List of usage examples for android.view Display getMetrics
public void getMetrics(DisplayMetrics outMetrics)
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/** * Sets up the image area.//w w w. j a v a2 s .c o m * If the product has images, the height of the image area will be set equal to the width of the screen. * If the product does not have an image, the height of the image area will be equal to the action bar height. */ private void initializeImageArea() { imageAreaWrapper = (ViewGroup) findViewById(; WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); display.getMetrics(metrics); int screenWidth = metrics.widthPixels; int screenHeight = metrics.heightPixels; if (DeviceUtils.isTablet(getResources())) { screenHeight = fragment.getActivity().getWindow().getAttributes().height; screenWidth = fragment.getActivity().getWindow().getAttributes().width; } // Make sure the description area below the image is at least 40% of the screen height int minDetailsHeightInPx = Math.round(screenHeight * 0.4f); boolean hasImage = product != null && product.hasImage(); int maxHeightInPx = hasImage ? screenHeight - minDetailsHeightInPx : getActionBarHeightPixels(); imageAreaHeight = Math.min(screenWidth, maxHeightInPx); // Create the image pager, and set the listener imagePager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; imagePager.setAdapter(new ProductImagePagerAdapter(null, screenWidth, imageAreaHeight, this, 0)); imagePager.setOnPageChangeListener(this); // Set the touch handler that registers flinging down/up for resizing image imageAreaTouchHandler = new ProductDetailsImageAreaTouchHandler(getContext(), this); imagePager.setOnTouchListener(imageAreaTouchHandler); pagingIndicator = (TabLayout) findViewById(; ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = imageAreaWrapper.getLayoutParams(); params.height = imageAreaHeight; }
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private static void navBarMagic(Activity activity, final BottomBar bottomBar) { Resources res = activity.getResources(); int softMenuIdentifier = res.getIdentifier("config_showNavigationBar", "bool", "android"); int navBarIdentifier = res.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android"); int navBarHeight = 0; if (navBarIdentifier > 0) { navBarHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(navBarIdentifier); }/*from w w w .j av a2s . co m*/ if (!bottomBar.drawBehindNavBar() || navBarHeight == 0 || (!(softMenuIdentifier > 0 && res.getBoolean(softMenuIdentifier)))) { return; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH && ViewConfiguration.get(activity).hasPermanentMenuKey()) { return; } /** * Copy-paste coding made possible by: * */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { Display d = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics realDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); d.getRealMetrics(realDisplayMetrics); int realHeight = realDisplayMetrics.heightPixels; int realWidth = realDisplayMetrics.widthPixels; DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); d.getMetrics(displayMetrics); int displayHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels; int displayWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels; boolean hasSoftwareKeys = (realWidth - displayWidth) > 0 || (realHeight - displayHeight) > 0; if (!hasSoftwareKeys) { return; } } /** * End of delicious copy-paste code */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT && res.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { activity.getWindow().getAttributes().flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION; if (bottomBar.useTopOffset()) { int offset; int statusBarResource = res.getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android"); if (statusBarResource > 0) { offset = res.getDimensionPixelSize(statusBarResource); } else { offset = MiscUtils.dpToPixel(activity, 25); } if (!bottomBar.useOnlyStatusbarOffset()) { TypedValue tv = new TypedValue(); if (activity.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.actionBarSize, tv, true)) { offset += TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(, res.getDisplayMetrics()); } else { offset += MiscUtils.dpToPixel(activity, 56); } } bottomBar.getUserContainer().setPadding(0, offset, 0, 0); } final View outerContainer = bottomBar.getOuterContainer(); final int navBarHeightCopy = navBarHeight; bottomBar.getViewTreeObserver() .addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { bottomBar.shyHeightAlreadyCalculated(); int newHeight = outerContainer.getHeight() + navBarHeightCopy; outerContainer.getLayoutParams().height = newHeight; if (bottomBar.isShy()) { int defaultOffset = bottomBar.useExtraOffset() ? navBarHeightCopy : 0; bottomBar.setTranslationY(defaultOffset); ((CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) bottomBar.getLayoutParams()) .setBehavior(new BottomNavigationBehavior(newHeight, defaultOffset)); } ViewTreeObserver obs = outerContainer.getViewTreeObserver(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { obs.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this); } else { obs.removeGlobalOnLayoutListener(this); } } }); } }
