List of usage examples for com.amazonaws AmazonServiceException getErrorMessage
public String getErrorMessage()
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void main(String[] args) { final String USAGE = "\n" + "Usage:\n" + " UpdateTable <table> <read> <write>\n\n" + "Where:\n" + " table - the table to put the item in.\n" + " read - the new read capacity of the table.\n" + " write - the new write capacity of the table.\n\n" + "Example:\n" + " UpdateTable HelloTable 16 10\n"; if (args.length < 3) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1);/*from w ww . j av a 2 s .co m*/ } String table_name = args[0]; Long read_capacity = Long.parseLong(args[1]); Long write_capacity = Long.parseLong(args[2]); System.out.format("Updating %s with new provisioned throughput values\n", table_name); System.out.format("Read capacity : %d\n", read_capacity); System.out.format("Write capacity : %d\n", write_capacity); ProvisionedThroughput table_throughput = new ProvisionedThroughput(read_capacity, write_capacity); final AmazonDynamoDBClient ddb = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); try { ddb.updateTable(table_name, table_throughput); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void main(String[] args) { final String USAGE = "\n" + "To run this example, supply the name (key) of an S3 object, the bucket name\n" + "that it's contained within, and the bucket to copy it to.\n" + "\n" + "Ex: CopyObject <objectname> <frombucket> <tobucket>\n"; if (args.length < 3) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1);//from ww w . ja v a2 s. c o m } String object_key = args[0]; String from_bucket = args[1]; String to_bucket = args[2]; System.out.format("Copying object %s from bucket %s to %s\n", object_key, from_bucket, to_bucket); final AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(); try { s3.copyObject(from_bucket, object_key, to_bucket, object_key); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void main(String[] args) { final String USAGE = "\n" + "To run this example, supply the name of a bucket to create!\n" + "Ex: CreateBucket <unique-bucket-name>\n"; if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1);/*from w w w. jav a 2s .com*/ } String bucket_name = args[0]; System.out.println("Creating S3 bucket: " + bucket_name); final AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(); try { Bucket b = s3.createBucket(bucket_name); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void main(String[] args) { final String USAGE = "\n" + "To run this example, supply the name of an S3 bucket\n" + "\n" + "Ex: DeleteBucket <bucketname>\n"; if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1);/*w w w . ja v a m*/ } String bucket_name = args[0]; System.out.println("Deleting S3 bucket: " + bucket_name); final AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(); try { System.out.println(" - removing objects from bucket"); ObjectListing object_listing = s3.listObjects(bucket_name); while (true) { for (Iterator<?> iterator = object_listing.getObjectSummaries().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { S3ObjectSummary summary = (S3ObjectSummary); s3.deleteObject(bucket_name, summary.getKey()); } // more object_listing to retrieve? if (object_listing.isTruncated()) { object_listing = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(object_listing); } else { break; } } ; System.out.println(" - removing versions from bucket"); VersionListing version_listing = s3.listVersions(new ListVersionsRequest().withBucketName(bucket_name)); while (true) { for (Iterator<?> iterator = version_listing.getVersionSummaries().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { S3VersionSummary vs = (S3VersionSummary); s3.deleteVersion(bucket_name, vs.getKey(), vs.getVersionId()); } if (version_listing.isTruncated()) { version_listing = s3.listNextBatchOfVersions(version_listing); } else { break; } } System.out.println(" OK, bucket ready to delete!"); s3.deleteBucket(bucket_name); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void main(String[] args) { final String USAGE = "\n" + "Usage:\n" + " DeleteBucketPolicy <bucket>\n\n" + "Where:\n" + " bucket - the bucket to delete the policy from.\n\n" + "Example:\n" + " DeleteBucketPolicy testbucket\n\n"; if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1);/* www .j av a2 s. co m*/ } String bucket_name = args[0]; String policy_text = null; System.out.format("Deleting policy from bucket: \"%s\"\n\n", bucket_name); final AmazonS3 s3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient(); try { s3.deleteBucketPolicy(bucket_name); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void main(String[] args) { final String USAGE = "\n" + "To run this example, supply the name of an S3 bucket and object\n" + "name (key) to delete.\n" + "\n" + "Ex: DeleteObject <bucketname> <objectname>\n"; if (args.length < 2) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1);/*w w w. j a va 2s. co m*/ } String bucket_name = args[0]; String object_key = args[1]; System.out.format("Deleting object %s from S3 bucket: %s\n", object_key, bucket_name); final AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(); try { s3.deleteObject(bucket_name, object_key); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void main(String[] args) { final String USAGE = "\n" + "To run this example, supply the name of an S3 bucket and at least\n" + "one object name (key) to delete.\n" + "\n" + "Ex: DeleteObjects <bucketname> <objectname1> [objectname2, ...]\n"; if (args.length < 2) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1);/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ } String bucket_name = args[0]; String[] object_keys = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); System.out.println("Deleting objects from S3 bucket: " + bucket_name); for (String k : object_keys) { System.out.println(" * " + k); } final AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(); try { DeleteObjectsRequest dor = new DeleteObjectsRequest(bucket_name).withKeys(object_keys); s3.deleteObjects(dor); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void deleteWebsiteConfig(String bucket_name) { final AmazonS3 s3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient(); try {/*w w w .ja va 2 s . c om*/ s3.deleteBucketWebsiteConfiguration(bucket_name); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.out.println("Failed to delete website configuration!"); System.exit(1); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void getBucketAcl(String bucket_name) { System.out.println("Retrieving ACL for bucket: " + bucket_name); final AmazonS3 s3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient(); try {// w w w.j ava2s. c om AccessControlList acl = s3.getBucketAcl(bucket_name); List<Grant> grants = acl.getGrantsAsList(); for (Grant grant : grants) { System.out.format(" %s: %s\n", grant.getGrantee().getIdentifier(), grant.getPermission().toString()); } } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void getObjectAcl(String bucket_name, String object_key) { System.out.println("Retrieving ACL for object: " + object_key); System.out.println(" in bucket: " + bucket_name); final AmazonS3 s3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient(); try {//from w w w . j a v a 2s .co m AccessControlList acl = s3.getObjectAcl(bucket_name, object_key); List<Grant> grants = acl.getGrantsAsList(); for (Grant grant : grants) { System.out.format(" %s: %s\n", grant.getGrantee().getIdentifier(), grant.getPermission().toString()); } } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { System.err.println(e.getErrorMessage()); System.exit(1); } }