Example usage for android.view Window ID_ANDROID_CONTENT

List of usage examples for android.view Window ID_ANDROID_CONTENT


In this page you can find the example usage for android.view Window ID_ANDROID_CONTENT.



To view the source code for android.view Window ID_ANDROID_CONTENT.

Click Source Link


The ID that the main layout in the XML layout file should have.


From source file:com.bobomee.android.common.util.ScreenUtil.java

 * get the height of title */* www .j  av a2 s  .  c om*/
public static int getTitleH(Activity ctx) {
    int contentTop = ctx.getWindow().findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT).getTop();
    return contentTop - getStatusH(ctx);

From source file:de.stkl.gbgvertretungsplan.fragments.SubstitutionDetailDialog.java

public void onStart() {

    // safety check
    if (getActivity() == null || getDialog() == null)
        return;//from  w  w w. j a  va 2 s  .  c  o  m

    int width = getActivity().getWindow().findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT).getRight();
    if (width == 0)
    int newWidth = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dialog_detail_width);

    // set dialog to width specified in dimen resource
    getDialog().getWindow().setLayout(newWidth >= width ? width : newWidth,

    activityWidth = width;

From source file:com.tomeokin.lspush.biz.home.CollectionListAdapter.java

public CollectionListAdapter(Activity activity, @Nullable List<Collection> colList,
        @Nullable Callback callback) {
    final Resources resources = activity.getResources();
    mMaxHeight = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.list_item_max_content)
            - resources.getDimension(R.dimen.row_vertical_padding);
    final View content = activity.getWindow().findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);
    mMaxWidth = content.getWidth() - 2 * resources.getDimension(R.dimen.page_vertical_margin);

    if (colList != null) {
        setColList(colList);/*from w  ww  .  ja v  a  2 s. c o  m*/

From source file:com.brucetoo.imagebrowse.MainActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    imgList.add(0, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146336617940.jpg");
    imgList.add(1, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146540079128.jpg");
    imgList.add(2, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146528287960.jpg");
    imgList.add(3, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146271377052.jpg");
    imgList.add(4, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146502027460.jpg");
    imgList.add(5, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146296005117.jpg");
    imgList.add(6, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146386101517.jpg");
    imgList.add(7, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146289180072.jpg");
    imgList.add(8, "http://cdn.at.cn/upload/146378563799.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(0, "http://img6.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/30/20150930091938133ad.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(1, "http://img2.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/30/2015093000515435aff.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(2, "http://img5.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/30/20150930075225737e5.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(3, "http://img5.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/29/20150929213007cd8cd.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(4, "http://img3.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/29/20150929162747a8bfa.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(5, "http://img2.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/30/20150930091208cf03c.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(6, "http://img2.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/30/2015093000515435aff.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(7, "http://img5.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/29/20150929213007cd8cd.jpg");
    //        imgList.add(8, "http://img3.cache.netease.com/3g/2015/9/29/20150929162747a8bfa.jpg");
    gridView = (GridView) findViewById(R.id.gridview);
    root = findViewById(R.id.layout_root);
    final ImageAdapter adapter = new ImageAdapter();
    gridView.setAdapter(adapter);/*from ww  w .j a  va  2s  . co m*/

    gridView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(final AdapterView<?> parent, final View view, final int position, long id) {
            if (view.isEnabled()) {
                //Use of ImageBrowseFragment
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putStringArrayList(ImageInfo.INTENT_IMAGE_URLS, imgList);
                bundle.putParcelable(ImageInfo.INTENT_CLICK_IMAGE_INFO, ((PhotoView) view).getInfo());
                bundle.putInt(ImageInfo.INTENT_CLICK_IMAGE_POSITION, position);
                //NOTE:if imgList.size >= the visible count in single screen,i will cause NullPointException
                //because item out of screen have been replaced/reused
                for (int i = 0; i < imgList.size(); i++) {
                    imgImageInfos.add(((PhotoView) parent.getChildAt(i)).getInfo());
                bundle.putParcelableArrayList(ImageInfo.INTENT_IMAGE_INFOS, imgImageInfos);
                                ImageBrowseFragment.newInstance(bundle), "ViewPagerFragment")

