Example usage for android.view ViewGroup removeView

List of usage examples for android.view ViewGroup removeView


In this page you can find the example usage for android.view ViewGroup removeView.


public void removeView(View view) 

Source Link


Note: do not invoke this method from #draw(android.graphics.Canvas) , #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas) , #dispatchDraw(android.graphics.Canvas) or any related method.


From source file:com.example.ray.firstapp.bottombar.BottomBar.java

 * Bind the BottomBar to your Activity, and inflate your layout here.
 * <p/>// w  ww .jav  a  2  s  .co m
 * Remember to also call {@link #onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)} inside
 * of your {@link Activity#onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)} to restore the state.
 * @param activity           an Activity to attach to.
 * @param savedInstanceState a Bundle for restoring the state on configuration change.
 * @return a BottomBar at the bottom of the screen.
public static BottomBar attach(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    BottomBar bottomBar = new BottomBar(activity);

    ViewGroup contentView = (ViewGroup) activity.findViewById(android.R.id.content);
    View oldLayout = contentView.getChildAt(0);

    contentView.addView(bottomBar, 0);

    return bottomBar;

From source file:com.mk4droid.IMC_Activities.Fragment_List.java

/** on create this fragment view */
@Override//from ww w  .  ja  v  a2  s.  c om
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    FActivity_TabHost.IndexGroup = 1;

    if (vFragment_List != null) {
        ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) vFragment_List.getParent();
        if (parent != null)

    try {
        if (vFragment_List == null)
            vFragment_List = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_list, container, false);
    } catch (InflateException e) {
        /* map is already there, just return view as it is */

    mFragment_List = this;
    ctx = mFragment_List.getActivity();

    lvIssues = (ListView) vFragment_List.findViewById(R.id.lvIssues);

    //--------------- Receiver for Data change ------------

    resources = setResources();
    handlerBroadcastListRefresh.sendMessage(new Message());

    //---------- Buttons -----------
    ll_listissues_MyIssues = (LinearLayout) vFragment_List.findViewById(R.id.ll_listissues_MyIssues);

    btListMyIss = (Button) vFragment_List.findViewById(R.id.bt_listissues_MyIssues);
    btListAllIss = (Button) vFragment_List.findViewById(R.id.bt_listissues_AllIssues);

    // onclick listeners
    btListMyIss.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

    btListAllIss.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

    if (Fragment_Issue_Details.mfrag_issue_details != null)
        if (Fragment_Issue_Details.mfrag_issue_details.isVisible())

    return vFragment_List;

From source file:com.google.android.apps.santatracker.dasherdancer.CharacterAdapter.java

public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
    if (position < mCharacters.length) {
        View view = mViews.get(position);
        if ((view == null) && (object != null)) {
            try {
                view = (ImageView) object;
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Wrong type of object supplied to destroyItem.");
            }/* w w w. j  a  v  a  2  s. co m*/

        if (view != null) {


From source file:de.k3b.android.androFotoFinder.imagedetail.ImagePagerAdapterFromCursor.java

 * Implementation for PagerAdapter:/*  w  w  w .  ja  v a 2s  .  c om*/
 * Remove a page for the given position.  The adapter is responsible
 * for removing the view from its container, although it only must ensure
 * this is done by the time it returns from {@link #finishUpdate(ViewGroup)}.
 * @param container The containing View from which the page will be removed.
 * @param position The page position to be removed.
 * @param object The same object that was returned by
 * {@link #instantiateItem(View, int)}.
public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
    if (Global.debugEnabledViewItem)
        Log.i(Global.LOG_CONTEXT, debugPrefix + "destroyItem(#" + position + ") " + object);
    container.removeView((View) object);
    GarbageCollector.freeMemory((View) object); // to reduce memory leaks

