Example usage for android.view MotionEvent recycle

List of usage examples for android.view MotionEvent recycle


In this page you can find the example usage for android.view MotionEvent recycle.


public final void recycle() 

Source Link


Recycle the MotionEvent, to be re-used by a later caller.


From source file:com.lanou.mirror.tool.VerticalViewPager.java

 * Start a fake drag of the pager.//from  ww  w . j  a  v  a  2s.c o m
 * <p>A fake drag can be useful if you want to synchronize the motion of the ViewPager
 * with the touch scrolling of another view, while still letting the ViewPager
 * control the snapping motion and fling behavior. (e.g. parallax-scrolling tabs.)
 * Call {@link #fakeDragBy(float)} to simulate the actual drag motion. Call
 * {@link #endFakeDrag()} to complete the fake drag and fling as necessary.
 * <p>During a fake drag the ViewPager will ignore all touch events. If a real drag
 * is already in progress, this method will return false.
 * @return true if the fake drag began successfully, false if it could not be started.
 * @see #fakeDragBy(float)
 * @see #endFakeDrag()
public boolean beginFakeDrag() {
    if (mIsBeingDragged) {
        return false;
    } /* end of if */
    mFakeDragging = true;
    // XXX 
    mInitialMotionY = mLastMotionY = 0;
    if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
        mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
    } else {
    } /* end of if */
    final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final MotionEvent ev = MotionEvent.obtain(time, time, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, 0, 0, 0);
    mFakeDragBeginTime = time;
    return true;

From source file:administrator.example.com.myscrollview.VerticalViewPager.java

 * Fake drag by an offset in pixels. You must have called {@link #beginFakeDrag()} first.
 * @param yOffset Offset in pixels to drag by.
 * @see #beginFakeDrag()/*from  w w w  .  j a v  a 2  s. c om*/
 * @see #endFakeDrag()
public void fakeDragBy(float yOffset) {
    if (!mFakeDragging) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No fake drag in progress. Call beginFakeDrag first.");
    } /* end of if */

    mLastMotionY += yOffset;
    float scrollY = getScrollY() - yOffset;
    final int height = getHeight();
    final int heightWithMargin = height + mPageMargin;

    final float topBound = Math.max(0, (mCurItem - 1) * heightWithMargin);
    final float bottomBound = Math.min(mCurItem + 1, mAdapter.getCount() - 1) * heightWithMargin;
    if (scrollY < topBound) {
        scrollY = topBound;
    } else if (scrollY > bottomBound) {
        scrollY = bottomBound;
    } /* end of if */
    // Don't lose the rounded component
    mLastMotionY += scrollY - (int) scrollY;
    scrollTo(getScrollX(), (int) scrollY);
    pageScrolled((int) scrollY);

    // Synthesize an event for the VelocityTracker.
    final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final MotionEvent ev = MotionEvent.obtain(mFakeDragBeginTime, time, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, 0,
            mLastMotionY, 0);

From source file:interactive.view.pagereader.VerticalViewPager.java

 * Start a fake drag of the pager./*from  w  ww  . j a  v  a2  s . c om*/
 * <p>
 * A fake drag can be useful if you want to synchronize the motion of the
 * ViewPager with the touch scrolling of another view, while still letting
 * the ViewPager control the snapping motion and fling behavior. (e.g.
 * parallax-scrolling tabs.) Call {@link #fakeDragBy(float)} to simulate the
 * actual drag motion. Call {@link #endFakeDrag()} to complete the fake drag
 * and fling as necessary.
 * <p>
 * During a fake drag the ViewPager will ignore all touch events. If a real
 * drag is already in progress, this method will return false.
 * @return true if the fake drag began successfully, false if it could not
 *         be started.
 * @see #fakeDragBy(float)
 * @see #endFakeDrag()
public boolean beginFakeDrag() {
    if (mIsBeingDragged) {
        return false;
    } /* end of if */
    mFakeDragging = true;
    // XXX 
    mInitialMotionY = mLastMotionY = 0;
    if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
        mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
    } else {
    } /* end of if */
    final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final MotionEvent ev = MotionEvent.obtain(time, time, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, 0, 0, 0);
    mFakeDragBeginTime = time;
    return true;

