Example usage for com.amazonaws AmazonServiceException getErrorCode

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws AmazonServiceException getErrorCode


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws AmazonServiceException getErrorCode.


public String getErrorCode() 

Source Link


Returns the AWS error code represented by this exception.


From source file:org.nuxeo.aws.elastictranscoder.GenericAWSClient.java

License:Open Source License

 * Utility method returning formatted details about the error. It the error
 * is not AmazonServiceException or AmazonClientException, the method just
 * returns <code>e.getMessage()</code>
 * @param e, an AmazonServiceException or AmazonClientException
 * @return//from   www .  j  av  a2 s  .  c  o m
 * @since 7.1
public static String buildDetailedMessageFromAWSException(Exception e) {

    String message = "";

    if (e instanceof AmazonServiceException) {
        AmazonServiceException ase = (AmazonServiceException) e;
        message = "Caught an AmazonServiceException, which " + "means your request made it "
                + "to Amazon S3, but was rejected with an error response" + " for some reason.";
        message += "\nError Message:    " + ase.getMessage();
        message += "\nHTTP Status Code: " + ase.getStatusCode();
        message += "\nAWS Error Code:   " + ase.getErrorCode();
        message += "\nError Type:       " + ase.getErrorType();
        message += "\nRequest ID:       " + ase.getRequestId();

    } else if (e instanceof AmazonClientException) {
        AmazonClientException ace = (AmazonClientException) e;
        message = "Caught an AmazonClientException, which " + "means the client encountered "
                + "an internal error while trying to " + "communicate with S3, "
                + "such as not being able to access the network.";
        message += "\nError Message: " + ace.getMessage();

    } else {
        message = e.getMessage();

    return message;

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.sql.S3BinaryManager.java

License:Apache License

protected static boolean isMissingKey(AmazonClientException e) {
    if (e instanceof AmazonServiceException) {
        AmazonServiceException ase = (AmazonServiceException) e;
        return (ase.getStatusCode() == 404) || "NoSuchKey".equals(ase.getErrorCode())
                || "Not Found".equals(e.getMessage());
    }/*from   w w  w  . ja  v  a 2s . c  o m*/
    return false;

From source file:org.nuxeo.s3utils.S3Handler.java

License:Apache License

 * Generic helper telling the caller if an error catched is a "MIsing Key on S3" error
 * @param e/*from ww  w.  j av  a 2s.co  m*/
 * @return true if the error is "MIssing Key" error
 * @since 8.2
public static boolean errorIsMissingKey(AmazonClientException e) {
    if (e instanceof AmazonServiceException) {
        AmazonServiceException ase = (AmazonServiceException) e;
        return (ase.getStatusCode() == 404) || "NoSuchKey".equals(ase.getErrorCode())
                || "Not Found".equals(e.getMessage());
    return false;

From source file:org.occiware.clouddriver.IAM.KeyPairOperation.java

License:Apache License

 * Create a new Key Pair on AWS side./*w  w w  . j  av a  2 s .co m*/
 * @param keyPairName
 * @return
 * @throws KeyPairOperationException
public KeyPairDO createKeyPair(final String keyPairName) throws KeyPairOperationException {

    if (keyPairName == null) {
        throw new KeyPairOperationException(
                "The 'keyPairName' must be provided for operation create KeyPair. Constraints: Accepts alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.");
    KeyPairDO keyPairDO = new KeyPairDO();

    try {
        CreateKeyPairResult result = ec2Client.getClientInstance()
                .createKeyPair(new CreateKeyPairRequest(keyPairName));


    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ase.getErrorCode() + " --> " + ase.getErrorMessage());
        throw new KeyPairOperationException(ase);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ace.getMessage());
        throw new KeyPairOperationException(ace);
    } finally {
    return keyPairDO;

From source file:org.occiware.clouddriver.IAM.KeyPairOperation.java

License:Apache License

 * Import key pair to AWS.//from w  ww .j a va 2s  .co m
 * @param keyPair a keypair data object with a public key and a name set..
 * @throws KeyPairOperationException Exception when aws exception when importing a new key pair.
public void importKeyPair(KeyPairDO keyPair) throws KeyPairOperationException {

    String keyPairName = keyPair.getKeyPairName();
    String encodedPublicKey = keyPair.getPublicKey(); // Base 64 encoded, DER

    if (keyPairName == null) {
        throw new KeyPairOperationException("The keyPair name must be provided for operation import KeyPair.");
    if (encodedPublicKey == null) {
        throw new KeyPairOperationException(
                "The keyPair public key encoded base 64, DER must be provided for operation importKeyPair.");
    try {
        ImportKeyPairResult result = ec2Client.getClientInstance()
                .importKeyPair(new ImportKeyPairRequest(keyPairName, encodedPublicKey));
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ase.getErrorCode() + " --> " + ase.getErrorMessage());
        throw new KeyPairOperationException(ase);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ace.getMessage());
        throw new KeyPairOperationException(ace);
    } finally {

