Example usage for android.view View.OnCreateContextMenuListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.view View.OnCreateContextMenuListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.view View.OnCreateContextMenuListener interface-usage.


From source file com.android.music.TrackBrowserFragment.java

public class TrackBrowserFragment extends Fragment
        implements View.OnCreateContextMenuListener, MusicUtils.Defs, ServiceConnection {
    private static final int Q_SELECTED = CHILD_MENU_BASE;
    private static final int Q_ALL = CHILD_MENU_BASE + 1;
    private static final int SAVE_AS_PLAYLIST = CHILD_MENU_BASE + 2;
    private static final int PLAY_ALL = CHILD_MENU_BASE + 3;

From source file in.shick.diode.mail.InboxListActivity.java

 * Main Activity class representing a Subreddit, i.e., a ThreadsList.
 * @author TalkLittle

From source file uk.org.ngo.squeezer.NowPlayingFragment.java

public class NowPlayingFragment extends Fragment implements View.OnCreateContextMenuListener {

    private final String TAG = "NowPlayingFragment";

    private BaseActivity mActivity;

From source file com.andrewshu.android.reddit.mail.InboxListActivity.java

 * Main Activity class representing a Subreddit, i.e., a ThreadsList.
 * @author TalkLittle

From source file in.shick.diode.user.ProfileActivity.java

 * Activity to view user submissions and comments.
 * Also check their link and comment karma.
 * @author TalkLittle

From source file com.andrewshu.android.reddit.profile.ProfileActivity.java

 * Activity to view user submissions and comments.
 * Also check their link and comment karma.
 * @author TalkLittle

From source file com.andrewshu.android.reddit.user.ProfileActivity.java

 * Activity to view user submissions and comments.
 * Also check their link and comment karma.
 * @author TalkLittle

From source file com.android.contacts.activities.PeopleActivity.java

 * Displays a list to browse contacts.
public class PeopleActivity extends ContactsActivity
        implements View.OnCreateContextMenuListener, View.OnClickListener, ActionBarAdapter.Listener,
        DialogManager.DialogShowingViewActivity, ContactListFilterController.ContactListFilterListener,

From source file de.tum.in.tumcampus.auxiliary.calendar.DayView.java

 * View for multi-day view. So far only 1 and 7 day have been tested.
public class DayView extends View
        implements View.OnCreateContextMenuListener, ScaleGestureDetector.OnScaleGestureListener {

From source file com.andrewshu.android.reddit.comments.CommentsListActivity.java

 * Main Activity class representing a Subreddit, i.e., a ThreadsList.
 * @author TalkLittle