From source file:com.example.view.VerticalViewPager.java

 * Start a fake drag of the pager.//  www  .ja  va  2  s  .  co m
 * <p>
 * A fake drag can be useful if you want to synchronize the motion of the
 * ViewPager with the touch scrolling of another view, while still letting
 * the ViewPager control the snapping motion and fling behavior. (e.g.
 * parallax-scrolling tabs.) Call {@link #fakeDragBy(float)} to simulate the
 * actual drag motion. Call {@link #endFakeDrag()} to complete the fake drag
 * and fling as necessary.
 * <p>
 * During a fake drag the ViewPager will ignore all touch events. If a real
 * drag is already in progress, this method will return false.
 * @return true if the fake drag began successfully, false if it could not
 *         be started.
 * @see #fakeDragBy(float)
 * @see #endFakeDrag()
public boolean beginFakeDrag() {
    if (mIsBeingDragged) {
        return false;
    } /* end of if */
    mFakeDragging = true;
    // XXX
    mInitialMotionY = mLastMotionY = 0;
    if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
        mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
    } else {
    } /* end of if */
    final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final MotionEvent ev = MotionEvent.obtain(time, time, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, 0, 0, 0);
    mFakeDragBeginTime = time;
    return true;

From source file:org.bangbang.support.v4.widget.VerticalViewPager.java

 * Start a fake drag of the pager.//from  www . j  a  v a 2s  . c  om
 * <p>A fake drag can be useful if you want to synchronize the motion of the ViewPager
 * with the touch scrolling of another view, while still letting the ViewPager
 * control the snapping motion and fling behavior. (e.g. parallax-scrolling tabs.)
 * Call {@link #fakeDragBy(float)} to simulate the actual drag motion. Call
 * {@link #endFakeDrag()} to complete the fake drag and fling as necessary.
 * <p>During a fake drag the ViewPager will ignore all touch events. If a real drag
 * is already in progress, this method will return false.
 * @return true if the fake drag began successfully, false if it could not be started.
 * @see #fakeDragBy(float)
 * @see #endFakeDrag()
public boolean beginFakeDrag() {
    if (mIsBeingDragged) {
        return false;
    mFakeDragging = true;
    // bangbang.S
    //        mInitialMotionX = mLastMotionX = 0;
    mInitialMotionY = mLastMotionY = 0;
    if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
        mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
    } else {
    final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final MotionEvent ev = MotionEvent.obtain(time, time, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, 0, 0, 0);
    mFakeDragBeginTime = time;
    return true;

From source file:com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.views.AnyKeyboardBaseView.java

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent nativeMotionEvent) {
    if (mKeyboard == null)//I mean, if there isn't any keyboard I'm handling, what's the point?
        return false;
    final int action = MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(nativeMotionEvent);
    final int pointerCount = MotionEventCompat.getPointerCount(nativeMotionEvent);
    final int oldPointerCount = mOldPointerCount;
    mOldPointerCount = pointerCount;//from   ww  w  . jav  a  2  s. c o m
    if (pointerCount > 1)
        mLastTimeHadTwoFingers = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();//marking the time. Read isAtTwoFingersState()

    if (mTouchesAreDisabledTillLastFingerIsUp) {
        if (mOldPointerCount == 1 && (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP)) {
            mTouchesAreDisabledTillLastFingerIsUp = false;

        return true;
    // TODO: cleanup this code into a multi-touch to single-touch event
    // converter class?
    // If the device does not have distinct multi-touch support panel,
    // ignore all multi-touch
    // events except a transition from/to single-touch.
    if (!mHasDistinctMultitouch && pointerCount > 1 && oldPointerCount > 1) {
        return true;

    // Gesture detector must be enabled only when mini-keyboard is not
    // on the screen.
    if (!mMiniKeyboardVisible && mGestureDetector != null
            && (mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(nativeMotionEvent))) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Gesture detected!");
        return true;

    final long eventTime = nativeMotionEvent.getEventTime();
    final int index = MotionEventCompat.getActionIndex(nativeMotionEvent);
    final int id = nativeMotionEvent.getPointerId(index);
    final int x = (int) nativeMotionEvent.getX(index);
    final int y = (int) nativeMotionEvent.getY(index);

    // Needs to be called after the gesture detector gets a turn, as it
    // may have
    // displayed the mini keyboard
    if (mMiniKeyboard != null && mMiniKeyboardVisible) {
        final int miniKeyboardPointerIndex = nativeMotionEvent.findPointerIndex(mMiniKeyboardTrackerId);
        if (miniKeyboardPointerIndex >= 0 && miniKeyboardPointerIndex < pointerCount) {
            final int miniKeyboardX = (int) nativeMotionEvent.getX(miniKeyboardPointerIndex);
            final int miniKeyboardY = (int) nativeMotionEvent.getY(miniKeyboardPointerIndex);
            MotionEvent translated = generateMiniKeyboardMotionEvent(action, miniKeyboardX, miniKeyboardY,
        return true;

    if (mHandler.isInKeyRepeat()) {
        // It will keep being in the key repeating mode while the key is
        // being pressed.
        if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
            return true;
        final PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(id);
        // Key repeating timer will be canceled if 2 or more keys are in
        // action, and current
        // event (UP or DOWN) is non-modifier key.
        if (pointerCount > 1 && !tracker.isModifier()) {
        // Up event will pass through.