From source file:org.occiware.clouddriver.IAM.KeyPairOperation.java

License:Apache License

 * Delete a key pair from AWS EC2 Service.
 * @param keyPairName//from www .  ja va  2  s .c  o  m
 * @throws KeyPairOperationException
public void deleteKeyPair(final String keyPairName) throws KeyPairOperationException {

    if (keyPairName == null) {
        throw new KeyPairOperationException("The keyPair name must be provided for operation delete KeyPair.");
    try {
        ec2Client.getClientInstance().deleteKeyPair(new DeleteKeyPairRequest(keyPairName));
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ase.getErrorCode() + " --> " + ase.getErrorMessage());
        throw new KeyPairOperationException(ase);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ace.getMessage());
        throw new KeyPairOperationException(ace);
    } finally {


From source file:org.occiware.clouddriver.instance.InstanceOperations.java

License:Apache License

 * Create one ec2 instance with data instance object.
 * @param instance/* w w  w  . j a v  a  2s  .  com*/
 * @throws InstanceOperationException
public InstanceDO createInstance(InstanceDO instance) throws InstanceOperationException {

    // Check instance data object before creation.
    boolean hasPlacement = false;
    String keyPairName = instance.getKeyPairName();
    String imageId = instance.getImage().getImageId();
    String instanceType = instance.getInstanceType();
    Boolean monitoring = instance.isMonitoring();
    String region = instance.getRegionId();
    String zone = instance.getZoneId();
    List<GroupIdentifierDO> securityGroups = instance.getSecurityGroups();
    String name = instance.getName();
    String userData = instance.getUserData();

    RunInstancesRequest rRequest = new RunInstancesRequest(imageId, 1, 1);

    if (keyPairName != null) {
    if (userData != null) {

    Placement placement = new Placement();
    PlacementDO placementDO = instance.getPlacement();

    if (placementDO != null && placementDO.getAvailabilityZone() != null) {
        hasPlacement = true;
    } else {
        if (zone != null) {
            if (!zone.trim().isEmpty()) {
                placement.setAvailabilityZone(region + zone);
                hasPlacement = true;
    if (placementDO != null) {
        String groupName = placementDO.getGroupName();
        String tenancy = placementDO.getTenancy();
        if (groupName != null) {
            hasPlacement = true;
        if (tenancy != null) {
            hasPlacement = true;
    if (hasPlacement) {

    if (securityGroups != null && !securityGroups.isEmpty()) {
        List<String> securityGroupNames = new ArrayList<>();
        for (GroupIdentifierDO secGroup : securityGroups) {

    RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult;
    List<Instance> instances;
    try {
        runInstancesResult = ec2Client.getClientInstance().runInstances(rRequest);
        instances = runInstancesResult.getReservation().getInstances();

    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ase.getErrorCode() + " --> " + ase.getErrorMessage());
        throw new InstanceOperationException(ase);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ace.getMessage());
        throw new InstanceOperationException(ace);
    InstanceDO instanceDOToReturn = null;
    if (instances != null && !instances.isEmpty()) {

        instanceDOToReturn = InstanceDataFactory.buildInstanceDataFromModel(instances.get(0));
        if (instanceDOToReturn != null && name != null && instanceDOToReturn.getInstanceId() != null) {
            TagsOperation tagOperation = new TagsOperation(ec2Client);
            tagOperation.createTag(instanceDOToReturn.getInstanceId(), "Name", name);


    return instanceDOToReturn;