                //Use of ImageBrowseDialogFragment
                //                    root.post(new Runnable() { // in case root view not inflate complete
                //                        @Override
                //                        public void run() {
                //                            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                //                            bundle.putStringArrayList(ImageInfo.INTENT_IMAGE_URLS, imgList);
                //                            final ImageInfo preImgInfo = ((PhotoView) view).getInfo();
                //                            bundle.putParcelable(ImageInfo.INTENT_CLICK_IMAGE_INFO, preImgInfo);
                //                            bundle.putInt(ImageInfo.INTENT_CLICK_IMAGE_POSITION, position);
                //                            imgImageInfos.clear();
                //                            for (int i = 0; i < imgList.size(); i++) {
                //                                imgImageInfos.add(((PhotoView) parent.getChildAt(i)).getInfo());
                //                            }
                //                            bundle.putParcelableArrayList(ImageInfo.INTENT_IMAGE_INFOS, imgImageInfos);
                //                            int[] position = new int[2];
                //                            root.getLocationOnScreen(position);
                //                            //Must correct the ImageInfo in DialogFragment
                //                            preImgInfo.correct(position, getStatusBarHeight());
                //                            for (ImageInfo item : imgImageInfos) {
                //                                item.correct(position,getStatusBarHeight());
                //                            }
                //                            ImageBrowseDialogFragment.newInstance(bundle).show(getSupportFragmentManager(), ImageBrowseDialogFragment.class.getSimpleName());
                //                        }
                //                    });

From source file:com.me.harris.listviewitemanimations._01_activityAnim.ActivityAnimations.java

private void handleStatusBar() {
            && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
        ViewGroup mContentView = (ViewGroup) findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);

        /* int statusBarHeight = getStatusBarHeight();
                /*from w  w  w  .j  a v a  2  s . c  o  m*/
         View mChildView = mContentView.getChildAt(0);
         if (mChildView != null) {
        FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) mChildView.getLayoutParams();
        //? ChildView  marginTop, ?
        if (lp != null && lp.topMargin < statusBarHeight && lp.height != statusBarHeight) {
            ViewCompat.setFitsSystemWindows(mChildView, false);
            lp.topMargin += statusBarHeight;
         View statusBarView = mContentView.getChildAt(0);
         if (statusBarView != null && statusBarView.getLayoutParams() != null && statusBarView.getLayoutParams().height == statusBarHeight) {
        //???? View
        int statusBarHeight = getStatusBarHeight();
        View statusBarView = new View(this);
        ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
        statusBarView.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorPrimaryDark));
        //? ContentView ? View
        mContentView.addView(statusBarView, 0, lp);


From source file:org.de.jmg.learn.SettingsActivity.java

public void init(boolean blnRestart) throws Exception {
    if (_Intent == null || _main == null || SettingsView == null || _blnInitialized) {
        return;/*www.j a v  a 2 s .c  o  m*/
    try {
        //lib.ShowToast(_main, "Settings Start");

        RelativeLayout layout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(R.id.layoutSettings); // id fetch from xml
        ShapeDrawable rectShapeDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(); // pre defined class
        int pxPadding = lib.dpToPx(10);
        rectShapeDrawable.setPadding(pxPadding, pxPadding, pxPadding,
                pxPadding * ((lib.NookSimpleTouch()) ? 2 : 1));
        Paint paint = rectShapeDrawable.getPaint();
        paint.setStrokeWidth(5); // you can change the value of 5
        lib.setBg(layout, rectShapeDrawable);

        mainView = _main.findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);
        prefs = _main.getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

        TextView txtSettings = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtSettings);
        SpannableString Settings = new SpannableString(txtSettings.getText());
        Settings.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), 0, Settings.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        edDataDir = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.edDataDir);
        edDataDir.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {
            public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) {
                if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) {
                    String strDataDir = edDataDir.getText().toString();
                    File fileSelected = new File(strDataDir);
                    if (fileSelected.isDirectory() && fileSelected.exists()) {
                        Editor editor = prefs.edit();
                        editor.putString("JMGDataDirectory", fileSelected.getPath());
                return true;
        edDataDir.setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() {
            public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
                return true;
        if (!(lib.NookSimpleTouch()) && !_main.isSmallDevice) {
                    .addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {

                        public void onGlobalLayout() {
                            // Ensure you call it only once :
                            lib.removeLayoutListener(SettingsView.getViewTreeObserver(), this);

                            // Here you can get the size :)
                            //lib.ShowToast(_main, "Resize End");

        } else {
            mScale = 1.0f;
        _blnInitialized = true;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        lib.ShowException(_main, ex);


From source file:org.de.jmg.learn.MainActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    blnTextToSpeech = false;// w w w.  jav  a 2 s .c  o m
    lib.main = this;

    //getting the kind of userinterface: television or watch or else
    int UIMode = lib.getUIMode(this);
    switch (UIMode) {
    case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION:
        isTV = true;
    case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH:
        isWatch = true;

    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        JMGDataDirectory = savedInstanceState.getString("JMGDataDirectory");


    /** Getting a reference to ViewPager from the layout */
    View pager = this.findViewById(R.id.pager);
    Layout = (ViewGroup) pager;
    mPager = (ViewPager) pager;

    /** Getting a reference to FragmentManager */
    FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();


    /** Creating an instance of FragmentPagerAdapter */
    if (fPA == null) {
        fPA = new MyFragmentPagerAdapter(fm, this, savedInstanceState != null);

    /** Setting the FragmentPagerAdapter object to the viewPager object */

    libLearn.gStatus = "onCreate getEink";
    try {
        _blnEink = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRefreshRate() < 5.0;
        if (_blnEink)
            lib.ShowToast(this, "This is an Eink diplay!");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        lib.ShowException(this, ex);

    try {
        libLearn.gStatus = "onCreate setContentView";
        mainView = findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);
        defaultErrorHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();

        // View LayoutMain = findViewById(R.id.layoutMain);

        processPreferences(savedInstanceState != null);

        libLearn.gStatus = "onCreate Copy Assets";

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

            lib.ShowException(this, e);
        Intent intent = getIntent();
        if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) {
            Uri uri = intent.getData();
            if (uri.toString().startsWith("loginquizlet:/")) {
                loginQuizlet = new LoginQuizletActivity();


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        lib.ShowException(this, ex);


From source file:com.example.alyshia.customsimplelauncher.MainActivity.java

private void handlepicker() {
    View content = getWindow().findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);
    Log.d("DISPLAY", content.getWidth() + " x " + content.getHeight());
    Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    int aspect_x = content.getWidth();
    int aspect_y = content.getHeight();

    //enable gallary if disabled

    edm = (EnterpriseDeviceManager) getSystemService(EnterpriseDeviceManager.ENTERPRISE_POLICY_SERVICE);
    ApplicationPolicy appPolicy = edm.getApplicationPolicy();
    boolean success = appPolicy.removePackagesFromPreventStartBlackList(gallery);

    if (success) {
        Log.d(TAG, "enabling back gallery successful");
        Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
        photoPickerIntent.putExtra("crop", "true");
        photoPickerIntent.putExtra("aspectX", aspect_x);
        photoPickerIntent.putExtra("aspectY", aspect_y);
        photoPickerIntent.putExtra("outputX", aspect_x);
        photoPickerIntent.putExtra("outputY", aspect_y);
        photoPickerIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, getTempUri());
        photoPickerIntent.putExtra("return-data", true);
        photoPickerIntent.putExtra("outputFormat", Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.toString());
        startActivityForResult(photoPickerIntent, REQ_CODE_PICK_IMAGE);
    } else {//ww w . ja va  2  s. c  o  m
        Log.d(TAG, "enabling back gallery UNsuccessful");


From source file:app.newbee.lib.swipeback.SwipeBackLayout.java

public void attachToActivity(Activity activity) {
    mActivity = activity;// ww w . j a  va 2s  .co m
    TypedArray a = activity.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.windowBackground });
    int background = a.getResourceId(0, 0);

    ViewGroup decor = (ViewGroup) activity.getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);
    ViewGroup decorChild = (ViewGroup) decor.getChildAt(0);

From source file:cz.metaverse.android.bilingualreader.helper.BookPanelOnTouchListener.java

 * The entry method for any touch-related event.
 * @param view The WebView where the swipe took place
 * @param event The MotionEvent of the swipe
 *//*from ww w.  ja v a2s  .c o m*/
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) {
    // Provide data to the GestureDetector.