    // TODO: cleanup this code into a multi-touch to single-touch event
    // converter class?
    // Translate mutli-touch event to single-touch events on the device
    // that has no distinct
    // multi-touch panel.
    if (!mHasDistinctMultitouch) {
        // Use only main (id=0) pointer tracker.
        PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(0);
        if (pointerCount == 1 && oldPointerCount == 2) {
            // Multi-touch to single touch transition.
            // Send a down event for the latest pointer.
            tracker.onDownEvent(x, y, eventTime);
        } else if (pointerCount == 2 && oldPointerCount == 1) {
            // Single-touch to multi-touch transition.
            // Send an up event for the last pointer.
            tracker.onUpEvent(tracker.getLastX(), tracker.getLastY(), eventTime);
        } else if (pointerCount == 1 && oldPointerCount == 1) {
            tracker.onTouchEvent(action, x, y, eventTime);
        } else {
            Log.w(TAG, "Unknown touch panel behavior: pointer count is " + pointerCount + " (old "
                    + oldPointerCount + ")");
        return true;

    if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
        for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
            PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(nativeMotionEvent.getPointerId(i));
            tracker.onMoveEvent((int) nativeMotionEvent.getX(i), (int) nativeMotionEvent.getY(i), eventTime);
    } else {
        PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(id);
        sendOnXEvent(action, eventTime, x, y, tracker);

    return true;

From source file:com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.views.AnyKeyboardBaseView.java

 * Called when a key is long pressed. By default this will open any popup
 * keyboard associated with this key through the attributes popupLayout and
 * popupCharacters./* ww w.j av a2 s .  c  o m*/
 * @param popupKey the key that was long pressed
 * @return true if the long press is handled, false otherwise. Subclasses
 *         should call the method on the base class if the subclass doesn't
 *         wish to handle the call.
protected boolean onLongPress(Context packageContext, Key popupKey, boolean isSticky,
        boolean requireSlideInto) {
    if (popupKey.popupResId == 0)
        return false;

    if (mMiniKeyboard == null) {
    AnyPopupKeyboard popupKeyboard = setupMiniKeyboardContainer(packageContext, popupKey, isSticky);
    mMiniKeyboardVisible = true;
    if (mWindowOffset == null) {
        mWindowOffset = new int[2];

    int popupX = popupKey.x + mWindowOffset[0];
    popupX -= mMiniKeyboard.getPaddingLeft();
    int popupY = popupKey.y + mWindowOffset[1];
    popupY += getPaddingTop();
    popupY -= mMiniKeyboard.getMeasuredHeight();
    popupY -= mMiniKeyboard.getPaddingBottom();
    final int x = popupX;
    final int y = mShowPreview && mOldPreviewKeyIndex != NOT_A_KEY
            && isOneRowKeys(mMiniKeyboard.getKeyboard().getKeys()) ? mPopupPreviewDisplayedY : popupY;

    int adjustedX = x;
    boolean shouldMirrorKeys = false;
    //now we need to see the the popup is positioned correctly:
    //1) if the right edge is off the screen, then we'll try to put the right edge over the popup key
    if (adjustedX > (getMeasuredWidth() - mMiniKeyboard.getMeasuredWidth())) {
        adjustedX = popupKey.x + mWindowOffset[0] - mMiniKeyboard.getMeasuredWidth();
        //adding the width of the key - now the right most popup key is above the finger
        adjustedX += popupKey.width;
        adjustedX += mMiniKeyboard.getPaddingRight();
        shouldMirrorKeys = true;
    //2) if it is still negative, then let's put it at the beginning (shouldn't happen)
    if (adjustedX < 0) {
        adjustedX = 0;
        shouldMirrorKeys = false;
    if (shouldMirrorKeys)

    mMiniKeyboardOriginX = adjustedX + mMiniKeyboard.getPaddingLeft() - mWindowOffset[0];
    mMiniKeyboardOriginY = y + mMiniKeyboard.getPaddingTop() - mWindowOffset[1];

    //I'm not sure I need to do this, but in any case - this is to sync the popup window
    //to align to the mini-keyboard position
    mMiniKeyboard.setPopupOffset(adjustedX, y);
    // NOTE:I'm checking the main keyboard shift state directly!
    // Not anything else.
    mMiniKeyboard.setShifted(mKeyboard != null && mKeyboard.isShifted());
    // Mini keyboard needs no pop-up key preview displayed.
    // animation switching required?
    mMiniKeyboardPopup.showAtLocation(this, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, adjustedX, y);

    if (requireSlideInto) {
        // Inject down event on the key to mini keyboard.
        long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        mMiniKeyboardPopupTime = eventTime;
        MotionEvent downEvent = generateMiniKeyboardMotionEvent(MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN,
                popupKey.x + popupKey.width / 2, popupKey.y + popupKey.height / 2, eventTime);

    return true;

