSkipFinalSnapshot(true); rDSClient.deleteDBInstance(delRequest); return ret; }
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License:Apache License
public boolean allowIPConnectionWithDB(String AWSKeyId, String AWSSecretKey, String dbIdentifier) {//throws Exception { boolean ret = false; String security_group = "Cloud4SoaSecGroup"; BasicAWSCredentials basic_credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AWSKeyId, AWSSecretKey); AmazonRDSClient rDSClient = new AmazonRDSClient(basic_credentials); //1st step-->add group cloud4soa if not exist CreateDBSecurityGroupRequest create_secGroupRequest = new CreateDBSecurityGroupRequest(security_group, "GroupGeneratedByCloud4SoaAdapter"); DBSecurityGroup securityGroup = new DBSecurityGroup(); try {// www . j av a2 s. com securityGroup = rDSClient.createDBSecurityGroup(create_secGroupRequest); } catch (AmazonClientException amazonClientException) { System.out.print("Error when trying to add Security Group.Security Group might exist already!"); } //2nd step--> add IP to list of specific Security Group AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressRequest ip2SecGroup = new AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressRequest( security_group); //allow specific ip //ip2SecGroup.setCIDRIP(""); //allow everyone ip2SecGroup.setCIDRIP(""); try { rDSClient.authorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress(ip2SecGroup); } catch (AmazonClientException amazonClientException) { System.out.print( "Error when trying to add the specific IP address to the security group.IP might be already entered!"); } return ret; }
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License:Apache License
public boolean deploy(String war, String AWSKeyId, String AWSSecretKey, String applicationname, String applicationversion, String environment, String bucket, String host) {//throws Exception { boolean ret = false; // credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(BeanstalkDeploy.class.getResourceAsStream("")) BasicAWSCredentials basic_credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AWSKeyId, AWSSecretKey); // TransferManager manages a pool of threads, so we create a // single instance and share it throughout our application. tx = new TransferManager(basic_credentials); appname = applicationname;//from w w w.j a v a 2 s .c om appversion = applicationversion; accessKeyId = AWSKeyId; secretAccessKey = AWSSecretKey; bucketName = bucket; environment_name = environment; host_name = host; //STEP 1: UPLOAD //STEP 2: CREATE APP VERSION //STEP 3: DEPLOY // if(war.equalsIgnoreCase("")){ // NoGUI ngui= new NoGUI(); // ngui.performDeploydeploy("/home/jled/NetBeansProjects/WebApplication1/dist/WebApplication1.war",accessKeyId , secretAccessKey, appname, appversion, // environment_name,bucketName, host_name); // } //TODO //take war file path from args //local_filename_and_path ="../sdsdsds/sts.war"; /// new BeanstalkDeploy(args); return ret; }