From source file:org.occiware.clouddriver.instance.InstanceOperations.java

License:Apache License

 * Describe instances with specific filters.
 * @param filters :/*from www  .j a  v a 2  s. c  o  m*/
 * affinity - The affinity setting for an instance running on a Dedicated Host (default | host).
architecture - The instance architecture (i386 | x86_64).
association.public-ip - The address of the Elastic IP address (IPv4) bound to the network interface.
association.ip-owner-id - The owner of the Elastic IP address (IPv4) associated with the network interface.
association.allocation-id - The allocation ID returned when you allocated the Elastic IP address (IPv4) for your network interface.
association.association-id - The association ID returned when the network interface was associated with an IPv4 address.
availability-zone - The Availability Zone of the instance.
block-device-mapping.attach-time - The attach time for an EBS volume mapped to the instance, for example, 2010-09-15T17:15:20.000Z.
block-device-mapping.delete-on-termination - A Boolean that indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.
block-device-mapping.device-name - The device name for the EBS volume (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh).
block-device-mapping.status - The status for the EBS volume (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).
block-device-mapping.volume-id - The volume ID of the EBS volume.
client-token - The idempotency token you provided when you launched the instance.
dns-name - The public DNS name of the instance.
group-id - The ID of the security group for the instance. EC2-Classic only.
group-name - The name of the security group for the instance. EC2-Classic only.
host-id - The ID of the Dedicated Host on which the instance is running, if applicable.
hypervisor - The hypervisor type of the instance (ovm | xen).
iam-instance-profile.arn - The instance profile associated with the instance. Specified as an ARN.
image-id - The ID of the image used to launch the instance.
instance-id - The ID of the instance.
instance-lifecycle - Indicates whether this is a Spot Instance or a Scheduled Instance ( spot | scheduled).
instance-state-code - The state of the instance, as a 16-bit unsigned integer. The high byte is an opaque internal value and should be ignored. The low byte is set based on the state represented. The valid values are: 0 (pending), 16 (running), 32 (shutting-down), 48 (terminated), 64 (stopping), and 80 (stopped).
instance-state-name - The state of the instance (pending | running | shutting-down | terminated | stopping | stopped).
instance-type - The type of instance (for example, t2.micro).
instance.group-id - The ID of the security group for the instance.
instance.group-name - The name of the security group for the instance.
ip-address - The public IPv4 address of the instance.
kernel-id - The kernel ID.
key-name - The name of the key pair used when the instance was launched.
launch-index - When launching multiple instances, this is the index for the instance in the launch group (for example, 0, 1, 2, and so on).
launch-time - The time when the instance was launched.
monitoring-state - Indicates whether detailed monitoring is enabled (disabled | enabled).
network-interface.addresses.private-ip-address - The private IPv4 address associated with the network interface.
network-interface.addresses.primary - Specifies whether the IPv4 address of the network interface is the primary private IPv4 address.
network-interface.addresses.association.public-ip - The ID of the association of an Elastic IP address (IPv4) with a network interface.
network-interface.addresses.association.ip-owner-id - The owner ID of the private IPv4 address associated with the network interface.
network-interface.attachment.attachment-id - The ID of the interface attachment.
network-interface.attachment.instance-id - The ID of the instance to which the network interface is attached.
network-interface.attachment.instance-owner-id - The owner ID of the instance to which the network interface is attached.
network-interface.attachment.device-index - The device index to which the network interface is attached.
network-interface.attachment.status - The status of the attachment (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).
network-interface.attachment.attach-time - The time that the network interface was attached to an instance.
network-interface.attachment.delete-on-termination - Specifies whether the attachment is deleted when an instance is terminated.
network-interface.availability-zone - The Availability Zone for the network interface.
network-interface.description - The description of the network interface.
network-interface.group-id - The ID of a security group associated with the network interface.
network-interface.group-name - The name of a security group associated with the network interface.
network-interface.ipv6-addresses.ipv6-address - The IPv6 address associated with the network interface.
network-interface.mac-address - The MAC address of the network interface.
network-interface.network-interface-id - The ID of the network interface.
network-interface.owner-id - The ID of the owner of the network interface.
network-interface.private-dns-name - The private DNS name of the network interface.
network-interface.requester-id - The requester ID for the network interface.
network-interface.requester-managed - Indicates whether the network interface is being managed by AWS.
network-interface.status - The status of the network interface (available) | in-use).
network-interface.source-dest-check - Whether the network interface performs source/destination checking. A value of true means checking is enabled, and false means checking is disabled. The value must be false for the network interface to perform network address translation (NAT) in your VPC.
network-interface.subnet-id - The ID of the subnet for the network interface.
network-interface.vpc-id - The ID of the VPC for the network interface.
owner-id - The AWS account ID of the instance owner.
placement-group-name - The name of the placement group for the instance.
platform - The platform. Use windows if you have Windows instances; otherwise, leave blank.
private-dns-name - The private IPv4 DNS name of the instance.
private-ip-address - The private IPv4 address of the instance.
product-code - The product code associated with the AMI used to launch the instance.
product-code.type - The type of product code (devpay | marketplace).
ramdisk-id - The RAM disk ID.
reason - The reason for the current state of the instance (for example, shows "User Initiated [date]" when you stop or terminate the instance). Similar to the state-reason-code filter.
requester-id - The ID of the entity that launched the instance on your behalf (for example, AWS Management Console, Auto Scaling, and so on).
reservation-id - The ID of the instance's reservation. A reservation ID is created any time you launch an instance. A reservation ID has a one-to-one relationship with an instance launch request, but can be associated with more than one instance if you launch multiple instances using the same launch request. For example, if you launch one instance, you'll get one reservation ID. If you launch ten instances using the same launch request, you'll also get one reservation ID.
root-device-name - The name of the root device for the instance (for example, /dev/sda1 or /dev/xvda).
root-device-type - The type of root device that the instance uses (ebs | instance-store).
source-dest-check - Indicates whether the instance performs source/destination checking. A value of true means that checking is enabled, and false means checking is disabled. The value must be false for the instance to perform network address translation (NAT) in your VPC.
spot-instance-request-id - The ID of the Spot instance request.
state-reason-code - The reason code for the state change.
state-reason-message - A message that describes the state change.
subnet-id - The ID of the subnet for the instance.
tag:key=value - The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource, where tag:key is the tag's key.
tag-key - The key of a tag assigned to the resource. This filter is independent of the tag-value filter. For example, if you use both the filter "tag-key=Purpose" and the filter "tag-value=X", you get any resources assigned both the tag key Purpose (regardless of what the tag's value is), and the tag value X (regardless of what the tag's key is). If you want to list only resources where Purpose is X, see the tag:key=value filter.
tag-value - The value of a tag assigned to the resource. This filter is independent of the tag-key filter.
tenancy - The tenancy of an instance (dedicated | default | host).
virtualization-type - The virtualization type of the instance (paravirtual | hvm).
vpc-id - The ID of the VPC that the instance is running in.
 * @return a list of ec2 (may be spot, classic ec2 and reserved instances).
public List<InstanceDO> describeInstanceWithFilters(Filter... filters) throws InstanceOperationException {
    List<InstanceDO> instances = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Instance> instancesAWS = new LinkedList<>();
    DescribeInstancesRequest descRequest = new DescribeInstancesRequest().withFilters(filters);

