Example usage for android.util TypedValue TypedValue

List of usage examples for android.util TypedValue TypedValue


In this page you can find the example usage for android.util TypedValue TypedValue.



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From source file:com.github.shareme.gwsmaterialdrawer.library.DrawerView.java

private void updateDrawerWidth() {
    Log.d(TAG, "updateDrawerWidth()");

    int viewportWidth = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;
    int viewportHeight = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels;

    //Minus the width of the vertical nav bar
    if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
        int navigationBarWidthResId = getResources().getIdentifier("navigation_bar_width", "dimen", "android");
        if (navigationBarWidthResId > 0) {
            viewportWidth -= getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(navigationBarWidthResId);
        }//  w  w w  .  j  av  a2s .com

    int viewportMin = Math.min(viewportWidth, viewportHeight);

    //App bar size
    TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
    getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.actionBarSize, typedValue, true);
    int actionBarSize = TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(typedValue.data,

    int width = viewportMin - actionBarSize;

    getLayoutParams().width = Math.min(width, drawerMaxWidth);


From source file:android.support.design.widget.BottomNavigationView.java

private ColorStateList createDefaultColorStateList(int baseColorThemeAttr) {
    final TypedValue value = new TypedValue();
    if (!getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(baseColorThemeAttr, value, true)) {
        return null;
    }//from w w  w  .j  a v a2s.  c om
    ColorStateList baseColor = AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(getContext(), value.resourceId);
    if (!getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.support.v7.appcompat.R.attr.colorPrimary, value,
            true)) {
        return null;
    int colorPrimary = value.data;
    int defaultColor = baseColor.getDefaultColor();
    return new ColorStateList(new int[][] { DISABLED_STATE_SET, CHECKED_STATE_SET, EMPTY_STATE_SET },
            new int[] { baseColor.getColorForState(DISABLED_STATE_SET, defaultColor), colorPrimary,
                    defaultColor });

From source file:com.appeaser.sublimenavigationviewlibrary.SublimeThemer.java

private void setDefaultDrawerBackground() {
    TypedValue value = new TypedValue();
    if (mContext.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.colorBackground, value, true)) {
        mDrawerBackground = new ColorDrawable(value.data);
    } else {//from   www.  j  a  v  a  2s  .  c  om
        mDrawerBackground = new ColorDrawable(mDefaultTheme == DefaultTheme.LIGHT
                ? mContext.getResources().getColor(R.color.snv_background_material_light)
                : mContext.getResources().getColor(R.color.snv_background_material_dark));

From source file:com.it520.activity.main.wight.SmartTabLayout.java

 * Create a default view to be used for tabs. This is called if a custom tab view is not set via
 * {@link #setCustomTabView(int, int)}.//from  www .  j av  a2s . c o m
protected TextView createDefaultTabView(CharSequence title) {
    TextView textView = new TextView(getContext());
    textView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, tabViewTextSize);
    textView.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,

    if (tabViewBackgroundResId != NO_ID) {
    } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) {
        // If we're running on Honeycomb or newer, then we can use the Theme's
        // selectableItemBackground to ensure that the View has a pressed state
        TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();
        getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground, outValue, true);

        // If we're running on ICS or newer, enable all-caps to match the Action Bar tab style

    textView.setPadding(tabViewTextHorizontalPadding, 0, tabViewTextHorizontalPadding, 0);

    if (tabViewTextMinWidth > 0) {

    return textView;

From source file:android.support.v7.internal.app.ToolbarActionBar.java

private void ensureListMenuPresenter(Menu menu) {
    if (mListMenuPresenter == null && (menu instanceof MenuBuilder)) {
        MenuBuilder mb = (MenuBuilder) menu;

        Context context = mDecorToolbar.getContext();
        final TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();
        final Resources.Theme widgetTheme = context.getResources().newTheme();

        // Apply the panelMenuListTheme
        widgetTheme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.panelMenuListTheme, outValue, true);
        if (outValue.resourceId != 0) {
            widgetTheme.applyStyle(outValue.resourceId, true);
        } else {//www  .j  av  a  2 s  .c  om
            widgetTheme.applyStyle(R.style.Theme_AppCompat_CompactMenu, true);

        context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, 0);

        // Finally create the list menu presenter
        mListMenuPresenter = new ListMenuPresenter(context, R.layout.abc_list_menu_item_layout);
        mListMenuPresenter.setCallback(new PanelMenuPresenterCallback());

From source file:com.albedinsky.android.ui.navigation.NavigationLayout.java

 * Ensures that a toolbar widget is contained within the current view hierarchy of this navigation
 * layout. If not it will be inflated from a layout resource presented within the current theme
 * and inserted into this layout at the proper place.
 *//*from ww w.  j  ava2  s .  c o m*/
private void ensureToolbarWithinLayout() {
    final View toolbar = findViewById(R.id.ui_toolbar);
    if (toolbar == null) {
        final ViewGroup contentLayout = (ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.ui_navigation_layout_content);
        if (contentLayout != null) {
            final Context context = getContext();
            final TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
            if (context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.uiNavigationToolbarLayout, typedValue, true)) {
                // Insert the Toolbar above the content container.
                contentLayout.addView(mLayoutInflater.inflate(typedValue.resourceId, contentLayout, false), 0);