     * Handle Double Tap Swipe in real time.
     *  This handling isn't in onDoubleTapEvent() because that method has a limit how many times
     *  it gets called after which it isn't called at all until the user lifts the finger in which
     *  case it gets called one last time. That is not workable for on-the-fly resizing of panels.
    if (isDoubleTapSwipe) {
        float absDiffX = Math.abs(doubleTapOriginX - event.getX());
        float absDiffY = Math.abs(doubleTapOriginY - event.getY());

        // If the swipe was over predefined threshold value high and it was higher than wider,
        // or if the swipe was over predefined threshold value wide and it was wider than higher.
        if (doubleTapSwipeEscapedBounds ||
        // Bounds for PORTRAIT orientation.
                (absDiffY > threshold_swipe_up_or_down_change_panel_size_px && absDiffY > absDiffX
                        && doubleTapSwipe_orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)
                // Bounds for LANDSCAPE orientation.
                (absDiffX > threshold_swipe_left_right_change_panel_size_px && absDiffX > absDiffY
                        && doubleTapSwipe_orientation != Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)) {

            if (!doubleTapSwipeEscapedBounds) {
                // This is the first time doubleTapSwipe escaped it's bounds
                // - we're officially in the set-panels-size mode.
                doubleTapSwipeEscapedBounds = true;

                // Find out and save the relevant dimensions of our view/display
                Window window = activity.getWindow();

                if (doubleTapSwipe_orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) {
                    doubleTapSwipe_contentStartsAtHeight = window.findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT)
                    doubleTapSwipe_viewHeight = window.getDecorView().getHeight();
                } else {
                    doubleTapSwipe_contentStartsAtHeight = window.findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT)
                    doubleTapSwipe_viewHeight = window.getDecorView().getWidth();

            // Compute the panels weight
            float useCoordinate = (doubleTapSwipe_orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)
                    ? event.getRawY()
                    : event.getRawX();

            newPanelsWeight = (useCoordinate - doubleTapSwipe_contentStartsAtHeight)
                    / (doubleTapSwipe_viewHeight - doubleTapSwipe_contentStartsAtHeight);

            // If the weight is close to 0.5, let it stick to it.
            if (Math.abs(0.5 - newPanelsWeight) < PANEL_RESIZE_SNAP_WEIGHT_AROUND_HALF) {
                newPanelsWeight = 0.5f;

            // Assure that the weight is between the allowed minimum and maximum.
            newPanelsWeight = Func.minMaxRange(Func.PANEL_WEIGHT_MIN, newPanelsWeight, Func.PANEL_WEIGHT_MAX);

            // Change relative panel size on the fly.

            //Log.v(LOG, "[" + panelPosition + "] doubleTapSwipe " + newPanelsWeight);
            //+ " = (" + event.getRawY() + " - " + contentViewTop + ") / " + (height - contentViewTop));

     * Handle ACTION_UP event for scrolling, because onScroll (almost?) never gets
     * called with the last MotionEvent.ACTION_UP.
     * Don't forget to mirror any changes made here in the onScroll() method as well, to be safe.
    if (MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(event) == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
        Log.d(LOG, "[" + panelPosition + "] OnTouchListener --> onTouch ACTION_UP - scrollY: "
                + webView.getScrollY());

        // Only if it's not DoubleTapSwipe, that is handled separately.
        if (!isDoubleTapSwipe) {
            // Evaluate if the scroll that has just ended constitutes some gesture.

    // Modify the event so that it is passed on in a state where the X coordinate hasn't changed at all.
    // This prevents the "over scroll glow effect" on pages that have some (hidden) horizontal scroll.
    //  -- Disabled because it causes the wrong scroll position to be loaded after opening a page
    //     sometimes (but not every time), for some unknown reason.
    //event.setLocation(touchOriginX, event.getY());

    view.performClick(); // Android system mandates we pass the baton to the onClick listener now.

    return view.onTouchEvent(event);