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private boolean hasSoftKeys() { boolean hasSoftwareKeys; Display d = getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics realDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); d.getRealMetrics(realDisplayMetrics); int realHeight = realDisplayMetrics.heightPixels; int realWidth = realDisplayMetrics.widthPixels; DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); d.getMetrics(displayMetrics); int displayHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels; int displayWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels; hasSoftwareKeys = (realWidth - displayWidth) > 0 || (realHeight - displayHeight) > 0; prefs.setBool(Prefs.KEYS.HAS_SOFT_KEYS.toString(), hasSoftwareKeys); return hasSoftwareKeys; }
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private static void navBarMagic(Activity activity, final BottomBar bottomBar) { Resources res = activity.getResources(); int softMenuIdentifier = res.getIdentifier("config_showNavigationBar", "bool", "android"); int navBarIdentifier = res.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android"); int navBarHeight = 0; if (navBarIdentifier > 0) { navBarHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(navBarIdentifier); }// w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m if (!bottomBar.drawBehindNavBar() || navBarHeight == 0 || (!(softMenuIdentifier > 0 && res.getBoolean(softMenuIdentifier)))) { return; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH && ViewConfiguration.get(activity).hasPermanentMenuKey()) { return; } /** * Copy-paste coding made possible by: * */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { Display d = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics realDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); d.getRealMetrics(realDisplayMetrics); int realHeight = realDisplayMetrics.heightPixels; int realWidth = realDisplayMetrics.widthPixels; DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); d.getMetrics(displayMetrics); int displayHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels; int displayWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels; boolean hasSoftwareKeys = (realWidth - displayWidth) > 0 || (realHeight - displayHeight) > 0; if (!hasSoftwareKeys) { return; } } /** * End of delicious copy-paste code */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT && res.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { activity.getWindow().getAttributes().flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION; if (bottomBar.useTopOffset()) { int offset; int statusBarResource = res.getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android"); if (statusBarResource > 0) { offset = res.getDimensionPixelSize(statusBarResource); } else { offset = MiscUtils.dpToPixel(activity, 25); } if (!bottomBar.useOnlyStatusbarOffset()) { TypedValue tv = new TypedValue(); if (activity.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.actionBarSize, tv, true)) { offset += TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(, res.getDisplayMetrics()); } else { offset += MiscUtils.dpToPixel(activity, 56); } } bottomBar.getUserContainer().setPadding(0, offset, 0, 0); } final View outerContainer = bottomBar.getOuterContainer(); final int navBarHeightCopy = navBarHeight; bottomBar.getViewTreeObserver() .addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { bottomBar.shyHeightAlreadyCalculated(); int newHeight = outerContainer.getHeight() + navBarHeightCopy; outerContainer.getLayoutParams().height = newHeight; if (bottomBar.isShy()) { int defaultOffset = bottomBar.useExtraOffset() ? navBarHeightCopy : 0; bottomBar.setTranslationY(defaultOffset); ((CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) bottomBar.getLayoutParams()) .setBehavior(new BottomNavigationBehavior(newHeight, defaultOffset, bottomBar.isShy(), bottomBar.mIsTabletMode)); } ViewTreeObserver obs = outerContainer.getViewTreeObserver(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { obs.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this); } else { obs.removeGlobalOnLayoutListener(this); } } }); } }
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private boolean isTablet() { Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); display.getMetrics(displayMetrics); int width = displayMetrics.widthPixels / displayMetrics.densityDpi; int height = displayMetrics.heightPixels / displayMetrics.densityDpi; double screenDiagonal = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height); return (screenDiagonal >= 8.5); }