From source file:com.brantapps.viewpagerindicator.vertical.VerticalViewPager.java

 * Start a fake drag of the pager.//  w  w  w.  j  av a  2s . co  m
 * <p>A fake drag can be useful if you want to synchronize the motion of the ViewPager
 * with the touch scrolling of another view, while still letting the ViewPager
 * control the snapping motion and fling behavior. (e.g. parallax-scrolling tabs.)
 * Call {@link #fakeDragBy(float)} to simulate the actual drag motion. Call
 * {@link #endFakeDrag()} to complete the fake drag and fling as necessary.
 * <p>During a fake drag the ViewPager will ignore all touch events. If a real drag
 * is already in progress, this method will return false.
 * @return true if the fake drag began successfully, false if it could not be started.
 * @see #fakeDragBy(float)
 * @see #endFakeDrag()
public boolean beginFakeDrag() {
    if (mIsBeingDragged) {
        return false;
    mFakeDragging = true;
    // BrantApps Change: Changed setting of mLastMotionX to mLastMotionY
    mInitialMotionY = mLastMotionY = 0;
    if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
        mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
    } else {
    final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final MotionEvent ev = MotionEvent.obtain(time, time, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, 0, 0, 0);
    mFakeDragBeginTime = time;
    return true;

From source file:org.bangbang.support.v4.widget.VerticalViewPager.java

 * Fake drag by an offset in pixels. You must have called {@link #beginFakeDrag()} first.
 * @param yOffset Offset in pixels to drag by.
 * @see #beginFakeDrag()//from   ww  w  .  j a v a2s  . c o  m
 * @see #endFakeDrag()
public void fakeDragBy(float yOffset) {
    if (!mFakeDragging) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No fake drag in progress. Call beginFakeDrag first.");

    mLastMotionY += yOffset;

    float oldScrollY = getScrollY();
    float scrollY = oldScrollY - yOffset;
    final int height = getHeight();

    float bottomBound = height * mFirstOffset;
    float topBound = height * mLastOffset;

    final ItemInfo firstItem = mItems.get(0);
    final ItemInfo lastItem = mItems.get(mItems.size() - 1);
    if (firstItem.position != 0) {
        bottomBound = firstItem.offset * height;
    if (lastItem.position != mAdapter.getCount() - 1) {
        topBound = lastItem.offset * height;

    if (scrollY < bottomBound) {
        scrollY = bottomBound;
    } else if (scrollY > topBound) {
        scrollY = topBound;
    // Don't lose the rounded component
    // bangbang.S
    //        mLastMotionX += scrollX - (int) scrollX;
    mLastMotionY += scrollY - (int) scrollY;
    scrollTo(getScrollX(), (int) scrollY);
    pageScrolled((int) scrollY);

    // Synthesize an event for the VelocityTracker.
    final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final MotionEvent ev = MotionEvent.obtain(mFakeDragBeginTime, time, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, 0,
            mLastMotionY, 0);

From source file:com.gome.ecmall.custom.VerticalViewPager.java

 * Fake drag by an offset in pixels. You must have called {@link #beginFakeDrag()} first.
 * //  w ww.  j  av a  2 s . co m
 * @param xOffset
 *            Offset in pixels to drag by.
 * @see #beginFakeDrag()
 * @see #endFakeDrag()
public void fakeDragBy(float yOffset) {
    if (!mFakeDragging) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No fake drag in progress. Call beginFakeDrag first.");

    mLastMotionY += yOffset;

    float oldScrollY = getScrollY();
    float scrollY = oldScrollY - yOffset;
    final int height = getHeight();

    float topBound = height * mFirstOffset;
    float bottomBound = height * mLastOffset;

    final ItemInfo firstItem = mItems.get(0);
    final ItemInfo lastItem = mItems.get(mItems.size() - 1);
    if (firstItem.position != 0) {
        topBound = firstItem.offset * height;
    if (lastItem.position != mAdapter.getCount() - 1) {
        bottomBound = lastItem.offset * topBound;

    if (scrollY < topBound) {
        scrollY = topBound;
    } else if (scrollY > bottomBound) {
        scrollY = bottomBound;
    // Don't lose the rounded component
    mLastMotionY += scrollY - (int) scrollY;
    scrollTo(getScrollX(), (int) scrollY);
    pageScrolled((int) scrollY);

    // Synthesize an event for the VelocityTracker.
    final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final MotionEvent ev = MotionEvent.obtain(mFakeDragBeginTime, time, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, 0,
            mLastMotionY, 0);