From source file:org.zywx.wbpalmstar.plugin.uexiconlist.EUExIconList.java

 * @param jsonData/*from   w ww  .  jav a2s. co  m*/
 * @return
private String openIconList(final String jsonData) {
    String errorMsg = "";
    if (!isIconListOpened) {
        ((Activity) mContext).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                Rect outRect = new Rect();
                ((Activity) mContext).getWindow().getDecorView().getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(outRect);
                try {
                    JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
                    json.put(JK_WIDGET_PATH, mWWidgetData.getWidgetPath());
                    json.put(JK_WIDGET_TYPE, mWWidgetData.m_wgtType);
                    Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, IconListActivity.class);
                    intent.putExtra(WIDGET_INFO, json.toString());
                    intent.putExtra(ITEM_INFO, jsonData);
                    if (mgr == null) {
                        mgr = new LocalActivityManager((Activity) mContext, false);
                    Window window = mgr.startActivity(IconListActivity.TAG, intent);
                    View marketDecorView = window.getDecorView();
                    if (IconListOption.isFollowWebRoll()) {
                        AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams lp = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(
                                (int) UIConfig.getWidth(), (int) UIConfig.getHight(), (int) UIConfig.getX(),
                                (int) UIConfig.getY());
                        ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) marketDecorView.getParent();
                        if (viewGroup != null) {
                        addViewToWebView(marketDecorView, lp, IconListActivity.TAG);
                    } else {
                        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
                                (int) UIConfig.getWidth(), (int) UIConfig.getHight());
                        lp.leftMargin = (int) UIConfig.getX();
                        lp.topMargin = (int) UIConfig.getY();
                        addViewToCurrentWindow(marketDecorView, lp);
                    isIconListOpened = true;
                    mIconListActivity = (IconListActivity) mgr.getActivity(IconListActivity.TAG);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
            }// end run()
    } // end if
    else {
        errorMsg = ERROR_MSG_ALREADY_OPEN;
    return errorMsg;

From source file:com.example.ray.firstapp.bottombar.BottomBar.java

 * Bind the BottomBar to the specified View's parent, and inflate
 * your layout there. Useful when the BottomBar overlaps some content
 * that shouldn't be overlapped.// w  w w.  ja v  a  2s .co m
 * <p/>
 * Remember to also call {@link #onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)} inside
 * of your {@link Activity#onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)} to restore the state.
 * @param view               a View, which parent we're going to attach to.
 * @param savedInstanceState a Bundle for restoring the state on configuration change.
 * @return a BottomBar at the bottom of the screen.
public static BottomBar attach(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    BottomBar bottomBar = new BottomBar(view.getContext());

    ViewGroup contentView = (ViewGroup) view.getParent();

    if (contentView != null) {
        View oldLayout = contentView.getChildAt(0);

        contentView.addView(bottomBar, 0);
    } else {

    return bottomBar;

From source file:com.dspot.declex.actions.AlertDialogActionHolder.java

 * @param PositiveButtonPressed <i><b>(default)</b></i> This Action Selector will be executed when the positive button is pressed in
 * the AlertDialog/*from w w  w . j a  v  a  2 s  . co m*/
 * @param NegativeButtonPressed This Action Selector will be executed when the negative button is pressed in
 * the AlertDialog
 * @param NeutralButtonPressed This Action Selector will be executed when the neutral button is pressed in
 * the AlertDialog 
 * @param Canceled This Action Selector will be executed when the AlertDialog is canceled
 * @param Canceled This Action Selector will be executed when the AlertDialog is dismissed  
void build(final DialogClickRunnable PositiveButtonPressed, final DialogClickRunnable NegativeButtonPressed,
        final DialogClickRunnable NeutralButtonPressed, final DialogClickRunnable ItemSelected,
        final DialogMultiChoiceClickRunnable MultiChoiceSelected, final Runnable Canceled,
        final Runnable Dismissed) {

    if (negativeButtonText != null) {
        builder.setNegativeButton(negativeButtonText, NegativeButtonPressed);
    } else if (negativeButtonRes != 0) {
        builder.setNegativeButton(negativeButtonRes, NegativeButtonPressed);

    if (positiveButtonText != null) {
        builder.setPositiveButton(positiveButtonText, PositiveButtonPressed);
    } else if (positiveButtonRes != 0) {
        builder.setPositiveButton(positiveButtonRes, PositiveButtonPressed);

