List of usage examples for android.view ViewGroup getMeasuredWidth
public final int getMeasuredWidth()
From source
private ConversationItemViewCoordinates(final Context context, final Config config, final CoordinatesCache cache) { Utils.traceBeginSection("CIV coordinates constructor"); final Resources res = context.getResources(); final int layoutId = R.layout.conversation_item_view; ViewGroup view = (ViewGroup) cache.getView(layoutId); if (view == null) { view = (ViewGroup) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutId, null); cache.put(layoutId, view);//from w w w .j a v a 2s. co m } // Show/hide optional views before measure/layout call final TextView folders = (TextView) view.findViewById(; folders.setVisibility(config.areFoldersVisible() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); View contactImagesView = view.findViewById(; switch (config.getGadgetMode()) { case GADGET_CONTACT_PHOTO: contactImagesView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); break; case GADGET_CHECKBOX: contactImagesView.setVisibility(View.GONE); contactImagesView = null; break; default: contactImagesView.setVisibility(View.GONE); contactImagesView = null; break; } final View replyState = view.findViewById(; replyState.setVisibility(config.isReplyStateVisible() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); final View personalIndicator = view.findViewById(; personalIndicator.setVisibility(config.isPersonalIndicatorVisible() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); setFramePadding(context, view, config.useFullPadding()); // Layout the appropriate view. ViewCompat.setLayoutDirection(view, config.getLayoutDirection()); final int widthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(config.getWidth(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); final int heightSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); view.measure(widthSpec, heightSpec); view.layout(0, 0, view.getMeasuredWidth(), view.getMeasuredHeight()); // Once the view is measured, let's calculate the dynamic width variables. folderLayoutWidth = (int) (view.getWidth() * res.getInteger(R.integer.folder_max_width_proportion) / 100.0); folderCellWidth = (int) (view.getWidth() * res.getInteger(R.integer.folder_cell_max_width_proportion) / 100.0); // Utils.dumpViewTree((ViewGroup) view); // Records coordinates. // Contact images view if (contactImagesView != null) { contactImagesWidth = contactImagesView.getWidth(); contactImagesHeight = contactImagesView.getHeight(); contactImagesX = getX(contactImagesView); contactImagesY = getY(contactImagesView); } else { contactImagesX = contactImagesY = contactImagesWidth = contactImagesHeight = 0; } final boolean isRtl = ViewUtils.isViewRtl(view); final View star = view.findViewById(; final int starPadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.conv_list_star_padding_start); starX = getX(star) + (isRtl ? 0 : starPadding); starY = getY(star); starWidth = star.getWidth(); final TextView senders = (TextView) view.findViewById(; final int sendersTopAdjust = getLatinTopAdjustment(senders); sendersX = getX(senders); sendersY = getY(senders) + sendersTopAdjust; sendersWidth = senders.getWidth(); sendersHeight = senders.getHeight(); sendersLineCount = SINGLE_LINE; sendersFontSize = senders.getTextSize(); final TextView subject = (TextView) view.findViewById(; final int subjectTopAdjust = getLatinTopAdjustment(subject); subjectX = getX(subject); subjectY = getY(subject) + subjectTopAdjust; subjectWidth = subject.getWidth(); subjectHeight = subject.getHeight(); subjectFontSize = subject.getTextSize(); final TextView snippet = (TextView) view.findViewById(; final int snippetTopAdjust = getLatinTopAdjustment(snippet); snippetX = getX(snippet); snippetY = getY(snippet) + snippetTopAdjust; maxSnippetWidth = snippet.getWidth(); snippetHeight = snippet.getHeight(); snippetFontSize = snippet.getTextSize(); if (config.areFoldersVisible()) { foldersLeft = getX(folders); foldersRight = foldersLeft + folders.getWidth(); foldersY = getY(folders); foldersTypeface = folders.getTypeface(); foldersFontSize = folders.getTextSize(); } else { foldersLeft = 0; foldersRight = 0; foldersY = 0; foldersTypeface = null; foldersFontSize = 0; } final View colorBlock = view.findViewById(; if (config.isColorBlockVisible() && colorBlock != null) { colorBlockX = getX(colorBlock); colorBlockY = getY(colorBlock); colorBlockWidth = colorBlock.getWidth(); colorBlockHeight = colorBlock.getHeight(); } else { colorBlockX = colorBlockY = colorBlockWidth = colorBlockHeight = 0; } if (config.isReplyStateVisible()) { replyStateX = getX(replyState); replyStateY = getY(replyState); } else { replyStateX = replyStateY = 0; } if (config.isPersonalIndicatorVisible()) { personalIndicatorX = getX(personalIndicator); personalIndicatorY = getY(personalIndicator); } else { personalIndicatorX = personalIndicatorY = 0; } final View infoIcon = view.findViewById(; infoIconX = getX(infoIcon); infoIconXRight = infoIconX + infoIcon.getWidth(); infoIconY = getY(infoIcon); final TextView date = (TextView) view.findViewById(; dateX = getX(date); dateXRight = dateX + date.getWidth(); dateY = getY(date); datePaddingStart = ViewUtils.getPaddingStart(date); dateFontSize = date.getTextSize(); dateYBaseline = dateY + getLatinTopAdjustment(date) + date.getBaseline(); final View paperclip = view.findViewById(; paperclipY = getY(paperclip); paperclipPaddingStart = ViewUtils.getPaddingStart(paperclip); height = view.getHeight() + sendersTopAdjust; Utils.traceEndSection(); }
From source
private ConversationItemViewCoordinates(final Context context, final Config config, final CoordinatesCache cache) { Utils.traceBeginSection("CIV coordinates constructor"); final Resources res = context.getResources(); mMinListWidthForWide = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.list_min_width_is_wide); mMode = calculateMode(res, config);//from ww w . j a v a2 s. co m final int layoutId = R.layout.conversation_item_view; ViewGroup view = (ViewGroup) cache.getView(layoutId); if (view == null) { view = (ViewGroup) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutId, null); cache.put(layoutId, view); } // Show/hide optional views before measure/layout call final TextView folders = (TextView) view.findViewById(; folders.setVisibility(config.areFoldersVisible() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); View contactImagesView = view.findViewById(; switch (config.getGadgetMode()) { case GADGET_CONTACT_PHOTO: contactImagesView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); break; case GADGET_CHECKBOX: contactImagesView.setVisibility(View.GONE); contactImagesView = null; break; default: contactImagesView.setVisibility(View.GONE); contactImagesView = null; break; } final View replyState = view.findViewById(; replyState.setVisibility(config.isReplyStateVisible() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); final View personalIndicator = view.findViewById(; personalIndicator.setVisibility(config.isPersonalIndicatorVisible() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); setFramePadding(context, view, config.useFullPadding()); // Layout the appropriate view. ViewCompat.setLayoutDirection(view, config.getLayoutDirection()); final int widthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(config.getWidth(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); final int heightSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); view.measure(widthSpec, heightSpec); view.layout(0, 0, view.getMeasuredWidth(), view.getMeasuredHeight()); // Once the view is measured, let's calculate the dynamic width variables. folderLayoutWidth = (int) (view.getWidth() * res.getInteger(R.integer.folder_max_width_proportion) / 100.0); folderCellWidth = (int) (view.getWidth() * res.getInteger(R.integer.folder_cell_max_width_proportion) / 100.0); // Utils.dumpViewTree((ViewGroup) view); // Records coordinates. // Contact images view if (contactImagesView != null) { contactImagesWidth = contactImagesView.getWidth(); contactImagesHeight = contactImagesView.getHeight(); contactImagesX = getX(contactImagesView); contactImagesY = getY(contactImagesView); } else { contactImagesX = contactImagesY = contactImagesWidth = contactImagesHeight = 0; } final boolean isRtl = ViewUtils.isViewRtl(view); final View star = view.findViewById(; final int starPadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.conv_list_star_padding_start); starX = getX(star) + (isRtl ? 