From source file:com.albedinsky.android.ui.widget.SearchView.java

 * Called from one of constructors of this view to perform its initialization.
 * <p>//  w  ww. ja v a2 s.  c o  m
 * Initialization is done via parsing of the specified <var>attrs</var> set and obtaining for
 * this view specific data from it that can be used to configure this new view instance. The
 * specified <var>defStyleAttr</var> and <var>defStyleRes</var> are used to obtain default data
 * from the current theme provided by the specified <var>context</var>.
private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
    this.mContext = context;
    this.inflateHierarchy(context, R.layout.ui_search_view);
    this.mProgressBarAnimator = createProgressBarAnimator();
    this.mDefaultRevealAnimationHandler = createRevealAnimationHandler();
    ColorStateList tintList = null;
    PorterDuff.Mode tintMode = PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN;
     * Process attributes.
    final TypedArray typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.Ui_SearchView, defStyleAttr,
    if (typedArray != null) {
        final int n = typedArray.getIndexCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            final int index = typedArray.getIndex(i);
            if (index == R.styleable.Ui_SearchView_android_queryHint) {
            } else if (index == R.styleable.Ui_SearchView_uiTint) {
                tintList = typedArray.getColorStateList(index);
            } else if (index == R.styleable.Ui_SearchView_uiTintMode) {
                tintMode = TintManager.parseTintMode(typedArray.getInt(R.styleable.Ui_SearchView_uiTintMode, 0),
                        tintList != null ? PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN : null);
            } else if (index == R.styleable.Ui_SearchView_uiRevealDuration) {
                mDefaultRevealAnimationHandler.revealDuration = typedArray.getInt(index, 0);
            } else if (index == R.styleable.Ui_SearchView_uiConcealDuration) {
                mDefaultRevealAnimationHandler.concealDuration = typedArray.getInt(index, 0);
            } else if (index == R.styleable.Ui_SearchView_uiRevealInterpolator) {
                final int resId = typedArray.getResourceId(index, 0);
                if (resId != 0) {
                    mDefaultRevealAnimationHandler.interpolator = AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context,
    if (tintList != null || tintMode != null) {
        this.mTintInfo = new SearchTintInfo();
        this.mTintInfo.tintList = tintList;
        this.mTintInfo.hasTintList = tintList != null;
        this.mTintInfo.tintMode = tintMode;
        this.mTintInfo.hasTintMode = tintMode != null;
    final Resources.Theme theme = context.getTheme();
    final TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
    if (theme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.uiSearchSelectHandleColor, typedValue, true)) {
        if (mTintInfo == null) {
            this.mTintInfo = new SearchTintInfo();
        if (typedValue.resourceId > 0) {
            mTintInfo.textSelectHandleTintList = ResourceUtils.getColorStateList(getResources(),
                    typedValue.resourceId, theme);
        } else {
            mTintInfo.textSelectHandleTintList = ColorStateList.valueOf(typedValue.data);
        mTintInfo.hasTextSelectHandleTintList = mTintInfo.textSelectHandleTintList != null;
    this.mRevealAnimationHandler = mDefaultRevealAnimationHandler;

From source file:com.evandroid.musica.MainLyricActivity.java

public void setStatusBarColor(Integer color) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 20) {
        if (color == null) {
            TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
            Resources.Theme theme = getTheme();
            theme.resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.statusBarColor, typedValue, true);
            color = typedValue.data;/*from  w  w w  .ja  v a2s .c om*/

From source file:cn.scujcc.bug.bitcoinplatformandroid.view.SlidingTabLayout.java

 * Create a default view to be used for tabs. This is called if a custom tab
 * view is not set via {@link #setCustomTabView(int, int)}.
 *//*w  w  w .  j a  v a 2  s .  c o  m*/

protected TextView createDefaultTabView(Context context) {
    TextView textView = new TextView(context);
    textView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, TAB_VIEW_TEXT_SIZE_SP);

        // If we're running on Honeycomb or newer, then we can use the
        // Theme's
        // selectableItemBackground to ensure that the View has a pressed
        // state
        TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();
        getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground, outValue, true);

        // If we're running on ICS or newer, enable all-caps to match the
        // Action Bar tab style

    int padding = (int) (TAB_VIEW_PADDING_DIPS * getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density);
    textView.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding);

    return textView;

From source file:android.support.v7.app.ToolbarActionBar.java

private void ensureListMenuPresenter(Menu menu) {
    if (mListMenuPresenter == null && (menu instanceof MenuBuilder)) {
        MenuBuilder mb = (MenuBuilder) menu;

        Context context = mDecorToolbar.getContext();
        final TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();
        final Resources.Theme widgetTheme = context.getResources().newTheme();

        // First apply the actionBarPopupTheme
        widgetTheme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.actionBarPopupTheme, outValue, true);
        if (outValue.resourceId != 0) {
            widgetTheme.applyStyle(outValue.resourceId, true);
        }//from  www  .  j a  v  a 2s  . c om

        // Apply the panelMenuListTheme
        widgetTheme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.panelMenuListTheme, outValue, true);
        if (outValue.resourceId != 0) {
            widgetTheme.applyStyle(outValue.resourceId, true);
        } else {
            widgetTheme.applyStyle(R.style.Theme_AppCompat_CompactMenu, true);

        context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, 0);

        // Finally create the list menu presenter
        mListMenuPresenter = new ListMenuPresenter(context, R.layout.abc_list_menu_item_layout);
        mListMenuPresenter.setCallback(new PanelMenuPresenterCallback());