    if (neutralButtonText != null) {
        builder.setNeutralButton(neutralButtonText, NeutralButtonPressed);
    } else if (neutralButtonRes != 0) {
        builder.setNeutralButton(neutralButtonRes, NeutralButtonPressed);

    if (items != null) {
        builder.setItems(items, ItemSelected);
    } else if (itemsRes != 0) {
        builder.setItems(itemsRes, ItemSelected);

    if (multiChoiceItems != null) {
        builder.setMultiChoiceItems(multiChoiceItems, checkedItems, MultiChoiceSelected);
    } else if (multiChoiceRes != 0) {
        builder.setMultiChoiceItems(multiChoiceRes, checkedItems, MultiChoiceSelected);

    dialog = builder.create();

    if (Canceled != null) {
        dialog.setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() {

            public void onCancel(DialogInterface arg0) {

    if (Dismissed != null || customView != null) {
        dialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {

            public void onDismiss(DialogInterface arg0) {
                if (customView != null) {
                    ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) customView.getParent();
                if (Dismissed != null)

From source file:com.devspark.progressfragment.ProgressFragment.java

 * Set the content view to an explicit view. If the content view was installed earlier,
 * the content will be replaced with a new view.
 * @param view The desired content to display. Value can't be null.
 * @see #setContentView(int)/*  w  w  w .j  a  va  2s. co  m*/
 * @see #getContentView()
public void setContentView(View view) {
    if (view == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content view can't be null");
    if (mContentContainer instanceof ViewGroup) {
        ViewGroup contentContainer = (ViewGroup) mContentContainer;
        if (mContentView == null) {
        } else {
            int index = contentContainer.indexOfChild(mContentView);
            // replace content view
            contentContainer.addView(view, index);
        mContentView = view;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Can't be used with a custom content view");

From source file:it.geosolutions.geocollect.android.core.mission.PendingMissionDetailFragment.java

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onCreateView(): container = " + container + "savedInstanceState = " + savedInstanceState);

    if (mScrollView == null) {
        // normally inflate the view hierarchy
        mScrollView = (ScrollView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.preview_page_fragment, container, false);
        mFormView = (LinearLayout) mScrollView.findViewById(R.id.previewcontent);
        mProgressView = (ProgressBar) mScrollView.findViewById(R.id.loading);
    } else {//from  ww  w.java2s  .c  om
        // mScrollView is still attached to the previous view hierarchy
        // we need to remove it and re-attach it to the current one
        ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) mScrollView.getParent();
    //TODO it should be false because orientation change can 
    // have different layout (for map view )
    return mScrollView;


From source file:com.yahala.ui.GroupCreateFinalActivity.java

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (fragmentView == null) {
        fragmentView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.group_create_final_layout, container, false);

        final ImageButton button2 = (ImageButton) fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.settings_change_avatar_button);
        button2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            @Override//  w w  w .j ava2  s .c o m
            public void onClick(View view) {

                AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(parentActivity);

                CharSequence[] items;

                if (avatar != null) {
                    items = new CharSequence[] { LocaleController.getString("FromCamera", R.string.FromCamera),
                            LocaleController.getString("FromGalley", R.string.FromGalley),
                            LocaleController.getString("DeletePhoto", R.string.DeletePhoto) };
                } else {
                    items = new CharSequence[] { LocaleController.getString("FromCamera", R.string.FromCamera),
                            LocaleController.getString("FromGalley", R.string.FromGalley) };

                builder.setItems(items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
                        if (i == 0) {
                            //     avatarUpdater.openCamera();
                        } else if (i == 1) {
                            //    avatarUpdater.openGallery();
                        } else if (i == 2) {
                            avatar = null;
                            uploadedAvatar = null;
                            //   avatarImage.setImage(avatar, "50_50", R.drawable.group_blue);

        avatarImage = (PictureImplCircleImageView) fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.settings_avatar_image);

        nameTextView = (EditText) fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_input_text);
                LocaleController.getString("EnterGroupNamePlaceholder", R.string.EnterGroupNamePlaceholder));
        listView = (PinnedHeaderListView) fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.listView);
        listView.setAdapter(new ListAdapter(parentActivity));
    } else {
        ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) fragmentView.getParent();
        if (parent != null) {
    return fragmentView;