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public RemoteCanvas(final Context context, AttributeSet attrSet) { super(context, attrSet); clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE); final Display display = ((Activity) context).getWindow().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); displayWidth = display.getWidth();/*from w w w . j a v a 2s.c om*/ displayHeight = display.getHeight(); DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); display.getMetrics(metrics); displayDensity = metrics.density; canvasZoomer = new CanvasZoomer(this); setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.MATRIX); if (android.os.Build.MODEL.contains("BlackBerry") || android.os.Build.BRAND.contains("BlackBerry") || android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.contains("BlackBerry")) { bb = true; } }
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private boolean isTablet() { Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); display.getMetrics(displayMetrics); int width = displayMetrics.widthPixels / displayMetrics.densityDpi; int height = displayMetrics.heightPixels / displayMetrics.densityDpi; double screenDiagonal = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height); return (screenDiagonal >= 8.5); }
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public String getDisplayScreenSize() { WindowManager w = getWindowManager(); Display d = w.getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); d.getMetrics(metrics); // since SDK_INT = 1; int widthPixels = metrics.widthPixels; int heightPixels = metrics.heightPixels; // includes window decorations (statusbar bar/menu bar) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14 && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 17) try {// w ww. j av a 2 s.c om widthPixels = (Integer) Display.class.getMethod("getRawWidth").invoke(d); heightPixels = (Integer) Display.class.getMethod("getRawHeight").invoke(d); } catch (Exception ignored) { Log.e("-->smallstar", "getDisplayScreenSize error"); } // includes window decorations (statusbar bar/menu bar) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) try { Point realSize = new Point(); Display.class.getMethod("getRealSize", Point.class).invoke(d, realSize); widthPixels = realSize.x; heightPixels = realSize.y; } catch (Exception ignored) { Log.e("-->smallstar", "getDisplayScreenSize error"); } return String.valueOf(widthPixels) + "*" + String.valueOf(heightPixels); }
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public static Point getScreenDimensions(Context context) { WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics(); display.getMetrics(dm); Point point = new Point(); point.set(dm.widthPixels, dm.heightPixels); return point; }
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/** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override//www . j av a 2 s .c o m public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); else this.getActionBar().hide(); dialogs = new NavitDialogs(this); NavitResources = getResources(); // only take arguments here, onResume gets called all the time (e.g. when screenblanks, etc.) Navit.startup_intent = this.getIntent(); // hack! Remember time stamps, and only allow 4 secs. later in onResume to set target! Navit.startup_intent_timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.e("Navit", "**1**A " + startup_intent.getAction()); Log.e("Navit", "**1**D " + startup_intent.getDataString()); // init translated text NavitTextTranslations.init(); // NOTIFICATION // Setup the status bar notification // This notification is removed in the exit() function NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); // Grab a handle to the NotificationManager Notification NavitNotification = new Notification(R.drawable.ic_notify, getString(R.string.notification_ticker), System.currentTimeMillis()); // Create a new notification, with the text string to show when the notification first appears PendingIntent appIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(getApplicationContext(), 0, getIntent(), 0); // FIXME : needs a fix for sdk 23 // NavitNotification.setLatestEventInfo(getApplicationContext(), "Navit", getString(R.string.notification_event_default), appIntent); // Set the text in the notification // NavitNotification.flags|=Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT; // Ensure that the notification appears in Ongoing // nm.notify(R.string.app_name, NavitNotification); // Set the notification // Status and navigation bar sizes // These are platform defaults and do not change with rotation, but we have to figure out which ones apply // (is the navigation bar visible? on the side or at the bottom?) Resources resources = getResources(); int shid = resources.getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android"); int adhid = resources.getIdentifier("action_bar_default_height", "dimen", "android"); int nhid = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android"); int nhlid = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height_landscape", "dimen", "android"); int nwid = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_width", "dimen", "android"); status_bar_height = (shid > 0) ? resources.getDimensionPixelSize(shid) : 0; action_bar_default_height = (adhid > 0) ? resources.getDimensionPixelSize(adhid) : 0; navigation_bar_height = (nhid > 0) ? resources.getDimensionPixelSize(nhid) : 0; navigation_bar_height_landscape = (nhlid > 0) ? resources.getDimensionPixelSize(nhlid) : 0; navigation_bar_width = (nwid > 0) ? resources.getDimensionPixelSize(nwid) : 0; Log.d(TAG, String.format( "status_bar_height=%d, action_bar_default_height=%d, navigation_bar_height=%d, navigation_bar_height_landscape=%d, navigation_bar_width=%d", status_bar_height, action_bar_default_height, navigation_bar_height, navigation_bar_height_landscape, navigation_bar_width)); if ((ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) || (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)) { Log.d(TAG, "ask for permission(s)"); ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION }, MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_ALL); } // get the local language ------------- Locale locale = java.util.Locale.getDefault(); String lang = locale.getLanguage(); String langu = lang; String langc = lang; Log.e("Navit", "lang=" + lang); int pos = langu.indexOf('_'); if (pos != -1) { langc = langu.substring(0, pos); NavitLanguage = langc + langu.substring(pos).toUpperCase(locale); Log.e("Navit", "substring lang " + NavitLanguage.substring(pos).toUpperCase(locale)); // set lang. for translation NavitTextTranslations.main_language = langc; NavitTextTranslations.sub_language = NavitLanguage.substring(pos).toUpperCase(locale); } else { String country = locale.getCountry(); Log.e("Navit", "Country1 " + country); Log.e("Navit", "Country2 " + country.toUpperCase(locale)); NavitLanguage = langc + "_" + country.toUpperCase(locale); // set lang. for translation NavitTextTranslations.main_language = langc; NavitTextTranslations.sub_language = country.toUpperCase(locale); } Log.e("Navit", "Language " + lang); SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(NAVIT_PREFS, MODE_PRIVATE); map_filename_path = prefs.getString("filenamePath", Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "/navit/"); // make sure the new path for the navitmap.bin file(s) exist!! File navit_maps_dir = new File(map_filename_path); navit_maps_dir.mkdirs(); // make sure the share dir exists File navit_data_share_dir = new File(NAVIT_DATA_SHARE_DIR); navit_data_share_dir.mkdirs(); Display display_ = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); int width_ = display_.getWidth(); int height_ = display_.getHeight(); metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); display_.getMetrics(Navit.metrics); int densityDpi = (int) ((Navit.metrics.density * 160) - .5f); Log.e("Navit", "Navit -> pixels x=" + width_ + " pixels y=" + height_); Log.e("Navit", "Navit -> dpi=" + densityDpi); Log.e("Navit", "Navit -> density=" + Navit.metrics.density); Log.e("Navit", "Navit -> scaledDensity=" + Navit.metrics.scaledDensity); ActivityResults = new NavitActivityResult[16]; setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); wl = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK | PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE, "NavitDoNotDimScreen"); if (!extractRes(langc, NAVIT_DATA_DIR + "/locale/" + langc + "/LC_MESSAGES/")) { Log.e("Navit", "Failed to extract language resource " + langc); } if (densityDpi <= 120) { my_display_density = "ldpi"; } else if (densityDpi <= 160) { my_display_density = "mdpi"; } else if (densityDpi < 240) { my_display_density = "hdpi"; } else if (densityDpi < 320) { my_display_density = "xhdpi"; } else if (densityDpi < 480) { my_display_density = "xxhdpi"; } else if (densityDpi < 640) { my_display_density = "xxxhdpi"; } else { Log.e("Navit", "found device of very high density (" + densityDpi + ")"); Log.e("Navit", "using xxxhdpi values"); my_display_density = "xxxhdpi"; } if (!extractRes("navit" + my_display_density, NAVIT_DATA_DIR + "/share/navit.xml")) { Log.e("Navit", "Failed to extract navit.xml for " + my_display_density); } // --> dont use android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT, needs API >= 4 Log.e("Navit", "android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT=" + Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK)); NavitMain(this, NavitLanguage, Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK), my_display_density, NAVIT_DATA_DIR + "/bin/navit", map_filename_path); showInfos(); Navit.mgr = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); }