    try {
        DescribeInstancesResult result = ec2Client.getClientInstance().describeInstances(descRequest);
        List<Reservation> reservations = result.getReservations();
        for (Reservation reservation : reservations) {
        if (!instancesAWS.isEmpty()) {
            instances = InstanceDataFactory.buildInstancesDatasFromInstancesModels(instancesAWS);

    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ase.getErrorCode() + " --> " + ase.getErrorMessage());
        throw new InstanceOperationException(ase);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ace.getMessage());
        throw new InstanceOperationException(ace);
    } finally {

    return instances;


From source file:org.occiware.clouddriver.instance.InstanceOperations.java

License:Apache License

 * Start a group of instances for a list of provider ids.
 * @param instanceIds//from w  w  w .j  av a  2 s.c o  m
 * @return Map will give key : instance provider Id, value : instance state name.
 * @throws InstanceOperationException
public Map<String, String> startInstances(final List<String> instanceIds) throws InstanceOperationException {

    if (instanceIds == null || !instanceIds.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InstanceOperationException("Instances Ids must be provided for startInstances operation.");

    try {
        List<InstanceStateChange> instancesChange = ec2Client.getClientInstance()
                .startInstances(new StartInstancesRequest(instanceIds)).getStartingInstances();
        Map<String, String> instanceStates = new HashMap<>();
        for (InstanceStateChange instanceChange : instancesChange) {
            instanceStates.put(instanceChange.getInstanceId(), instanceChange.getCurrentState().getName());

        return instanceStates;
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ase.getErrorCode() + " --> " + ase.getErrorMessage());
        throw new InstanceOperationException(ase);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ace.getMessage());
        throw new InstanceOperationException(ace);


From source file:org.occiware.clouddriver.tags.TagsOperation.java

License:Apache License

 * Create a new tag on a resource./*from   w  w w.  ja v  a2s  . c o  m*/
 * @param resourceId
 * @param tagName
 * @param tagValue
 * @throws InstanceOperationException
public void createTag(final String resourceId, final String tagName, final String tagValue)
        throws InstanceOperationException {

    CreateTagsRequest createTagsRequest = new CreateTagsRequest();
    createTagsRequest.withResources(resourceId).withTags(new Tag(tagName, tagValue));
    try {
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ase.getErrorCode() + " --> " + ase.getErrorMessage());
        throw new InstanceOperationException(ase);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        logger.error("Exception thrown from aws : " + ace.getMessage());
        throw new InstanceOperationException(ace);