0 : starPadding); starY = getY(star); starWidth = star.getWidth(); final TextView senders = (TextView) view.findViewById(; final int sendersTopAdjust = getLatinTopAdjustment(senders); sendersX = getX(senders); sendersY = getY(senders) + sendersTopAdjust; sendersWidth = senders.getWidth(); sendersHeight = senders.getHeight(); sendersLineCount = SINGLE_LINE; sendersFontSize = senders.getTextSize(); final TextView subject = (TextView) view.findViewById(; final int subjectTopAdjust = getLatinTopAdjustment(subject); subjectX = getX(subject); subjectY = getY(subject) + subjectTopAdjust; subjectWidth = subject.getWidth(); subjectHeight = subject.getHeight(); subjectFontSize = subject.getTextSize(); // TS: chao.zhang 2015-09-14 EMAIL FEATURE-585337 ADD_S final TextView status = (TextView) view.findViewById(; final int statusTopAdjust = getLatinTopAdjustment(status); statusX = getX(status); statusY = getY(status) + statusTopAdjust; statusWidth = status.getWidth(); statusHeight = status.getHeight(); statusFontSize = status.getTextSize(); statusPaddingStart = ViewUtils.getPaddingStart(status); statusPanddingEnd = ViewUtils.getPaddingEnd(status); // TS: chao.zhang 2015-09-14 EMAIL FEATURE-585337 ADD_E final TextView snippet = (TextView) view.findViewById(; final int snippetTopAdjust = getLatinTopAdjustment(snippet); snippetX = getX(snippet); snippetY = getY(snippet) + snippetTopAdjust; maxSnippetWidth = snippet.getWidth(); snippetHeight = snippet.getHeight(); snippetFontSize = snippet.getTextSize(); if (config.areFoldersVisible()) { // vertically align folders min left edge with subject foldersLeft = getX(folders); foldersRight = foldersLeft + folders.getWidth(); foldersY = getY(folders) + sendersTopAdjust; foldersHeight = folders.getHeight(); foldersTypeface = folders.getTypeface(); foldersTextBottomPadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.folders_text_bottom_padding); foldersFontSize = folders.getTextSize(); } else { foldersLeft = 0; foldersRight = 0; foldersY = 0; foldersHeight = 0; foldersTypeface = null; foldersTextBottomPadding = 0; foldersFontSize = 0; } final View colorBlock = view.findViewById(; if (config.isColorBlockVisible() && colorBlock != null) { colorBlockX = getX(colorBlock); colorBlockY = getY(colorBlock); colorBlockWidth = colorBlock.getWidth(); colorBlockHeight = colorBlock.getHeight(); } else { colorBlockX = colorBlockY = colorBlockWidth = colorBlockHeight = 0; } if (config.isReplyStateVisible()) { replyStateX = getX(replyState); replyStateY = getY(replyState); } else { replyStateX = replyStateY = 0; } if (config.isPersonalIndicatorVisible()) { personalIndicatorX = getX(personalIndicator); personalIndicatorY = getY(personalIndicator); } else { personalIndicatorX = personalIndicatorY = 0; } final View infoIcon = view.findViewById(; infoIconX = getX(infoIcon); infoIconXRight = infoIconX + infoIcon.getWidth(); infoIconY = getY(infoIcon); final TextView date = (TextView) view.findViewById(; dateX = getX(date); dateXRight = dateX + date.getWidth(); dateY = getY(date); datePaddingStart = ViewUtils.getPaddingStart(date); dateFontSize = date.getTextSize(); dateYBaseline = dateY + getLatinTopAdjustment(date) + date.getBaseline(); final View paperclip = view.findViewById(; paperclipY = getY(paperclip); paperclipPaddingStart = ViewUtils.getPaddingStart(paperclip); height = view.getHeight() + sendersTopAdjust; Utils.traceEndSection(); }